This is the complete list of members for D3D12MA::Allocator, including all inherited members.
AllocateMemory(const ALLOCATION_DESC *pAllocDesc, const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO *pAllocInfo, Allocation **ppAllocation) | D3D12MA::Allocator | |
BeginDefragmentation(const DEFRAGMENTATION_DESC *pDesc, DefragmentationContext **ppContext) | D3D12MA::Allocator | |
BuildStatsString(WCHAR **ppStatsString, BOOL DetailedMap) const | D3D12MA::Allocator | |
CalculateStatistics(TotalStatistics *pStats) | D3D12MA::Allocator | |
CreateAliasingResource(Allocation *pAllocation, UINT64 AllocationLocalOffset, const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC *pResourceDesc, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState, const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE *pOptimizedClearValue, REFIID riidResource, void **ppvResource) | D3D12MA::Allocator | |
CreateAllocator | D3D12MA::Allocator | friend |
CreatePool(const POOL_DESC *pPoolDesc, Pool **ppPool) | D3D12MA::Allocator | |
CreateResource(const ALLOCATION_DESC *pAllocDesc, const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC *pResourceDesc, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES InitialResourceState, const D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE *pOptimizedClearValue, Allocation **ppAllocation, REFIID riidResource, void **ppvResource) | D3D12MA::Allocator | |
D3D12MA_DELETE (defined in D3D12MA::Allocator) | D3D12MA::Allocator | friend |
DefragmentationContext (defined in D3D12MA::Allocator) | D3D12MA::Allocator | friend |
FreeStatsString(WCHAR *pStatsString) const | D3D12MA::Allocator | |
GetBudget(Budget *pLocalBudget, Budget *pNonLocalBudget) | D3D12MA::Allocator | |
GetD3D12Options() const | D3D12MA::Allocator | |
GetMemoryCapacity(UINT memorySegmentGroup) const | D3D12MA::Allocator | |
IsCacheCoherentUMA() const | D3D12MA::Allocator | |
IsUMA() const | D3D12MA::Allocator | |
Pool (defined in D3D12MA::Allocator) | D3D12MA::Allocator | friend |
ReleaseThis() override (defined in D3D12MA::Allocator) | D3D12MA::Allocator | protected |
SetCurrentFrameIndex(UINT frameIndex) | D3D12MA::Allocator |