This is the complete list of members for NvCloth::IFabricCooker, including all inherited members.
AZ_RTTI(IFabricCooker, "{32E97A6F-A32C-42D2-8BA9-83896E57FA72}") (defined in NvCloth::IFabricCooker) | NvCloth::IFabricCooker | |
CookFabric(const AZStd::vector< SimParticleFormat > &particles, const AZStd::vector< SimIndexType > &indices, const AZ::Vector3 &fabricGravity=AZ::Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -9.81f), bool useGeodesicTether=true)=0 | NvCloth::IFabricCooker | pure virtual |
SimplifyMesh(const AZStd::vector< SimParticleFormat > &particles, const AZStd::vector< SimIndexType > &indices, AZStd::vector< SimParticleFormat > &simplifiedParticles, AZStd::vector< SimIndexType > &simplifiedIndices, AZStd::vector< int > &remappedVertices, bool removeStaticTriangles=true)=0 | NvCloth::IFabricCooker | pure virtual |
~IFabricCooker()=default (defined in NvCloth::IFabricCooker) | NvCloth::IFabricCooker | virtual |