This is the complete list of members for NvCloth::Solver, including all inherited members.
AddCloth(Cloth *cloth) (defined in NvCloth::Solver) | NvCloth::Solver | |
AZ_RTTI(Solver, "{111055FC-F590-4BCD-A7B9-D96B1C44E3E8}", ISolver) (defined in NvCloth::Solver) | NvCloth::Solver | |
AZ_RTTI(ISolver, "{4077FEB2-78E3-4A8F-AA33-67446E6ECD1F}") (defined in NvCloth::ISolver) | NvCloth::ISolver | |
ConnectPostSimulationEventHandler(PostSimulationEvent::Handler &handler) | NvCloth::ISolver | inline |
ConnectPreSimulationEventHandler(PreSimulationEvent::Handler &handler) | NvCloth::ISolver | inline |
Enable(bool value) override | NvCloth::Solver | virtual |
FinishSimulation() override | NvCloth::Solver | virtual |
GetName() const override | NvCloth::Solver | virtual |
GetNumCloths() const (defined in NvCloth::Solver) | NvCloth::Solver | |
IsEnabled() const override | NvCloth::Solver | virtual |
IsUserSimulated() const override | NvCloth::Solver | virtual |
m_postSimulationEvent (defined in NvCloth::ISolver) | NvCloth::ISolver | protected |
m_preSimulationEvent (defined in NvCloth::ISolver) | NvCloth::ISolver | protected |
PostSimulationEvent typedef | NvCloth::ISolver | |
PreSimulationEvent typedef | NvCloth::ISolver | |
RemoveCloth(Cloth *cloth) (defined in NvCloth::Solver) | NvCloth::Solver | |
SetInterCollisionDistance(float distance) override | NvCloth::Solver | virtual |
SetInterCollisionIterations(AZ::u32 iterations) override | NvCloth::Solver | virtual |
SetInterCollisionStiffness(float stiffness) override | NvCloth::Solver | virtual |
SetUserSimulated(bool value) override | NvCloth::Solver | virtual |
Solver(const AZStd::string &name, NvSolverUniquePtr nvSolver) (defined in NvCloth::Solver) | NvCloth::Solver | |
StartSimulation(float deltaTime) override | NvCloth::Solver | virtual |
~ISolver()=default (defined in NvCloth::ISolver) | NvCloth::ISolver | virtual |
~Solver() (defined in NvCloth::Solver) | NvCloth::Solver |