This is the complete list of members for PhysX::Material, including all inherited members.
AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR(Material, AZ::SystemAllocator) (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
AZ_RTTI(PhysX::Material, "{57A9681F-4025-4D66-891B-80CBC78BDEB9}", Physics::Material) (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
CreateMaterialWithRandomId(const AZ::Data::Asset< Physics::MaterialAsset > &materialAsset) | PhysX::Material | static |
EnableCompliantContactMode(bool enabled) (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
FindOrCreateMaterial(const AZ::Data::Asset< Physics::MaterialAsset > &materialAsset) | PhysX::Material | static |
FindOrCreateMaterials(const Physics::MaterialSlots &materialSlots) | PhysX::Material | static |
GetCompliantContactModeDamping() const (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
GetCompliantContactModeStiffness() const (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
GetDebugColor() const (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
GetDensity() const (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
GetDynamicFriction() const (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
GetFrictionCombineMode() const (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
GetProperty(AZStd::string_view propertyName) const override (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
GetPxMaterial() const (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
GetRestitution() const (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
GetRestitutionCombineMode() const (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
GetStaticFriction() const (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
IsCompliantContactModeEnabled() const (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
MaterialManager (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | friend |
OnAssetReady(AZ::Data::Asset< AZ::Data::AssetData > asset) override (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | protected |
OnAssetReloaded(AZ::Data::Asset< AZ::Data::AssetData > asset) override (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | protected |
SetCompliantContactModeDamping(float damping) (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
SetCompliantContactModeStiffness(float stiffness) (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
SetDebugColor(const AZ::Color &debugColor) (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
SetDensity(float density) (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
SetDynamicFriction(float dynamicFriction) (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
SetFrictionCombineMode(CombineMode mode) (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
SetProperty(AZStd::string_view propertyName, Physics::MaterialPropertyValue value) override (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
SetRestitution(float restitution) (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
SetRestitutionCombineMode(CombineMode mode) (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
SetStaticFriction(float staticFriction) (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material | |
~Material() override (defined in PhysX::Material) | PhysX::Material |