This is the complete list of members for PhysX::PhysXSystem, including all inherited members.
AddScene(const AzPhysics::SceneConfiguration &config) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
AddScenes(const AzPhysics::SceneConfigurationList &configs) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR_DECL (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
AZ_RTTI(PhysXSystem, "{B6F4D92A-061B-4CB3-AAB5-984B599A53AE}", AzPhysics::SystemInterface) (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
CreateCollisionGroup(const AZStd::string &groupName, const AzPhysics::CollisionGroup &group) (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
FindAttachedBodyHandleFromEntityId(AZ::EntityId entityId) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
GetAllScenes() override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
GetConfiguration() const override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
GetDefaultSceneConfiguration() const override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
GetPerformanceCollector() (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
GetPhysXConfiguration() const | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
GetPxCooking() (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | inline |
GetPxCpuDispathcher() (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | inline |
GetPxPhysics() (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | inline |
GetScene(AzPhysics::SceneHandle handle) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
GetSceneHandle(const AZStd::string &sceneName) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
GetScenes(const AzPhysics::SceneHandleList &handles) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
GetSettingsRegistryManager() const | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
Initialize(const AzPhysics::SystemConfiguration *config) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
PhysXSystem(AZStd::unique_ptr< PhysXSettingsRegistryManager > registryManager, const physx::PxCookingParams &cookingParams) (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
Reinitialize() override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
RemoveAllScenes() override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
RemoveScene(AzPhysics::SceneHandle handle) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
RemoveScenes(const AzPhysics::SceneHandleList &handles) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
SetCollisionLayerName(int index, const AZStd::string &layerName) (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
Shutdown() override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
Simulate(float deltaTime) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
UpdateConfiguration(const AzPhysics::SystemConfiguration *newConfig, bool forceReinitialization=false) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
UpdateDefaultSceneConfiguration(const AzPhysics::SceneConfiguration &sceneConfiguration) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | |
~PhysXSystem() (defined in PhysX::PhysXSystem) | PhysX::PhysXSystem | virtual |