This documentation is for a prerelease version of O3DE. Click here to switch to the latest release, or select a version from the dropdown.


Open 3D Engine Versioning and Release Terminology

Open 3D Engine (O3DE) Version Numbering

O3DE uses MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH semantic versioning for all the version fields in engine.json, gem.json and project.json files to indicate API and other important changes.

  • MAJOR is for API-breaking changes
  • MINOR is for non-API-breaking changes that add new APIs or change them in a non-breaking way
  • PATCH is for all other non-API-breaking changes, usually important fixes

The engine display version uses YY.MM.PATCH and is only used in the O3DE SDK. By using a date-oriented scheme for the SDK display version users can easily tell how recently an engine SDK was released, but it does not provide any information about compatibility or the kinds of changes made.

Engine display versionEngine version
Stable SDK release23.
Development SDK or source00.002.0.0

O3DE Release Terminology

  • Stable: This feature is ready for users to actively develop using it. APIs and functionality can be considered stable and any significant new work will be captured in an RFC before changes are made.
  • Preview: This feature is almost done and is stable. May still go through small changes.
  • Experimental: This feature is a work-in-progress. Don’t depend on it yet; it may go through significant changes.

Engine Version Information In engine.json

O3DE engine version information is stored inside the engine.json file at the root of the engine.

FieldDescriptionCMake Global Properties
engine_nameThe name of the engine which is set to o3de-sdk when the SDK is created and is o3de in the O3DE GitHub repository source code. Used as an identifier of the engine by tools.
display_versionThe YY.MM.PATCH year and month version displayed in the SDK installer and Project Manager. This value is only set when creating the SDK and is 00.00 in the O3DE GitHub repository source code.O3DE_DISPLAY_VERSION_STRING
versionThe MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH semantic version that is updated in the GitHub repository source code as changes are made to the APIs in the engine and can be used for general engine compatibility. Developers may use the compatible_engines field in their gem.json or project.json files to indicate which engine version their gem or project is known to be compatible with.O3DE_VERSION_STRING O3DE_VERSION_MAJOR O3DE_VERSION_MINOR O3DE_VERSION_PATCH
api_versionsThe MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH semantic version for frameworks and tools included in the engine that are common dependencies. Developers may use the engine_api_dependencies field in their gem.json or project.json files to indicate which engine API versions their gem or project is known to be compatible with.
buildThe incremental SDK build number that is only set when the SDK is created and is 0 in the O3DE GitHub repository source code.O3DE_BUILD_VERSION
O3DEVersionDeprecated version field that has been replaced with display_version.
O3DEBuildNumberDeprecated build field that has been replaced with build.


A developer may use the compatible_engines field in their gem.json to indicate that their gem is known to be compatible with any engine in development named o3de version 2.0.0 or higher or an SDK engine named o3de-sdk that is exactly version 1.2.0.

    "compatible_engines": [

Engine APIs

The API versions specified in the api_versions field in engine.json are currently based on the content inside the engine’s Code folder and are provided as simple but useful way for developers to indicate compatibility when they expect their gem or tool to be compatible with multiple engine versions unless breaking changes are made to APIs inside the engine’s Code folder.

Engine API FieldSource Path


A developer that creates a gem that includes an Editor tool, may update their gem.json file to indicate the gem is known to be compatible with any non-breaking version of the Editor APIs.

    "engine_api_dependencies": [