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Create a Custom Tool Gem in C++ to Extend Open 3D Engine Editor

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to extend the Open 3D Engine (O3DE) Editor using the CppToolGem template to create a custom tool Gem called MyShapeExample. This custom tool allows you to create entities with a Shape component and configure their component properties. The Gem is written in C++ with Qt , the O3DE Tools UI API, and other O3DE APIs.

The ShapeExample Gem, a sample Gem in the o3de/sample-code-gems repository , demonstrates the finished Gem that you create in this tutorial. You can reference the ShapeExample Gem sample as you follow along this tutorial.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to extend the Editor by creating your own custom tools written in C++.

The following image is a preview of the custom tool that you create.

An image of the Shape Example tool and some entities created by it.


Before you start the tutorial, ensure that you have the following:

Tutorial specifics

This tutorial uses the following Windows directory names and locations in the examples. You may choose different folder names and locations on your disk.

  • O3DE engine directory: C:\o3de
    The source directory that contains the engine.

  • CppToolGem template: C:\o3de\Templates\CppToolGem
    The Gem template that your custom Gem is based off of.

  • MyCppShapeExample Gem: C:\o3de-gems\MyCppShapeExample
    Your custom Gem. You may choose a different folder name and location in your disk.

Create a Gem from the CppToolGem template

Start by creating a Gem from the CppToolGem template, which contains a basic C++ framework to create a dockable tool (widget) in the Editor.

To create a Gem from the CppToolGem template, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a Gem by using the O3DE CLI (o3de) script that’s in your engine directory.

    scripts\o3de create-gem --gem-name MyCppShapeExample --template-name CppToolGem --gem-path C:\o3de-gems\MyCppShapeExample

    This command specifies the following options:

    • --gem-name, -gn: The name of the new Gem.
    • --gem-path, -gp: The path to create the new Gem at.
    • --template-name, -tn: The path to the template that you want to create the new Gem from.

    This Gem is based off of the CppToolGem template. In this example, name the Gem MyCppShapeExample and create it in C:\o3de-gems\MyCppShapeExample.

    Depending on the Gem path, this command automatically registers the Gem to one of the manifest files: .o3de\o3de_manifest.json, <engine>\engine.json, and <project>\project.json.

  2. (Optional) Register the Gem to your project. This step is optional because when you create a Gem using the O3DE CLI in the previous step, it automatically registers the Gem. If you downloaded the ShapeExample Gem from the sample code Gems repository, you must register it to your project.

    scripts\o3de register -gp C:\o3de-gems\MyCppShapeExample -espp <project-path>
  3. Add the Gem in your project.

    scripts\o3de enable-gem -gn MyCppShapeExample -pp <project-path>

    Or, enable the Gem using the Project Manager (refer to Adding and Removing Gems in a Project).

  4. Build the project by using the O3DE CLI (refer to Build a project). Or, use the Project Manager (refer to the Build action in the Project Manager) page.

  5. Open your project in the Editor.

  6. Open the tool by selecting Tools > Examples > MyCppShapeExample from the file menu. (See A in the following image.)

    Or, open the tool directly by clicking on the tool’s icon in the Edit Mode Toolbar. (See B.)

Now you can access the Shape Example tool! By default, this tool contains a simple user interface (UI). In the next steps, we’ll design the tool’s UI and code its functionality. (See C.)

Editor with a tool created using the CppToolGem template

Code directory

This sections describes your MyCppShapeExample Gem’s code structure. It’s important to become familiar with your Gem’s code structure because this is the entry point where you will program your tool’s custom functionality. In this example, your Gem’s directory is located at: C:\o3de-gems\MyCppShapeExample. This is the path that you specified when you created the Gem. Your Gem’s code is located in the subdirectory Code\Source, which contains the following classes and frameworks that make up your custom tool.

Example of Code\Source directory:

Editor with a tool created using the CppToolGem template.

Modules and system components

All Gems have modules and system component classes written in C++ that connect the tool to O3DE and allow it to communicate with other systems. The CppToolGem template already contains all of the code needed to run the tool in the Editor. You can find these C++ files in Code\Source.

For more information on Gem modules and system components, refer to the Overview of the Open 3D Engine Gem Module system page.

O3DE and Qt frameworks

O3DE extends the Qt framework, so you will use Qt Widgets Module to create a graphical user interface (GUI). You will also use O3DE’s EBuses to communicate with other O3DE interfaces, such as entities and components, and connect them to Qt elements.

You will write most of your tool’s functionality and UI elements in the ShapeExample class that’s located in Code\Source\ShapeExampleWidget.h and Code\Source\ShapeExampleWidget.cpp.

Qt Resources

The Qt Resource System allows Gems to store and load image files via a .qrc file. This eliminates the need to load image files from absolute paths, making it simpler for you to distribute your Gem. Later, you will store an image file to create an icon for your tool.

Dependent modules

Import the following dependent modules in the Code\Source\ShapeExampleWidget.cpp file. The ShapeExample class that you will create uses objects from these modules.

#include <AzCore/Component/TransformBus.h>
#include <AzCore/Utils/Utils.h>
#include <AzToolsFramework/API/EntityCompositionRequestBus.h>
#include <AzToolsFramework/Component/EditorComponentAPIBus.h>
#include <AzToolsFramework/Entity/EditorEntityAPIBus.h>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QDoubleValidator>
#include <QFormLayout>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include "ShapeExampleWidget.h"

Widgets and layouts

With Qt, you can create widgets, which are containers for UI elements, and layouts which define how those UI elements are arranged. Your custom tool is a main widget that contains sub-widgets of UI elements. Each widget can have its own layout. The nested widget and layout structure allows you to organize groups of UI elements.

The ShapeExampleWidget class inherits from QWidget, which creates the main widget. The following instructions walk you through how to set up the main widget’s layout. Be aware that some of the instructions may already be done by the CppToolGem template.

  1. At the top of your constructor, instantiate a QVBoxLayout called mainLayout.

  2. Later, you will create various UI elements and add them to mainLayout.

  3. We recommend that you add a stretch at the bottom of mainLayout by using addStretch(). This fills any expanded space when you resize the window.

  4. Finally, set mainLayout to be the layout for this widget by using setLayout(...).

ShapeExampleWidget::ShapeExampleWidget(QWidget* parent)
    : QWidget(parent)

    QVBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);        // 1

    // ...                                                  // 2
    mainLayout->addStretch();                               // 3
    setLayout(mainLayout);                                  // 4

Input fields and checkboxes

In this step, create an input field for the entity’s name and a checkbox for an option to append a suffix—the component’s name—to the entity’s name. For example, suppose you set the entity’s name to “MyEntity” and enable the checkbox. Then, when you create an entity with a Box Shape component and another with a Sphere Shape component, they will respectively be named “MyEntity_BoxShape” and “MyEntity_SphereShape”.

By the end of this step, your input field and checkbox should look like this: Shows UI for an input field and checkbox

After instantiating mainLayout, wrap the input field and checkbox in their own sub-widget, set the layout, and add it to the main widget.

  1. To start, instantiate a QGroupBox called entityNameWidget and a QFormLayout called formLayout.

  2. Later, you will create the input field and checkbox and add them to this widget.

  3. Finally, set the layout of entityNameWidget to formLayout, and add entityNameWidget to mainLayout.

    QGroupBox* entityNameWidget = new QGroupBox(this);  // 1
    QFormLayout* formLayout = new QFormLayout();

    // ...                                              // 2

    entityNameWidget->setLayout(formLayout);            // 3

Create an input field

An input field is a UI element that takes text input from the user. With Qt, you can create an input field by using the QLineEdit object.

In ShapeExampleWidget.h, create a private QLineEdit* variable. In this example, name it m_nameInput.

        QLineEdit* m_nameInput = nullptr;

In ShapeExampleWidget.cpp, do the following:

  1. Create an input field by instantiating QLineEdit and assigning it to m_nameInput.

  2. Set the placeholder text in m_nameInput by calling setPlaceholderText(...).

  3. Enable a button to clear the text using setClearButtonEnabled(true).

    m_nameInput = new QLineEdit(this);
    m_nameInput->setPlaceholderText(QObject::tr("Set custom Entity name here..."));

Create a checkbox

A checkbox is an option button that users can enable or disable to trigger a user-defined behavior. With Qt, you can create an checkbox by using the QCheckBox object. In this example, the checkbox controls whether or not to append a suffix to the entity’s name. At runtime, it will start disabled, and enable when the user enters the entity’s name to the input field. You will define this behavior later.

In ShapeExampleWidget.h, create a private QCheckBox* variable. In this example, name it m_addShapeNameSuffix.

        QCheckBox* m_addShapeNameSuffix = nullptr;

In ShapeExampleWidget.cpp, do the following:

  1. Create a checkbox by instantiating QCheckBox and assigning it to m_addShapeNameSuffix.

  2. Set the checkbox to start in the disabled state by using setDisabled(true).

    m_addShapeNameSuffix = new QCheckBox(this);

Add a signal listener with a slot handler

Qt uses signals and slots to communicate between objects (refer to Signals & Slots in the Qt Documentation). Set up a signal listener such that when the user enters text into the input field at runtime, the checkbox automatically enables.

In this example, the signal listener uses a slot handler, which is essentially a C++ function that a signal can connect to.

  1. Declare a slot in Code\Source\ShapeExampleWidget.h by using the Q_SLOTS macro.

    private Q_SLOTS:
        void OnNameInputTextChanged(const QString& text);
  2. Call QObject::connect(...) to create a connection between the input field (m_nameInput) to the signal (QLineEdit::textChanged) and slot (ShapeExampleWidget::OnNameInputTextChanged). Refer to the following line of ShapeExampleWidget.cpp.

        QObject::connect(m_nameInput, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ShapeExampleWidget::OnNameInputTextChanged);
  3. Define OnNameInputTextChanged(...) in ShapeExampleWidget.cpp. This function checks if m_nameInput contains text, and if so, enables m_addShapeNameSuffix.

    void ShapeExampleWidget::OnNameInputTextChanged(const QString& text)

Add UI elements to layout

After creating the UI elements—an input field and a checkbox—and connecting a signal listener to them, add them to the layout. To ensure they belong to the sub-widget entityNameWidget, add them to the corresponding layout, formLayout, by using addRow(...).

    formLayout->addRow(QObject::tr("Entity name"), m_nameInput);
    formLayout->addRow(QObject::tr("Add shape name suffix"), m_addShapeNameSuffix);


In this step, you will create a combobox that contains a list of values that you can use to scale the size of the entity.

By the end of this step, your combobox should look like this: Shows UI for combobox

First, wrap the combobox in its own sub-widget, set the sub-widget’s layout, and add it to the main widget.

  1. To start, instantiate a QGroupBox called comboBoxGroup and a QVBoxLayout called comboBoxLayout.

  2. Later, you will create a combobox and define a list of scale values.

  3. Finally, set the layout of comboBoxGroup to comboBoxLayout, and add comboBoxGroup to mainLayout.

    QGroupBox* comboBoxGroup = new QGroupBox("Choose your scale (combobox)", this);    // 1
    QVBoxLayout* comboBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout();

    // ...                                                                              // 2
    comboBoxGroup->setLayout(comboBoxLayout);                                           // 3

Create a combobox

A combobox allows users to select an item from a pop up list of items. With Qt, you can create an input field by using the QComboBox object.

In ShapeExampleWidget.h, create a private QComboBox* variable. In this example, name it m_scaleInput.

        QComboBox* m_scaleInput = nullptr;

In ShapeExampleWidget.cpp, do the following:

  1. Define a list of scale values. In this example, name it scaleValues.

  2. Create a combobox by instantiating QComboBox. In this example, name it m_scaleInput.

  3. Allow users to enter a custom option in the combobox by calling setEditable(true).

  4. If a user enters a custom option, validate that the value they entered is a numerical value within a specific range and decimal place by calling setValidator(...). In this example, set the lower bound to 0.0, the upper bound to 100.0, and the decimal places to 3.

  5. Add the list of values to the combobox by calling addItems(...).

  6. Add the combobox to comboBoxLayout by calling addWidget(...).

    QStringList scaleValues = {                                                 // 1
    m_scaleInput = new QComboBox(this);                                         // 2
    m_scaleInput->setEditable(true);                                            // 3
    m_scaleInput->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(0.0, 100.0, 3, this));      // 4
    m_scaleInput->addItems(scaleValues);                                        // 5
    comboBoxLayout->addWidget(m_scaleInput);                                    // 6


In this step, you will create a collection of buttons that create an entity with different Shape components, such as with a Box Shape, Sphere Shape, Cone Shape, and so on.

By the end of this step, your buttons should look like this: Shows UI for buttons

First, wrap these UI elements in their own sub-widget, set the layout, and add it to the main widget.

  1. To start, instantiate a QGroupBox called shapeButtons and a QGridLayout called gridLayout.

  2. Later, you will query for all types of shape components registered with the engine, add buttons to this widget, and add signal listeners to the buttons.

  3. Finally, set the layout of shapeButtons to gridLayout, and add shapeButtons to mainLayout.

    QGroupBox* shapeButtons = new QGroupBox(this);      // 1
    QGridLayout* gridLayout = new QGridLayout();

    // ...                                              // 2

    shapeButtons->setLayout(gridLayout);                // 3

Query Shape components

  1. Query the types of Shape components registered with the engine. In O3DE, all components have a list of provided services that you can query from. In this example, you are looking for Shape components, which all provide “ShapeService”.

    • Create a AzToolsFramework::EntityCompositionRequests::ComponentServicesList called providedServices and add “ShapeService”.

    • Get a list of component types. Call AzToolsFramework::EditorComponentAPIBus::BroadcastResult(...) and dispatch AzToolsFramework::EditorComponentAPIRequests::FindComponentTypeIdsByService, which takes a list of services to include (providedServices) and services to exclude (an empty list) and stores the component types to typeIds.

        AzToolsFramework::EntityCompositionRequests::ComponentServicesList providedServices;
        AZ::ComponentTypeList typeIds;
  2. Query the names of the components to add to the buttons.

    • Get a list of component names. Call AzToolsFramework::EditorComponentAPIBus::BroadcastResult(...) and dispatch AzToolsFramework::EditorComponentAPIRequests::FindComponentTypeNames, which takes the list of component types (typeIds) and stores the corresponding component names to componentNames.
        AZStd::vector<AZStd::string> componentNames;
You can query a list of services that components provide by calling the component’s GetProvidedServices() method.

Add buttons

A button is a UI element that the user can click to trigger a user-defined behavior. With Qt, you can create a button by using the QPushButton object. In this example, when the user clicks on the button, it will create an entity with a Shape component. You will define this behavior later.

Loop through the list of component names, create buttons, and add them to the gridLayout. For each component:

  1. Store the component’s name and type from the list of component names and types that you queried earlier. In this example, we’ll name them name and typeId.

  2. Create a button by instantiating QPushButton. In this example, name it shapeButton. Pass in name to add the component’s name onto the button.

  3. Later, you will connect shapeButton to a signal listener.

  4. Split gridLayout into three columns, and add the button.

    const int maxColumnCount = 3;
    for (int i = 0; i < componentNames.size(); ++i)
        AZStd::string name = componentNames[i];                                             // 1 
        AZ::TypeId typeId = typeIds[i];

        QPushButton* shapeButton = new QPushButton(QString::fromUtf8(name.c_str()), this);  // 2

        // ...                                                                              // 3

        int row = i / maxColumnCount;                                                       // 4
        int column = i % maxColumnCount;
        gridLayout->addWidget(shapeButton, row, column);

Add a signal listener with a lambda handler

Next, create a signal listener such that when the user clicks the button, an entity will be created in your scene and the corresponding Shape component will be added to that entity.

In this example, the signal listener uses a lambda handler, so you can define the C++ function without defining a slot.

  1. Define CreateEntityWithShapeComponent as a standard C++ function in ShapeExampleWidget.h. This function accepts an AZ::TypeId& as a parameter so it can create an entity with the specified component type.

        void CreateEntityWithShapeComponent(const AZ::TypeId& typeId);
  2. In the loop that you created earlier, create a connection from the clicked signal in the shapeButton to the lambda function in this. The lambda function calls CreateEntityWithShapeComponent(...) and captures the typeId for the Shape component being iterated over.

        QObject::connect(shapeButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [this, typeId]() {

Communicate with EBuses

Define CreateEntityWithShapeComponent(...), which communicates with O3DE EBuses to create a new entity with a component specified by the typeId parameter.

  1. Send a request to create a new entity by calling EditorRequestBus::BroadcastResult(...). Dispatch the EditorRequests::IsLevelDocumentOpen event, which will return true/false if a level has been loaded or not.

    • Attempting to create an Entity without a level loaded will cause a crash, so if a level isn’t loaded, we will print a warning message and then return.
  2. Send a request to create a new entity by calling EditorRequestBus::BroadcastResult(...). Dispatch the EditorRequests::CreateNewEntity event, which creates a new entity and returns its AZ::EntityId. The new entity’s AZ::EntityId is stored in newEntityId.

  3. If the user entered a name in the input field, update the entity’s name.

    • Get the name of the entity by calling text(), and store it in entityName.

    • If the user enabled the checkbox to apply a suffix of the component’s name to the entity’s name, query the component’s name. Call EditorComponentAPIBus::BroadcastResult(...) and dispatch the EditorComponentAPIRequests::FindComponentTypeNames event, which finds the component names of the provided list and stores them in componentNames.

    • Format the name and suffix, if any.

    • Call EditorEntityAPIBus::Event(...) and dispatch EditorEntityAPIRequests::SetName to set the name of newEntityId to entityName.

  4. Set the entity’s scale.

    • Get the value in the combobox by calling currentText(), and store it in scale.

    • Set the entity’s scale by calling AZ::TransformBus::Event(). Dispatch SetLocalUniformScale to set the scale of newEntityId.

  5. Add a Shape component to the entity. Call EditorComponentAPIBus::Broadcast(...) and dispatch EditorComponentAPIRequests::AddComponentsOfType, which adds the components from the provided list to newEntityId.

void ShapeExampleWidget::CreateEntityWithShapeComponent(const AZ::TypeId& typeId)
    // 1
    bool isLevelLoaded = false;
    EditorRequestBus::BroadcastResult(isLevelLoaded, &EditorRequests::IsLevelDocumentOpen);
    if (!isLevelLoaded)
        AZ_Warning("ShapeExample", false, "Make sure a level is loaded before choosing your shape");

    // 2
    AZ::EntityId newEntityId;
    EditorRequestBus::BroadcastResult(newEntityId, &EditorRequests::CreateNewEntity, AZ::EntityId());

    // 3
    if (!m_nameInput->text().isEmpty())
        QString entityName = m_nameInput->text();

        if (m_addShapeNameSuffix->isChecked())
            AZStd::vector<AZStd::string> componentNames;
                AZ::ComponentTypeList{ typeId }

            AZ_Assert(componentNames.size() == 1, "Unable to find component name");

            QString shapeName(componentNames[0].c_str());
            shapeName.replace(" ", "");

            entityName = QString("%1_%2").arg(entityName).arg(shapeName);
        EditorEntityAPIBus::Event(newEntityId, &EditorEntityAPIRequests::SetName, entityName.toUtf8().constData());

    // 4
    bool validFloat = false;
    float scale = m_scaleInput->currentText().toFloat(&validFloat);
    if (validFloat)
        AZ::TransformBus::Event(newEntityId, &AZ::TransformInterface::SetLocalUniformScale, scale);

    // 5
    EditorComponentAPIBus::Broadcast(&EditorComponentAPIRequests::AddComponentsOfType, newEntityId, AZ::ComponentTypeList{ typeId });


An icon is an image file that’s used to represent your tool in the Editor. The icon appears in the Edit Mode Toolbar in the Editor (see the following image).

Add an icon for your tool in the Editor

Add an icon

The following instructions walk you through how to store the icon using the Qt Resource System and load it from your Gem module. Be aware that some of the instructions may already be done by the CppToolGem template.

  1. Add an image file to the Code\Source directory to use as your icon. In this example, the icon is named toolbar.svg. We recommend that your icon adheres to the guidelines in UI development best practices.

  2. Add your icon to MyCppShapeExample Gem’s resources by updating Code\Source\MyCppShapeExample.qrc with your new icon’s file name.

    <!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">
        <qresource prefix="/MyCppShapeExample">
            <file alias="toolbar_icon.svg">toolbar_icon.svg</file>
  3. Register MyCppShapeExample Gem’s resources to Qt Resource System by adding the following code in Code\Source\EditorModule.cpp.

    • Define the function InitShapeExampleResources() and call Q_INIT_RESOURCE(...) to register the Qt resources listed in MyCppShapeExample.qrc.
    void InitShapeExampleResources()
    • Call InitShapeExampleResources() in the EditorModule class’s constructor.

Build and test your tool


For Windows, build and debug your custom tool using Visual Studio.

  1. Launch Visual Studio and open the O3DE solution.

  2. Find your Gem in the Solution Explorer. Right-click and select Build or Debug.

  3. Open your project in the Editor and load the Gem.

Congratulations! You created a custom tool Gem that’s written in C++, built it, and loaded it in the Editor. Your Shape Example tool should look something like this:

An image of the Shape Example tool.

Download the ShapeExample Gem sample

Now that you’ve completed this tutorial, you can compare your MyCppShapeExample Gem to the sample Gem, ShapeExample Gem, in o3de/sample-code-gems repository .

To download this sample and load it in the Editor.

  1. Download or clone the repository. The ShapeExample Gem is located in <repo>\sample-code-gems\cpp_gems\ShapeExample.

    git clone
  2. Before you can open the Shape Example tool, do the following:

    • Register your Gem.

    • Enable it in your project.

    • Rebuild your project.

    • Open the tool in the Editor.

    These steps are explained earlier in this tutorial. Refer to Create a Gem from the CppToolGem template.