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Python Asset Builder CreateJobs

CreateJobs generates asset processing jobs for Asset Processor. When Asset Processor detects a new or updated source asset and determines the appropriate Asset Builder to process the source asset, it sends a CreateJobsRequest that contains information about the source asset, including its path, to the Asset Builder. The Asset Builder responds with a CreateJobsResponse that contains JobDescriptor structures, and source and job dependencies.


azlmbr.asset.builder.CreateJobsRequest is a class that provides information about the job request. It is sent by Asset Processor to the Asset Builder. It provides data that is used to create a JobDescriptor to process the source asset for a specific target platform.

builderIdazlmbr.math.UuidIdentifies the Asset Builder.
watchFolderStringContains the subdirectory of the source asset.
sourceFileStringThe source asset path that is relative to the scan directory.
sourceFileUUIDazlmbr.math.UuidThe source asset’s UUID, which is used as part of its product asset ID.
enabledPlatformsList[azlmbr.asset.builder.PlatformInfo]Information about the host and target platforms.


azlmbr.asset.builder.PlatformInfo is a class that provides information about the host and target platforms that have been enabled for the project.

identifierStringThe ID of the platform such as ‘pc’ or ‘ios’.
tagsList[String]The tags available for the platform.


azlmbr.asset.builder.CreateJobsResponse is a class that determines how to process the source asset. It creates a JobDescriptor for each source asset and for each host and target platform. It also provides information about source dependencies, and the result of the CreateJobsRequest.

resultazlmbr.asset.builder.CreateJobsResponse Return CodeThe result code from the CreateJobsRequest.
sourceFileDependencyListList[SourceFileDependency]Dependencies required to run the process job for the source asset.
createJobOutputsList[JobDescriptor]A list of JobDescriptor structures for each source asset, and each host and target platform.

CreateJobsResponse Return Code

CreateJobsResponse result contains one of the following azlmbr.asset.builder.CreateJobsResponse Return Codes from the CreateJobs request.

Return CodeDescription
azlmbr.asset.builder.CreateJobsResponse_ResultFailedJob creation has failed.
azlmbr.asset.builder.CreateJobsResponse_ResultShuttingDownThe Asset Builder is shutting down.
azlmbr.asset.builder.CreateJobsResponse_ResultSuccessJob creation has succeeded.


azlmbr.asset.builder.SourceFileDependency is a class that contains the path and ID of a source file dependency.

sourceFileDependencyPathStringPath (relative to the assets directory or absolute) to the dependency.
sourceFileDependencyUUIDazlmbr.math.UuidUUID (without the sub ID) of the dependency.
sourceDependencyTypeazlmbr.asset.builder.SourceFileDependency TypeAbsolute dependency or wildcard match (azlmbr.asset.builder.SourceFileDependency_Absolute is the default).
The Asset Builder does not need to provide both the sourceFileDependencyUUID and the sourceFileDependencyPath info to Asset Processor. Either one is sufficient.

SourceFileDependency Type

azlmbr.asset.builder.SourceFileDependency Type specifies an absolute dependency or a wildcard match.

azlmbr.asset.builder.SourceFileDependency_AbsoluteAn absolute source file dependency.
azlmbr.asset.builder.SourceFileDependency_WildcardsAllow wildcard matches.


azlmbr.asset.builder.JobDescriptor is a class used by the Asset Builder to store job-related information.

jobParametersJobParameterMapAsset Builder specific parameters to pass to the ProcessJobRequest.
additionalFingerprintInfoStringAdditional info that should be taken into account when fingerprinting this job.
jobKeyStringJob specific key, for example, TIFF Job.
priorityIntegerPriority value for the jobs within the job queue.
checkExclusiveLockBooleanAttempt to get an exclusive lock on the source asset file before processing the job when True.
checkServerBooleanCheck the server for the outputs of this job before processing the job.
jobDependencyListList[azlmbr.asset.builder.JobDependency]Required for jobs that want to declare job dependencies on other jobs.
failOnErrorBooleanErrors, asserts, and exceptions automatically cause the job to fail when True.
set_platform_identifier(platformIdentifier:string)MethodSets the identifier for the build platform.
get_platform_identifier()MethodReturns the identifier for the build platform.

The priority field is the value for the jobs within the job queue. A priority value less than 0 means the job’s priority is not considered. A priority value of 0 or greater prioritizes the job by value. The higher the value, the higher priority.

Priorities for critical and non-critical jobs are set separately.

The checkExclusiveLock field is a flag to determine whether Asset Processor needs to check the source asset file for exclusive lock before processing the job. Asset Processor will lock and unlock the source asset file to ensure it is not opened by another process. This prevents premature processing of some source asset files that are opened for writing, but have zero bytes for longer than the modification threshold. This will time out if the Asset Processor cannot get an exclusive lock.

The checkServer field determines whether Asset Processor needs to check the server for the outputs of this job before starting to process the job locally. If Asset Processor is running in server mode, then this is used to determine whether it needs to store the outputs of this job on the server.

If the failOnError field is set to True, then all reported errors, asserts, and exceptions cause the job to fail, even if the result code is ProcessJobResult_Success.

The setplatformidentifier and getplatformidentifier methods set and retrieve the platform identifier such as ‘pc’ or ‘android’ for the job description. It is the identifier of the platform from the PlatformInfo struct.


The JobParameterMap is a map data structure that holds parameters that are passed into a job for ProcessJob requests. These parameters can optionally be set during the CreateJobs function of the builder so that they are passed along to the ProcessJobFunction. The values (key and value) are arbitrary and it is up to the Asset Builder how to use them.

Example: JobParameterMap

jobParameterMap = {1 : "MyValue", 2 : "Another Value"}


azlmbr.asset.builder.JobDependency is a class containing job dependency information that the builder sends to the Asset Processor.

sourceFileazlmbr.asset.builder.SourceFileDependencySource file dependency information that the Asset Builder sends to Asset Processor.
jobKeyStringJob key of the dependent job.
platformIdentifierStringPlatform identifier of the dependent job.
typeazlmbr.asset.builder.JobDependency TypeType of JobDependency (order or fingerprint).

JobDependency Type

azlmbr.asset.builder.JobDependency Type specifies the azlmbr.asset.builder.JobDependency type that determines when the job dependency should be processed.

azlmbr.asset.builder.JobDependency_FingerprintThe dependent job should get processed by Asset Processor when the fingerprint of the job it depends on changes.
azlmbr.asset.builder.JobDependency_OrderThe dependent job should only run after the job it depends on is processed by Asset Processor.
azlmbr.asset.builder.JobDependency_OrderOnceThe dependent job should only run after the job it depends on is processed by Asset Processor and only if the dependencies have never been processed by Asset Processor.

Example: CreateJobs

The example below demonstrates how the Asset Builder might create jobs when Asset Processor detects a new or changed source asset with the registered pattern in a scan directory.

# Creates a single job to compile for each platform
def on_create_jobs(args):
    # get the request from the 'args'
    request = args[0]

    # Create job descriptor for each platform
    jobDescriptorList = []
    for platformInfo in request.enabledPlatforms:
        jobDesc = azlmbr.asset.builder.JobDescriptor()
        jobDesc.jobKey = 'My New Asset Job'
        jobDesc.priority = 1

    response = azlmbr.asset.builder.CreateJobsResponse()
    response.result = azlmbr.asset.builder.CreateJobsResponse_ResultSuccess
    response.createJobOutputs = jobDescriptorList
    return response