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Python Asset Builder ProcessJob

Asset Processor calls the registered callback when it has a job for the Asset Builder to process. The callback does the following:

  • Processes the source asset.
  • Generates at least one product asset in a temporary directory.
  • Registers the product assets via a JobProduct entry inside a ProcessJobResponse instance.
  • Returns a success value inside the ProcessJobResponse.


azlmbr.asset.builder.ProcessJobRequest is the input into the OnProcessJobRequest function that processes a source asset. It contains the input data that’s needed for the process job.

sourceFileStringSource asset name.
watchFolderStringScan directory for the source asset.
fullPathStringSource asset path.
builderGuidazlmbr.math.UuidAsset Builder ID.
jobDescriptionazlmbr.asset.builder.JobDescriptorJob descriptor for this job created in OnCreateJobs.
tempDirPathStringTemp directory that the Asset Builder uses to create job outputs for this job request.
platformInfoazlmbr.asset.builder.PlatformInfoInformation about the platform for this job.
sourceFileDependencyListList[azlmbr.asset.builder.SourceFileDependency]Source asset dependency information.
sourceFileUUIDazlmbr.math.UuidThe universal unique identifier (UUID) of the source asset.
jobIdNumberJob ID for this job that also serves as the address for the JobCancelListener.

The jobDescription field contains the job parameters that the OnCreateJobs step created for this job.

The tempDirPath field is the path to the temporary directory that the Asset Builder uses to write out intermediate and final product assets for this job. The output product assets are stored in the temporary directory relative to where the final product asset will be placed in the Asset Cache and .pak files.

The sourceFileUUID field is both the unique ID of the source asset, and the first part of the Asset ID for all the product assets output by this job. The product assets are differentiated by the subId used in the JobProduct structure.


azlmbr.asset.builder.ProcessJobResponse is the class that the OnProcessJobRequest callback returns to describe the job’s results. The ProcessJobResponse contains job data that indicates the outputs from the job in the outputProducts field, the result code, and schedules sources to be reprocessed.

resultCodeazlmbr.asset.builder.ProcessJobResponse Result CodeThe result of the process job.
outputProductsList[azlmbr.asset.builder.JobProduct]List of job product assets.
requiresSubIdGenerationBooleanDetermines if legacy product assets need sub IDs generated.
sourcesToReprocessList[String]Absolute source asset paths to trigger rebuilds.

The resultCode field defaults to azlmbr.asset.builder.ProcessJobResponse_Failed. An empty ProcessJobResponse indicates that the job failed.

The outputProducts field indicates what product assets need to be copied to the Asset Cache. An empty outputProducts list indicates that the job failed.

The sourcesToReprocess field triggers a rebuild of source assets (via absolute paths) due to the work performed in this job. To reprocess these source assets, the builder updates the fingerprints in CreateJobs of those Asset Builders that process them, like changing source dependencies.

ProcessJobResponse Result Code

azlmbr.asset.builder.ProcessJobResponse Result Code has a ‘Success’, a ‘Failed’, and three specific failure cases.

Result CodeDescription
azlmbr.asset.builder.ProcessJobResponse_SuccessThe process job has succeeded.
azlmbr.asset.builder.ProcessJobResponse_FailedThe process job has not generated all expected product assets and data.
azlmbr.asset.builder.ProcessJobResponse_CrashedA tool or internal API has thrown an exception during the process job.
azlmbr.asset.builder.ProcessJobResponse_CancelledThe process job was canceled during processing.
azlmbr.asset.builder.ProcessJobResponse_NetworkIssueThe process job could not reach a remote service or resource.


A successful process job returns one or more azlmbr.asset.builder.JobProduct entries in the outputProducts field.

The productSubID field is a stable and unique product identifier for each product file created by this process job. It can be any unsigned 32-bit integer that disambiguates different output products assets from the same source asset. If the process job for a source asset produces only one product asset, the builder can use 0.

The productAssetType field maps to a C++ AZ::Data::AssetData type ID.

One way to determine the asset type ID from Python is to call the AssetCatalogRequestBus using the asset’s display name:

assetType = azlmbr.asset.AssetCatalogRequestBus(azlmbr.bus.Broadcast, 'GetAssetTypeByDisplayName', "Font")
print(f'Asset type {assetType}')

dependenciesHandled indicates to Asset Processor that the Asset Builder has output all possible dependencies for this job product asset. This can be true if there are no output product assets. This should be set to True only if the Asset Builder outputs its dependencies or the output product doesn’t have dependencies. When set to False, Asset Processor emits a warning that dependencies have not been handled.

The JobProduct constructor takes in a product asset name (relative to the source asset path), an asset type (UUID), and a product sub-ID number.

productFileNameStringA relative or absolute product asset path.
productAssetTypeazlmbr.math.UuidThe asset type ID this product asset adds to the Asset Catalog.
productSubIDNumberA stable and unique product identifier.
productDependenciesList[ProductDependency]Product asset dependencies for this source asset.
pathDependenciesSet{ProductPathDependency}Specifies product dependencies by relative path to source assets.
dependenciesHandledBooleanIndicates whether the Asset Builder has output all possible dependencies.
JobProductConstructorInputs: productFileName:str, productAssetType:azlmbr.math.Uuid, productSubID:number


azlmbr.asset.builder.ProductDependency contains product dependency information that the Asset Builder sends to Asset Processor to indicate that a product asset depends on another product asset when loaded or packaged.

dependencyIdazlmbr.math.UuidThe asset ID of this product asset dependency.


azlmbr.asset.builder.ProductPathDependency represents the product’s dependency information that the Asset Builder detected on another product asset (relative to the source asset path). If the source asset ID can be determined, we recommend that you use the productDependencies instead to indicate the product’s dependency information in terms of asset IDs. It’s preferable to depend on product assets whenever possible, to avoid introducing unintended dependencies.

The dependencyType field indicates if the path points to a source asset or a product asset.

dependencyPathStringRelative path to the asset dependency.
dependencyTypeazlmbr.asset.builder.ProductPathDependency TypeIndicates if the dependency path points to a source asset or a product asset.

ProductPathDependency Type

azlmbr.asset.builder.ProductPathDependency Type indicates how to use the dependency path in the ProductPathDependency. A dependency on a source asset is converted into dependencies on all product assets produced. It’s preferable to depend on product assets whenever possible, to avoid introducing unintended dependencies.

azlmbr.asset.builder.ProductPathDependency_ProductFileIf the source asset depends on another product asset file, the value should be SourceFile.
azlmbr.asset.builder.ProductPathDependency_SourceFileIf the source asset depends on another source asset, the value should be ProductFile.

Example: ProcessJob

The example below demonstrates how an Asset Builder might process a job when Asset Processor detects a new or changed source asset with the registered pattern in a scan directory.

# Using the incoming 'request' find the type of job via 'jobKey' to determine what to do
def on_process_job(args):
        # Get request information
        request = args[0]

        # Prepare output folder
        basePath, _ = os.path.split(request.sourceFile)
        outputPath = os.path.join(request.tempDirPath, basePath)

        # Write out a simple file
        productFileNameOnly = 'myfile.txt'
        filename = os.path.join(outputPath, productFileNameOnly)
        file = open(filename, "w+")
        file.write('some data')

        # Prepare output entry data
        productOutputs = []
        basePath, sceneFile = os.path.split(request.sourceFile)
        assetProductName = os.path.join(basePath, productFileNameOnly)
        outputFilename = os.path.join(request.tempDirPath, assetinfoFilename)

        # Create job product entry
        assetType = azlmbr.math.Uuid_CreateString('{F67CC648-EA51-464C-9F5E-4A9CE41A7F86}', 0)
        product = azlmbr.asset.builder.JobProduct(assetProductName, assetType, 0)
        product.dependenciesHandled = True

        # Fill out response object
        response = azlmbr.asset.builder.ProcessJobResponse()
        response.outputProducts = productOutputs
        response.resultCode = azlmbr.asset.builder.ProcessJobResponse_Success
        return response
        # An exception should record a proper failure
        response = azlmbr.asset.builder.ProcessJobResponse()
        response.resultCode = azlmbr.asset.builder.ProcessJobResponse_Crashed
        return response