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Texture Settings Presets

The following table provides information on the available texture processing presets. You can append one of the strings in the Name Conventions column to the name of your texture source asset to automatically process the texture with the corresponding preset.

PresetDescriptionSource RequirementsPixel FormatName Conventions
AlbedoA color texture that contains unlit surface color.An RGB image. If the image has an alpha channel, it is discarded when the image is processed.Desktop: BC1
iOS: ASTC_6x6
Android: ASTC_4x4
AlbedoWithCoverageA color texture with a 1-bit alpha channel that contains unlit surface color.An RGBA image. The alpha channel is processed as 1-bit regardless of the texture source asset bit depth.Desktop: BC1a
iOS: ASTC_6x6
Android: ASTC_4x4
AlbedoWithGenericAlphaA color texture with an 8-bit alpha channel that contains unlit surface color.An RGBA image.Desktop: BC3
iOS: ASTC_6x6
Android: ASTC_4x4
AmbientOcclusionA linear greyscale texture that contains shading values for surface areas where ambient lighting is blocked, such as wrinkles and creases.A greyscale image with one channel.Desktop: BC4
Mobile: ASTC_4x4
ConvolvedCubemapA cubemap texture used for quick lighting calculations. This preset has a resolution of 256 by 256.An HDR spherical environment map or cubemap.R9G9B9E5_ccm
Decal_AlbedoWithOpacityA high quality color texture with an alpha channel that is projected onto a surface.An RGBA image.Desktop: BC7t
Mobile: ASTC_4x4
DisplacementA linear greyscale texture that contains surface displacement or height values.A greyscale image with one channel.Desktop: BC4
Mobile: ASTC_4x4
EmissiveA high quality color texture that defines areas of a surface that emit light or glow.An RGB image.Desktop: BC7
iOS: ASTC_6x6
Android: ASTC_4x4
GSI (Gradient Signal Image)A color texture with alpha that contains a gradient of gradual changes in value.An RGBA image.Same as input pixel format._gsi
GSI8A texture with a single 8-bit channel (red) that contains a gradient of gradual changes in value.An image with a single channel or an RGB image.R8_gsi8
GSI16A texture with a single 16-bit channel (red) that contains a gradient of gradual changes in value.An image with a single channel or an RGB image.R16_gsi16
GSI32A texture with a single 32-bit channel (red) that contains a gradient of gradual changes in value.An image with a single channel or an RGB image.R32_gsi32
GradientA color texture with alpha that contains a gradient of gradual changes in value.An RGBA image.R8G8B8A8_grad
GreyscaleA linear greyscale texture.A greyscale image with one channel.Desktop: BC4
Mobile: ASTC_4x4
IBLDiffuseAn HDR cubemap containing the color component for IBL.An HDR spherical environment map or cubemap.Windows: BC6UH
Linux: BC6UH
macOS: R9G9B9E5
iOS: R9G9B9E5
Android: R9G9B9E5
IBLGlobalHDR cubemaps that contain the specular and diffuse components for IBL.An HDR spherical environment map or cubemap.R8G8B8A8_cm
IBLSkyboxHDR cubemaps that contain the skybox texture, diffuse, and specular components for IBL.An HDR spherical environment map or cubemap.R9G9B9E5_iblskyboxcm
IBLSpecularA 256 by 256 pixel HDR cubemap that contains the specular component for IBL.An HDR spherical environment map or cubemap.R9G9B9E5_iblspecularcm
IBLSpecularHighA 512 by 512 pixel HDR cubemap that contains the specular component for IBL.An HDR spherical environment map or cubemap.R9G9B9E5_iblspecularcm512
IBLSpecularLowA 128 by 128 pixel HDR cubemap that contains the specular component for IBL.An HDR spherical environment map or cubemap.R9G9B9E5_iblspecularcm128
IBLSpecularVeryHighA 1024 by 1024 pixel HDR cubemap that contains the specular component for IBL.An HDR spherical environment map or cubemap.R9G9B9E5_iblspecularcm1024
IBLSpecularVeryLowA 64 by 64 pixel HDR cubemap that contains the specular component for IBL.An HDR spherical environment map or cubemap.R9G9B9E5_iblspecularcm64
LUT_R32FA look up table (LUT) texture with a 32-bit floating point red channel.An RGB image with a 32-bit floating point red channel.R32F_lutr32f
LUT_RG16A LUT texture with 16-bit red and green channels.An RGB image with 16-bit red and green channels.R16G16F_lutrg16
LUT_RG32FA LUT texture with 32-bit floating point red and green channels.An RGB image with 32-bit floating point red and green channels.R32G32F_lutrg32f
LUT_RG8A LUT texture with 8-bit red and green channels.An RGB image with 8-bit red and green channels.R8G8_lut
LUT_RGBA16A LUT texture with 16-bit channels.An RGBA image with 16-bit channels.R16G16B16A16_lutrgba16
LUT_RGBA16FA LUT texture with 16-bit floating point channels.An RGBA image with 16-bit floating point channels.R16G16B16A16F_lutrgba16f
LUT_RGBA32FA LUT texture with 32-bit floating point channels.An RGBA image with 32-bit floating point channels.R32G32B32A32F_lutrgba32f
LUT_RGBA8A LUT texture with 8-bit channels.An RGBA image with 8-bit channels.R8G8B8A8_lutrgba8
LayerMaskA color mask texture with 8-bit color channels and an additional 8-bits reserved.An RGB image. If the image has an alpha channel, it is discarded when the image is processed.R8G8B8X8layers_rgbmask
NormalsA linear color texture that contains tangent space surface normals.An RGB image with tangent space surface normals encoded in the RGB channels.Desktop: BC5s
Mobile: ASTC_4x4
NormalsWithSmoothnessA linear color texture that contains tangent space surface normals in the color channels and a smoothing or gloss value in the alpha channel.An RGBA image with tangent space surface normals encoded in the RGB channels and gloss or smoothing values encoded in the alpha channel.Desktop: BC5s
Mobile: ASTC_4x4
OpacityA linear greyscale image containing opacity values.A greyscale image with one channel.Desktop: BC4
Mobile: ASTC_4x4
ReferenceImageAn uncompressed color reference texture with alpha.An RGBA image.R8G8B8A8_ref
ReferenceImage HDRLinearAn HDR linear color reference texture.An RGB image with 16-bit channels.Windows, Linux: BC6UH
macOS, iOS, Android: R9G9B9E5
ReferenceImage HDRLinearUncompressedAn uncompressed HDR linear color reference texture.An RGB image with 16-bit floating point channels.R16G16B16A16F_refhdru
ReferenceImage LinearAn uncompressed linear color reference texture with alpha.An RGBA image.R8G8B8A8_reflinear
ReflectanceA linear greyscale image containing reflectance values.A greyscale image with one channel.Desktop: BC4
iOS: ASTC_6x6
Android: ASTC_4x4
SkyboxAn HDR skybox cubemap with a minimum size of 256 by 256 pixels.An HDR spherical environment map or cubemap. If the image has an alpha channel, it is discarded when the image is processed.R9G9B9E5_skyboxcm
UserInterface CompressedA compressed color texture that contains a UI element with an 8-bit alpha channel.An RGBA image.Windows, Linux: R8G8B8A8
macOS: BC1
iOS: ASTC_6x6
Android: ASTC_4x4
UserInterface LosslessAn uncompressed linear color texture that contains a UI element with an 8-bit alpha channel.An RGBA image.R8G8B8A8_uil