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Cloth Component

The Cloth component treats the vertices of any mesh that it references as cloth particles and applies physical properties, forces, and constraints to simulate the behavior of cloth. You can add this component to any entity that has Mesh or Actor components. You can add multiple cloth components to an entity.

The Cloth component is provided by the NVIDIA Cloth gem.

For information on using the Cloth component see Simulate cloth with NVIDIA Cloth.


Base properties

Base properties of the Cloth component

Simulate in editor Enable to simulate cloth in editor.

Mesh node The mesh node to simulate as cloth. The meshes available in the list have Cloth modifiers applied in FBX Settings.

Mass Scale multiplier applied to the mass of all cloth particles. A value of 0.0 in this property makes all cloth particles static.

Custom Gravity Enable to override global gravity and set a custom gravity value for this cloth.

Gravity Set gravity for this cloth. The default, -9.81 on the Z axis, is standard gravity. The Gravity property is enabled by the Custom Gravity property.

Gravity Scale Scale multiplier applied to the gravity of cloth particles.

Stiffness frequency Stiffness exponent that adjusts the overall stiffness of the cloth simulation. This exponent is applied per second to these properties:

  • Damping
  • Damping - Linear drag
  • Damping - Angular drag
  • Wind - Air drag coefficient
  • Wind - Air lift coefficient
  • Self collision - Stiffness
  • Fabric stiffness
  • Fabric compression
  • Fabric stretch
  • Tether - Stretch

Motion constraints properties

Motion constraints properties of the Cloth component

Max distance Maximum distance limit in meters for cloth particle movement.

Scale Scale value applied to all motion constraints. 0.0: Motion constraints have no effect. 1.0: Motion constraints are fully applied.

Bias Bias value in meters added to all motion constraints. Valid values range from -Infinity to Infinity.

Stiffness Stiffness for motion constraints. 0.0: Stiffness is not applied to motion constraints. 1.0: Stiffness is fully applied to motion constraints.

Backstop properties

Backstop properties of the Cloth component

Backstop properties are only available when a Backstop vertex color stream is specified in the Cloth modifier for the selected Mesh node in FBX Settings.

Radius The radius in meters of the backstop sphere.

Back offset The offset in meters for backstop spheres behind the cloth.

Front offset The offset in meters for backstop spheres in front of the cloth.

Damping properties

Damping properties of the Cloth component

Damping Damping of cloth particle velocity. 0.0: Velocity is unaffected. 1.0: Velocity is zeroed.

Linear Drag Portion of velocity applied to cloth particles. 0.0: Cloth particles are unaffected. 1.0: Damped global cloth particle velocity.

Angular Drag Portion of angular velocity applied to turning cloth particles. 0.0: Cloth particles are unaffected. 1.0: Damped global cloth particle angular velocity.

Inertia properties

Inertia properties of the NVIDIA Cloth component

Linear Portion of linear acceleration applied to cloth particles. 0.0: Cloth particles are unaffected. 1.0: Physically correct linear acceleration.

Angular Portion of angular acceleration applied to turning cloth particles. 0.0: Cloth particles are unaffected. 1.0: Physically correct angular acceleration.

Centrifugal Portion of angular velocity applied to turning cloth particles. 0.0: Cloth particles are unaffected. 1.0: Physically correct angular velocity.

Wind properties

The component wind properties create wind that affects only the cloth that the component references. For instructions to create wind that can affect multiple components across multiple entities, refer to Create Wind Forces.

Wind properties of the Cloth component

Wind is disabled when both the below Air drag and Air lift coefficients are 0.0.

Enable local wind velocity Enable to set a wind Local velocity for this cloth. When disabled, the velocity from Physics::WindBus will be used.

Local velocity Wind vector (direction and magnitude) in world coordinates. A greater magnitude applies a stronger wind force. The wind Local velocity property is enabled by the Enable local wind velocity property.

Air drag coefficient Specifies how much drag air applies to the cloth particles.

Air lift coefficient Specifies how much lift air applies to the cloth particles.

Air density The density of air used for drag and lift calculations.

Collision properties

Collision properties of the Cloth component

Friction Controls the amount of friction between cloth particles and colliders. 0.0: Friction disabled.

Mass scale Controls how quickly cloth particle mass is increased during collisions. 0.0: Mass scale disabled.

Continuous detection Continuous collision detection improves collision by computing the time of impact between cloth particles and colliders. The increase in quality can impact performance. We recommend that you use Continuous detection only when necessary.

Affects static cloth particles Enable to allow colliders to move static cloth particles. Static cloth particles have a 0.0 inverse mass.

Self Collision properties

Self collision properties of the Cloth component

Distance The minimum distance that the colliding cloth particles must maintain from each other in meters. 0.0: Self collision disabled.

Stiffness Stiffness for the self collision constraints. 0.0: Self collision disabled.

Fabric stiffness properties

Fabric stiffness properties of the Cloth component

Horizontal Stiffness value for horizontal stretch and compression constraints. 0.0: No horizontal stretch and compression constraints.

Horizontal multiplier Scale value for horizontal stretch and compression constraints. 0.0: No horizontal stretch and compression constraints applied. 1.0: Fully apply horizontal stretch and compression constraints.

Vertical Stiffness value for vertical stretch and compression constraints. 0.0: No vertical stretch and compression constraints.

Vertical multiplier Scale value for vertical stretch and compression constraints. 0.0: No horizontal stretch and compression constraints applied. 1.0: Fully apply horizontal stretch and compression constraints.

Bending Stiffness value for bending constraints. This value defines how easily a cloth folds on itself. 0.0: No bending constraints.

Bending multiplier Scale value for bending constraints. 0.0: No bending constraints applied. 1.0: Fully apply bending constraints.

Shearing Stiffness value for shearing constraints. This value defines how easily a cloth twists. 0.0: No shearing constraints.

Shearing multiplier Scale value for shearing constraints. 0.0: No shearing constraints applied. 1.0: Fully apply shearing constraints.

Fabric compression properties

Fabric Compression properties of the Cloth component

Horizontal limit Compression limit for horizontal constraints. This property is affected by Horizontal multiplier in the Fabric stiffness property group. 0.0: Horizontal compression disabled.

Vertical limit Compression limit for vertical constraints. This property is affected by Vertical multiplier in the Fabric stiffness property group. 0.0: Vertical compression disabled.

Bending limit Compression limit for bending constraints. This property is affected by Bending multiplier in the Fabric stiffness property group. 0.0: Bending compression disabled.

Shearing limit Compression limit for shearing constraints. This property is affected by Shearing multiplier in the Fabric stiffness property group. 0.0: Shearing compression disabled.

Fabric stretch properties

For Fabric stretch properties, reduce Stiffness of Tether constraints or increase its Scale to allow cloth to stretch.

Fabric stretch properties of the Cloth component

Horizontal limit Stretch limit for horizontal constraints. This property is affected by Horizontal multiplier in the Fabric stiffness property group. 0.0: Horizontal stretch disabled.

Vertical limit Stretch limit for vertical constraints. This property is affected by Vertical multiplier in the Fabric stiffness property group. 0.0: Vertical stretch disabled.

Bending limit Stretch limit for bending constraints. This property is affected by Bending multiplier in the Fabric stiffness property group. 0.0: Bending stretch disabled.

Shearing limit Stretch limit for shearing constraints. This property is affected by Shearing multiplier in the Fabric stiffness property group. 0.0: Shearing stretch disabled.

Tether constraints properties

Tether constraints properties of the Cloth component

Stiffness Stiffness for tether constraints. 0.0: Tether constraints disabled. 1.0: Tether constraints behave like springs.

Scale Scale factor for tether constraint Stiffness

Quality properties

Quality properties of the Cloth component

Solver frequency Target solver iterations per second. The executed number of iterations per second may vary dependent on many performance factors. However, at least one iteration per frame is solved regardless of the value set.

Acceleration filter iterations Number of iterations to average the delta time factor used for gravity and external acceleration.

Remove static triangles Enable to remove triangles composed of static cloth particles. Enabling this property improves performance, however the removed static cloth particles will not be present for collision and self collision calculations.

Update normals of static particles When enabled the normals of static particles will be updated according with the movement of the simulated mesh. When disabled the static particles will keep the same normals as the original mesh.