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PhysX Heightfield Collider Component

The PhysX Heightfield Collider component creates NVIDIA PhysX simulation collider geometry based on the shape definition supplied by an Axis-Aligned Box Shape component.

The PhysX Heightfield Collider component attached to an entity with an Axis-Aligned Box Shape component and a Terrain Physics Collider creates a static (non-moving) entity.




Axis-Aligned Box Shape

PhysX Heightfield Collider properties

\[PhysX Heightfield Collider component interface.\]

Collision LayerThe collision layer that’s assigned to this collider. For more information, see Collision Layers.Collision layerDefault
Collides WithThe collision group containing the layers that this collider collides with. For more information, see Collision Groups.Collision groupAll
TagSet a tag for this heightfield collider. Tags can be used to quickly identify components in script or code.String
Rest offsetPhysX bodies come to rest separated by the sum of their rest offset values. The Rest offset value must be less than the Contact offset value.-Infinity to 50.00.0
Contact offsetPhysX bodies generate contacts when they are within the sum of their contact offset values. The Contact offset value must be greater than the Rest offset value.0.0 to 50.00.02
Draw colliderRender this heightfield collider in the viewport. Disabled by default.BooleanDisabled
Use Baked HeightfieldSelects between a dynamically generated or a baked heightfield. A baked heightfield can’t be modified at runtime. A dynamic heightfield can be modified at runtime by changes to the heightfield provider. Disabled by default.BooleanDisabled
Baked Heightfield Relative PathRead-only field displaying the path to the generated baked heightfield asset.String
Bake HeightfieldBakes the heightfield asset.--

Colliders as triggers

Triggers allow colliders to perform efficient overlap tests. Colliders marked as triggers won’t have forces applied when they intersect with another collider. This is useful for detecting when something enters a certain area or when two objects overlap. Use Lua or Script Canvas to detect overlap.

Because triggers don’t perform contact resolution, the contact points between a trigger and another collider aren’t available.

Console variables

There are following console variables available for PhysX Heightfield Collider:

physx_heightfieldDebugDrawDistanceDistance for PhysX Heightfields debug visualizationFloat50.0
physx_heightfieldDebugDrawBoundingBoxDraw the bounding box used for heightfield debug visualizationBooleanFalse