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Vegetation Asset List Component

Use the Vegetation Asset List component to combine your vegetation assets into reusable asset lists. Configure Vegetation Asset Descriptors, asset-specific settings that are only used when the asset is spawned from this component’s vegetation layer. Create Vegetation Descriptor Lists in the Asset Editor or define them in the component interface.


Vegetation Gem

Vegetation Asset List properties

Vegetation Asset List component properties

Source TypeIf set to Embedded, vegetation asset descriptors are defined in this component’s interface. If set to External, descriptors are defined in a Vegetation Descriptor List asset.Embedded or ExternalEmbedded
Embedded AssetsAn array of vegetation asset descriptors.

Asset properties

Instance SpawnerSets the type of asset to spawn.Dynamic Slice, Empty Space, or PrefabDynamic Slice
AssetSelects the source asset to spawn.

This field is available only if Instance Spawner is set to Dynamic Slice or Prefab.
Dynamic Slice or Prefab AssetNone
WeightSets the relative density of the asset’s instances. Vegetation assets in the asset list with larger weights will be placed more frequently than assets with smaller weights.Float: -Infinity to Infinity1.0
Display Per-Item OverridesDisplays per-asset overrides of Vegetation Modifiers and Filters settings.BooleanDisabled

Vegetation Asset List component properties

Source TypeIf set to Embedded, vegetation asset descriptors are defined in this component’s interface. If set to External, descriptors are defined in a Vegetation Descriptor List asset.Embedded or ExternalEmbedded
External AssetsSelects the Vegetation Descriptor List asset that provides descriptors for this component.Vegetation Descriptor List AssetNone


Use the following request functions with the DescriptorListRequestBus EBus interface to communicate with Vegetation Asset List components in your game.

Method NameDescriptionParameterReturnScriptable
AddDescriptorAdds a descriptor to an asset list.Vegetation DescriptorNoneYes
GetDescriptorReturns a vegetation descriptor from an asset list.Descriptor Index: IntegerVegetation DescriptorYes
GetDescriptorAssetPathReturns the External Assets source path for an asset list.NonePath: StringYes
GetDescriptorListSourceReturns the Source Type of an asset list. Returns 0 for Embedded and 1 for External source types.NoneList Source Type: IntegerYes
GetNumDescriptorsReturns the number of vegetation descriptors in an asset list.NoneDescriptor Index: IntegerYes
RemoveDescriptorRemoves a vegetation descriptor from an asset list.Descriptor Index: IntegerNoneYes
SetDescriptorSets the configuration of a descriptor at a specific asset list index.Descriptor Index: Integer, Vegetation DescriptorNoneYes
SetDescriptorAssetPathSets the External Assets source path of an asset list.Path: StringNoneYes
SetDescriptorListSourceSets the Source Type of an asset list. 0 for Embedded and 1 for External source types.List Source Type: IntegerNoneYes