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AWS GameLift Gem

AWS Gems Have Moved:
O3DE no longer includes AWS gems by default. Visit for instructions on how to install AWS gems.

Feature overview

The AWS GameLift Gem provides the following features:

Amazon GameLift integration

  • A framework to extend the O3DE networking layer and to let the Multiplayer Gem work with Amazon’s dedicated server solution, Amazon GameLift . The AWS GameLift Gem provides integrations with both the GameLift Server SDK and the AWS SDK client (to call the GameLift service itself).

Build and package management

  • Instructions to package and optionally upload the dedicated server build.
  • A sample AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) application. You can deploy the AWS CDK application to set up basic GameLift resources, or modify the application to meet your needs by adding or updating the deployed resources.

Release highlights

  • Support for CreateSession (on fleet/on queue), SearchSessions, JoinSession, and LeaveSession through GameLift.
  • Support for FlexMatch including backfill through GameLift.
  • Support for Windows/Linux dedicated servers and multi-platform client launchers.
  • Support for AWS CDK applications to manage GameLift resources.

For a better understanding of the topics covered in this AWS GameLift Gem guide, we recommend reviewing the following:


AWS GameLift Gem SetupSet up the AWS GameLift Gem in O3DE.
Game Preparation with the AWS GameLift Gem
Learn how to prepare your game for session management.
Learn how to prepare your game for making matches and backfilling existing matches.
Learn some advanced ways to prepare your game with the AWS GameLift Gem.
AWS GameLift Gem Local TestingVerify AWS GameLift Gem feature integrations locally using GameLift Local, a command line tool that starts a self-contained version of the managed GameLift service.
AWS GameLift Gem Build Packaging for WindowsLearn how to package your Windows dedicated server builds so that you can install and run them on GameLift.
AWS GameLift Gem Build Packaging for LinuxLearn how to package your Linux dedicated server builds so that you can install and run them on GameLift.
AWS GameLift Gem Resource ManagementLearn about the sample AWS CDK application that you can use to model and deploy GameLift resources.
AWS GameLift Gem Multiplayer SampleComing soon!