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Session Management C++ API

Client Side

The AWS GameLift Gem implements a session interface for Amazon GameLift. The session interface (ISessionRequests and ISessionAsyncRequests) provides public APIs that allow you to create game sessions and allow players to search and join online games. The session interface abstracts the implementation details of session-related management.

The session interface performs all of the session handling. The Gem acts as a game-specific handler for the session interface. The game code makes calls by using the Gem’s C++ API to interact with the session. GameLift creates and owns the game session, which exists on the server only when running an online game.

There must be only one implementation of the session interface per dedicated server solution. To add support for another dedicated server solution, you must create another implementation of the session interface.

It is recommended to create game sessions following the best practices for GameLift game session queues instead of creating them directly on fleets.

Client initialization

To make requests against GameLift, you must configure a proper GameLift client by using AWSGameLiftClientManager::ConfigureGameLiftClient().

Note that you must specify the AWS Region in the correct format. For example, for the US East (N. Virginia) Region, specify us-east-1. For a list of supported Regions, refer to Amazon GameLift endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference.

    & AWSGameLift::AWSGameLiftRequestBus::Events::ConfigureGameLiftClient,
    "us-east-1" // AWS region

Session APIs


Creates a multiplayer session for players to find and join. This API should only be used for experimentation during development. Prefer to use queues and async game session placement, ideally from a FlexMatch or game service component in production. Refer to Get Started with Custom Servers for more details.

To create a session, call AWSGameLiftClientManager::CreateSession() or AWSGameLiftClientManager::CreateSessionAsync(). This makes a request call that configures the new session.

When session creation begins, the OnCreateSessionBegin notification is broadcast on the server side to perform setup operations, such as loading the level. When session creation completes and the session is active, the OnCreateSessionEnd notification is broadcast on the server side to perform any follow-up operations.

void CreateSessionSync() {
    // Make synchronous call to create a game session with max 2 players
    AWSGameLift::AWSGameLiftCreateSessionRequest request;
    request.m_idempotencyToken = "YourGameLiftSessionId";
    request.m_fleetId = "YourGameLiftFleetId";
    request.m_maxPlayer = 2;
    AZStd::string result = "";

void CreateSessionAsync() {    
    // Make asynchronous call to create a game session with max 2 players and get response from notification
    AWSGameLift::AWSGameLiftCreateSessionRequest request;
    request.m_idempotencyToken = "YourGameLiftSessionId";
    request.m_fleetId = "YourGameLiftFleetId";
    request.m_maxPlayer = 2;


Searches and retrieves all active sessions that match the provided search criteria.

To search for sessions, call AWSGameLiftClientManager::SearchSessions() or AWSGameLiftClientManager::SearchSessionsAsync() and pass in a reference to the search request, which contains the search criteria. When the search is completed, you can iterate through SessionConfigs from SearchSessionsResponse.

void SearchSessionsSync() {
    // Make synchronous call to search active game sessions on a specific fleet
    AWSGameLift::AWSGameLiftSearchSessionsRequest request;
    request.m_fleetId = "YourGameLiftFleetId";
    Multiplayer::SearchSessionsResponse result;

void SearchSessionsAsync() {
    // Make asynchronous call to search active game sessions on a specific fleet and get response from notification
    AWSGameLift::AWSGameLiftSearchSessionsRequest request;
    request.m_fleetId = "YourGameLiftFleetId";


Reserves an open player slot in the game session, and initializes a connection from client to server.

To begin the process that allows a player to join the game, call AWSGameLiftClientManager::JoinSession() or AWSGameLiftClientManager::JoinSessionAsync(), and pass in the game session id and the player id that will join. The process returns true if both steps, reserving player slot and initializing connection, succeed. If either step fails, the process returns false.

void JoinSessionSync() {
    // Make synchronous call to join a specific session
    AWSGameLift::AWSGameLiftJoinSessionRequest request;
    request.m_sessionId = "YourGameSessionId";
    request.m_playerId= "YourPlayerId";
    bool result = false;

void JoinSessionAsync() {
    // Make asynchronous call to join a specific session and get response from notification
    AWSGameLift::AWSGameLiftJoinSessionRequest request;
    request.m_sessionId = "YourGameSessionId";
    request.m_playerId= "YourPlayerId";


Disconnects the player from the game session.

To leave the game session, call AWSGameLiftClientManager::LeaveSession() or AWSGameLiftClientManager::LeaveSessionAsync().

void LeaveSessionSync()
    // Make synchronous call to leave the current session

void LeaveSessionAsync() 
    // Make asynchronous call to leave the current session and get notification once the leaving session is completed

Destroy session (passively)

As the default behavior, when the last player leaves the game session, the Multiplayer Gem starts terminating the game session automatically.

Server Side

Server initialization

You must notify Amazon GameLift service that your server process is ready to host game sessions, handle requests, and take connections.

To send a notification that your server process is ready, complete any relevant initialization and then use AWSGameLiftServerRequestBus::Events::NotifyGameLiftProcessReady(). We recommend placing the call after connecting to Multiplayer::SessionNotificationBus in the YourProjectServerSystemComponent activate step.


Server notification APIs

After the game session has been created, notifications are broadcast through Multiplayer::SessionNotificationBus. You can program how your session responds to these notifications.


When the session begins to create on the server, the Multiplayer::SessionNotificationBus::Events::OnCreateSessionBegin() notification is broadcast on the server side. When GameLift requests a game session it will supply the releveant runtime configuration, which includes key game session information, such as maximum players. It can also include game data and player data. Set game session-specific properties and load the appropriate level on the server side during this step.

bool OnCreateSessionBegin(const Multiplayer::SessionConfig& sessionConfig)


At the end of session creation process, the Multiplayer::SessionNotificationBus::Events::OnCreateSessionEnd() notification is broadcast on the server side to perform any follow-up operation after session is created and active.

bool OnCreateSessionEnd()


When your server process is ready and running, Multiplayer::SessionNotificationBus::Events::OnSessionHealthCheck is called regularly to report a health status of your server process.

You can customize the health check logic in OnSessionHealthCheck. For more information, refer to Report server process health in the Amazon GameLift documentation.

bool OnSessionHealthCheck()


When the session begins to terminate, the Multiplayer::SessionNotificationBus::Events::OnDestroySessionBegin notification is broadcast to perform cleanup operations. During this step, it’s recommended to clean up level data on the server side.

bool OnDestroySessionBegin()


After the session is terminated, the Multiplayer::SessionNotificationBus::Events::OnDestroySessionEnd notification is broadcast for any follow-up operations, like shutdown application process, etc.

bool OnDestroySessionEnd()