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HTTPRequestor Gem

The HTTPRequestor Gem provides functionality to make asynchronous HTTP/HTTPS requests and return data through a user-provided call back function.

While this feature is currently supported only on Windows, it could be expanded to other platforms.

Getting started

To use the HttpRequestor Gem, it must be enabled in the project. For more information refer to Adding and Removing Gems in a Project.

The HttpRequestor Gem uses the AWS C++ SDK. To pick up these dependencies, add the following to the project’s CMake file:


Create a dependency on the Gem

If you need to ensure the HttpRequestor Gem is enabled before its use in a component, add a requirement in your component’s GetRequiredServices method. For example:

void AutomatedTestingSystemComponent::GetRequiredServices(AZ::ComponentDescriptor::DependencyArrayType& required)

Turn off Amazon EC2 Instance Metadata Service calls

The HttpRequestor Gem uses the AWS C++ SDK to provide the Http(s) client. You don’t need to provide AWS credentials or account information to use this Gem.

Unless your project is running on Amazon EC2 compute, it’s recommended that you turn off Amazon EC2 Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) queries by setting the AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED environment variable to true. Setting this environment variable will prevent SDK resources from needlessly attempting to contact the Amazon EC2 IMDS for configuration, region, and credential information, which can result in delays and wasted network resources.



This content is in the process of being moved to the API Reference .

The HttpRequestor Gem has two sets of APIs: one set for making requests that return JSON responses and one set for return string (text) responses.

AddRequest, AddRequestWithHeaders, AddRequestWithHeadersAndBody

Use the AddRequest, AddRequestWithHeaders, and AddRequestWithHeadersAndBody APIs to send generic HTTP requests to any website and receive the returned data in JSON format. The methods return the data received in the callback parameter.


HttpRequestor::HttpRequestorRequestBus::Broadcast(&HttpRequestor::HttpRequestorRequests::AddRequest, URI, method, callback)
HttpRequestor::HttpRequestorRequestBus::Broadcast(&HttpRequestor::HttpRequestorRequests::AddRequestWithHeaders, URI, method, headers, callback)
HttpRequestor::HttpRequestorRequestBus::Broadcast(&HttpRequestor::HttpRequestorRequests::AddRequestWithHeadersAndBody, URI, method, headers, body, callback)

Each add request method requires the URI, a method and a callback.


URIAZStd::StringThe fully qualified web address, in the following format: scheme:[//[user:password@]host[:port]][/]path[?query][#fragment].
methodAws::Http::HttpMethodThe method type. The following values are supported: HTTP_GET, HTTP_POST, HTTP_DELETE, HTTP_PUT, HTTP_HEAD, and HTTP_PATCH.
callbacksee belowThis function is called when the HTTP request is completed. The response body and code are present in the callback.
headersHttpRequestor::HeadersThe list of header fields for the HTTP request.
bodyAZStd::StringOptional body to send with the request.

Return: No return value.

JSON Request Callback

This callback is returned for the AddRequest, AddRequestWithHeaders, and AddRequestWithHeadersAndBody methods.

void Callback(const Aws::Utils::Json::JsonValue& json, Aws::Http::HttpResponseCode responseCode);


jsonAws::Utils::Json::JsonValueThe JSON object. The life span of this object is valid only during the scope of the callback.
responseCodeAws::Http::HttpResponseCodeThe HTTP response code.



AddTextRequest, AddTextRequestWithHeaders, AddTextRequestWithHeadersAndBody

Use the AddTextRequest, AddTextRequestWithHeaders, and AddTextRequestWithHeadersAndBody APIs to send a generic HTTP request to any website and receive the returned data in a text string. The methods return the data received in the callback parameter.


HttpRequestor::HttpRequestorRequestBus::Broadcast(&HttpRequestor::HttpRequestorRequests::AddTextRequest, URI, method, callback)
HttpRequestor::HttpRequestorRequestBus::Broadcast(&HttpRequestor::HttpRequestorRequests::AddTextRequestWithHeaders, URI, method, headers, callback)
HttpRequestor::HttpRequestorRequestBus::Broadcast(&HttpRequestor::HttpRequestorRequests::AddTextRequestWithHeadersAndBody, URI, method, headers, body, callback)

Each add text request method requires the URI, a method and a callback.


URIAZStd::StringThe fully qualified web address, in the following format: scheme:[//[user:password@]host[:port]][/]path[?query][#fragment]
methodAws::Http::HttpMethodThe method type. The following values are supported: HTTP_GET, HTTP_POST, HTTP_DELETE, HTTP_PUT, HTTP_HEAD, and HTTP_PATCH.
callbacksee belowThis function is called when the HTTP request is completed. The response body and code are present in the callback.
headersHttpRequestor::HeadersThe list of header fields for the HTTP request.
bodyAZStd::StringOptional body to send with the request.



Text Request Callback

This callback is returned for the AddTextRequest, AddTextRequestWithHeaders and AddTextRequestWithHeadersAndBody methods.

void Callback(const AZStd::string& response, Aws::Http::HttpResponseCode responseCode);


responseAZStd::string&The text returned from the server. The life span of this object is valid only during the scope of the callback.
responseCodeAws::Http::HttpResponseCodeThe HTTP response code.




The following example shows calling a HttpBin to get the origin IP address:

#include <aws/core/http/HttpResponse.h>
#include <HttpRequestor/HttpRequestorBus.h>
#include <HttpRequestor/HttpTypes.h>


    &HttpRequestor::HttpRequestorRequests::AddRequest, "", Aws::Http::HttpMethod::HTTP_GET,
    [](const Aws::Utils::Json::JsonView& data, Aws::Http::HttpResponseCode responseCode)
        if (responseCode == Aws::Http::HttpResponseCode::OK)
            AZ_Printf("HttpRequestExample",  "Call succeed with %s %d", data.WriteCompact().c_str(), responseCode);
            AZ_Printf("HttpRequestExample", "Request Failed!");