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Save Data Gem

The Save Data Gem encapsulates all the functionality in Open 3D Engine (O3DE) for saving game and individual user data under a single platform-agnostic set of API operations.

The Save Data Gem uses the Event Bus (EBus), O3DE’s general-purpose communication system for dispatching notifications and receiving requests. To make requests related to saving or loading persistent user data, use the Save Data Gem’s SaveDataRequests bus. To listen for notifications related to saving persistent user data, use the SaveDataNotifications bus.

Making requests to Save Data

When making requests to save or load data using the SaveDataRequestBus, keep the following points in mind:

  • The Save Data Gem is responsible only for saving and loading generic data buffers. Your game must serialize or deserialize data using a data format, such as JSON or XML. However, the Gem provides convenience functions that save or load an object that has been reflected using a serialization context.

  • Each save data buffer must be uniquely identified by a string. On most operating systems and devices, this string is the name of the file to which the data buffer is written.

Saving data for local user IDs

Save Data communications that deal with local user profiles depend on the local user ID that uniquely identifies a user on the local device. When using local user IDs, keep in mind the following points:

  • A save data buffer can optionally be associated with a local user ID.

  • Data buffers that have the same name can be stored separately for each local user ID.

  • When you call the save data functions, you must either specify a local user ID or pass in the value AzFramework::LocalUserIdNone. This requirement helps you to consider whether the data that you are saving should be associated with a user.

  • Data associated with a local user ID is saved into a container or directory that is unique to the local user ID and the application.

  • Data not associated with a local user ID is saved into a global container or directory unique to the application.

For more information about the SaveDataRequests bus, refer to the commented source code in \Gems\SaveData\Code\Include\SaveData\SaveDataRequestBus.h.

Getting Save Data notifications

All save and load operations that Save Data performs are asynchronous. Therefore, you must either subscribe to receive Save Data notifications or supply a callback function that notifies you when a save or load operation completes. This action is always performed in the main thread.

For more information about the SaveDataNotifications bus, refer to the commented source code in \Gems\SaveData\Code\Include\SaveData\SaveDataNotificationBus.h.

Save Data code example

The following example code uses the Save Data Gem to save and load buffers and objects to and from persistent storage.

const AZ::u64 testSaveDataSize = 9;
const char* testSaveDataName = "TestSaveData";
char testSaveData[testSaveDataSize] = {'a', 'b', 'c', '1', '2', '3', 'x', 'y', 'z'};

void SaveBufferToPersistentStorage()
    SaveData::SaveDataRequests::SaveDataBufferParams params;
    params.dataBufferSize = testSaveDataSize;
    params.dataBufferName = testSaveDataName;
    params.callback = [](const SaveData::SaveDataNotifications::DataBufferSavedParams& onSavedParams)
        if (onSavedParams.result != SaveData::SaveDataNotifications::Result::Success)
            // Error handling
    SaveData::SaveDataRequestBus::Broadcast(&SaveData::SaveDataRequests::SaveDataBuffer, params);

void LoadBufferFromPersistentStorage()
    SaveData::SaveDataRequests::LoadDataBufferParams params;
    params.dataBufferName = testSaveDataName;
    params.callback = [](const SaveData::SaveDataNotifications::DataBufferLoadedParams& onLoadedParams)
        if (onLoadedParams.result == SaveData::SaveDataNotifications::Result::Success)
            // SaveDataNotifications::DataBuffer is a shared_ptr, so you can choose to either preserve the
            // buffer (by keeping a reference to it), or just let it go out of scope so it will be deleted.
                        SaveDataNotifications::DataBuffer loadedDataBuffer = onLoadedParams.dataBuffer;
            // Use the loaded data buffer...
            // Error handling
    SaveData::SaveDataRequestBus::Broadcast(&SaveData::SaveDataRequests::LoadDataBuffer, params);

class TestObject
    AZ_RTTI(TestObject, "{9CE29971-8FE2-41FF-AD5B-CB15F1B92834}");
    static void Reflect(AZ::SerializeContext& sc)
            ->Field("testString", &TestObject::testString)
            ->Field("testFloat", &TestObject::testFloat)
            ->Field("testInt", &TestObject::testInt)
            ->Field("testBool", &TestObject::testBool)
    AZStd::string testString;
    float testFloat = 0.0f;
    int testInt = 0;
    bool testBool = false;

void SaveObjectToPersistentStorage()
    // Reflect the test object class (if not already done).
    AZ::SerializeContext serializeContext;

    // Create a test object instance to save.
    AZStd::shared_ptr<TestObject> testObject = AZStd::make_shared<TestObject>();

    // Setup the save data params
    SaveData::SaveDataRequests::SaveOrLoadObjectParams<TestObject> params;
    params.serializableObject = testObject;
    params.serializeContext = &serializeContext; // Omit to use the global AZ::SerializeContext instance
    params.dataBufferName = "TestSaveObject";
    params.callback = [](const SaveData::SaveDataRequests::SaveOrLoadObjectParams<TestObject>& callbackParams,
                         SaveData::SaveDataNotifications::Result callbackResult)
        if (callbackResult != SaveData::SaveDataNotifications::Result::Success)
            // Error handling

void LoadObjectFromPersistentStorage(const AzFramework::LocalUserId& localUserId = AzFramework::LocalUserIdNone)
    // Reflect the test object class (if not already done).
    AZ::SerializeContext serializeContext;

    // Create a test object to load.
    AZStd::shared_ptr<TestObject> testObject = AZStd::make_shared<TestObject>();

    // Setup the load data params
    SaveData::SaveDataRequests::SaveOrLoadObjectParams<TestObject> params;
    params.serializableObject = testObject;
    params.serializeContext = &serializeContext; // Omit to use the global AZ::SerializeContext instance
    params.dataBufferName = "TestSaveObject";
    params.callback = [](const SaveData::SaveDataRequests::SaveOrLoadObjectParams<TestObject>& callbackParams,
                         SaveData::SaveDataNotifications::Result callbackResult)
        if (onLoadedParams.result == SaveData::SaveDataNotifications::Result::Success)
            // Use the loaded data buffer...
            // Error handling