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NVIDIA Cloth Debugging

Debug visualization of the NVIDIA Cloth displaying wireframe, normals, tangents, and bitangents.

You can use the following console variables (CVARs) in the editor console to visualize and debug NVIDIA Cloth:

cloth_DebugDraw <value>Draw the cloth mesh wireframe.0 - Disable wireframe display.
1 - Enable wireframe display.
cloth_DebugDrawNormals <value>Draw the cloth mesh normals.0 - Disable normals display.
1 - Enable normals display.
2 - Enable normals, tangents and bitangents display.
cloth_DebugDrawColliders <value>Draw the cloth colliders.0 - Disable collider display.
1 - Enable collider display.
cloth_DebugDrawMotionConstraints <value>Draw the cloth motion constraints.0 - Disable motion constraint display.
1 - Enable motion constraint display.
cloth_DebugDrawBackstop <value>Draw the cloth backstop.0 - Disable backstop display.
1 - Enable backstop display.
cloth_DistanceToTeleport <meters>The amount of meters the entity has to move in a frame to consider it a teleport for cloth.Floating point value that represents a distance in meters (world units).
cloth_SecondsToDelaySimulationOnActorSpawned <seconds>The amount of time in seconds the cloth simulation will be delayed to avoid sudden impulses when actors are spawned.Floating point value that represents a delay in seconds.