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Tweeners in Lua

You must have a minimum set of code to play an animation in the Scripted Entity Tweener system. You use this script as part of a Lua script component. For more information about Lua script components, see Adding Lua Scripts to Component Entities.

In the following example, the entity’s opacity is linearly tweened to 0.5 over 5 seconds.

local AnimateUiEntity =
	Properties =
		ToAnimate = {default = EntityId()},
function AnimateUiEntity:OnActivate()
	self.tickBusHandler = TickBus.Connect(self)
	self.ScriptedEntityTweener = require("Scripts.ScriptedEntityTweener.ScriptedEntityTweener")

function AnimateUiEntity:OnTick(deltaTime, timePoint)
		id = self.Properties.ToAnimate,
		duration = 5.0,
		["opacity"] = 0.5,
function AnimateUiEntity:OnDeactivate()
return AnimateUiEntity

The following example shows a full call with all the default parameters. In this example, the entity moves to the ["x"] and ["y"] positions indicated in the code over the duration of 5 seconds.

		id = self.Properties.ToAnimate,
		duration = 5.0,
		["x"] = 150, ["y"] = 200,
		timeIntoTween = 0, -- Start tween some seconds in
		easeMethod = ScriptedEntityTweenerEasingMethod_Linear,
		easeType = ScriptedEntityTweenerEasingType_In,
		delay = 0,
		timesToPlay = 1,
		isFrom = false,
		isPlayingBackward = false,
		uuid = Uuid.Create(),
		--onComplete = function() Debug.Log("Called when this animation is done") end
		--onUpdate = function(currentValue, currentProgressPercent) Debug.Log("Called when this animation updates") end
		--onLoop = function() Debug.Log("Looped animation") end

For the parameter descriptions, see Tweener Supported Components.