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UI Spawner Component

Use the UISpawner component to spawn a runtime dynamic slice (*.dynamicslice) at an entity’s location with an optional offset. In combination with scripting, you can use the UISpawner component to spawn any dynamic slice at any time and to spawn multiple instances of the same dynamic slice.

UISpawner component with an example slice file.

UISpawner Component Properties

The UISpawner component has the following properties:

Dynamic Slice Select the slice asset to spawn.

Spawn on Activate If selected, spawns the selected slice upon activation.

EBus Request Bus Interface

Use the following request functions with the UiSpawnerBus EBus interface to communicate with other components of your game.

For more information about using the event bus (EBus) interface, see Working with the Event Bus (EBus) system.


Spawns the UI slice specified in the component at the entity’s location.

Parameters None

Return The slice instantiation ticket for this spawn.

Scriptable Yes


Spawns the UI slice specified in the component at the entity’s location with the specified relative offset.

Parameters Relative - The offset position from the entity with the spawner component.

Return The slice instantiation ticket for this spawn.

Scriptable Yes


Spawns the slice specified in the component at the specified viewport position.

Parameters Pos - The viewport position at which to spawn the slice.

Return The slice instantiation ticket for this spawn.

Scriptable Yes


Spawns the specified slice at the entity’s location.

Parameters slice - Specifies the slice asset to be spawned.

Return The slice instantiation ticket for this spawn.

Scriptable No


Spawns the given slice at the entity’s location with the relative offset.

Parameters slice - Specifies the slice asset to be spawned. relative - The offset position from the entity with the spawner component.

Return The slice instantiation ticket for this spawn.

Scriptable No


Spawns the specified slice at the specified viewport position.

Parameters slice - Specifies the slice asset to be spawned. pos - The viewport position at which to spawn the slice.

Return The slice instantiation ticket for this spawn.

Scriptable Yes

EBus Notification Bus Interface

Use the following notification functions with the UiSpawnerNotificationBus EBus interface to communicate with other components of your game.

For more information about using the event bus (EBus) interface, see Working with the Event Bus (EBus) system.


Announces that the slice has been spawned, but entities have not yet been activated. OnEntitySpawned events are about to be dispatched.

Parameters ticket - The slice instantiation ticket that is returned by the spawn function. These can be compared in order to know which spawn request it relates to.

Scriptable Yes


Announces that a slice has been spawned. This function is called once for each spawn request. All OnEntitySpawned events have been dispatched.

Parameters ticket - The slice instantiation ticket that is returned by the spawn function. These can be compared in order to know which spawn request it relates to.

Scriptable Yes


Announces that an entity has been created during a spawn. This function is called once for each entity created while spawning a slice.

Parameters ticket - The slice instantiation ticket that is returned by the spawn function. These can be compared in order to know which spawn request it relates to. spawnedEntity - Specifies the ID of the spawned entity.

Scriptable Yes


Provides the list of all entities that were created during a spawn. This function is called only once for each spawn request. The function is called after the OnEntitySpawned calls and before the OnSpawnEnd call.

Parameters ticket - The slice instantiation ticket that is returned by the spawn function. These can be compared in order to know which spawn request it relates to. spawnedEntities - Specifies the IDs of the spawned entities.

Scriptable Yes


Provides the list of all top-level entities that were created during a spawn. This function is called only once for each spawn request. The function is called after the OnEntitySpawned calls and before the OnSpawnEnd call.

Top-level entities are entities that do not have any parent within the slice. Typically, there is only one top-level entity for each slice.

Parameters ticket - The slice instantiation ticket returned by the spawn function. These can be compared in order to know which spawn request it relates to. spawnedEntities - Specifies the IDs of the spawned top-level entities.

Scriptable Yes


Announces that a spawn request has failed.

Parameters ticket - The slice instantiation ticket that is returned by the spawn function. These can be compared in order to know which spawn request it relates to.

Scriptable Yes