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Quality System

The Quality system gives you the ability to define quality levels and console variable settings for each quality level. Applications typically run on different hardware and need different settings to achieve the best performance on each device and accomodate user preferences.

Quality groups

Quality groups (e.g. q_general, q_graphics, q_physics etc.) can be defined in Settings Registry .setreg files to make it easier to group similar settings in your application. Quality levels (e.g. Low, Medium, High, VeryHigh) can be defined within each group to accomodate the needs of your application.

The Quality system creates console variables on demand for each quality group so you can change the active quality level for that group at runtime using the console, for this reason we recommend that you use a lowercase group name with a q_ prefix, which is short for quality. For example, you may define a quality group for your game named q_game and set the quality level at runtime using the console command like the one below where <quality level> is the number index or text name of the quality level.

q_game <quality level>

Quality group objects should be defined at the path O3DE/Quality/Groups and have the following format.

    "O3DE": {
        "Quality": {
            "Groups": {
                "q_general": {
                    "Description" : "Description with values e.g.. 0 : Low, 1 : Medium, 2 : High",
                    "Levels": [ // quality level names
                    "Default": 2, // default quality level index in the Levels array
                    "Settings": { // console variable settings for each quality level
                        // an array can be provided with the setting value for each level
                        "r_example":[32, 64, 128],
                        // a single value can be provided to be used by every quality level
                        "r_example2": 2,
                        // if a setting doesn't have values defined for all quality levels,
                        // the last value in the array will be used for higher quality levels  
                        "r_example3": [1, 2] ,

The default quality group to use on application start up is defined at the path O3DE/Quality/DefaultGroup.

    "O3DE": {
        "Quality": {
            "DefaultGroup": "q_general"

O3DE includes a single quality group q_general in Registry/quality.setreg that defines 4 quality levels Low, Medium, High, and VeryHigh and defines the default level as High.


    "O3DE": {
        "Quality": {
            "DefaultGroup": "q_general",
            "Groups": {
                "q_general": {
                    "Description" : "Default quality group. 0 : Low, 1 : Medium, 2 : High, 3 : VeryHigh",
                    "Levels": [
                    "Default": 3,
                    "Settings": {
                        // console variable settings

The Atom Feature Common Gem also includes a Registry/quality.setreg file that defines the quality groups q_graphics and q_shadows for graphics and demonstrates how to create settings that change the quality level for other groups.


    "O3DE": {
        "Quality": {
            "Groups": {
                "q_general": {
                    "Settings": {
                        "q_graphics": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] // map q_general levels 1 to 1 with graphics levels
                "q_graphics": {
                    "Description": "Graphics quality settings.  0 : Low, 1 : Medium, 2 : High, 3 : VeryHigh",
                    "Levels": [
                    "Default": 3,
                    "Settings": {
                        "q_shadows": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
                "q_shadows": {
                    "Description": "Shadow quality settings.  0 : Low, 1 : Medium, 2 : High, 3 : VeryHigh",
                    "Levels": [
                    "Settings": {
                        // shadows console variable settings

In the example above, when the user sets the quality level for the q_general quality group to Low or 0 the quality level for q_graphics and q_shadows will also be set to that level.

Quality levels

Quality levels can be defined in Settings Registry JSON files within each quality group JSON object.

Quality levels within each group JSON object should be defined in the following format.

    "O3DE": {
        "Quality": {
            "Groups": {
                "q_general": {
                    "Levels": [ // quality level names should be a single word

Each group can have it’s own quality levels defined with custom names and number. Providing quality level names other than Low, High, etc. can be useful when defining levels for settings that aren’t necessarily better or worse, for example you may have settings for power consumption levels like HighPerformance, Balanced, EnergyEfficient.

Customizing quality levels for your project

To override and customize the quality settings in the engine and the gems your project uses, define your own .setreg file in your projects Registry folder that contains the appropriate JSON content. For example, if you wanted to override the default quality level in your game to be VeryHigh and provide a specific shadow console variable for a specific quality level you could add the following .setreg file to your project.


    "O3DE": {
        "Quality": {
            "Groups": {
                "q_general": {
                    "Default": 3 // change the default level to VeryHigh instead of High
                "q_shadows": {
                    "Settings": {
                        // example console variable setting for each of the 4 quality
                        // levels in q_shadows (Low, Medium, High, VeryHigh)
                        "r_shadowResolution": [128, 512, 1024, 4096]

Platform specific quality settings

Quality settings can easily be customized for specific platforms because of the existing platform abstraction built into the Settings Registry. By placing quality .setreg files in the appropriate Registry/Platform/<platform name> folder they will be used for that specific platform and override any settings in the Registry/ folder.

For example, to change the default quality level on the Android platform you could add the following .setreg file to your project.


    "O3DE": {
        "Quality": {
            "Groups": {
                "q_general": {
                    "Default": 0 // change the default level to Low 

Customizing the quality settings for other platforms is as simple as placing Settings Registry files in the appropriate platform folder.

<project path>/Registry/Platform/Android|iOS|Linux|Mac|Windows