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Using Script Events in Lua

Lua scripts can use script events to communicate with each other. There are two example scripts that show this communication, both available in the Gems\ScriptEvents\Assets\Scripts\Example directory. They are called ScriptEvents_Addressable.lua and ScriptEvents_Broadcast.lua. If an EBus is addressed, events are sent to a specific address ID. Events that are broadcast globally are received at all addresses. For more information, see The Open 3D Engine Event Bus (EBus) System.

The following table shows only some of the available return and input values. It is not complete.

entity idtypeid(EntityId())yesyes

TIP: If you are struggling with the input and return limitations, consider using a JSON/string serializer/deserializer.


The ScriptEvents_Addressable.lua example script implements a handler for a Script Event that requires an address for a handler to be invoked. It broadcasts a method, but only handlers connected to the address that matches the one specified in the event can invoke it.

Example 1: one single Lua file with verifications of the results

-- ScriptEvents_Addressable.lua
function ScriptTrace(txt)

function ScriptExpectTrue(condition, msg)

    if (not condition) then


-- This example shows how to implement a handler for a Script Event that requires an address
-- in order for a handler to be invoked.
luaScriptEventWithId = {

    -- This method will be broadcast, but only handlers connected to the matching address
    -- as the one specified in the event will invoke it.
    MethodWithId0 = function(self, param1, param2)
        ScriptTrace("Handler: " ..  tostring(param1) .. " " .. tostring(param2))

        ScriptExpectTrue(typeid(param1) == typeid(0), "Type of param1 must be "..tostring(typeid(0)))
        ScriptExpectTrue(typeid(param2) == typeid(EntityId()), "Type of param2 must be "..tostring(typeid(EntityId())))
        ScriptExpectTrue(param1 == 1, "The first parameter must be 1")
        ScriptExpectTrue(param2 == EntityId(12345), "The received entity Id must match the one sent")

        ScriptTrace("MethodWithId0 handled")

        return true

    MethodWithId1 = function(self)
        ScriptTrace("MethodWithId1 handled")

-- "Script_Event" will be the name of the callable Script Event. It requires the address type to be a string.
local scriptEventDefinition = ScriptEvent("Script_Event", typeid("")) -- Event address is of string type

-- Define some methods for handlers to implement.
local method0 = scriptEventDefinition:AddMethod("MethodWithId0", typeid(false)) -- Return value is Boolean
method0:AddParameter("Param0", typeid(0))
method0:AddParameter("Param1", typeid(EntityId()))

-- NOTE: Types are specified using the typeid keyword with a VALUE of the type you want. For example, typeid("EntityId")
-- produces the type id for a string, not the EntityId type.

scriptEventDefinition:AddMethod("MethodWithId1") -- No return, no parameters.

-- After the Script Event is defined, call Register to enable it. Typically this should be done within the OnActivate method.

-- At this point, the script event is usable. Use the Script_Event.Connect method to connect a handler to it. The following example
-- uses luaScriptEventWithId as the handler that implements the methods defined earlier. Notice that the call connects using
-- the string "ScriptEventAddress" as the address for this event. Methods sent to a different address will not be handled by
-- this handler.
scriptEventHandler = Script_Event.Connect(luaScriptEventWithId, "ScriptEventAddress")

-- Now invoke the event and specify "ScriptEventAddress" as the address. The handler previously
-- connected will be able to handle this event.
local returnValue = Script_Event.Event.MethodWithId0("ScriptEventAddress", 1, EntityId(12345))

-- "Method0" should return true. Verify the result.
ScriptExpectTrue(returnValue, "Method0's return value must be true")

-- Finally, send MethodWithdId1. This method does not require any parameters, but does require the address.

The next example highlights the separation of logic between the definition of the Script Event method/function in one Lua Script; and how to call it in another Lua Script. The Addressable Script Events are a good choice when you need to communicate between two, and only two different Lua Scripts. In other words, one-to-one (1:1) relationship.

Example 2: Define script event in one Lua script; call it in another Lua script(1:1)

-- -- This is the first Lua file. This is where you define the Addressable Script Event and respective method(s)

-- -- just a function/method
function ScriptTrace(txt)

-- -- table with the method/function
luaScriptEventWithId =
    MethodWithId0 = function(self, param1, param2)
        ScriptTrace("MethodWithId0 handled");
        return true;

-- -- When this Lua script is first activated, it will define the Script Event
function OnActivate()

    -- -- Script Event name = "Script_Event"! Address type = string, typeid("")
    local scriptEventDefinition = ScriptEvent("Script_Event", typeid(""));
    -- -- Custom method name = "MethodWithId0"! Return value = Boolean, typeid(false)
    local method0 = scriptEventDefinition:AddMethod("MethodWithId0", typeid(false));
    -- -- Input pameter name "Param0" of type number, typeid(0)
    method0:AddParameter("Param0", typeid(0));
    -- -- Input pameter name "Param1" of type Id, typeid(EntityId())
    method0:AddParameter("Param1", typeid(EntityId()));
    -- -- Register to enable the Script Event
    -- -- Connect using a string address: "ScriptEventAddress"
    scriptEventHandler = Script_Event.Connect(luaScriptEventWithId, "ScriptEventAddress");

-- -- Optional. Disconnect when this Lua Script Deactivates
function OnDeactivate()
    -- scriptEventHandler:Disconnect();
-- -- This is the second Lua file. This is where you invoke/call/consume/get-return-value
-- -- NOTE: In some UI cases (uicanvas), you should avoid calling the Script Event inside the OnActivate function.

-- -- "ScriptEventAddress" is the address you defined earlier
function FunctionInAnotherLuaFile()
    local returnValue = Script_Event.Event.MethodWithId0("ScriptEventAddress", 1, EntityId(12345));


The ScriptEvents_Broadcast.lua example script implements a handler for a broadcast script event. Because broadcast script events do not specify an address type, any handler can connect to them.

Example 3: one single file with verifications of the results

-- ScriptEvents_Broadcast.lua
function ScriptTrace(txt)

function ScriptExpectTrue(condition, msg)

    if (not condition) then


-- This example shows how to implement a handler for a broadcast script event.
-- Because broadcast script events do not specify an address type, they can be handled
-- by simply connecting to them.
luaScriptEventBroadcast = {

    -- The following method is called as a result of a broadcast call on the script event.
    BroadcastMethod0 = function(self, param1, param2)
        ScriptTrace("Handler: " ..  tostring(param1) .. " " .. tostring(param2))

        ScriptExpectTrue(typeid(param1) == typeid(0), "Type of param1 must be "..tostring(typeid(0)))
        ScriptExpectTrue(typeid(param2) == typeid(EntityId()), "Type of param2 must be "..tostring(typeid(EntityId())))
        ScriptExpectTrue(param1 == 2, "The first parameter must be 2")
        ScriptExpectTrue(param2 == EntityId(23456), "The received entity Id must match the one sent")

        ScriptTrace("BroadcastMethod0 Called")

        return true

    BroadcastMethod1 = function(self)
        ScriptTrace("BroadcastMethod1 Called")

local scriptEventDefinition = ScriptEvent("Script_Broadcast") -- Script_Broadcast is the name of the callable script event.

-- Define methods for Script_Broadcast
local method0 = scriptEventDefinition:AddMethod("BroadcastMethod0", typeid(false)) -- To add a method, provide a method name and an optional return type.
method0:AddParameter("Param0", typeid(0))
method0:AddParameter("Param1", typeid(EntityId()))

-- NOTE: Types are specified using the typeid keyword with a VALUE of the type you want. For example, typeid("EntityId")
-- produces the type id for a string, not the EntityId type.


-- After the Script Event is defined, call Register to enable it. Typically this should be done within the OnActivate method.

-- At this point, the script event is usable. Use the Script_Broadcast.Connect method to connect a handler to it. The following example
-- uses luaScriptEventWithId as the handler that implements the methods defined earlier.
scriptEventHandler = Script_Broadcast.Connect(luaScriptEventBroadcast)

-- To test the event, broadcast BroadcastMethod0. As defined, the method expects two parameters and returns a Boolean value.
local returnValue = Script_Broadcast.Broadcast.BroadcastMethod0(2, EntityId(23456))

-- BroadcastMethod0 should return true. Verify the result.
ScriptExpectTrue(returnValue, "BroadcastMethod0's return value must be true")

-- To broadcast an event without a return or parameters, invoke BroadcastMethod1.

The next example highlights the separation of logic between the definition of the Script Event method/function in one Lua Script; and how to call it in multiple/different Lua Scripts. The Broadcast Script Events are a good choice when you need to communicate between more than two Lua Scripts. In other words, one-to-many (1:M) relationship.

Example 4: Define script event in one Lua script; call it in other Lua scripts (1:M)

-- -- This is the first Lua file. This is where you define the Broadcast Script Event and respective method(s)

-- -- just a function/method
function ScriptTrace(txt)

-- -- table with the method/function
luaScriptEventBroadcast =
    BroadcastMethod0 = function(self, param1, param2)
        ScriptTrace("BroadcastMethod0 Called"):
        return true;

-- -- When this Lua script is first activated, it will define the Script Event
function OnActivate()

    -- -- Script Event name = "Script_Broadcast"! Note that there is NO ADDRESS
    local scriptEventDefinition = ScriptEvent("Script_Broadcast");
    -- -- Custom method name = "BroadcastMethod0"! return value = Boolean, typeid(false)
    local method0 = scriptEventDefinition:AddMethod("BroadcastMethod0", typeid(false));
    -- -- Input parameter name "Param0" of type number, typeid(0)
    method0:AddParameter("Param0", typeid(0));
    -- -- Input parameter name "Param1" of type id, typeid(EntityId())
    method0:AddParameter("Param1", typeid(EntityId()));
    -- -- Register to enable the Script Event
    -- -- Connect
    scriptEventHandler = Script_Broadcast.Connect(luaScriptEventBroadcast, self.entityId);
    -- scriptEventHandler = Script_Broadcast.Connect(luaScriptEventBroadcast);

-- -- Optional. Disconnect when this Lua Script Deactivates
function OnDeactivate()
	  -- scriptEventHandler:Disconnect();
-- -- This is a second Lua file. This is one of the files that can invoke/call/consume/get-return-value
-- -- NOTE: In some UI cases (uicanvas), you should avoid calling the Script Event inside the OnActivate function.

-- -- NO ADDRESS needed
function FunctionInAnotherLuaFile2()
    local returnValue = Script_Broadcast.Broadcast.BroadcastMethod0(2, EntityId(23456))
-- -- This is the third Lua file. This is another one of the files that can invoke/call/consume/get-return-value
-- -- NOTE: In some UI cases (uicanvas), you should avoid calling the Script Event inside the OnActivate function.

-- -- NO ADDRESS needed
function FunctionInAnotherLuaFile3()
    local returnValue = Script_Broadcast.Broadcast.BroadcastMethod0(3, EntityId(234567))