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Command Line Arguments and the Settings Registry

You can edit the Settings Registry in Open 3D Engine (O3DE) with command line arguments. Command line arguments are stored in the Settings Registry. Functions to store and retrieve command line arguments are in the SettingsRegistryMergeUtilities API.

Override settings with --regset

Most commonly, command line arguments are used to set values in the Settings Registry. Any Settings Registry value can be overridden by specifying the JSON pointer path and the new value to set with the --regset option. In the following example, when O3DE Editor is launched, the project path is overridden and set to AutomatedTesting:

${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/profile/Editor.exe --regset="/Amazon/AzCore/Bootstrap/project_path=AutomatedTesting"

Command line support

The are several command line options you can use to query and modify the Settings Registry through a JSON pointer path. This functionality is available in any application that creates a global Settings Registry through AZ::ComponentApplication.

The following applications support Settings Registry command line options:

  • MaterialEditor
  • AssetProcessor
  • AssetProcessorBatch
  • AssetBuilder
  • AssetBundler
  • Editor
  • ${project}.GameLauncher
  • ${project}.ServerLauncher
  • SerializeContextTools
  • ShaderManagementConsole
  • PythonBindingsExample

Settings Registry supports the following command line options.

Command Line OptionDescription
--regset="<JSON pointer path>=<value>"Sets a value within the Settings Registry at the specified JSON pointer path. --regset is evaluated in left-to-right order inline with other --regset and --regremove options.
--regremove="<JSON pointer path>"Removes a value from the Settings Registry at the specified JSON pointer path. --regremove is evaluated in left-to-right order inline with other --regremove and --regset options.
--regdump="<JSON pointer path>"Recursively dumps a value from the Settings Registry from the specified JSON pointer path to stdout.
--regdumpallDumps the entire JSON document from the Settings Registry to stdout. This is equivalent to passing in the command line of --regdump="".
--regset-file="<file-path>::<JSON anchor path>"Merges a JSON formatted file into the Settings Registry. Files can be merged under the root empty string("") key by omitting the JSON anchor path (for example, --regset-file="Registry/bootstrap.setreg"). Optionally a JSON pointer path can be supplied after the filepath, separated by two colons (::). The anchor path represents the JSON object where the settings are anchored.

Example: Merge a JSON file under the “/O3DE/Bootstrap” key
If the file path ends with .setregpatch, the file is merged using JSON Patch, otherwise, the JSON Merge Patch algorithm is used.

This command supports merging any JSON formatted file. The file extension is only important in determining if the JSON Patch algorithm will be used in the .setregpatch case.
Using a file path of - will allow reading JSON formatted content from stdin.

Example: C:\path\to\o3de>echo '{"Test": {} }' | Editor.exe --regset-file=-::/O3DE/Settings
Will merge to the Settings Registry the JSON contents of { "O3DE": {"Settings": {"Tests": {}}} }.

Command line evaluation

The --regset, --regset-file and --regremove options are evaluated in left-to-right order. This is relevant when the same options have been supplied on the command line multiple times or when a setting is both removed and set.

Command line optionsEvaluation Result
Editor.exe --regset="/My/Setting/value=false" --regset="/My/Setting/value=true"The “/My/Setting/value” field will be set to true as the last option wins.
Editor.exe --regset="/My/Setting/value=false" --regremove="/My/Setting/value"The Settings Registry will not have a “/My/Setting/value” field due to --regremove as the last option.
Editor.exe --regremove="/My/Setting/value" --regset="/My/Setting/value=true"The Settings Registry will have a “/My/Setting/value” field that is set to true due to --regset as the last option.
Editor.exe --regdump="/My/Setting" --regdump="/Your/Setting"The values of the “/My/Setting” field and the “/Your/Setting” field will both be output.

Command line storage

The command line that launched the application is parsed into optional and positional arguments. Then they are stored in the Settings Registry as part of ComponentApplication initialization.

Optional arguments have an option name associated with them. In the optional argument, --project-path /path/to/project/root, the option is project-path and the value is /path/to/project/root. If multiple values are associated with a single option, the values are stored in an array. Optional arguments are stored in the “/O3DE/Runtime/CommandLine/Switches” JSON pointer path.

Positional arguments don’t include an option name (or key) and are parsed based on their position in the command line. Positional arguments are stored in the “/O3DE/Runtime/CommandLine/MiscValues” JSON pointer path.

SettingsRegistryMergeUtilities API

SettingsRegistryMergeUtilities provides the functions StoreCommandLineToRegistry and GetCommandLineFromRegistry. These functions can be used to cache and retrieve the command line arguments supplied to O3DE applications.

//! Stores the command line settings into the Setting Registry
//! The arguments can be used later anywhere the command line is needed
void StoreCommandLineToRegistry(SettingsRegistryInterface& registry, const AZ::CommandLine& commandLine);

//! Query the command line settings from the Setting Registry and stores them
//! into the AZ::CommandLine instance
bool GetCommandLineFromRegistry(SettingsRegistryInterface& registry, AZ::CommandLine& commandLine);

Refer to: SettingsRegistryMergeUtils.h