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Settings Registry Script API

The Settings Registry is bound to Open 3D Engine (O3DE) script languages via reflection to the Behavior Context. The code that performs the reflection to the Behavior Context is found in SettingsRegistryScriptUtils .

API details

The following tables detail the Settings Registry API classes, properties, and methods exposed to script languages.

SettingsRegistryInterfaceAbstract class that provides access to the Settings Registry <key, value> setting, querying, and removal functions.ClassNANA
g_SettingsRegistryGlobal Property that provides access to the Global Settings Registry.PropertyNANA
SettingsRegistryFunction that creates a new Settings Registry object.MethodNoneSettingsRegistryInterface
MergeSettingMerges the supplied JSON document into the Settings Registry. Uses the JSON Merge Patch format by default.Method
  • String json_data - JSON string document to merge to Settings Registry.
  • Enum format - Format of the JSON file being merged, by default, this is JsonMergePatch. Specify settingsregistry.JsonPatch or settingsregistry.JsonMergePatch(default).
MergeSettingFileMerges the supplied .setreg file into the Settings Registry at the specified JSON Pointer. Uses the JSON Merge Patch format by default.Method
  • String file_path - Path to .setreg file to merge into Settings Registry.
  • String json_root_key - JSON Pointer where merged JSON content should be rooted.
  • Enum format - Format of the JSON file being merged, by default, this is JsonMergePatch. Specify settingsregistry.JsonPatch or settingsregistry.JsonMergePatch(default).
MergeSettingFolderEnumerates the .setreg files within the specified directory and merges them into the Settings Registry. Uses the JSON Merge Patch format.

Specializations are tags that are checked against the text between each pair of dots(.) within the .setreg filename. For example, the filename cmake_dependencies.automatedtesting.automatedtesting_gamelauncher.setreg contains two tags automatedtesting and automatedtesting_gamelauncher. Each tag of the filename must match the tags specified in the specialization list.

Check the MergeSettingFolder specialization table below for more information.

Returns True if the supplied folder was merged. Whether each specific file was merged successfully is not part of the return result.
  • String folder_path - Directory containing .setreg files to merge into Settings Registry.
  • List specializations - List of tags to filter .setreg files.
  • String platform - OS Platform folder name to walk when searching for .setreg files.
DumpSettingsDumps the JSON value specified at the JSON Pointer if found within the Settings Registry. The result of the dumped value is stored in the outputString argument.

To dump the entire Settings Registry, a json_pointer with an empty string ("") must be provided.

Returns True if the JSON value at the JSON Pointer was dumped successfully.
  • String json_pointer - JSON Pointer whose JSON value should be dumped.
  • String outputString - Output variable that is populated with dumped JSON value content if successful.
GetBoolQueries the Settings Registry for a boolean value at the provided JSON Pointer. If a boolean is found its value is stored in the boolValue argument.

The return value of GetBool indicates that a boolean key at the specific JSON Pointer was found. If the return value is True, then the actual value of the boolean is stored in boolValue.
  • String json_pointer - JSON Pointer to lookup for the boolean value.
  • Boolean boolValue - Output variable which is set with the boolean result if successful.
SetBoolSets the JSON Pointer in the Settings Registry to the specified boolean value.Method
  • String json_pointer - JSON Pointer to JSON key where the boolean value will be set.
  • Boolean boolValue - Boolean value to set at the JSON Pointer.
GetIntQueries the Settings Registry for an integer value at the provided JSON Pointer. If an integer is found, its value is stored in the intValue argument.Method
  • String json_pointer - JSON Pointer to lookup for integer value.
  • Integer intValue - Output variable which is set with the integer result if successful.
SetIntSets the JSON Pointer in the Settings Registry to the specified integer value.Method
  • String json_pointer - JSON Pointer to JSON key where the integer value will be set.
  • Integer intValue - Integer value to set at the JSON Pointer.
GetFloatQueries the Settings Registry for a floating point value at the provided JSON Pointer. If a floating point value is found, its value is stored in the floatValue argument.Method
  • String json_pointer - JSON Pointer to lookup for floating point value.
  • Float floatValue - Output variable which is set with the floating point result if successful.
SetFloatSets the JSON Pointer in the Settings Registry to the specified floating point value.Method
  • String json_pointer - JSON Pointer to JSON key where the floating point value will be set.
  • Float floatValue - Floating point value to set at the JSON Pointer.
GetStringQueries the Settings Registry for a string value at the provided JSON Pointer. If a string is found, its value is stored in the stringValue argument.Method
  • String json_pointer - JSON Pointer to lookup for the string value.
  • String stringValue - Output variable which is set with the string value result if successful.
SetStringSets the JSON Pointer in the Settings Registry to the specified string value.Method
  • String json_pointer - JSON Pointer to the JSON key where the string value will be set.
  • String stringValue - String value to set at the JSON Pointer.
RemoveKeyRemoves the JSON key and value at the provided JSON Pointer if it exists.Method
  • String json_pointer - JSON Pointer to JSON key to remove.

MergeSettingFolder specialization table

The following table illustrates when a .setreg file will be merged by the MergeSettingFolder method.

FilenameSpecializationsWill be merged


The Settings Registry can be accessed through O3DE’s supported script languages, Lua and Python.

Python example

To access the Settings Registry in Python, ensure the Editor Python Bindings Gem is enabled in your project. The following sample code demonstrates using Settings Registry API.

import azlmbr.settingsregistry as SettingsRegistry
import os

ExampleTestFileSetreg = 'AutomatedTesting/Editor/Scripts/SettingsRegistry/example.file.setreg'
ExampleTestFolderSetreg = 'AutomatedTesting/Editor/Scripts/SettingsRegistry'

def test_settings_registry():
    # Access the Global Settings Registry and dump it to a string
    if SettingsRegistry.g_SettingsRegistry.IsValid():
        dumpedSettings = SettingsRegistry.g_SettingsRegistry.DumpSettings("")
        if dumpedSettings:
            print("Full Settings Registry dumped successfully\n{}", dumpedSettings.value())

    # Making a script local Settings Registry
    localSettingsRegistry = SettingsRegistry.SettingsRegistry()
        "TestObject": {
            "boolValue": false,
            "intValue": 17,
            "floatValue": 32.0,
            "stringValue": "Hello World"

    registryVal = localSettingsRegistry.GetBool('/TestObject/boolValue')
    if registryVal:
        print(f"Bool value '{registryVal.value()}' found")
        registryVal = localSettingsRegistry.GetInt('/TestObject/intValue')

    if registryVal:
        print(f"Int value '{registryVal.value()}' found")
        registryVal = localSettingsRegistry.GetFloat('/TestObject/floatValue')

    if registryVal:
        print(f"Float value '{registryVal.value()}' found")

    registryVal = localSettingsRegistry.GetString('/TestObject/stringValue')
    if registryVal:
        print(f"String value '{registryVal.value()}' found")

    if localSettingsRegistry.SetBool('/TestObject/boolValue', True):
        registryVal = localSettingsRegistry.GetBool('/TestObject/boolValue')
        print(f"Bool value '{registryVal.value()}' set")

    if localSettingsRegistry.SetInt('/TestObject/intValue', 22):
        registryVal = localSettingsRegistry.GetInt('/TestObject/intValue')
        print(f"Int value '{registryVal.value()}' set")

    if localSettingsRegistry.SetFloat('/TestObject/floatValue', 16.0):
        registryVal = localSettingsRegistry.GetFloat('/TestObject/floatValue')
        print(f"Float value '{registryVal.value()}' set")

    if localSettingsRegistry.SetString('/TestObject/stringValue', 'Goodbye World'):
        registryVal = localSettingsRegistry.GetString('/TestObject/stringValue')
        print(f"String value '{registryVal.value()}' found")

    if localSettingsRegistry.RemoveKey('/TestObject/stringValue'):
        print("Key '/TestObject/stringValue' has been successfully removed")

    # Merge a Settings File using the JsonPatch format
    jsonPatchMerged = localSettingsRegistry.MergeSettings('''
            { "op": "add", "path": "/TestObject", "value": {} },
            { "op": "add", "path": "/TestObject/boolValue", "value": false },
            { "op": "add", "path": "/TestObject/intValue", "value": 17 },
            { "op": "add", "path": "/TestObject/floatValue", "value": 32.0 },
            { "op": "add", "path": "/TestObject/stringValue", "value": "Hello World" },
            { "op": "add", "path": "/TestArray", "value": [] },
            { "op": "add", "path": "/TestArray/0", "value": { "intIndex": 3 } },
            { "op": "add", "path": "/TestArray/1", "value": { "intIndex": -55 } }
        ]''', SettingsRegistry.JsonPatch)

    if jsonPatchMerged:
        print("JSON in JSON Patch format has been merged successfully to the local Settings Registry")

    # Example usage of `MergeSettingsFile` and `MergeSettingsFolder`
    if localSettingsRegistry.MergeSettingsFile(ExampleTestFileSetreg):
        print(f"Successfully merged setreg file '{ExampleTestFileSetreg}' to local Settings Registry")
        registryVal = localSettingsRegistry.GetString('/AutomatedTesting/ScriptingTestArray/3')
        if registryVal:
            print(f"Settings Registry contains '/AutomatedTesting/ScriptingTestArray/3'='{registryVal.value()}' merged from the {ExampleTestFileSetreg}")

    # Add the 'folder' to the Settings Registry so that only non-specialized .setreg
    # and .setreg files that only contain a 'folder' tag are merged into the Setting Registry
    filetags = SettingsRegistry.Specializations()
    if localSettingsRegistry.MergeSettingsFolder(ExampleTestFolderSetreg, filetags):
        print(f"Successfully merged setreg folder '{ExampleTestFolderSetreg}' to local Settings Registry")
        registryVal = localSettingsRegistry.GetBool('/AutomatedTesting/Settings/IsFolder')
        if registryVal:
            print(f"Settings Registry contains '/AutomatedTesting/Settings/IsFolder'='{registryVal.value()}' merged from the {ExampleTestFolderSetreg} folder")

# Invoke main function
if __name__ == '__main__':

Lua example

The Settings Registry is available in Lua via the Behavior Context bindings. The following example uses the Settings Registry to access the frame capture settings through Lua.

local OutputProfileData =
    Properties =
        FrameDelayCount = 100,
        FrameCaptureCount = 100,
        ProfileName = "LevelFrameTiming",
        QuitOnComplete = true,
    frameCount = 0,
    frameDelayCount = 0,
    frameCaptureCount = 0,
    captureCount = 0,
    quitOnComplete = false,
    profileName = "UninitializedName",
    outputFolder = "UninitializedPath",
    cpuTimingsOutputPath = "UninitializedPath",
    captureInProgress = false,
    active = false,

local FrameTimeRecordingActiveRegistryKey <const> = "/O3DE/Performance/FrameTimeRecording/Activate"
local FrameDelayCountRegistryKey <const> = "/O3DE/Performance/FrameTimeRecording/DelayCount"
local FrameCaptureCountRegistryKey <const> = "/O3DE/Performance/FrameTimeRecording/CaptureCount"
local ProfileNameRegistryKey <const> = "/O3DE/Performance/FrameTimeRecording/ProfileName"
local QuitOnCompleteRegistryKey <const> = "/O3DE/Performance/FrameTimeRecording/QuitOnComplete"
local SourceProjectUserPathRegistryKey <const> = "/O3DE/Runtime/FilePaths/SourceProjectUserPath"
local ConsoleCommandQuitRegistryKey <const> = "/Amazon/AzCore/Runtime/ConsoleCommands/quit"

function OutputProfileData:TryQuitOnComplete()
    if (self.quitOnComplete) then
        g_SettingsRegistry:SetString(ConsoleCommandQuitRegistryKey, "")

function OutputProfileData:OnActivate()
    if (g_SettingsRegistry:IsValid()) then
        local quitOnCompleteValue = g_SettingsRegistry:GetBool(QuitOnCompleteRegistryKey)
        self.quitOnComplete = quitOnCompleteValue:value_or(self.Properties.QuitOnComplete)

        local frameTimeRecordingActivateValue = g_SettingsRegistry:GetBool(FrameTimeRecordingActiveRegistryKey)
        if (not frameTimeRecordingActivateValue:has_value() or not frameTimeRecordingActivateValue:value()) then
            Debug:Log("OutputProfileData:OnActivate - Missing registry setting to activate frame time recording, aborting data collection")

        -- get path to user folder
        local pathToUserFolder = "InvalidPath/"
        local settingsRegistryResult =  g_SettingsRegistry:GetString(SourceProjectUserPathRegistryKey)
        if (settingsRegistryResult:has_value()) then
            pathToUserFolder = settingsRegistryResult:value()
            Debug:Log("OutputProfileData:OnActivate - Unable to resolve the SourceProjectUserPath, aborting data collection")

        -- get any registry property overrides
        local frameDelayCountValue = g_SettingsRegistry:GetUInt(FrameDelayCountRegistryKey)
        self.frameDelayCount = frameDelayCountValue:value_or(self.Properties.FrameDelayCount)
        local frameCaptureCountValue = g_SettingsRegistry:GetUInt(FrameCaptureCountRegistryKey)
        self.frameCaptureCount = frameCaptureCountValue:value_or(self.Properties.FrameCaptureCount)
        local profileNameValue = g_SettingsRegistry:GetString(ProfileNameRegistryKey)
        self.profileName = profileNameValue:value_or(self.Properties.ProfileName)

function OutputProfileData:OnDeactivate()

return OutputProfileData


  • The API to register a notification AZ Event with the Settings Registry isn’t exposed in script (this is the SettingsRegistryInterface::RegisterNotifier API).
  • Setting/querying of complex AZ reflected types is not supported (this is the SettingsRegistryInterface::SetObject and SettingsRegistryInterface::GetObject API).

A workaround for accessing AZ reflected types in script is to use the DumpSettings and MergeSettings functions.