This documentation is for a prerelease version of O3DE. Click here to switch to the latest release, or select a version from the dropdown.



Creating Simulated Objects

When you animate a character (actor), your actor might wear objects that move differently from the primary motion. For example, if your actor runs and wears a backpack, the backpack might sway back and forth. To create this dynamic movement, you create a simulated object. A simulated object acts as a container for the bones on your actor. In the Animation Editor, you can specify how loose objects, such as chains, backpacks, or long hair, move in relation to the actor.

Simulated objects don’t collide with ragdoll colliders or PhysX entities in the level.

In this procedure, you’ll do the following:

  1. Create a simulated object that’s attached to an actor.

  2. Add colliders to the skeleton so that the object collides with the actor’s body.

  3. Adjust your settings so that the animation appears more smooth and realistic.

  4. View the simulation in the render window.


Before you begin, you must do the following:

  • In the Animation Editor, complete the following:
    • Import your actor, such as the rinActor.fbx file
    • Create a motion set
    • Import your motions, such as the rin_Run.fbx
