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Using Debug Mode to Refine the Simulation

In the following procedure, use the debug mode to refine the simulated object’s movement.

To use debug mode for the simulation

  1. In the Anim Graph panel, click the play icon to run the anim graph.

    Use the speed slider to reduce the speed of the animation. Note that the tassel moves through the neck and arm of the actor.

    Slow down the animation to see how the simulated object moves with the actor.

  2. In the SimulatedObject0 node, click the right-corner box. This enables debug rendering for the node.

    Enable debug mode for the simulated object in the anim graph.

  3. In debug mode, you can do the following.

    1. To turn off the simulated object colliders, click the Simulated Objects Icon icon.

    2. To turn off joint collision radius, click the Joint Collision Radius Icon icon.

    In debug mode, the following appear in the render window:

    • Simulated object colliders - The colliders that the simulated object collides with. The colliders appear in light gray.

    • Joint angle limit cones - The angle of a joint that simulates. The cones appear in light pink.

    • Joint collision radius - The size of the collision radius on a joint. The radius appears in dark gray.

    In the render window, you can click the first icon to toggle the actor geometry and see only simulated objects.

    Use the render window to preview how the a tassel moves and collides with the joint colliders.

  4. To fix the simulated object (tassel) movement, do the following.

    1. In the Simulated Object panel, select L_tassle_02_JNT.

    2. In the Simulated Object Inspector, select Pinned`. This pins the second part of the tassel and prevents it from moving.

    3. For Joint angle limit, enter 80 to increase the swing of the joint.

    4. In the Simulated Object panel, select L_tassle_03_JNT.

    5. In the Simulated Object Inspector, for Radius, enter 0.065.

  5. To fix the simulated joint colliders (chest and arm of the actor), do the following.

    1. In the Skeleton Outliner panel, select the C_spine_04_JNT where you added the simulated joint collider.

    2. In the Simulated Object Inspector, for Radius, enter 0.172.

    3. In the Skeleton Outliner panel, select the L_arm_JNT where you added the simulated joint collider.

    4. In the Simulated Object Inspector, for Radius, enter 0.101.

  6. If you’re satisfied with the results, save the actor.

  7. To disable debugging mode, click the upper-right box again on the SimulatedObject0 node.

    The following animation is the finished debugged version of the actor running. Note that the tassel no longer passes through the actor’s body.

    View the final animation of the actor and the simulated object.