Open 3D Engine AzNetworking API Reference  2305.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AzNetworking::NetworkInterfaceMetrics Struct Reference

Public Attributes

AZ::TimeMs m_updateTimeMs = AZ::Time::ZeroTimeMs
 Returns the total number of milliseconds spent updating this network interface.
uint64_t m_connectionCount = 0
 Returns the total number of connections bound to this network interface.
AZ::TimeMs m_sendTimeMs = AZ::Time::ZeroTimeMs
 Returns the total number of milliseconds spent sending data on this network interface.
uint64_t m_sendPackets = 0
 Returns the total number of packets sent on this socket.
uint64_t m_sendPacketsEncrypted = 0
 Returns the total number of encrypted packets sent on this socket.
uint64_t m_sendBytes = 0
 Returns the total number of bytes sent on this socket after compression.
uint64_t m_sendBytesUncompressed = 0
 Returns the total number of bytes sent on this socket before compression.
uint64_t m_sendCompressedPacketsNoGain = 0
 Returns the total number of compressed packets sent on this socket that showed no gain over uncompressed size.
int64_t m_sendBytesCompressedDelta = 0
 Returns the delta gain of bytes saved (+) or lost (-) due to compression.
uint64_t m_sendBytesEncryptionInflation = 0
 Returns the numbers of bytes added by encryption.
uint64_t m_resentPackets = 0
 Returns the total number of packets that had to be resent on this network interface due to packet loss.
AZ::TimeMs m_recvTimeMs = AZ::Time::ZeroTimeMs
 Returns the total number of milliseconds spent processing received data on this network interface.
uint64_t m_recvPackets = 0
 Returns the total number of packets received on this socket.
uint64_t m_recvBytes = 0
 Returns the total number of bytes received on this socket after compression.
uint64_t m_recvBytesUncompressed = 0
 Returns the total number of bytes received on this socket before compression.
uint64_t m_discardedPackets = 0
 Returns the total number of packets that were discarded due to timeslice budgets.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: