A control used to switch between different sections of associated information.
Inherits QFrame.
| SegmentBar (Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget *parent=nullptr) |
| SegmentBar (QWidget *parent=nullptr) |
int | addTab (const QString &text) |
| Appends a new tab.
int | addTab (const QIcon &icon, const QString &text) |
| Appends a new tab with an icon.
int | insertTab (int index, const QString &text) |
| Inserts a new tab at the given index.
int | insertTab (int index, const QIcon &icon, const QString &text) |
| Inserts a new tab with an icon at the given index.
void | removeTab (int index) |
| Removes the tab at the given index.
void | moveTab (int from, int to) |
void | setTabEnabled (int index, bool enabled) |
| Sets enabled state for the tab at the given index.
bool | isTabEnabled (int index) const |
| Returns the enabled state for the tab at the given index.
void | setTabText (int index, const QString &text) |
| Sets the text to the tab at the given index.
QString | tabText (int index) const |
| Returns the text of the tab at the given index.
void | setTabTextColor (int index, const QColor &color) |
| Sets the text color to the tab at the given index.
QColor | tabTextColor (int index) const |
| Returns the text color of the tab at the given index.
void | setTabIcon (int index, const QIcon &icon) |
| Sets the icon to the tab at the given index.
QIcon | tabIcon (int index) const |
| Returns the icon of the tab at the given index.
void | setTabToolTip (int index, const QString &tip) |
| Sets the tooltip text for the tab at the given index.
QString | tabToolTip (int index) const |
| Returns the tooltip text of the tab at the given index.
void | setTabWhatsThis (int index, const QString &text) |
| Sets the "What's this?" text to the tab at the given index.
QString | tabWhatsThis (int index) const |
| Returns the "What's this?" text of the tab at the given index.
void | setOrientation (Qt::Orientation orientation) |
| Sets the segment bar orientation.
Qt::Orientation | orientation () const |
| Returns the segment bar orientation.
int | currentIndex () const |
| Returns the index of the currently selected tab.
int | count () const |
| Returns the number of tabs.
void | setIconSize (const QSize &size) |
QSize | iconSize () const |
| Returns the icon size.
A control used to switch between different sections of associated information.