Open 3D Engine Gestures Gem API Reference  23.05.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
Gestures::RecognizerRotate Class Reference

Inherits Gestures::RecognizerContinuous.

Inherited by Gestures::InputChannelGestureRotate.


struct  Config

Public Member Functions

 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (RecognizerRotate, AZ::SystemAllocator)
 AZ_RTTI (RecognizerRotate,"{ABD687F0-FEFA-4424-81CA-4AC3773620D9}", RecognizerContinuous)
 RecognizerRotate (const Config &config=GetDefaultConfig())
int32_t GetPriority () const override
bool OnPressedEvent (const AZ::Vector2 &screenPosition, uint32_t pointerIndex) override
bool OnDownEvent (const AZ::Vector2 &screenPosition, uint32_t pointerIndex) override
bool OnReleasedEvent (const AZ::Vector2 &screenPosition, uint32_t pointerIndex) override
ConfigGetConfig ()
const ConfigGetConfig () const
void SetConfig (const Config &config)
AZ::Vector2 GetStartPosition0 () const
AZ::Vector2 GetStartPosition1 () const
AZ::Vector2 GetCurrentPosition0 () const
AZ::Vector2 GetCurrentPosition1 () const
AZ::Vector2 GetStartMidpoint () const
AZ::Vector2 GetCurrentMidpoint () const
float GetStartDistance () const
float GetCurrentDistance () const
float GetSignedRotationInDegrees () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Gestures::RecognizerContinuous
 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (RecognizerContinuous, AZ::SystemAllocator)
 AZ_RTTI (RecognizerContinuous,"{A8B16552-E1F3-4469-BEB8-5D209554924E}", IRecognizer)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Gestures::IRecognizer
 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (IRecognizer, AZ::SystemAllocator)
 AZ_RTTI (IRecognizer,"{C3E00298-1953-465F-A360-EBC10B62BFE8}", CustomData)
void Enable ()
 Enable this gesture recognizer.
void Disable ()
 Disable this gesture recognizer.
AZ::s32 GetPriority () const override
void OnInputChannelEvent (const AzFramework::InputChannel &inputChannel, bool &o_hasBeenConsumed) override

Static Public Member Functions

static float GetDefaultMaxPixelsMoved ()
static float GetDefaultMinAngleDegrees ()
static int32_t GetDefaultPriority ()
static const ConfigGetDefaultConfig ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Gestures::RecognizerContinuous
virtual void OnContinuousGestureInitiated ()=0
 Override to be notified when the continuous gesture is initiated.
virtual void OnContinuousGestureUpdated ()=0
 Override to be notified when the continuous gesture is updated.
virtual void OnContinuousGestureEnded ()=0
 Override to be notified when the continuous gesture is ended.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Gestures::IRecognizer
uint32_t GetGesturePointerIndex (const AzFramework::InputChannel &inputChannel)
void UpdateNormalizedPositionAndDeltaFromScreenPosition (const AZ::Vector2 &screenPositionPixels)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Gestures::IRecognizer
const uint32_t INVALID_GESTURE_POINTER_INDEX = static_cast<uint32_t>(-1)

Member Function Documentation

bool Gestures::RecognizerRotate::OnDownEvent ( const AZ::Vector2 &  screenPositionPixels,
uint32_t  pointerIndex 

Override to be notified each frame a mouse button or finger on a touch screen remains pressed, unless the input event was consumed by a higher priority gesture recognizer.

[in]screenPositionPixelsThe screen position (in pixels) of the input event.
[in]pointerIndexThe pointer index of the input event.
True to consume the underlying input event (preventing it from being sent on to other lower-priority gesture recognizers or input listeners), or false otherwise.

Implements Gestures::IRecognizer.

bool Gestures::RecognizerRotate::OnPressedEvent ( const AZ::Vector2 &  screenPositionPixels,
uint32_t  pointerIndex 

Override to be notified when a mouse button or finger on a touch screen is initially pressed, unless the input event was consumed by a higher priority gesture recognizer.

[in]screenPositionPixelsThe screen position (in pixels) of the input event.
[in]pointerIndexThe pointer index of the input event.
True to consume the underlying input event (preventing it from being sent on to other lower-priority gesture recognizers or input listeners), or false otherwise.

Implements Gestures::IRecognizer.

bool Gestures::RecognizerRotate::OnReleasedEvent ( const AZ::Vector2 &  screenPositionPixels,
uint32_t  pointerIndex 

Override to be notified when a pressed mouse button or finger on a touch screen becomes released, unless the input event was consumed by a higher priority gesture recognizer.

[in]screenPositionPixelsThe screen position (in pixels) of the input event.
[in]pointerIndexThe pointer index of the input event.
True to consume the underlying input event (preventing it from being sent on to other lower-priority gesture recognizers or input listeners), or false otherwise.

Implements Gestures::IRecognizer.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: