Open 3D Engine GradientSignal Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
GradientSignal::StreamingImagePropertyHandler Class Reference

#include <EditorStreamingImageAssetCtrl.h>

Inherits QObject, and AzToolsFramework::PropertyHandler< AZ::Data::Asset< AZ::Data::AssetData >, StreamingImagePropertyAssetCtrl >.

Public Member Functions

 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (StreamingImagePropertyHandler, AZ::SystemAllocator)
AZ::TypeId GetHandledType () const override
AZ::u32 GetHandlerName () const override
bool IsDefaultHandler () const override
QWidget * GetFirstInTabOrder (StreamingImagePropertyAssetCtrl *widget) override
QWidget * GetLastInTabOrder (StreamingImagePropertyAssetCtrl *widget) override
QWidget * CreateGUI (QWidget *parent) override
void ConsumeAttribute (StreamingImagePropertyAssetCtrl *GUI, AZ::u32 attrib, AzToolsFramework::PropertyAttributeReader *attrValue, const char *debugName) override
void WriteGUIValuesIntoProperty (size_t index, StreamingImagePropertyAssetCtrl *GUI, property_t &instance, AzToolsFramework::InstanceDataNode *node) override
bool ReadValuesIntoGUI (size_t index, StreamingImagePropertyAssetCtrl *GUI, const property_t &instance, AzToolsFramework::InstanceDataNode *node) override
AZ::Data::Asset< AZ::Data::AssetData > * CastTo (void *instance, const AzToolsFramework::InstanceDataNode *node, const AZ::Uuid &fromId, const AZ::Uuid &toId) const override

Static Public Member Functions

static void Register ()

Detailed Description

We need a custom asset property handler for the AZ::RPI::StreamingImageAsset on our Image Gradient component because only a subset of the streaming image asset pixel formats are currently supported by the image data pixel retrieval API that the Image Gradient relies on

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