Inherited by GraphCanvas::NodePaletteTreeItem.
| AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (GraphCanvasTreeItem, AZ::SystemAllocator) |
| AZ_RTTI (GraphCanvasTreeItem, "{BB2B829D-64B5-4D33-9390-85056AA0F3AA}") |
void | SetAllowPruneOnEmpty (bool allowsEmpty) |
bool | AllowPruneOnEmpty () const |
void | DetachItem () |
int | GetChildCount () const |
void | ClearChildren () |
GraphCanvasTreeItem * | FindChildByRow (int row) const |
int | FindRowUnderParent () const |
GraphCanvasTreeItem * | GetParent () const |
void | RegisterModel (GraphCanvasTreeModel *itemModel) |
QModelIndex | GetIndexFromModel () |
virtual int | GetColumnCount () const =0 |
virtual Qt::ItemFlags | Flags (const QModelIndex &index) const =0 |
virtual QVariant | Data (const QModelIndex &index, int role) const =0 |
virtual bool | SetData (const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) |
virtual GraphCanvasMimeEvent * | CreateMimeEvent () const |
template<class NodeType , class... Params> |
NodeType * | CreateChildNode (Params &&... rest) |
template<class NodeType , class... Params> |
NodeType * | CreateChildNodeWithoutAddSignal (Params &&... rest) |
struct | Comparator |
class | GraphCanvasTreeModel |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- Gems/GraphCanvas/Code/StaticLib/GraphCanvas/Widgets/GraphCanvasTreeItem.h