Inherits AZ::EBusTraits.
virtual void | RequestUndoPoint ()=0 |
| Callback for requesting an Undo Point to be posted.
virtual void | RequestPushPreventUndoStateUpdate ()=0 |
| Callback for requesting the incrementation of the value of the ignore undo point tracker.
virtual void | RequestPopPreventUndoStateUpdate ()=0 |
| Callback for requesting the decrementation of the value of the ignore undo point tracker.
virtual void | TriggerUndo ()=0 |
| Request to trigger an undo.
virtual void | TriggerRedo ()=0 |
| Request to trigger a redo.
virtual void | EnableNodes (const AZStd::unordered_set< NodeId > &) |
virtual void | DisableNodes (const AZStd::unordered_set< NodeId > &) |
virtual NodePropertyDisplay * | CreateDataSlotPropertyDisplay (const AZ::Uuid &dataType, const NodeId &nodeId, const SlotId &slotId) const |
| Request to create a NodePropertyDisplay class for a particular DataSlot.
virtual NodePropertyDisplay * | CreateDataSlotVariablePropertyDisplay (const AZ::Uuid &dataType, const NodeId &nodeId, const SlotId &slotId) const |
virtual NodePropertyDisplay * | CreatePropertySlotPropertyDisplay (const AZ::Crc32 &propertyId, const NodeId &nodeId, const SlotId &slotId) const |
virtual void | DisconnectConnection (const ConnectionId &connectionId)=0 |
| This is sent when a connection is disconnected.
virtual bool | CreateConnection (const ConnectionId &connectionId, const Endpoint &sourcePoint, const Endpoint &targetPoint)=0 |
| This is sent when attempting to create a given connection.
virtual bool | IsValidConnection (const Endpoint &sourcePoint, const Endpoint &targetPoint) const =0 |
| This is sent to confirm whether or not a connection can take place.
virtual ConnectionValidationTooltip | GetConnectionValidityTooltip (const Endpoint &sourcePoint, const Endpoint &targetPoint) const |
| This will return the structure needed to display why a connection could not be created between the specified endpoints.
virtual AZStd::string | GetDataTypeString (const AZ::Uuid &typeId)=0 |
| Get the Display Type name for the given AZ type.
virtual void | OnSaveDataDirtied (const AZ::EntityId &savedElement)=0 |
virtual void | OnRemoveUnusedNodes ()=0 |
virtual void | OnRemoveUnusedElements ()=0 |
virtual bool | AllowReset (const Endpoint &endpoint) const |
virtual void | ResetSlotToDefaultValue (const Endpoint &endpoint)=0 |
virtual void | ResetReference (const Endpoint &endpoint) |
virtual void | ResetProperty (const NodeId &nodeId, const AZ::Crc32 &propertyId) |
virtual void | RemoveSlot (const Endpoint &endpoint) |
virtual bool | IsSlotRemovable (const Endpoint &endpoint) const |
virtual bool | ConvertSlotToReference (const Endpoint &endpoint, bool isNewSlot) |
virtual bool | CanConvertSlotToReference (const Endpoint &endpoint, bool isNewSlot) |
virtual CanHandleMimeEventOutcome | CanHandleReferenceMimeEvent (const Endpoint &endpoint, const QMimeData *mimeData) |
virtual bool | HandleReferenceMimeEvent (const Endpoint &endpoint, const QMimeData *mimeData) |
virtual bool | CanPromoteToVariable (const Endpoint &endpoint, bool isNewSlot=false) const |
virtual bool | PromoteToVariableAction (const Endpoint &endpoint, bool isNewSlot) |
virtual bool | SynchronizeReferences (const Endpoint &sourceEndpoint, const Endpoint &targetEndpoint) |
virtual bool | ConvertSlotToValue (const Endpoint &endpoint) |
virtual bool | CanConvertSlotToValue (const Endpoint &endpoint) |
virtual bool | CanConvertSlotAndConnect (const Endpoint &endpoint, const Endpoint &synchronizeEndpoint) |
virtual CanHandleMimeEventOutcome | CanHandleValueMimeEvent (const Endpoint &endpoint, const QMimeData *mimeData) |
virtual bool | HandleValueMimeEvent (const Endpoint &endpoint, const QMimeData *mimeData) |
virtual SlotId | RequestExtension (const NodeId &nodeId, const ExtenderId &extenderId, ExtensionRequestReason) |
virtual void | ExtensionCancelled (const NodeId &nodeId, const ExtenderId &extenderId) |
virtual void | FinalizeExtension (const NodeId &nodeId, const ExtenderId &extenderId) |
virtual bool | ShouldWrapperAcceptDrop (const NodeId &wrapperNode, const QMimeData *mimeData) const |
virtual void | AddWrapperDropTarget (const NodeId &wrapperNode) |
virtual void | RemoveWrapperDropTarget (const NodeId &wrapperNode) |