Open 3D Engine GraphCanvas Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
GraphCanvas::ParticleConfiguration Class Reference

Public Types

enum class  Shape { Circle , Square }

Public Attributes

Shape m_particleShape = Shape::Square
const Styling::StyleHelperm_styleHelper = nullptr
QColor m_color
AZStd::chrono::milliseconds m_lifespan = AZStd::chrono::milliseconds(250)
bool m_rotate = false
float m_rotationSpeed = 0.0f
bool m_alphaFade = false
AZStd::chrono::milliseconds m_fadeTime = AZStd::chrono::milliseconds(250)
float m_alphaStart = 1.0f
float m_alphaEnd = 0.0f
bool m_hasGravity = false
QPointF m_initialImpulse = QPoint(0,0)
QRectF m_boundingArea
float m_initialRotation = 0.0f
int m_zValue = 0

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