Open 3D Engine GraphCanvas Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
GraphCanvas::TranslationRequests Class Reference

Requests to access the database. More...

#include <TranslationBus.h>

Inherits AZ::EBusTraits.


struct  Details

Public Types

using MutexType = AZStd::recursive_mutex

Public Member Functions

virtual void Restore ()
 Restores the database from all the assets.
virtual bool HasKey (const AZStd::string &)
 Returns true if they database has the specified key.
virtual bool Get (const AZStd::string &, AZStd::string &)
 Returns the text value for a given key.
virtual bool Add (const TranslationFormat &)
 Adds an entry into the database, returns true if there were any warnings while adding to the database.
virtual Details GetDetails (const AZStd::string &, const Details &)
 Get the details associated with a given key (assumes they are within a "details" object)
virtual void GenerateSourceAssets ()
 Generates the source JSON assets for all reflected elements.
virtual void DumpDatabase (const AZStd::string &)
 Stores the runtime database into a json file for debugging only.

Detailed Description

Requests to access the database.

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