Open 3D Engine InAppPurchases Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
InAppPurchasesDelegate Class Reference

Inherits NSObject, <SKProductsRequestDelegate>, and <SKPaymentTransactionObserver>.

Instance Methods

(void) - requestProducts:
(void) - purchaseProduct:withUserName:
(void) - finishTransaction:
(void) - downloadAppleHostedContentAndFinishTransaction:
(void) - restorePurchasedProducts
(void) - refreshAppReceipt
(void) - initialize
(void) - deinitialize


SKProductsRequest * m_productsRequest
NSMutableArray * m_products
NSMutableArray * m_unfinishedTransactions
NSMutableArray * m_unfinishedDownloads
SKReceiptRefreshRequest * m_receiptRefreshRequest

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