Open 3D Engine LyShine Gem API Reference  23.05.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
CUiAnimViewKeyUIControls Class Referenceabstract

Inherits QObject, and _i_reference_target_t.

Inherited by CUiAnimViewTrackEventKeyUIControls.

Public Member Functions

void SetKeyPropertiesDlg (CUiAnimViewKeyPropertiesDlg *pDlg)
CVarBlock * GetVarBlock () const
virtual bool SupportTrackType (const CUiAnimParamType &paramType, EUiAnimCurveType trackType, EUiAnimValue valueType) const =0
virtual void OnCreateVars ()=0
virtual bool OnKeySelectionChange (CUiAnimViewKeyBundle &keys)=0
virtual void OnUIChange (IVariable *pVar, CUiAnimViewKeyBundle &keys)=0
virtual unsigned int GetPriority () const =0

Protected Member Functions

template<class T >
void SyncValue (CSmartVariable< T > &var, T &value, bool bCopyToUI, IVariable *pSrcVar=NULL)
void AddVariable (CVariableBase &varArray, CVariableBase &var, const char *varName, unsigned char dataType=IVariable::DT_SIMPLE)
void AddVariable (CVariableBase &var, const char *varName, unsigned char dataType=IVariable::DT_SIMPLE)

Protected Attributes

_smart_ptr< CVarBlock > m_pVarBlock
std::vector< _smart_ptr
< IVariable > > 
IVariable::OnSetCallback m_onSetCallback

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