Open 3D Engine LyShine Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent Class Reference

#include <UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent.h>

Inherits AZ::Component, UiDynamicScrollBoxBus::Handler, UiScrollBoxNotificationBus::Handler, UiInitializationBus::Handler, UiTransformChangeNotificationBus::Handler, and UiElementNotificationBus::Handler.


struct  CachedElementInfo
struct  DisplayedElement
struct  ElementIndexInfo
struct  Section

Public Member Functions

 AZ_COMPONENT (UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent, LyShine::UiDynamicScrollBoxComponentUuid, AZ::Component)
void RefreshContent () override
void AddElementsToEnd (int numElementsToAdd, bool scrollToEndIfWasAtEnd) override
void RemoveElementsFromFront (int numElementsToRemove) override
void ScrollToEnd () override
int GetElementIndexOfChild (AZ::EntityId childElement) override
int GetSectionIndexOfChild (AZ::EntityId childElement) override
AZ::EntityId GetChildAtElementIndex (int index) override
AZ::EntityId GetChildAtSectionAndElementIndex (int sectionIndex, int index) override
bool GetAutoRefreshOnPostActivate () override
void SetAutoRefreshOnPostActivate (bool autoRefresh) override
AZ::EntityId GetPrototypeElement () override
void SetPrototypeElement (AZ::EntityId prototypeElement) override
bool GetElementsVaryInSize () override
void SetElementsVaryInSize (bool varyInSize) override
bool GetAutoCalculateVariableElementSize () override
void SetAutoCalculateVariableElementSize (bool autoCalculateSize) override
float GetEstimatedVariableElementSize () override
void SetEstimatedVariableElementSize (float estimatedSize) override
bool GetSectionsEnabled () override
void SetSectionsEnabled (bool enabled) override
AZ::EntityId GetPrototypeHeader () override
void SetPrototypeHeader (AZ::EntityId prototypeHeader) override
bool GetHeadersSticky () override
void SetHeadersSticky (bool stickyHeaders) override
bool GetHeadersVaryInSize () override
void SetHeadersVaryInSize (bool varyInSize) override
bool GetAutoCalculateVariableHeaderSize () override
void SetAutoCalculateVariableHeaderSize (bool autoCalculateSize) override
float GetEstimatedVariableHeaderSize () override
void SetEstimatedVariableHeaderSize (float estimatedSize) override
void OnScrollOffsetChanging (AZ::Vector2 newScrollOffset) override
void OnScrollOffsetChanged (AZ::Vector2 newScrollOffset) override
void InGamePostActivate () override
void OnCanvasSpaceRectChanged (AZ::EntityId entityId, const UiTransformInterface::Rect &oldRect, const UiTransformInterface::Rect &newRect) override
void OnUiElementBeingDestroyed () override

Static Public Member Functions

static void GetProvidedServices (AZ::ComponentDescriptor::DependencyArrayType &provided)
static void GetIncompatibleServices (AZ::ComponentDescriptor::DependencyArrayType &incompatible)
static void GetRequiredServices (AZ::ComponentDescriptor::DependencyArrayType &required)
static void Reflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context)

Protected Types

enum  ElementType { SectionHeader , Item , NumElementTypes }

Protected Member Functions

void Activate () override
void Deactivate () override
 AZ_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE (UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent)
void PrepareListForDisplay ()
AZ::Entity * GetContentEntity () const
AZ::EntityId ClonePrototypeElement (ElementType elementType, AZ::EntityId parentEntityId=AZ::EntityId()) const
bool IsPrototypeElement (AZ::EntityId entityId) const
bool AllPrototypeElementsValid () const
bool AnyPrototypeElementsNavigable () const
bool AnyElementTypesHaveVariableSize () const
bool AnyElementTypesHaveEstimatedSizes () const
bool AllElementTypesHaveEstimatedSizes () const
bool StickyHeadersEnabled () const
void ResizeContentToFitElements ()
void ResizeContentElement (float newSize) const
void AdjustContentSizeAndScrollOffsetByDelta (float sizeDelta, float scrollDelta) const
float CalculateVariableElementSize (int index)
float GetAndCacheVariableElementSize (int index)
float GetVariableElementSize (int index) const
int GetLastKnownAccumulatedSizeIndex (int index, int numElementsWithUnknownSizeOut[ElementType::NumElementTypes]) const
float GetElementOffsetAtIndex (int index) const
float GetFixedSizeElementOffset (int index) const
float GetVariableSizeElementOffset (int index) const
void UpdateAverageElementSize (int numAddedElements, float sizeDelta)
void ClearDisplayedElements ()
AZ::EntityId FindDisplayedElementWithIndex (int index) const
float GetVisibleAreaSize () const
bool AreAnyElementsVisible (AZ::Vector2 &visibleContentBoundsOut) const
void UpdateElementVisibility (bool keepAtEndIfWasAtEnd=false)
void CalculateVisibleElementIndices (bool keepAtEndIfWasAtEnd, const AZ::Vector2 &visibleContentBounds, int &firstVisibleElementIndexOut, int &lastVisibleElementIndexOut, int &firstDisplayedElementIndexOut, int &lastDisplayedElementIndexOut, int &firstDisplayedElementIndexWithSizeChangeOut, float &totalElementSizeChangeOut, float &scrollChangeOut)
void UpdateStickyHeader (int firstVisibleElementIndex, int lastVisibleElementIndex, float visibleContentBeginning)
int FindFirstVisibleHeaderIndex (int firstVisibleElementIndex, int lastVisibleElementIndex, int excludeIndex)
void FindVisibleElementIndicesForFixedSizes (const AZ::Vector2 &visibleContentBounds, int &firstVisibleElementIndexOut, int &lastVisibleElementIndexOut) const
int FindVisibleElementIndexToRemainInPlace (const AZ::Vector2 &visibleContentBounds) const
void AddExtraElementsForNavigation (int &firstDisplayedElementIndexOut, int &lastDisplayedElementIndexOut) const
int EstimateFirstVisibleElementIndex (const AZ::Vector2 &visibleContentBounds) const
int FindFirstVisibleElementIndex (int estimatedIndex, const AZ::Vector2 &visibleContentBounds, float &firstVisibleElementEndOut) const
void CalculateVisibleSpaceBeforeAndAfterElement (int visibleElementIndex, bool keepAtEnd, float visibleAreaBeginning, float &spaceLeftBeforeOut, float &spaceLeftAfterOut) const
void CalculateVisibleElementIndicesFromVisibleElementIndex (int visibleElementIndex, const AZ::Vector2 &visibleContentBound, bool keepAtEnd, int &firstVisibleElementIndexOut, int &lastVisibleElementIndexOut, int &firstDisplayedElementIndexOut, int &lastDisplayedElementIndexOut, int &firstDisplayedElementIndexWithSizeChangeOut, float &totalElementSizeChangeOut, float &scrollChangeOut)
float CalculateContentBeginningDeltaAfterSizeChange (float contentSizeDelta) const
float CalculateContentEndDeltaAfterSizeChange (float contentSizeDelta) const
bool IsScrolledToEnd () const
bool IsElementDisplayedAtIndex (int index) const
AZ::EntityId GetElementForDisplay (ElementType elementType)
AZ::EntityId GetElementForAutoSizeCalculation (ElementType elementType)
void DisableElementsForAutoSizeCalculation () const
float AutoCalculateElementSize (AZ::EntityId elementForAutoSizeCalculation) const
void SizeVariableElementAtIndex (AZ::EntityId element, int index) const
void PositionElementAtIndex (AZ::EntityId element, int index) const
void SetElementAnchors (AZ::EntityId element) const
void SetElementOffsets (AZ::EntityId element, float offset) const
ElementType GetElementTypeAtIndex (int index) const
ElementIndexInfo GetElementIndexInfoFromIndex (int index) const
int GetIndexFromElementIndexInfo (const ElementIndexInfo &elementIndexInfo) const
AZ::EntityId GetImmediateContentChildFromDescendant (AZ::EntityId childElement) const
bool HeadersHaveVariableSizes () const
bool IsValidPrototype (AZ::EntityId entityId) const

Protected Attributes

bool m_autoRefreshOnPostActivate
 Whether the list should refresh automatically on post activate.
int m_defaultNumElements
 Number of elements by default. Overridden by UiDynamicListDataBus::GetNumElements.
AZ::EntityId m_itemPrototypeElement
bool m_variableItemElementSize
bool m_autoCalculateItemElementSize
float m_estimatedItemElementSize
bool m_hasSections
 Whether the list is divided into sections with headers.
int m_defaultNumSections
 Number of sections by default. Overridden by UiDynamicListDataBus::GetNumSections.
AZ::EntityId m_headerPrototypeElement
bool m_stickyHeaders
bool m_variableHeaderElementSize
bool m_autoCalculateHeaderElementSize
float m_estimatedHeaderElementSize
AZ::EntityId m_prototypeElement [ElementType::NumElementTypes]
 The entity Ids of the prototype elements.
float m_prototypeElementSize [ElementType::NumElementTypes]
bool m_variableElementSize [ElementType::NumElementTypes]
bool m_autoCalculateElementSize [ElementType::NumElementTypes]
float m_estimatedElementSize [ElementType::NumElementTypes]
bool m_isPrototypeElementNavigable [ElementType::NumElementTypes]
 Whether elements in the list are navigable.
float m_averageElementSize
 Average element size of the elements with known sizes.
int m_numElementsUsedForAverage
 The number of elements used to calculate the current average.
float m_lastCalculatedVisibleContentOffset
bool m_isVertical
 Whether the list is vertical or horizontal. Determined by the scroll box.
AZStd::list< DisplayedElementm_displayedElements
 A list of currently displayed elements.
AZStd::list< AZ::EntityId > m_recycledElements [ElementType::NumElementTypes]
 A list of unused entities.
AZ::EntityId m_clonedElementForAutoSizeCalculation [ElementType::NumElementTypes]
 Cloned entities used to auto calculate sizes.
DisplayedElement m_currentStickyHeader
 The header that is currently sticky at the top or left of the visible area.
int m_firstDisplayedElementIndex
 First and last element indices that are being displayed (Not necessarily visible in viewport since we add an extra element for gamepad/keyboard navigation purposes)
int m_lastDisplayedElementIndex
int m_firstVisibleElementIndex
 First and last element indices that are visible in the viewport.
int m_lastVisibleElementIndex
AZStd::vector< CachedElementInfom_cachedElementInfo
 Cached element sizes. Used when elements can vary in size.
int m_numElements
 The virtual number of elements in the list. Includes both headers and items.
AZStd::vector< Sectionm_sections
 List of the sections in the list.
bool m_listPreparedForDisplay
 Whether the list has been set up for display.

Detailed Description

This component dynamically sets up scrollbox content as a horizontal or vertical list of elements that are cloned from prototype entities. Only the minimum number of entities are created for efficient scrolling, and are reused when new elements come into view. The list can consist of only items, or it can be divided into sections that include a header at the beginning of each section, followed by items that belong to that section. The meaning of "element" differs in the public and private interface, mainly for backward compatibility. In the private interface, "element" refers to a generic entry in the list which can be of different types. Currently there are two types of elements: headers and items. In the public interface however, "element" means the same thing as "item" does in the private interface, and "item" is unused (the public interface does not need to define the concept of a generic entry in the list.) Both headers and items can have fixed sizes determined by their corresponding prototype entities, or they could vary in size. If they vary in size, another option is available to indicate whether to auto calculate the sizes or request the sizes via a bus interface. There is also the option to provide an estimated size that will be used until the elements scroll into view and their real size calculated. For lists with a large number of elements, it is advisable to use the estimated size as calculating the sizes of all elements up front could be costly. When elements vary in size, a cache is maintained and the element sizes are only calculated once.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_autoCalculateElementSize

bool UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent::m_autoCalculateElementSize[ElementType::NumElementTypes]

Whether element sizes should be auto calculated or whether they should be requested. Applies when elements can vary in size

◆ m_autoCalculateHeaderElementSize

bool UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent::m_autoCalculateHeaderElementSize

Whether header sizes should be auto calculated or whether they should be requested. Applies when headers can vary in size

◆ m_autoCalculateItemElementSize

bool UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent::m_autoCalculateItemElementSize

Whether item sizes should be auto calculated or whether they should be requested. Applies when items can vary in size

◆ m_estimatedElementSize

float UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent::m_estimatedElementSize[ElementType::NumElementTypes]

An estimated height or width for the element size. If set to greater than 0, this size will be used until an element goes into view and its real size is calculated. Applies when elements can vary in size

◆ m_estimatedHeaderElementSize

float UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent::m_estimatedHeaderElementSize

An estimated height or width for the header size. If set to greater than 0, this size will be used until a header goes into view and its real size is calculated. Applies when headers can vary in size

◆ m_estimatedItemElementSize

float UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent::m_estimatedItemElementSize

An estimated height or width for the item size. If set to greater than 0, this size will be used until an item goes into view and its real size is calculated. Applies when items can vary in size

◆ m_headerPrototypeElement

AZ::EntityId UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent::m_headerPrototypeElement

The prototype element for the headers in the list. Used when sections are enabled

◆ m_itemPrototypeElement

AZ::EntityId UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent::m_itemPrototypeElement

The prototype element for the items in the list. Used when sections are enabled

◆ m_lastCalculatedVisibleContentOffset

float UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent::m_lastCalculatedVisibleContentOffset

The last calculated offset from the top or left of the content's parent (the visible area) to the top or left of the content. Used to estimate a first visible element index

◆ m_prototypeElementSize

float UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent::m_prototypeElementSize[ElementType::NumElementTypes]

Stores the size of the prototype elements before they are removed from the content element's child list. Used to calculate the content size and element offsets when there is no variation in element size

◆ m_stickyHeaders

bool UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent::m_stickyHeaders

Whether headers should stick to the beginning of the visible area Used when sections are enabled

◆ m_variableElementSize

bool UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent::m_variableElementSize[ElementType::NumElementTypes]

Whether elements in the list can vary in size (height for vertical lists and width for horizontal lists) If false, the element size is fixed and is determined by the prototype element

◆ m_variableHeaderElementSize

bool UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent::m_variableHeaderElementSize

Whether headers in the list can vary in size (height for vertical lists and width for horizontal lists) If false, the header size is fixed and is determined by the prototype element

◆ m_variableItemElementSize

bool UiDynamicScrollBoxComponent::m_variableItemElementSize

Whether items in the list can vary in size (height for vertical lists and width for horizontal lists) If false, the item size is fixed and is determined by the prototype element

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: