This is the complete list of members for PhysX::PhysXD6Joint, including all inherited members.
AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR(PhysXD6Joint, AZ::SystemAllocator) (defined in PhysX::PhysXD6Joint) | PhysX::PhysXD6Joint | |
AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR(PhysXJoint, AZ::SystemAllocator) (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | |
AZ_RTTI(PhysXD6Joint, "{144B2FAF-A3EE-4FE1-9328-2C44FE1E3676}", PhysX::PhysXJoint) (defined in PhysX::PhysXD6Joint) | PhysX::PhysXD6Joint | |
AZ_RTTI(PhysXJoint, "{DBE1D185-E318-407D-A5A1-AC1DE7F4A62D}", AzPhysics::Joint) (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | |
GenerateJointLimitVisualizationData(float scale, AZ::u32 angularSubdivisions, AZ::u32 radialSubdivisions, AZStd::vector< AZ::Vector3 > &vertexBufferOut, AZStd::vector< AZ::u32 > &indexBufferOut, AZStd::vector< AZ::Vector3 > &lineBufferOut, AZStd::vector< bool > &lineValidityBufferOut) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXD6Joint) | PhysX::PhysXD6Joint | |
GetChildBodyHandle() const override (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | |
GetNativePointer() const override (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | |
GetNativeType() const override (defined in PhysX::PhysXD6Joint) | PhysX::PhysXD6Joint | |
GetParentBodyHandle() const override (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | |
m_childBodyHandle (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | protected |
m_name (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | protected |
m_parentBodyHandle (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | protected |
m_pxJoint (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | protected |
m_sceneHandle (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | protected |
PhysXD6Joint(const D6JointLimitConfiguration &configuration, AzPhysics::SceneHandle sceneHandle, AzPhysics::SimulatedBodyHandle parentBodyHandle, AzPhysics::SimulatedBodyHandle childBodyHandle) (defined in PhysX::PhysXD6Joint) | PhysX::PhysXD6Joint | |
PhysXJoint(AzPhysics::SceneHandle sceneHandle, AzPhysics::SimulatedBodyHandle parentBodyHandle, AzPhysics::SimulatedBodyHandle childBodyHandle) (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | |
SetChildBody(AzPhysics::SimulatedBodyHandle childBody) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | |
SetParentBody(AzPhysics::SimulatedBodyHandle parentBody) override (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | |
SetPxActors() (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | protected |
~PhysXD6Joint()=default (defined in PhysX::PhysXD6Joint) | PhysX::PhysXD6Joint | virtual |
~PhysXJoint()=default (defined in PhysX::PhysXJoint) | PhysX::PhysXJoint | virtual |