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NumericalMethods::Optimization Namespace Reference


class  Function
struct  LineSearchResult
 Struct to bundle together the numerical results of a line search and a qualitative indicator of search success. More...
struct  SolverResult


enum class  SolverOutcome {
  Invalid , Success , Incomplete , MaxIterations ,
  Failure , FailureInvalidInput
 Used when returning the solver result to indicate if the solver was successful or indicate failure reasons. More...
enum class  FunctionOutcome { InvalidInput }
enum class  LineSearchOutcome { Success , BestEffort , FailureExceededIterations }
 Used to indicated if a line search was successful or give details of failure reasons. More...


SolverResult SolverBFGS (const Function &function, const AZStd::vector< double > &initialGuess)
bool IsFailure (const LineSearchResult &result)
 Helper function to check whether a LineSearchResult should be considered a failure.
ScalarVariable CubicMinimum (const double a, const double f_a, const double df_a, const double b, const double f_b, const double c, const double f_c)
ScalarVariable QuadraticMinimum (const double a, const double f_a, const double df_a, const double b, const double f_b)
bool ValidateStepSize (const ScalarVariable alphaNew, const double alpha0, const double alpha1, const double edgeThreshold)
LineSearchResult SelectStepSizeFromInterval (double alpha0, double alpha1, double f_alpha0, double f_alpha1, double df_alpha0, const Function &f, const VectorVariable &x0, const VectorVariable &searchDirection, const double f_x0, const double df_x0, const double c1, const double c2)
LineSearchResult LineSearchWolfe (const Function &f, const VectorVariable &x0, double f_x0, const VectorVariable &searchDirection)
SolverResult MinimizeBFGS (const Function &f, const AZStd::vector< double > &xInitial)
double FunctionValue (const Function &function, const VectorVariable &point)
 Helper function for evaluating a function at a point.
double DirectionalDerivative (const Function &function, const VectorVariable &point, const VectorVariable &direction)
VectorVariable Gradient (const Function &function, const VectorVariable &point)
 Vector of derivatives with respect to each of the independent variables of a function, evaluated at the specified point.


const AZ::u32 lineSearchIterations = 100
const AZ::u32 solverIterations = 500
const double gradientTolerance = 1e-6
const double epsilon = 1e-7
const double WolfeConditionsC1 = 1e-4
const double WolfeConditionsC2 = 0.9

Detailed Description

Namespace for methods for finding the values of function parameters which correspond to a (possibly local) optimum function value. For more information on optimization methods, see Numerical Optimization by Nocedal and Wright (ISBN 978-0387303031).

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ FunctionOutcome

Used when evaluating functions to indicate whether the evaluation was successful or indicate the failure reason.


The number of parameters provided did not match the expected dimension.

◆ LineSearchOutcome

Used to indicated if a line search was successful or give details of failure reasons.


A result which completely satisfies the line search requirements.


A result which is not optimal but should still be usable.


Failed because the iteration limit was reached and the value is not usable.

◆ SolverOutcome

Used when returning the solver result to indicate if the solver was successful or indicate failure reasons.


Default value to which fields of this type should be initialized.


The solver successfully achieved the stopping conditions.


The solver stalled, but the result may still be useful.


Reached the iteration limit.


The solver failed for unspecified reasons.


The solver failed because the initial guess provided was not valid.

Function Documentation

◆ CubicMinimum()

ScalarVariable NumericalMethods::Optimization::CubicMinimum ( const double  a,
const double  f_a,
const double  df_a,
const double  b,
const double  f_b,
const double  c,
const double  f_c 

Finds the value of x which minimizes the cubic polynomial which interpolates the provided points. Finds the cubic polynomial P(x) which satisfies P(a) = f_a P'(a) = df_a P(b) = f_b P(c) = f_c and returns the value of x which minimizes P.

◆ DirectionalDerivative()

double NumericalMethods::Optimization::DirectionalDerivative ( const Function function,
const VectorVariable point,
const VectorVariable direction 

The 1-dimensional rate of change of a function with respect to changing the independent variables along the specified direction. Note that some textbooks / authors define the directional derivative with respect to a normalized direction, but that convention is not used here.

◆ LineSearchWolfe()

LineSearchResult NumericalMethods::Optimization::LineSearchWolfe ( const Function f,
const VectorVariable x0,
double  f_x0,
const VectorVariable searchDirection 

Searches for a step size satisfying the Wolfe conditions for solution improvement. Given a search direction, attempts to find a step size in that direction which satisfies the Wolfe conditions ( conditions for solution improvement which have nice properties for algorithms which rely on the line search). The first wolfe condition requires that the function value at the new point is sufficiently improved relative to the previous iteration. The second condition requires that the directional derivative at the new point is sufficient to indicate that significantly more progress could not have been made by choosing a larger step. The search proceeds in two phases - first an interval containing a suitable point is found, then a point within that interval is narrowed down using the SelectStepSizeFromInterval function.

◆ MinimizeBFGS()

SolverResult NumericalMethods::Optimization::MinimizeBFGS ( const Function f,
const AZStd::vector< double > &  xInitial 

Minimizes the supplied function using the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm (see Nocedal and Wright).

fFunction to be minimized.
xInitialInitial guess for the independent variable.
Value of the independent variable which minimizes f.

◆ QuadraticMinimum()

ScalarVariable NumericalMethods::Optimization::QuadraticMinimum ( const double  a,
const double  f_a,
const double  df_a,
const double  b,
const double  f_b 

Finds the value of x which minimizes the quadratic which interpolates the provided points. Finds the quadratic Q(x) which satisfies Q(a) = f_a Q'(a) = df_a Q(b) = f_b and returns the value of value which minimizes Q.

◆ SelectStepSizeFromInterval()

LineSearchResult NumericalMethods::Optimization::SelectStepSizeFromInterval ( double  alpha0,
double  alpha1,
double  f_alpha0,
double  f_alpha1,
double  df_alpha0,
const Function f,
const VectorVariable x0,
const VectorVariable searchDirection,
const double  f_x0,
const double  df_x0,
const double  c1,
const double  c2 

Used in LineSearchWolfe to narrow down a step size once a bracketing interval has been found. This corresponds to the zoom function in Nocedal and Wright.

◆ SolverBFGS()

SolverResult NumericalMethods::Optimization::SolverBFGS ( const Function function,
const AZStd::vector< double > &  initialGuess 

Minimizes the given mathematical function, using the initial guess as a starting point.

functionThe function to minimize.
initialGuessThe input vector whose size must be equal to the dimension of the function.
An instance of SolverResult.

◆ ValidateStepSize()

bool NumericalMethods::Optimization::ValidateStepSize ( const ScalarVariable  alphaNew,
const double  alpha0,
const double  alpha1,
const double  edgeThreshold 

Checks that the result of an interpolation is satisfactory. Checks that the result of an interpolation is valid, inside the expected interval, and sufficiently far from interval boundaries.

alphaNewThe new step size to be checked.
alpha0One boundary of the current step size interval.
alpha1The other boundary of the current interval.
edgeThresholdDefines how close to the edges of current interval the new step size is allowed to be.