Cached data for generating sample points inside the attached shape.
#include <EditorShapeColliderComponent.h>
float | m_height = 1.0f |
| Caches height for capsule, cylinder and polygon prism shapes.
float | m_radius = 1.0f |
| Caches radius for capsule, cylinder and sphere shapes.
AZ::Vector3 | m_boxDimensions = AZ::Vector3::CreateOne() |
| Caches dimensions for box shapes.
AZStd::vector< AZ::Vector3 > | m_cachedSamplePoints |
| Stores a cache of points sampled from the shape interior.
bool | m_cachedSamplePointsDirty = true |
| Marks whether the cached sample points need to be recalculated.
Cached data for generating sample points inside the attached shape.
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
- Gems/PhysX/Code/Source/EditorShapeColliderComponent.h