Open 3D Engine RecastNavigation Gem API Reference  23.05.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 oCDetourNavigationRequestsInterface for path finding API
 oCTileGeometryA collection of triangle data within a volume defined by an axis aligned bounding box
 oCNavigationTileDataNavigation data in binary Recast form
 oCRecastNavigationMeshRequestsThe interface for request API of
 oCRecastNavigationMeshNotificationsThe interface for notification API of
 oCRecastNavigationNotificationHandlerScripting reflection helper for
 oCRecastNavigationProviderRequestsThe interface for
 oCCustomRecastDeleter< rcHeightfield >
 oCCustomRecastDeleter< rcCompactHeightfield >
 oCCustomRecastDeleter< rcContourSet >
 oCCustomRecastDeleter< rcPolyMesh >
 oCCustomRecastDeleter< rcPolyMeshDetail >
 oCCustomRecastDeleter< dtNavMesh >
 oCCustomRecastDeleter< dtNavMeshQuery >
 oCEditorDetourNavigationComponentEditor version of a path finding component,
 oCEditorRecastNavigationMeshComponentEditor version of
 oCEditorRecastNavigationPhysXProviderComponentEditor version of
 oCRecastNavigationPhysXProviderConfigProvides configuration for and
 oCRecastNavigationEditorSystemComponentSystem component for RecastNavigation editor