Open 3D Engine ROS2 Gem API Reference  23.05.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
ROS2::CameraSensorDescription Struct Reference

Structure containing all information required to create the camera sensor. More...

#include <CameraSensor.h>

Public Member Functions

 CameraSensorDescription (const AZStd::string &cameraName, float verticalFov, int width, int height)

Public Attributes

const float m_verticalFieldOfViewDeg
 camera vertical field of view
const int m_width
 camera image width in pixels
const int m_height
 camera image height in pixels
const AZStd::string m_cameraName
 camera name to differentiate cameras in a multi-camera setup
const float m_aspectRatio
 camera image aspect ratio; equal to (width / height)
const AZ::Matrix4x4 m_viewToClipMatrix
 camera view to clip space transform matrix; derived from other parameters
const AZStd::array< double, 9 > m_cameraIntrinsics
 camera intrinsics; derived from other parameters

Detailed Description

Structure containing all information required to create the camera sensor.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ROS2::CameraSensorDescription::CameraSensorDescription ( const AZStd::string &  cameraName,
float  verticalFov,
int  width,
int  height 

Constructor to create the description

cameraName- name of the camera; used to differentiate cameras in a multi-camera setup
verticalFov- vertical field of view of camera sensor
width- camera image width in pixels
height- camera image height in pixels

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: