Open 3D Engine Twitch Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
Twitch::ChannelInfo Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

 AZ_TYPE_INFO (ChannelInfo, "{CA7F7F91-D88C-43E6-B7A8-E16847953070}")

Public Attributes

AZ::u64 NumFollowers
AZ::u64 NumViews
AZ::u64 NumItemsRecieved
bool Partner
bool Mature
AZStd::string Id
AZStd::string BroadcasterLanguage
AZStd::string DisplayName
AZStd::string eMail
AZStd::string GameName
AZStd::string Lanugage
AZStd::string Logo
AZStd::string Name
AZStd::string ProfileBanner
AZStd::string ProfileBannerBackgroundColor
AZStd::string Status
AZStd::string StreamKey
AZStd::string UpdatedDate
AZStd::string CreatedDate
AZStd::string URL
AZStd::string VideoBanner

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: