Open 3D Engine AzCore API Reference  2305.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AZ::SystemAllocator Class Reference

#include <SystemAllocator.h>

Inherits AZ::AllocatorBase.

Public Member Functions

bool Create ()
AllocatorDebugConfig GetDebugConfig () override
 Returns the debug configuration for this allocator.
pointer allocate (size_type byteSize, size_type alignment) override
void deallocate (pointer ptr, size_type byteSize=0, size_type alignment=0) override
pointer reallocate (pointer ptr, size_type newSize, size_type newAlignment) override
size_type get_allocated_size (pointer ptr, size_type alignment) const override
void GarbageCollect () override
size_type NumAllocatedBytes () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from AZ::AllocatorBase
const Debug::AllocationRecordsGetRecords () const override
 Returns a pointer to the allocation records. They might be available or not depending on the build type. Debug::AllocationRecords.
void SetRecords (Debug::AllocationRecords *records) final
bool IsReady () const final
 Returns true if this allocator is ready to use.
void PostCreate () override
 All conforming allocators must call PostCreate() after their custom Create() method in order to be properly registered.
void PreDestroy () final
 All conforming allocators must call PreDestroy() before their custom Destroy() method in order to be properly deregistered.
void SetProfilingActive (bool active) final
bool IsProfilingActive () const final
 Returns true if profiling calls will be made.
- Public Member Functions inherited from AZ::IAllocator
 AZ_RTTI (IAllocator,"{0A3C59AE-169C-45F6-9423-3B8C89245E2E}")
 IAllocator (const IAllocator &)=delete
 IAllocator (IAllocator &&)=delete
IAllocatoroperator= (const IAllocator &)=delete
IAllocatoroperator= (IAllocator &&)=delete
virtual pointer allocate (size_type byteSize, align_type alignment=1)=0
virtual void deallocate (pointer ptr, size_type byteSize=0, align_type alignment=0)=0
virtual pointer reallocate (pointer ptr, size_type newSize, align_type newAlignment=1)=0
virtual size_type max_size () const
virtual size_type get_allocated_size (pointer ptr, align_type alignment=1) const =0
const char * GetName () const
pointer Allocate (size_type byteSize, size_type alignment=1, [[maybe_unused]] int flags=0, [[maybe_unused]] const char *name=nullptr, [[maybe_unused]] const char *fileName=nullptr, [[maybe_unused]] int lineNum=0, [[maybe_unused]] unsigned int suppressStackRecord=0)
void DeAllocate (pointer ptr, size_type byteSize=0, [[maybe_unused]] size_type alignment=0)
 AZ_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE ("Resize no longer supported, use reallocate instead, note that the pointer address could change, ""Allocators should do best effort to keep the ptr at the same address") size_type Resize([[maybe_unused]] pointer ptr
pointer ReAllocate (pointer ptr, size_type newSize, size_type newAlignment)
size_type AllocationSize ([[maybe_unused]] pointer ptr)
 Returns allocation size for given address. 0 if the address doesn't belong to the allocator.
size_type Capacity () const
size_type GetMaxAllocationSize () const
 Returns max allocation size if possible. If not returned value is 0.
size_type GetMaxContiguousAllocationSize () const
 Returns the maximum contiguous allocation size of a single allocation.
size_type GetUnAllocatedMemory ([[maybe_unused]] bool isPrint=false) const
Debug::AllocationRecordsGetRecords ()
virtual void SetRecords ([[maybe_unused]] Debug::AllocationRecords *records)
 Sets the allocation records.
virtual void SetProfilingActive ([[maybe_unused]] bool active)

Protected Member Functions

 SystemAllocator (const SystemAllocator &)
SystemAllocatoroperator= (const SystemAllocator &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AZ::AllocatorBase
AZ_FORCE_INLINE size_t MemorySizeAdjustedUp (size_t byteSize) const
 Returns the size of a memory allocation after adjusting for tracking.
AZ_FORCE_INLINE size_t MemorySizeAdjustedDown (size_t byteSize) const
 Returns the size of a memory allocation, removing any tracking overhead.
void DisableRegistration ()
void ProfileAllocation (void *ptr, size_t byteSize, size_t alignment, int suppressStackRecord)
 Records an allocation for profiling.
void ProfileDeallocation (void *ptr, size_t byteSize, size_t alignment, Debug::AllocationInfo *info)
 Records a deallocation for profiling.
void ProfileReallocation (void *ptr, void *newPtr, size_t newSize, size_t newAlignment)
 Records a reallocation for profiling.
void ProfileResize (void *ptr, size_t newSize)
 Records a resize for profiling.
bool OnOutOfMemory (size_t byteSize, size_t alignment)
 User allocator should call this function when they run out of memory!
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AZ::IAllocator
virtual void Destroy ()
 All allocators must provide their deinitialization routine here.

Protected Attributes

AZStd::unique_ptr< IAllocatorm_subAllocator

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from AZ::IAllocator
size_type newSize

Detailed Description

System allocator The system allocator is the base allocator for AZ memory lib. It is a singleton (like all other allocators), but must be initialized first and destroyed last. All other allocators will use them for internal allocations. This doesn't mean all other allocators will be sub allocators, because we might have different memory system on consoles. But the allocator utility system will use the system allocator.

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