Open 3D Engine AzCore API Reference  2305.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AZ Namespace Reference

Reopen namespace to define DataPatch class. More...


 Important constants.
 PathView implementation.


class  AssetManagerComponent
class  AssetSerializer
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< Data::Asset< T > >
struct  OnDemandReflection< Data::Asset< T > >
 OnDemandReflection for any generic Data::Asset<T> More...
class  AssetTypeInfo
class  AzCoreModule
struct  s128
struct  u128
class  LossyCasted
class  NumericCasted
class  Component
class  ComponentDescriptor
struct  ComponentDescriptorBusTraits
class  ComponentDescriptorHelper
class  ComponentDescriptorDefault
class  ReflectionEnvironment
class  ComponentApplication
struct  ApplicationTypeQuery
class  ComponentApplicationRequests
 Interface that components can use to make requests of the main application. More...
class  ComponentApplicationRequestsEBusTraits
class  ComponentBus
class  ComponentConfig
class  EntityComponentIdPair
struct  ExportedComponent
class  Entity
class  EntitySystemEvents
class  EntityEvents
class  EntityId
class  JsonEntityIdSerializer
class  JsonEntitySerializer
class  DeprecatedComponentMetadata
class  NamedEntityId
class  NonUniformScaleRequests
 Requests for working with non-uniform scale. More...
class  TickEvents
class  TickRequests
class  SystemTickEvents
class  TransformInterface
class  TransformNotification
class  TransformConfig
 Component configuration for the transform component. More...
class  ZLib
class  ZStd
class  Console
class  ConsoleDataContainer
class  ConsoleDataContainer< BASE_TYPE, ThreadSafety::RequiresLock >
class  ConsoleDataContainer< BASE_TYPE, ThreadSafety::UseStdAtomic >
class  ConsoleDataWrapper
class  ConsoleFunctorBase
struct  ConsoleCommandMemberFunctorSignature
struct  ConsoleCommandMemberFunctorSignature< T, AZStd::enable_if_t< AZStd::is_class_v< T > > >
class  ConsoleFunctor
 Console functor which wraps a function call into an object instance. More...
class  ConsoleFunctor< void, _REPLICATES_VALUE >
struct  ConsoleReplicateHelper
struct  ConsoleReplicateHelper< _TYPE, false >
struct  ConsoleReplicateHelper< _TYPE, true >
struct  ConsoleReplicateHelper< int, true >
struct  ConsoleReplicateHelper< float, true >
struct  ConsoleReplicateHelper< AZStd::string, true >
class  IConsole
class  Event
class  ILogger
 This is an AZ::Interface<> for logging. Usage: #include <AzCore/Console/ILogger.h> AZLOG_INFO("Your message here"); AZLOG_WARN("Your warn message here");. More...
class  ILoggerRequests
class  LoggerSystemComponent
 Implementation of the ILogger system interface. More...
struct  Specifier
class  Dependency
struct  Version
struct  SemanticVersion
struct  NullMutex
struct  NullBusId
struct  EBusTraits
class  EBus
class  EBusSharedDispatchMutex
class  EBusSharedDispatchMutexConnectLockGuard
class  EBusSharedDispatchMutexDispatchLockGuard
class  EBusSharedDispatchMutexCallstackLockGuard
struct  EBusSharedDispatchTraits
struct  EBusEnvironmentStoragePolicy
class  EBusEnvironment
class  EventHandler
 A handler class that can connect to an Event. More...
struct  CompareScheduledEventPtrs
struct  PrioritizeScheduledEventPtrs
class  EventSchedulerSystemComponent
 This is scheduled event queue class to run all scheduled events at appropriate intervals. More...
class  IEventScheduler
 This is an AZ::Interface<> for managing scheduled events. Users should not require any direct interaction with this interface, ScheduledEvent is a self contained abstraction. More...
class  IEventSchedulerRequests
class  OrderedEventHandler
 A handler class that can connect to an Event that will be called in order based on priority. More...
class  OrderedEvent
struct  EBusConnectionPolicy
struct  EBusGlobalStoragePolicy
struct  EBusThreadLocalStoragePolicy
struct  EBusQueuePolicy
struct  EBusQueuePolicy< true, Bus, MutexType >
struct  EBusEventProcessingPolicy
struct  EBusReduceResult
struct  EBusReduceResult< T &, Aggregator >
struct  EBusAggregateResults
class  ScheduledEvent
struct  ScheduledEventHandle
class  InstancePoolBase
class  InstancePool
class  InstancePoolManagerInterface
class  InstancePoolManager
class  Interface
class  StreamerComponent
class  SharedMemory
class  SharedMemoryRingBuffer
class  SharedMemory_Common
struct  auto_partitioner
struct  static_partitioner
struct  simple_partitioner
class  Job
class  JobCancelGroup
class  JobCompletion
class  JobCompletionSpin
class  JobContext
class  JobEmpty
class  JobFunction
class  JobManager
class  JobManagerEvents
class  JobManagerComponent
struct  JobManagerThreadDesc
struct  JobManagerDesc
class  MultipleDependentJob
class  structured_task_group
class  Aabb
class  Capsule
 A class representing a capsule (a cylinder with a hemispherical cap at each end). More...
class  Color
 A color class with 4 components, RGBA. More...
class  JsonColorSerializer
class  Crc32
struct  ViewFrustumAttributes
 Attributes required to construct a Frustum from a view volume. More...
class  Frustum
 A frustum class that can be used for efficient primitive intersection tests. More...
class  Hemisphere
 A simple bounding hemisphere class for fast intersection testing. More...
class  Sample
class  LinearlyInterpolatedSample
class  LinearlyInterpolatedSample< Vector3 >
class  LinearlyInterpolatedSample< Quaternion >
class  UninterpolatedSample
class  UninterpolatedSample< Vector3 >
class  UninterpolatedSample< Quaternion >
class  LineSegment
 LineSegment defined by two Vector3, an start and a end. More...
class  BaseJsonMatrixSerializer
class  JsonMatrix3x3Serializer
class  JsonMatrix3x4Serializer
class  JsonMatrix4x4Serializer
class  UuidSerializer
class  FloatArrayTextSerializer
class  FloatBasedContainerSerializer
 Custom template to cover all fundamental AZMATH classes. More...
struct  SizeType
struct  SizeType< 8, false >
struct  SizeType< 7, false >
struct  SizeType< 6, false >
struct  SizeType< 5, false >
struct  SizeType< 4, false >
struct  SizeType< 3, false >
struct  SizeType< 2, false >
struct  SizeType< 1, false >
struct  SizeType< 0, false >
struct  SizeType< 8, true >
struct  SizeType< 7, true >
struct  SizeType< 6, true >
struct  SizeType< 5, true >
struct  SizeType< 4, true >
struct  SizeType< 3, true >
struct  SizeType< 2, true >
struct  SizeType< 1, true >
struct  SizeType< 0, true >
struct  ClampedIntegralLimits
 A collection of methods for clamping and constraining integer values and ranges to that of a reference integer type. More...
class  BaseJsonVectorSerializer
class  JsonVector2Serializer
class  JsonVector3Serializer
class  JsonVector4Serializer
class  JsonQuaternionSerializer
class  Matrix3x3
class  Matrix3x4
class  Matrix4x4
class  Obb
 An oriented bounding box. More...
class  PackedVector3
class  Plane
class  PolygonPrism
class  Quaternion
class  SimpleLcgRandom
class  HaltonSequence
class  Ray
 Ray defined by two Vector3, an orign and a normalized direction. More...
class  Sfmt
class  Sha1
class  Sphere
 A simple bounding sphere class for fast intersection testing. More...
struct  SplineAddress
struct  PositionSplineQueryResult
struct  RaySplineQueryResult
class  Spline
class  LinearSpline
class  BezierSpline
class  CatmullRomSpline
class  Transform
class  JsonTransformSerializer
struct  Uuid
class  JsonUuidSerializer
class  Vector2
 2-dimensional vector class. More...
class  Vector3
 3-dimensional vector class. More...
class  Vector4
class  VertexContainer
class  FixedVertices
class  VariableVertices
class  VertexRequests
 EBus traits for vertex requests. More...
class  VertexContainerNotificationInterface
class  AllocatorBase
class  AllocatorInstance
class  AllocatorManager
class  IAllocatorTrackingRecorder
class  IAllocatorWithTracking
class  AllocatorWrapper
class  AllocatorPointerWrapper
class  AllocatorGlobalWrapper
class  ChildAllocatorSchema
class  HphaSchemaBase
class  HphaSchema
struct  AllocatorDebugConfig
class  IAllocator
class  AZStdAlloc
class  AZStdIAllocator
class  AZStdFunctorAllocator
struct  HasAZClassAllocator
struct  HasAZClassAllocator< T, decltype(T::AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR_Allocate(), void())>
class  OSAllocator
class  PoolAllocation
class  PoolSchema
class  ThreadPoolSchema
class  ThreadPoolSchemaHelper
class  PoolAllocator
class  ThreadPoolAllocator
class  SimpleSchemaAllocator
class  SystemAllocator
class  DynamicModuleHandle
class  EnvironmentVariable
 EnvironmentVariable holds a pointer to the actual variable, it should be used as any smart pointer. Event though most of the it will be "static" as it's treated as a global. More...
class  Module
class  ModuleEntity
struct  ModuleDataImpl
class  ModuleManager
struct  ModuleData
class  DynamicModuleDescriptor
class  ModuleManagerRequests
 Requests related to module reloading. More...
class  NameRef
class  Name
class  NameDictionary
class  NameJsonSerializer
class  NameSerializer
 Provides flattened serialization of Name objects as a simple string. More...
class  Outcome
class  AttributeInvoker
class  AttributeReader
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZStd::intrusive_ptr< T > >
 OnDemand reflection for AZStd::intrusive_ptr. More...
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZStd::shared_ptr< T > >
 OnDemand reflection for AZStd::shared_ptr. More...
struct  Iterator_VM
class  Iterator_VM< AZStd::vector< t_Value, t_Allocator > >
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZ::Event< T...> >
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZStd::vector< T, A > >
 OnDemand reflection for AZStd::vector. More...
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZStd::array< T, N > >
 OnDemand reflection for AZStd::array. More...
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZ::Outcome< ValueT, ErrorT > >
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZ::Outcome< ValueT, void > >
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZ::Outcome< void, ErrorT > >
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZ::Outcome< void, void > >
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZStd::pair< T1, T2 > >
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZStd::tuple< T...> >
class  Iterator_VM< AZStd::unordered_map< t_Key, t_Value, t_Hasher, t_EqualKey, t_Allocator > >
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZStd::unordered_map< Key, MappedType, Hasher, EqualKey, Allocator > >
 OnDemand reflection for AZStd::unordered_map. More...
class  Iterator_VM< AZStd::unordered_set< t_Key, t_Hasher, t_EqualKey, t_Allocator > >
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZStd::unordered_set< Key, Hasher, EqualKey, Allocator > >
 OnDemand reflection for AZStd::unordered_set. More...
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZStd::any >
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZStd::optional< T > >
class  AzStdReflectionComponent
struct  BehaviorObject
struct  BehaviorParameter
struct  BehaviorParameterMetadata
struct  BehaviorParameterOverrides
struct  BehaviorArgumentValueTypeTag_t
struct  BehaviorArgument
class  BehaviorDefaultValue
class  BehaviorValues
struct  BehaviorAzEventDescription
class  BehaviorMethod
struct  InputRestriction
struct  BranchOnResultInfo
struct  CheckedOperationInfo
struct  OverloadArgumentGroupInfo
struct  ExplicitOverloadInfo
struct  EventHandlerCreationFunctionHolder
struct  UnwrapperFuncDeleter
struct  UnwrapperUserData
class  BehaviorClass
class  BehaviorProperty
struct  BehaviorEBusEventSender
class  ScopedBehaviorOnDemandReflector
class  BehaviorEBus
class  BehaviorEBusHandler
class  BehaviorContextEvents
class  BehaviorContext
struct  SetResult
struct  OverloadInfo
struct  OverloadVariance
struct  ScopedBehaviorEBusHandler
class  BehaviorInterfaceProxy
class  BehaviorObjectSignalsInterface
struct  OnDemandReflection
struct  OnDemandReflection< AZStd::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > >
class  OnDemandReflectionOwner
class  ReflectContext
class  Attribute
class  AttributeData
class  AttributeMemberData
class  AttributeMemberData< T C::* >
struct  DomInvokeHelper
struct  DomInvokeHelper< AZStd::function< R(Args...)> >
class  AttributeFunction
class  AttributeFunction< R(Args...)>
class  AttributeInvocable
class  AttributeMemberFunction
class  AttributeMemberFunction< R(C::*)(Args...)>
class  AttributeMemberFunction< R(C::*)(Args...) const >
class  ReflectionManager
class  IRttiHelper
struct  HasAZRtti
struct  Adl
struct  AzTypeInfo
class  LuaScriptData
class  ScriptAsset
struct  LuaUserData
class  ScriptDataContext
struct  ScriptValueGeneric
struct  ScriptValueGeneric< T, true >
struct  ScriptValue
 Script value implementation for all value and reference types. The push Function will always create an object COPY, this will be slower than just using pointers. More...
struct  ScriptValue< T * >
 Script value implementation for generic pointer types, always prefer pointer types. More...
struct  ScriptValue< int ** >
struct  ScriptValue< char >
struct  ScriptValue< short >
struct  ScriptValue< int >
struct  ScriptValue< AZ::s64 >
struct  ScriptValue< long >
struct  ScriptValue< unsigned char >
struct  ScriptValue< unsigned short >
struct  ScriptValue< unsigned int >
struct  ScriptValue< AZ::u64 >
struct  ScriptValue< unsigned long >
struct  ScriptValue< float >
struct  ScriptValue< double >
struct  ScriptValue< bool >
struct  ScriptValue< const char * >
struct  ScriptValue< void * >
struct  ScriptValue< AZStd::any >
struct  ScriptValue< const AZStd::any & >
struct  ScriptValue< const AZStd::any >
struct  ScriptValue< const AZStd::basic_string< Element, Traits, Allocator > >
struct  ScriptValue< AZStd::basic_string< Element, Traits, Allocator > >
struct  ScriptValue< const AZStd::basic_string< Element, Traits, Allocator > & >
class  ScriptContext
struct  LuaNativeThread
class  ScriptContextDebug
class  ScriptDebug
class  ScriptProperties
class  ScriptProperty
class  FunctionalScriptProperty
class  ScriptPropertyNil
class  ScriptPropertyBoolean
class  ScriptPropertyNumber
class  ScriptPropertyString
class  ScriptPropertyGenericClass
class  ScriptPropertyNumberArray
class  ScriptPropertyBooleanArray
class  ScriptPropertyStringArray
class  ScriptPropertyGenericClassArray
class  ScriptPropertyAsset
class  ScriptPropertySerializer
class  ScriptPropertyGenericClassMap
class  ScriptPropertyGenericClassMapImpl
class  ScriptPropertyTable
class  ScriptPropertyWatcher
class  ScriptPropertyWatcherInterface
struct  ScriptLoadResult
class  ScriptSystemRequests
class  ScriptSystemComponent
class  ScriptTimePoint
 Wrapper that reflects a AZStd::chrono::steady_clock::time_point to script. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::vector< T, A > >
 Generic specialization for AZStd::vector. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::fixed_vector< T, Capacity > >
 Generic specialization for AZStd::fixed_vector. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::list< T, A > >
 Generic specialization for AZStd::list. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::forward_list< T, A > >
 Generic specialization for AZStd::forward_list. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::array< T, Size > >
 Generic specialization for AZStd::array. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::set< K, C, A > >
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::unordered_set< K, H, E, A > >
 Generic specialization for AZStd::unordered_set. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::unordered_multiset< K, H, E, A > >
 Generic specialization for AZStd::unordered_multiset. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZ::Outcome< t_Success, t_Failure > >
 Generic specialization for AZ::Outcome. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::pair< T1, T2 > >
 Generic specialization for AZStd::pair. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::tuple< Types...> >
 Generic specialization for AZStd::tuple. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< Internal::RValueToLValueWrapper< T > >
 Generic specialization for our internal RValue wrapper.
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::map< K, M, C, A > >
 Generic specialization for AZStd::map. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::unordered_map< K, M, H, E, A > >
 Generic specialization for AZStd::unordered_map. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::unordered_multimap< K, M, H, E, A > >
 Generic specialization for AZStd::unordered_multimap. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::basic_string< E, T, A > >
 Generic specialization for AZStd::string. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::vector< AZ::u8, A > >
 Generic specialization for AZStd::vector<AZ::u8,Allocator> byte stream. If this conflics with a normal vector<unsigned char> create a new type. More...
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::bitset< NumBits > >
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::shared_ptr< T > >
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::intrusive_ptr< T > >
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::unique_ptr< T, Deleter > >
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< AZStd::optional< T > >
class  DataOverlayToken
struct  DataOverlayInfo
class  DataOverlayInstanceId
class  DataOverlayInstanceMsgs
class  DataOverlayProviderMsgs
class  DataOverlayTarget
class  DataPatch
struct  DataPatchNodeInfo
class  DataPatchNotifications
 Notifications broadcast by the data patching system. More...
class  DataPatchUpgradeManager
class  DynamicSerializableField
class  EditContext
struct  EnumTypeFromVectorOfEnumConstants
struct  EnumTypeFromVectorOfEnumConstants< AZStd::vector< Edit::EnumConstant< EnumType > > >
struct  ReplaceInvocableReturnType
struct  ReplaceInvocableReturnType< NewReturnType, OldReturnType(Args...)>
class  JsonAnySerializer
class  JsonArraySerializer
class  JsonBaseContext
class  JsonDeserializerContext
class  JsonSerializerContext
class  ScopedContextReporter
class  ScopedContextPath
class  BaseJsonSerializer
class  JsonBasicContainerSerializer
class  JsonBoolSerializer
class  JsonByteStreamSerializer
class  JsonDoubleSerializer
class  JsonFloatSerializer
class  BaseJsonIntegerSerializer
class  JsonCharSerializer
class  JsonShortSerializer
class  JsonIntSerializer
class  JsonLongSerializer
class  JsonLongLongSerializer
class  JsonUnsignedCharSerializer
class  JsonUnsignedShortSerializer
class  JsonUnsignedIntSerializer
class  JsonUnsignedLongSerializer
class  JsonUnsignedLongLongSerializer
class  JsonDeserializer
class  BaseJsonImporter
class  JsonImportResolver
struct  JsonImportSettings
class  JsonMerger
class  JsonSerialization
class  JsonSerializationMetadata
 Holds a collection of generic settings objects to be used by custom serializers. More...
struct  JsonDeserializerSettings
 Optional settings used while loading a json value to an object. More...
struct  JsonSerializerSettings
 Optional settings used while storing an object to a json value. More...
struct  JsonApplyPatchSettings
 Optional settings used while applying a patch to a json value. More...
struct  JsonCreatePatchSettings
 Optional settings used while creating a patch for a json value. More...
class  JsonSerializer
class  JsonSystemComponent
class  JsonMapSerializer
class  JsonUnorderedMapSerializer
class  JsonUnorderedMultiMapSerializer
class  JsonPathSerializer
class  JsonRegistrationContext
class  JsonSmartPointerSerializer
class  StackedString
class  ScopedStackedString
 Scoped object that manages the life cycle of a single entry on the string stack. More...
class  JsonStringSerializer
class  JsonOSStringSerializer
class  JsonTupleSerializer
class  JsonUnorderedSetContainerSerializer
class  JsonUnsupportedTypesSerializer
class  JsonVariantSerializer
class  JsonOptionalSerializer
class  JsonBitsetSerializer
class  DataStream
class  ObjectStream
class  SerializeContext
class  GenericClassInfo
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo
struct  AnyTypeInfoConcept
struct  AnyTypeInfoConcept< ValueType, AZStd::enable_if_t<!AZStd::is_abstract< ValueType >::value &&AZStd::Internal::template_is_copy_constructible< ValueType >::value > >
struct  AnyTypeInfoConcept< ValueType, AZStd::enable_if_t<!AZStd::is_abstract< ValueType >::value &&!AZStd::Internal::template_is_copy_constructible< ValueType >::value > >
struct  AnyTypeInfoConcept< ValueType, AZStd::enable_if_t< AZStd::is_abstract< ValueType >::value > >
struct  SerializeTypeInfo
class  CommandLine
class  ConfigurableStackInterface
class  ConfigurableStack
struct  SerializeGenericTypeInfo< ConfigurableStack< StackBaseType > >
class  JsonConfigurableStackSerializer
class  SettingsRegistryInterface
class  SettingsRegistryImpl
class  SettingsRegistryOriginTracker
class  SliceAsset
class  DynamicSliceAsset
class  SliceAssetHandler
class  SliceEvents
class  SliceInstanceEvents
class  SliceAssetSerializationNotifications
class  SliceEntityHierarchyInterface
class  SliceComponent
class  SliceMetadataInfoRequests
class  SliceMetadataInfoManipulationRequests
class  SliceMetadataInfoNotifications
class  SliceMetadataInfoComponent
class  SliceSystemComponent
class  HSM
struct  TaskDescriptor
class  TaskExecutor
class  TaskGraphActiveInterface
class  TaskToken
class  TaskGraphEvent
class  TaskGraph
class  TaskGraphSystemComponent
class  ThreadSafeDeque
class  ThreadSafeObject
class  ITime
 This is an AZ::Interface<> for managing time related operations. AZ::ITime and associated types may not operate in realtime. These abstractions are to allow our application simulation to operate both slower and faster than realtime in a well defined and user controllable manner The rate at which time passes for AZ::ITime is controlled by the cvar t_simulationTickScale t_simulationTickScale == 0 means simulation time should halt 0 < t_simulationTickScale < 1 will cause time to pass slower than realtime, with t_simulationTickScale 0.1 being roughly 1/10th realtime t_simulationTickScale == 1 will cause time to pass at roughly realtime t_simulationTickScale > 1 will cause time to pass faster than normal, with t_simulationTickScale 10 being roughly 10x realtime. More...
class  ITimeRequests
class  TimeSystem
 Implementation of the ITime system interface. More...
class  MockTimeSystem
class  StubTimeSystem
class  MockSettingsRegistry
class  UserSettings
class  UserSettingsFileLocator
class  UserSettingsComponentRequests
class  UserSettingsComponent
class  UserSettingsMessages
class  UserSettingsOwnerRequests
class  UserSettingsNotifications
struct  UserSettingsContainer
class  UserSettingsProvider
class  SharedMemory_Unimplemented
class  BetterPseudoRandom_UnixLike
class  SharedMemory_Mac
class  SharedMemory_Windows
class  BetterPseudoRandom_Windows


using AssetTypeInfoBus = AZ::EBus< AssetTypeInfo >
typedef int8_t s8
typedef uint8_t u8
typedef int16_t s16
typedef uint16_t u16
typedef int32_t s32
typedef uint32_t u32
typedef int64_t s64
typedef uint64_t u64
typedef AZ::u32 ComponentServiceType
 ID of a user-defined component service. The system uses it to build a dependency tree.
using ImmutableEntityVector = AZStd::vector< AZ::Entity const * >
using ComponentTypeList = AZStd::vector< Uuid >
 List of Component class type IDs.
using ComponentValidationResult = AZ::Outcome< void, AZStd::string >
using ComponentDescriptorBus = AZ::EBus< ComponentDescriptor, ComponentDescriptorBusTraits >
using EntityAddedEvent = AZ::Event< AZ::Entity * >
using EntityRemovedEvent = AZ::Event< AZ::Entity * >
using EntityActivatedEvent = AZ::Event< AZ::Entity * >
using EntityDeactivatedEvent = AZ::Event< AZ::Entity * >
using ComponentApplicationBus = AZ::EBus< ComponentApplicationRequests, ComponentApplicationRequestsEBusTraits >
 Used by components to make requests of the component application.
typedef AZ::u64 ComponentId
using PlatformTagSet = AZStd::unordered_set< AZ::Crc32 >
using CustomExportCallbackFunc = AZStd::function< ExportedComponent(AZ::Component *thisComponent, const PlatformTagSet &tags)>
typedef AZ::EBus
< EntitySystemEvents
typedef AZ::EBus< EntityEventsEntityBus
using NonUniformScaleChangedEvent = AZ::Event< const AZ::Vector3 & >
using NonUniformScaleRequestBus = AZ::EBus< NonUniformScaleRequests >
typedef AZ::EBus< TickEventsTickBus
typedef AZ::EBus< TickRequestsTickRequestBus
using SystemTickBus = AZ::EBus< SystemTickEvents >
using TransformChangedEvent = Event< const Transform &, const Transform & >
using ParentChangedEvent = Event< EntityId, EntityId >
using ChildChangedEvent = Event< ChildChangeType, EntityId >
using TransformBus = AZ::EBus< TransformInterface >
using TransformNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< TransformNotification >
using PerformCommandResult = Outcome< void, AZStd::string >
using ConsoleCommandContainer = AZStd::fixed_vector< AZStd::basic_string_view< char, AZStd::char_traits< char >>, MaxConsoleCommandPlusArgsLength >
using CVarFixedString = AZStd::basic_fixed_string< char, MaxCVarStringLength, AZStd::char_traits< char >>
using ConsoleCommandInvokedEvent = AZ::Event< AZStd::basic_string_view< char, AZStd::char_traits< char >>, const ConsoleCommandContainer &, ConsoleFunctorFlags, ConsoleInvokedFrom >
using DispatchCommandNotFoundEvent = AZ::Event< AZStd::basic_string_view< char, AZStd::char_traits< char >>, const ConsoleCommandContainer &, ConsoleInvokedFrom >
using ILoggerRequestBus = AZ::EBus< ILogger, ILoggerRequests >
using IEventSchedulerRequestBus = AZ::EBus< IEventScheduler, IEventSchedulerRequests >
using InterfaceErrorString = AZStd::fixed_string< 256 >
using InterfaceRegisterOutcome = AZ::Outcome< void, InterfaceErrorString >
typedef AZ::EBus
< JobManagerEvents
using PackedVector3f = PackedVector3< float >
using PackedVector3i = PackedVector3< int32_t >
using PolygonPrismPtr = AZStd::shared_ptr< PolygonPrism >
using ConstPolygonPrismPtr = AZStd::shared_ptr< const PolygonPrism >
using BetterPseudoRandom = BetterPseudoRandom_Platform
using SplinePtr = AZStd::shared_ptr< Spline >
using ConstSplinePtr = AZStd::shared_ptr< const Spline >
using IndexFunction = AZStd::function< void(size_t)>
using VoidFunction = AZStd::function< void()>
using BoolFunction = AZStd::function< void(bool)>
template<typename Vertex >
using FixedVerticesRequestBus = EBus< FixedVertices< Vertex >, VertexRequests >
 Type to inherit to implement FixedVertices interface.
template<typename Vertex >
using VariableVerticesRequestBus = EBus< VariableVertices< Vertex >, VertexRequests >
 Type to inherit to implement VariableVertices interface.
typedef AZStdAlloc< OSAllocatorOSStdAllocator
template<class Allocator >
using ThreadPoolBase = Internal::PoolAllocatorHelper< ThreadPoolSchemaHelper< Allocator > >
using InitializeDynamicModuleFunction ) = void(*)(
using UninitializeDynamicModuleFunction ) = void(*)(
using CreateModuleClassFunction ) = AZ::Module *(*)(
using DestroyModuleClassFunction = void(*)(AZ::Module *module)
Internal::EnvironmentInterface * 
using ModuleDescriptorList = AZStd::vector< DynamicModuleDescriptor, OSStdAllocator >
using CreateStaticModulesCallback = AZStd::function< void(AZStd::vector< AZ::Module * > &)>
using ModuleManagerRequestBus = AZ::EBus< ModuleManagerRequests >
template<class T >
using AzEnumTraits = typename Internal::GetAzEnumTraits_Impl< AZStd::remove_cvref_t< T >>::type
template<class T >
using HasAzEnumTraits = AZStd::bool_constant< Internal::HasAzEnumTraitsImpl< AZStd::remove_cvref_t< T >>>
template<typename T >
using decay_array = AZStd::conditional_t< AZStd::is_array_v< AZStd::remove_reference_t< T >>, std::remove_extent_t< AZStd::remove_reference_t< T >> *, T && >
using BehaviorDefaultValuePtr = AZStd::intrusive_ptr< BehaviorDefaultValue >
using InputIndices = AZStd::vector< AZ::u8 >
using BehaviorFunction = AZStd::function< void(BehaviorArgument *result, BehaviorArgument *arguments, int numArguments)>
using EventHandlerCreationFunction = AZStd::function< BehaviorObject(void *, BehaviorFunction &&)>
using UnwrapperPtr = AZStd::unique_ptr< void, UnwrapperFuncDeleter >
using BehaviorClassUnwrapperFunction = void(*)(void *, BehaviorObject &, const UnwrapperUserData &)
template<class Function >
using BehaviorParameterOverridesArray = AZStd::array< BehaviorParameterOverrides, AZStd::function_traits< Function >::num_args >
using BehaviorContextBus = AZ::EBus< BehaviorContextEvents >
using BehaviorObjectSignals = AZ::EBus< BehaviorObjectSignalsInterface >
using StaticReflectionFunctionPtr = void(*)(ReflectContext *context)
using ReflectionFunction = AZStd::function< void(ReflectContext *context)>
 Must be function object, as these are typically virtual member functions (see ComponentDescriptor::Reflect)
using AttributeUniquePtr = AZStd::unique_ptr< AZ::Attribute, Internal::AttributeDeleter >
typedef AZ::u32 AttributeId
typedef AZStd::pair
< AttributeId, Attribute * > 
typedef AZStd::vector
< AttributePair
template<typename T >
using AttributeContainerType = AZStd::conditional_t< AZStd::is_member_pointer< T >::value, AZStd::conditional_t< AZStd::is_member_function_pointer< T >::value, AttributeMemberFunction< T >, AttributeMemberData< T > >, AZStd::conditional_t< AZStd::is_function< AZStd::remove_pointer_t< T >>::value, AttributeFunction< AZStd::remove_pointer_t< T >>, AZStd::conditional_t< AZStd::function_traits< T >::value, AttributeInvocable< typename AZStd::function_traits< T >::function_type >, AttributeData< T >>> >
using TypeId = Uuid
using RTTI_EnumCallback = void(*)(const AZ::TypeId &, void *)
 RTTI Visitor.
using TypeNameString = AZStd::fixed_string< 512 >
using TemplateId = AZ::Uuid
 An identifier which used to reference a Class Template.
using ScriptTypeId = Uuid
using ScriptShortTypeId = size_t
typedef AZ::u32 ScriptContextId
using StackVariableAllocator = AZStd::static_buffer_allocator< 256, 16 >
using LuaLoadFromStack = bool(*)(lua_State *, int, AZ::BehaviorArgument &, AZ::BehaviorClass *, AZ::StackVariableAllocator *)
using LuaPushToStack = void(*)(lua_State *, AZ::BehaviorArgument &)
using LuaPrepareValue = bool(*)(AZ::BehaviorArgument &, AZ::BehaviorClass *, AZ::StackVariableAllocator &, AZStd::allocator *backupAllocator)
typedef AZ::EBus
< ScriptPropertyWatcherInterface
using InMemoryScriptModules = AZStd::vector< AZStd::pair< AZStd::string, AZ::Data::Asset< AZ::ScriptAsset >>>
using ScriptSystemRequestBus = AZ::EBus< ScriptSystemRequests >
typedef u32 DataOverlayProviderId
typedef EBus
< DataOverlayInstanceMsgs
typedef EBus
< DataOverlayProviderMsgs
using DataPatchNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< DataPatchNotifications >
template<class T >
using InvocableReturnType = AZStd::conditional_t< AZStd::function_traits< T >::value, typename AZStd::function_traits< T >::return_type, T >
template<class T >
using EnumTypeFromVectorOfEnumConstants_t = typename EnumTypeFromVectorOfEnumConstants< T >::type
template<class NewReturnType , class InvocableType >
using ReplaceInvocableReturnType_t = typename ReplaceInvocableReturnType< NewReturnType, InvocableType >::type
using JsonByteStream = AZStd::vector< AZ::u8 >
 Alias for AZStd::vector<AZ::u8>.
using ObjectStreamWriteOverrideCB = AZStd::function< ObjectStreamWriteOverrideResponse(SerializeContext::EnumerateInstanceCallContext &callContext, const void *classPtr, const SerializeContext::ClassData &classData, const SerializeContext::ClassElement *classElement)>
using AttributePtr = AZStd::shared_ptr< Attribute >
using AttributeSharedPair = AZStd::pair< AttributeId, AttributePtr >
using SettingsRegistry = Interface< SettingsRegistryInterface >
using PrefabComponent = SliceComponent
using PrefabAsset = SliceAsset
using DynamicPrefabAsset = DynamicSliceAsset
typedef EBus< SliceEventsSliceBus
using SliceInstanceNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< SliceInstanceEvents >
using SliceAssetSerializationNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< SliceAssetSerializationNotifications >
using SliceEntityHierarchyRequestBus = AZ::EBus< SliceEntityHierarchyInterface >
using PrefabEvents = SliceEvents
using PrefabBus = SliceBus
using SliceMetadataInfoRequestBus = EBus< SliceMetadataInfoRequests >
using SliceMetadataInfoManipulationBus = EBus< SliceMetadataInfoManipulationRequests >
using SliceMetadataInfoNotificationBus = EBus< SliceMetadataInfoNotifications >
typedef AZStd::basic_string
< char, AZStd::char_traits
< char >, OSStdAllocator
using ITimeRequestBus = AZ::EBus< ITime, ITimeRequests >
using NiceTimeSystemMock = ::testing::NiceMock< MockTimeSystem >
using NiceSettingsRegistrySimpleMock = ::testing::NiceMock< MockSettingsRegistry >
typedef EBus
< UserSettingsFileLocator
using UserSettingsComponentRequestBus = AZ::EBus< UserSettingsComponentRequests >
typedef EBus
< UserSettingsMessages
typedef EBus
< UserSettingsOwnerRequests
typedef EBus
< UserSettingsNotifications
using SharedMemory_Platform = SharedMemory_Unimplemented
using BetterPseudoRandom_Platform = BetterPseudoRandom_UnixLike


enum  ComponentTickBus {
  TICK_PRE_RENDER = 750, TICK_DEFAULT = 1000, TICK_UI = 2000, TICK_LAST = 100000
enum  ChildChangeType { Added, Removed }
enum  OnParentChangedBehavior : AZ::u8 { OnParentChangedBehavior::Update, OnParentChangedBehavior::DoNotUpdate }
 Used to control the behavior of an entity's transform when its parent's transform changes at runtime. More...
enum  ThreadSafety { RequiresLock, UseStdAtomic }
enum  GetValueResult { Success, NotImplemented, TypeNotConvertible, ConsoleVarNotFound }
enum  ConsoleFunctorFlags {
  Null = 0, DontReplicate = (1 << 0), ServerOnly = (1 << 1), ReadOnly = (1 << 2),
  IsCheat = (1 << 3), IsInvisible = (1 << 4), IsDeprecated = (1 << 5), NeedsReload = (1 << 6),
  AllowClientSet = (1 << 7), DontDuplicate = (1 << 8)
enum  ConsoleSilentMode { Silent, NotSilent }
enum  ConsoleInvokedFrom { AzConsole, AzNetworking, CryBinding }
enum  LogLevel : int8_t {
  Trace = 1, Debug = 2, Info = 3, Notice = 4,
  Warn = 5, Error = 6, Fatal = 7
 This essentially maps to standard syslog logging priorities to allow the logger to easily plug into standard logging services.
enum  EBusAddressPolicy { EBusAddressPolicy::Single, EBusAddressPolicy::ById, EBusAddressPolicy::ByIdAndOrdered }
enum  EBusHandlerPolicy { EBusHandlerPolicy::Single, EBusHandlerPolicy::Multiple, EBusHandlerPolicy::MultipleAndOrdered }
enum  InterpolationMode : u32 { NoInterpolation, LinearInterpolation }
enum  IntegralTypeDiff {
  IntegralTypeDiff::LSignedRSignedEqSize, IntegralTypeDiff::LSignedRUnsignedEqSize, IntegralTypeDiff::LUnsignedRSignedEqSize, IntegralTypeDiff::LUnsignedRUnsignedEqSize,
  IntegralTypeDiff::LSignedRSignedLWider, IntegralTypeDiff::LSignedRUnsignedLWider, IntegralTypeDiff::LUnsignedRSignedLWider, IntegralTypeDiff::LUnsignedRUnsignedLWider,
  IntegralTypeDiff::LSignedRSignedRWider, IntegralTypeDiff::LSignedRUnsignedRWider, IntegralTypeDiff::LUnsignedRSignedRWider, IntegralTypeDiff::LUnsignedRUnsignedRWider
 Enumerations to describe the sign and size relationship between two integer types. More...
enum  IntegralCompare { LessThan, Equal, GreaterThan }
 Comparison result returned by SafeIntegralCompare.
enum  IntersectResult { Interior, Overlaps, Exterior }
 Intersection classifications.
enum  RandomDistributionType : AZ::u32 { Normal, UniformReal }
enum  ModuleInitializationSteps : u8 {
  ModuleInitializationSteps::None, ModuleInitializationSteps::Load, ModuleInitializationSteps::CreateClass, ModuleInitializationSteps::RegisterComponentDescriptors,
enum  PlatformID {
enum  AttributeIsValid : AZ::u8 { IfPresent }
enum  eBehaviorBusForwarderEventIndices { Result, UserData, ParameterFirst, Count }
enum  VariantOnThis { No, Yes }
enum  RttiKind { None, Intrusive, External }
enum  TypeTraits : AZ::u64 {
  TypeTraits::is_signed = 0b1, TypeTraits::is_unsigned = 0b10, TypeTraits::is_enum = 0b100, TypeTraits::is_pointer = 0b1000,
  TypeTraits::is_template = 0b10000
enum  AcquisitionOnPush { None, ScriptAcquire }
enum  ObjectToLua { ByReference, ByValue }
enum  ScriptContextIds : ScriptContextId { DefaultScriptContextId = 0, CryScriptContextId = 1 }
enum  ImportTracking : AZ::u8 { None = 0, Dependencies = (1<<0), Imports = (1<<1), All = (Dependencies | Imports) }
enum  JsonMergeApproach { JsonMergeApproach::JsonPatch, JsonMergeApproach::JsonMergePatch }
enum  JsonSerializerCompareResult { Less, Equal, Greater, Error }
enum  ObjectStreamWriteOverrideResponse { CompletedWrite, FallbackToDefaultWrite, AbortWrite }
enum  TaskPriority : uint8_t {
  CRITICAL = 0, HIGH = 1, MEDIUM = 2, LOW = 3,


 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (Data::AssetLoadBehavior,"{DAF9ECED-FEF3-4D7A-A220-8CFD6A5E6DA1}")
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_TEMPLATE_WITH_NAME (AZ::Data::Asset,"Asset","{C891BF19-B60C-45E2-BFD0-027D15DDC939}", AZ_TYPE_INFO_CLASS)
const UuidGetAssetClassId ()
template<typename T >
SizeAlignUp (T s, size_t a)
template<typename T >
SizeAlignDown (T s, size_t a)
template<typename T >
T * PointerAlignUp (T *p, size_t a)
template<typename T >
T * PointerAlignDown (T *p, size_t a)
constexpr size_t AlignUpToPowerOfTwo (size_t value)
template<typename T , typename S >
AliasCast (S source)
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (TransformConfig::ParentActivationTransformMode,"{03FD8A24-CE8F-4651-A3CC-09F40D36BC2C}")
const char * GetEnumString (GetValueResult value)
template<size_t N>
bool operator< (const Version< N > &a, const Version< N > &b)
template<size_t N>
bool operator> (const Version< N > &a, const Version< N > &b)
template<size_t N>
bool operator<= (const Version< N > &a, const Version< N > &b)
template<size_t N>
bool operator>= (const Version< N > &a, const Version< N > &b)
template<size_t N>
bool operator== (const Version< N > &a, const Version< N > &b)
template<size_t N>
bool operator!= (const Version< N > &a, const Version< N > &b)
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (AZ::IO::PathView,"{A3F81F4A-F87C-4CD6-8328-7E9C9C83D131}")
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (AZ::IO::Path,"{88E0A40F-3085-4CAB-8B11-EF5A2659C71A}")
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (AZ::IO::FixedMaxPath,"{FA6CA49F-376A-417C-9767-DD50744DF203}")
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (AZ::IO::BlockCacheConfig::BlockSize,"{5D4D597D-4605-462D-A27D-8046115C5381}")
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (AZ::IO::ReadSplitterConfig::SplitSize,"{2D6B3695-3F62-42EB-9DFE-FBABED395C58}")
template<class IndexType , class Function , class Partition >
void parallel_for (IndexType start, IndexType end, IndexType step, const Function &function, const Partition &partition, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr)
template<class IndexType , class Function >
void parallel_for (IndexType start, IndexType end, IndexType step, const Function &function, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr)
template<class IndexType , class Function , class Partition >
void parallel_for (IndexType start, IndexType end, const Function &function, const Partition &partition, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr)
template<class IndexType , class Function >
void parallel_for (IndexType start, IndexType end, const Function &function, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr)
template<class IndexType , class Function , class Partition >
void parallel_for_start (IndexType start, IndexType end, IndexType step, const Function &function, Job *dependent, const Partition &partition, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr, AZStd::stack_allocator *allocator=nullptr)
template<class IndexType , class Function >
void parallel_for_start (IndexType start, IndexType end, IndexType step, const Function &function, Job *dependent, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr, AZStd::stack_allocator *allocator=nullptr)
template<class IndexType , class Function , class Partition >
void parallel_for_start (IndexType start, IndexType end, const Function &function, Job *dependent, const Partition &partition, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr, AZStd::stack_allocator *allocator=nullptr)
template<class IndexType , class Function >
void parallel_for_start (IndexType start, IndexType end, const Function &function, Job *dependent, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr, AZStd::stack_allocator *allocator=nullptr)
template<class Iterator , class Function , class Partition >
void parallel_for_each (Iterator start, Iterator end, const Function &function, const Partition &partition, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr)
template<class Iterator , class Function >
void parallel_for_each (Iterator start, Iterator end, const Function &function, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr)
template<class Iterator , class Function , class Partition >
void parallel_for_each_start (Iterator start, Iterator end, const Function &function, Job *dependent, const Partition &partition, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr, AZStd::stack_allocator *allocator=nullptr)
template<class Iterator , class Function >
void parallel_for_each_start (Iterator start, Iterator end, const Function &function, Job *dependent, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr, AZStd::stack_allocator *allocator=nullptr)
template<typename F1 , typename F2 >
void parallel_invoke (const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr)
template<typename F1 , typename F2 , typename F3 >
void parallel_invoke (const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr)
template<typename F1 , typename F2 , typename F3 , typename F4 >
void parallel_invoke (const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, const F4 &f4, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr)
template<typename F1 , typename F2 , typename F3 , typename F4 , typename F5 >
void parallel_invoke (const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, const F4 &f4, const F5 &f5, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr)
template<typename F1 , typename F2 , typename F3 , typename F4 , typename F5 , typename F6 >
void parallel_invoke (const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, const F4 &f4, const F5 &f5, const F6 &f6, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr)
template<typename F1 , typename F2 , typename F3 , typename F4 , typename F5 , typename F6 , typename F7 >
void parallel_invoke (const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, const F4 &f4, const F5 &f5, const F6 &f6, const F7 &f7, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr)
template<typename F1 , typename F2 , typename F3 , typename F4 , typename F5 , typename F6 , typename F7 , typename F8 >
void parallel_invoke (const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, const F4 &f4, const F5 &f5, const F6 &f6, const F7 &f7, const F8 &f8, JobContext *jobContext=nullptr)
template<class Function >
JobFunction< Function > * CreateJobFunction (const Function &processFunction, bool isAutoDelete, JobContext *context=nullptr)
 Convenience function to create (aznew JobFunction with any function signature). Delete the function with delete (or isAutoDelete set to true)
void DeleteJobFunction (Job *jobFunction)
 For delete symmetry.
AZ_MATH_INLINE const Color operator* (float multiplier, const Color &rhs)
constexpr u32 MatrixTimes (u32 *mat, u32 vec)
Frustum::PlaneId operator++ (Frustum::PlaneId &planeId)
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector3 Vector2ToVector3 (const Vector2 &v)
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector3 Vector2ToVector3 (const Vector2 &v, const float z)
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector4 Vector2ToVector4 (const Vector2 &v)
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector4 Vector2ToVector4 (const Vector2 &v, const float z)
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector4 Vector2ToVector4 (const Vector2 &v, const float z, const float w)
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector2 Vector3ToVector2 (const Vector3 &v)
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector4 Vector3ToVector4 (const Vector3 &v)
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector4 Vector3ToVector4 (const Vector3 &v, const float w)
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector2 Vector4ToVector2 (const Vector4 &v)
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector3 Vector4ToVector3 (const Vector4 &v)
template<typename Vertex >
static const Vertex & ScriptIndexRead (VertexContainer< Vertex > *thisPtr, int index)
template<typename Vertex >
static void ScriptUpdateVertex (VertexContainer< Vertex > *thisPtr, int index, const Vertex &vertex)
template<typename Vertex >
static void ScriptInsertVertex (VertexContainer< Vertex > *thisPtr, int index, const Vertex &vertex)
template<typename Vertex >
static void ScriptRemoveVertex (VertexContainer< Vertex > *thisPtr, int index)
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (InterpolationMode,"{3095F41E-C2C6-474A-BB05-68B228097626}")
void MathReflect (ReflectContext *context)
AZStd::string Vector3ToString (const Vector3 &v)
AZStd::string Vector4ToString (const Vector4 &v)
AZStd::string QuaternionToString (const Quaternion &v)
AZStd::string TransformToString (const Transform &t)
float GetTransformEpsilon ()
template<typename t_Argument , typename t_Constructed >
bool ConstructOnTypedArgument (t_Constructed &constructed, ScriptDataContext &dc, int index)
constexpr bool IsPowerOfTwo (uint32_t testValue)
constexpr uint32_t Log2 (uint64_t maxValue)
 Calculates at compile-time the integral log base 2 of the input value.
template<uint64_t MAX_VALUE>
constexpr uint32_t RequiredBytesForBitfield ()
 Calculates at compile-time the number of bytes required to represent the given set of input bits.
template<uint64_t MAX_VALUE>
constexpr uint32_t RequiredBytesForValue ()
 Calculates at compile-time the number of bytes required to represent the given max value.
template<uint32_t Alignment>
AZ_MATH_INLINE bool IsAligned (const void *addr)
 Compile-time check of address alignment.
template<typename LeftType , typename RightType >
constexpr IntegralTypeDiff IntegralTypeCompare ()
 Compares two integer types and returns their sign and size relationship.
template<typename LeftType , typename RightType >
constexpr IntegralCompare SafeIntegralCompare (LeftType lhs, RightType rhs)
constexpr float RadToDeg (float rad)
 Converts radians to degrees.
constexpr float DegToRad (float deg)
 Converts degrees to radians.
AZ_MATH_INLINE bool IsClose (float a, float b, float tolerance=Constants::Tolerance)
AZ_MATH_INLINE bool IsClose (double a, double b, double tolerance=Constants::Tolerance)
AZ_MATH_INLINE float GetSign (float x)
 Returns x >= 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f.
template<typename T >
constexpr T GetClamp (T value, T min, T max)
 Returns the clamped value.
template<typename T >
constexpr T GetMin (T a, T b)
template<typename T >
constexpr T GetMax (T a, T b)
template<typename T >
constexpr T Lerp (const T &a, const T &b, float t)
 Returns a linear interpolation between 2 values.
constexpr float Lerp (float a, float b, float t)
 Returns a linear interpolation between 2 values.
constexpr double Lerp (double a, double b, double t)
float LerpInverse (float a, float b, float value)
 Returns a value t where Lerp(a, b, t) == value (or 0 if a == b).
double LerpInverse (double a, double b, double value)
template<typename T >
constexpr AZStd::enable_if_t
< AZStd::is_integral< T >
::value, bool > 
IsEven (T a)
 Returns true if the number provided is even.
template<typename T >
constexpr AZStd::enable_if_t
< AZStd::is_integral< T >
::value, bool > 
IsOdd (T a)
 Returns true if the number provided is odd.
AZ_MATH_INLINE float GetAbs (float a)
AZ_MATH_INLINE double GetAbs (double a)
AZ_MATH_INLINE float GetMod (float a, float b)
AZ_MATH_INLINE double GetMod (double a, double b)
AZ_MATH_INLINE int Wrap (int value, int maxValue)
 Wraps [0, maxValue].
AZ_MATH_INLINE int Wrap (int value, int minValue, int maxValue)
 Wraps [minValue, maxValue].
AZ_MATH_INLINE float GetFloatQNaN ()
template<typename T >
AZ_MATH_INLINE bool IsCloseMag (T x, T y, T epsilonValue=AZStd::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon())
 IsCloseMag(x, y, epsilon) returns true if y and x are sufficiently close, taking magnitude of x and y into account in the epsilon.
template<typename T >
AZ_MATH_INLINE T ClampIfCloseMag (T x, T y, T epsilonValue=AZStd::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon())
 ClampIfCloseMag(x, y, epsilon) returns y when x and y are within epsilon of each other (taking magnitude into account). Otherwise returns x.
AZ_MATH_INLINE bool IsNormalDouble (double x)
AZ_MATH_INLINE bool IsFiniteFloat (float x)
template<typename T >
constexpr T DivideAndRoundUp (T value, T alignment)
template<typename T >
constexpr T RoundUpToMultiple (T value, T alignment)
Quaternion CreateRandomQuaternion (SimpleLcgRandom &rng)
Vector3 operator* (const Vector3 &lhs, const Matrix3x3 &rhs)
Vector3operator*= (Vector3 &lhs, const Matrix3x3 &rhs)
Matrix3x3 operator* (float lhs, const Matrix3x3 &rhs)
 Pre-multiplies the matrix by a scalar.
Matrix3x4 operator* (float lhs, const Matrix3x4 &rhs)
 Pre-multiplies the matrix by a scalar.
AZ_MATH_INLINE void ConvertTo4x4 (const Simd::Vec4::FloatType *in3x4, Simd::Vec4::FloatType *out4x4)
const Vector3 operator* (const Vector3 &lhs, const Matrix4x4 &rhs)
Vector3operator*= (Vector3 &lhs, const Matrix4x4 &rhs)
const Vector4 operator* (const Vector4 &lhs, const Matrix4x4 &rhs)
Vector4operator*= (Vector4 &lhs, const Matrix4x4 &rhs)
Matrix4x4 operator* (float lhs, const Matrix4x4 &rhs)
 Pre-multiplies the matrix by a scalar.
Matrix4x4MakePerspectiveFovMatrixRH (Matrix4x4 &out, float fovY, float aspectRatio, float nearDist, float farDist, bool reverseDepth=false)
Matrix4x4MakeFrustumMatrixRH (Matrix4x4 &out, float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearDist, float farDist, bool reverseDepth=false)
Matrix4x4MakeOrthographicMatrixRH (Matrix4x4 &out, float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearDist, float farDist, bool reverseDepth=false)
Vector3 MatrixTransformPosition (const Matrix4x4 &matrix, const Vector3 &inPosition)
 Transforms a position by a matrix. This function can be used with any generic cases which include projection matrices.
void SetPerspectiveMatrixFOV (Matrix4x4 &out, float fovY, float aspectRatio)
float GetPerspectiveMatrixFOV (const Matrix4x4 &m)
void SetPerspectiveMatrixNearFar (Matrix4x4 &out, float nearDist, float farDist, bool reverseDepth=true)
Obb operator* (const class Transform &transform, const Obb &obb)
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_TEMPLATE (PackedVector3,"{AE80F5E2-F809-4E2A-AE63-39F171C62819}", AZ_TYPE_INFO_TYPENAME)
void PolygonPrismReflect (ReflectContext *context)
Vector3 ConvertQuaternionToEulerDegrees (const Quaternion &q)
 Non-member functionality belonging to the AZ namespace. More...
Vector3 ConvertQuaternionToEulerRadians (const Quaternion &q)
Quaternion ConvertEulerRadiansToQuaternion (const Vector3 &eulerRadians)
Quaternion ConvertEulerDegreesToQuaternion (const Vector3 &eulerDegrees)
void ConvertQuaternionToAxisAngle (const Quaternion &quat, Vector3 &outAxis, float &outAngle)
Quaternion operator* (float multiplier, const Quaternion &rhs)
bool IsUnit (const Transform &t)
 Helper method to quickly determine whether or not a given transform includes a scale.
float GetHaltonNumber (uint32_t index, uint32_t base)
void SplineReflect (ReflectContext *context)
RaySplineQueryResult IntersectSpline (const Transform &worldFromLocal, const Vector3 &src, const Vector3 &dir, const Spline &spline)
 Util function to intersect a ray in world space against a spline. Use the provided transform to transform the ray into the local space of the spline.
Vector3 ConvertTransformToEulerDegrees (const Transform &transform)
Vector3 ConvertTransformToEulerRadians (const Transform &transform)
Transform ConvertEulerDegreesToTransform (const Vector3 &eulerDegrees)
Transform ConvertEulerRadiansToTransform (const Vector3 &eulerRadians)
constexpr Uuid operator+ (const Uuid &lhs, const Uuid &rhs)
Vector2 operator* (float multiplier, const Vector2 &rhs)
 Allows pre-multiplying by a float.
AZ::Vector3 Vector3RadToDeg (const AZ::Vector3 &radians)
AZ::Vector3 Vector3DegToRad (const AZ::Vector3 &degrees)
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector3 operator* (float multiplier, const Vector3 &rhs)
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector4 operator* (float multiplier, const Vector4 &rhs)
void VertexContainerReflect (ReflectContext *context)
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_TEMPLATE (VertexContainer,"{39A06CC2-D2C4-4803-A2D1-0E674A61EF4E}", AZ_TYPE_INFO_TYPENAME)
template<typename Vertex >
Vertex AdaptVertexIn (const AZ::Vector3 &)
AZ::Vector3 AdaptVertexIn< AZ::Vector3 > (const AZ::Vector3 &vector)
AZ::Vector2 AdaptVertexIn< AZ::Vector2 > (const AZ::Vector3 &vector)
template<typename Vertex >
AZ::Vector3 AdaptVertexOut (const Vertex &)
AZ::Vector3 AdaptVertexOut< AZ::Vector3 > (const AZ::Vector3 &vector)
AZ::Vector3 AdaptVertexOut< AZ::Vector2 > (const AZ::Vector2 &vector)
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (Debug::AllocationRecords::Mode,"{C007B46A-3827-42DC-B56D-0484BC9942A9}")
AZ_FORCE_INLINE bool operator== (const AllocatorPointerWrapper &a, const AllocatorPointerWrapper &b)
AZ_FORCE_INLINE bool operator!= (const AllocatorPointerWrapper &a, const AllocatorPointerWrapper &b)
template<typename Allocator >
AZ_FORCE_INLINE bool operator== (const AllocatorGlobalWrapper< Allocator > &, const AllocatorGlobalWrapper< Allocator > &)
template<typename Allocator >
AZ_FORCE_INLINE bool operator!= (const AllocatorGlobalWrapper< Allocator > &, const AllocatorGlobalWrapper< Allocator > &)
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_TEMPLATE (AllocatorGlobalWrapper,"{0994AE22-B98C-427B-A8EC-110F50D1ECC1}", AZ_TYPE_INFO_TYPENAME)
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_TEMPLATE (AZStdAlloc,"{42D0AA1E-3C6C-440E-ABF8-435931150470}", AZ_TYPE_INFO_CLASS)
template<class Allocator >
AZ_FORCE_INLINE bool operator== (const AZStdAlloc< Allocator > &a, const AZStdAlloc< Allocator > &b)
template<class Allocator >
AZ_FORCE_INLINE bool operator!= (const AZStdAlloc< Allocator > &a, const AZStdAlloc< Allocator > &b)
void * OperatorNew (std::size_t size)
void OperatorDelete (void *ptr)
void OperatorDelete (void *ptr, std::size_t size)
void * OperatorNewArray (std::size_t size)
void OperatorDeleteArray (void *ptr)
void OperatorDeleteArray (void *ptr, std::size_t size)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator== (EnvironmentVariable< T > const &a, EnvironmentVariable< U > const &b)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator!= (EnvironmentVariable< T > const &a, EnvironmentVariable< U > const &b)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator== (EnvironmentVariable< T > const &a, U *b)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator!= (EnvironmentVariable< T > const &a, U *b)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator== (T *a, EnvironmentVariable< U > const &b)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator!= (T *a, EnvironmentVariable< U > const &b)
template<class T >
bool operator== (EnvironmentVariable< T > const &a, std::nullptr_t)
template<class T >
bool operator!= (EnvironmentVariable< T > const &a, std::nullptr_t)
template<class T >
bool operator== (std::nullptr_t, EnvironmentVariable< T > const &a)
template<class T >
bool operator!= (std::nullptr_t, EnvironmentVariable< T > const &a)
template<class T >
bool operator< (EnvironmentVariable< T > const &a, EnvironmentVariable< T > const &b)
bool ShouldUseSystemComponent (const ComponentDescriptor &descriptor, const AZStd::vector< Crc32 > &requiredTags, const SerializeContext &serialize)
constexpr AZStd::in_place_t Success ()
template<class ValueT , class >
constexpr ValueT Success (ValueT &&rhs)
constexpr AZStd::unexpected
< AZStd::unexpect_t
Failure ()
template<class ValueT , class >
constexpr AZStd::unexpected
< ValueT > 
Failure (ValueT &&rhs)
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (AZStd::unexpect_t,"{D293EBFF-F38A-420D-AB93-837FF08ED9BE}")
bool IsBigEndian (PlatformID)
const char * GetPlatformName (PlatformID platform)
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_TEMPLATE (Iterator_VM,"{55E371F4-4051-4E20-B205-8F11DBCE0907}", AZ_TYPE_INFO_CLASS)
template<typename... T>
BehaviorObject CreateConnectedAZEventHandler (void *voidPtr, BehaviorFunction &&function)
template<typename... T>
AZStd::vector< AZ::TypeIdToTypeIds ()
bool MethodReturnsAzEventByReferenceOrPointer (const AZ::BehaviorMethod &method)
 Checks if the supplied BehaviorMethod returns AZ::Event by either pointer or reference.
bool ValidateAzEventDescription (const AZ::BehaviorContext &context, const AZ::BehaviorMethod &method)
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (Script::Attributes::OperatorType,"{26B98C03-7E07-4E3E-9E31-03DA2168E896}")
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (Script::Attributes::StorageType,"{57FED71F-B590-4002-9599-A48CB50B0F8E}")
AZ::BehaviorContextGetDefaultBehaviorContext ()
ExplicitOverloadInfo GetExplicitOverloads (const AZStd::string &name)
ExplicitOverloadInfo GetExplicitOverloads (const BehaviorMethod &method)
AZStd::string GetOverloadName (const BehaviorMethod &, size_t overloadIndex, AZStd::string nameOverride={})
AZStd::string GetOverloadName (const BehaviorMethod &, size_t overloadIndex, const OverloadVariance &variance, AZStd::string nameOverride={})
AZStd::vector< AZStd::stringGetOverloadNames (const BehaviorMethod &method, AZStd::string nameOverride={})
OverloadVariance GetOverloadVariance (const BehaviorMethod &method, const AZStd::vector< AZStd::pair< const BehaviorMethod *, const BehaviorClass * >> &overloads, VariantOnThis onThis)
AZStd::vector< AZStd::pair
< const BehaviorMethod
*, const BehaviorClass * > > 
OverloadsToVector (const BehaviorMethod &, const BehaviorClass *)
void RemovePropertyGetterNameArtifacts (AZStd::string &name)
void RemovePropertySetterNameArtifacts (AZStd::string &name)
void RemovePropertyNameArtifacts (AZStd::string &name)
AZStd::string ReplaceCppArtifacts (AZStd::string_view sourceName)
void StripQualifiers (AZStd::string &name)
bool TypeCompare (const BehaviorParameter &a, const BehaviorParameter &b)
 returns true iff a and b have the same type and traits
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (AZStd::chrono::nanoseconds,"{5CEA0194-A74C-448A-AC10-3F7A6A8EEFB4}")
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (AZStd::chrono::microseconds,"{1BF1728B-E0EB-4AA1-9937-7D1D7869E398}")
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (AZStd::chrono::milliseconds,"{414B61DC-8042-44DC-82A5-C70DFE04CB65}")
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (AZStd::chrono::seconds,"{63D98FB5-0802-4850-96F6-71046DF38C94}")
 AZ_HAS_MEMBER (NoOnDemandReflection, NoSpecializationFunction, void,())
template<typename ContainerType >
AttributeFindAttribute (AttributeId id, const ContainerType &attrArray)
template<typename Arg >
bool CanInvokeFromDomArrayEntry (const AZ::Dom::Value &domArray, size_t index)
template<typename... T>
bool CanInvokeFromDomArray (const AZ::Dom::Value &domArray)
template<typename R , typename... Args>
Dom::Value InvokeFromDomArray (const AZStd::function< R(Args...)> &invokeFunction, const AZ::Dom::Value &domArray)
template<typename Invocable >
 AttributeInvocable (Invocable &&) -> AttributeInvocable< AZStd::conditional_t< AZStd::function_traits< Invocable >::value, typename AZStd::function_traits< Invocable >::function_type, AZStd::remove_cvref_t< Invocable >>>
template<typename T >
IRttiHelperGetRttiHelper ()
template<class T >
void RttiEnumHierarchy (RTTI_EnumCallback cb, void *userData)
 Enumerate class hierarchy (static) based on input type. Safe to call for type not supporting AZRtti returns the AzTypeInfo<T>::Uuid only.
template<class T , class U >
RttiCast (U ptr)
 Performs a RttiCast when possible otherwise return NULL. Safe to call for type not supporting AZRtti (returns NULL unless type fully match).
template<class T >
RttiCast (AZStd::nullptr_t)
 Specialization for nullptr_t, it's convertible to anything.
template<class T , class U >
AZStd::shared_ptr< typename
AZStd::remove_pointer< T >
::type > 
RttiCast (const AZStd::shared_ptr< U > &ptr)
 RttiCast specialization for shared_ptr.
template<class T , class U >
AZStd::intrusive_ptr< typename
AZStd::remove_pointer< T >
::type > 
RttiCast (const AZStd::intrusive_ptr< U > &ptr)
template<class T >
< T >::type 
RttiAddressOf (T ptr, const AZ::TypeId &id)
template<class U >
AZ::TypeId RttiTypeId ()
template<class U >
AZ::TypeId RttiTypeId (const U &data)
template<class T , class U >
bool RttiIsTypeOf (const U &data)
template<class U >
bool RttiIsTypeOf (const AZ::TypeId &id, U data)
 AZ_HAS_MEMBER_QUAL (AZRttiIntrusive, RTTI_GetType, AZ::TypeId,(), const)
template<class T >
constexpr auto GetO3deTypeName (AZ::Adl, AZStd::type_identity< T >) -> AZStd::enable_if_t< AZStd::is_enum_v< T >, TypeNameString >
template<class T >
constexpr auto GetO3deTypeId (AZ::Adl, AZStd::type_identity< T >) -> AZStd::enable_if_t< AZStd::is_enum_v< T >, AZ::TypeId >
template<class R , class... Args>
AZ::TypeNameString GetO3deTypeName (AZ::Adl, AZStd::type_identity< R(Args...)>)
template<class R , class... Args>
AZ::TypeId GetO3deTypeId (AZ::Adl, AZStd::type_identity< R(Args...)>)
template<class R , class C , class... Args>
AZ::TypeNameString GetO3deTypeName (AZ::Adl, AZStd::type_identity< R(C::*)(Args...)>)
template<class R , class C , class... Args>
AZ::TypeId GetO3deTypeId (AZ::Adl, AZStd::type_identity< R(C::*)(Args...)>)
template<class R , class C , class... Args>
AZ::TypeNameString GetO3deTypeName (AZ::Adl, AZStd::type_identity< R(C::*)(Args...) const >)
template<class R , class C , class... Args>
AZ::TypeId GetO3deTypeId (AZ::Adl, AZStd::type_identity< R(C::*)(Args...) const >)
template<class R , class C >
AZ::TypeNameString GetO3deTypeName (AZ::Adl, AZStd::type_identity< R C::* >)
template<class R , class C >
AZ::TypeId GetO3deTypeId (AZ::Adl, AZStd::type_identity< R C::* >)
template<class T >
AZ::TypeNameString GetO3deTypeName (AZ::Adl, AZStd::type_identity< std::reference_wrapper< T >>)
template<class T >
AZ::TypeId GetO3deTypeId (AZ::Adl, AZStd::type_identity< std::reference_wrapper< T >>)
 Add GetO3deTypeName and GetO3deTypeId declarations for commonly used O3DE types.
 Add GetO3deTypeName and GetO3deTypeId overloads for built-in types.
void GetO3deTypeName (...)=delete
void GetO3deTypeId (...)=delete
 Type Uuid.
void GetO3deClassTemplateId (...)
 Template Uuid. More...
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool operator== (AzTypeInfo< T > const &lhs, AzTypeInfo< U > const &rhs)
template<class T , class U >
constexpr bool operator!= (AzTypeInfo< T > const &lhs, AzTypeInfo< U > const &rhs)
LuaLoadFromStack FromLuaStack (AZ::BehaviorContext *context, const AZ::BehaviorParameter *param, AZ::BehaviorClass *&behaviorClass)
LuaPushToStack ToLuaStack (AZ::BehaviorContext *context, const AZ::BehaviorParameter *param, LuaPrepareValue *prepareParamOut, AZ::BehaviorClass *&behaviorClass)
void StackPush (lua_State *lua, AZ::BehaviorContext *context, AZ::BehaviorArgument &param)
void StackPush (lua_State *lua, AZ::BehaviorArgument &param)
bool StackRead (lua_State *lua, int index, AZ::BehaviorContext *context, AZ::BehaviorArgument &param, AZ::StackVariableAllocator *)
bool StackRead (lua_State *lua, int index, AZ::BehaviorArgument &param, AZ::StackVariableAllocator *=nullptr)
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (AZStd::chrono::steady_clock::time_point,"{5C48FD59-7267-405D-9C06-1EA31379FE82}")
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_INTERNAL_SPECIALIZED_TEMPLATE_POSTFIX_UUID (AZ::Internal::RValueToLValueWrapper,"RValueToLValueWrapper","{2590807F-5748-4CD0-A475-83EF5FD216CF}", AZ_TYPE_INFO_TYPENAME)
static AZ_INLINE constexpr
GetGenericClassInfoVectorTypeId ()
static AZ_INLINE constexpr
GetGenericClassInfoFixedVectorTypeId ()
static AZ_INLINE constexpr
GetGenericClassInfoArrayTypeId ()
static AZ_INLINE constexpr
GetGenericClassSetTypeId ()
static AZ_INLINE constexpr
GetGenericClassUnorderedSetTypeId ()
static AZ_INLINE constexpr
GetGenericOutcomeTypeId ()
AZ_INLINE constexpr AZ::TypeId GetGenericClassPairTypeId ()
AZ_INLINE constexpr AZ::TypeId GetGenericClassTupleTypeId ()
AZ_INLINE constexpr AZ::TypeId GetGenericClassMapTypeId ()
static AZ_INLINE constexpr
GetGenericClassUnorderedMapTypeId ()
template<typename ToType , typename FromType >
JsonSerializationResult::ResultCode JsonNumericCast (ToType &result, FromType value, AZStd::string_view path, const AZ::JsonSerializationResult::JsonIssueCallback &reporting)
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (ObjectStreamWriteOverrideCB,"{87B1A36B-8C8A-42B6-A0B5-E770D9FDBAD4}")
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE_WITH_NAME_DECL (ObjectStreamWriteOverrideResponse)
template<typename T , typename ContainerType = AttributeContainerType<T>>
AttributePtr CreateModuleAttribute (T &&attrValue)
SerializeContext::PerModuleGenericClassInfoGetCurrentSerializeContextModule ()
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_TEMPLATE (ConfigurableStack,"{0A3D2038-6E6A-4EFD-A1B4-F30D947E21B1}", AZ_TYPE_INFO_TYPENAME)
template<bool handleEvent>
bool DummyStateHandler (HSM &, const HSM::Event &)
 AZ_TYPE_SAFE_INTEGRAL (TimeMs, int64_t)
 This is a strong typedef for representing a millisecond value since application start.
 AZ_TYPE_SAFE_INTEGRAL (TimeUs, int64_t)
TimeMs GetElapsedTimeMs ()
 This is a simple convenience wrapper.
TimeUs GetElapsedTimeUs ()
 This is a simple convenience wrapper.
TimeMs GetRealElapsedTimeMs ()
 This is a simple convenience wrapper.
TimeUs GetRealElapsedTimeUs ()
 This is a simple convenience wrapper.
TimeUs GetSimulationTickDeltaTimeUs ()
 This is a simple convenience wrapper.
TimeUs GetRealTickDeltaTimeUs ()
 This is a simple convenience wrapper.
TimeUs GetLastSimulationTickTime ()
 This is a simple convenience wrapper.
TimeUs TimeMsToUs (TimeMs value)
 Converts from milliseconds to microseconds.
TimeMs TimeUsToMs (TimeUs value)
 Converts from microseconds to milliseconds.
float TimeMsToSeconds (TimeMs value)
 Converts from milliseconds to seconds.
double TimeMsToSecondsDouble (TimeMs value)
 Converts from milliseconds to seconds.
float TimeUsToSeconds (TimeUs value)
 Converts from microseconds to seconds.
double TimeUsToSecondsDouble (TimeUs value)
 Converts from microseconds to seconds.
auto TimeMsToChrono (TimeMs value)
 Converts from milliseconds to AZStd::chrono::time_point.
auto TimeUsToChrono (TimeUs value)
 Converts from microseconds to AZStd::chrono::time_point.
TimeMs SecondsToTimeMs (const double value)
 A utility function to convert from seconds to TimeMs.
TimeUs SecondsToTimeUs (const double value)
 A utility function to convert from seconds to TimeUs.
 AZ_TYPE_SAFE_INTEGRAL (HashValue32, u32)
 AZ_TYPE_SAFE_INTEGRAL (HashValue64, u64)
HashValue32 TypeHash32 (const uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t length)
HashValue64 TypeHash64 (const uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t length)
HashValue64 TypeHash64 (const uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t length, HashValue64 seed)
HashValue64 TypeHash64 (const uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t length, HashValue64 seed1, HashValue64 seed2)
template<typename T >
HashValue32 TypeHash32 (const T &t)
template<typename T >
HashValue64 TypeHash64 (const T &t)
template<typename T >
HashValue64 TypeHash64 (const T &t, HashValue64 seed)
template<typename T >
HashValue64 TypeHash64 (const T &t, HashValue64 seed1, HashValue64 seed2)
HashValue32 TypeHash32 (const char *value)
HashValue64 TypeHash64 (const char *value)
HashValue64 TypeHash64 (const char *value, HashValue64 seed)
HashValue64 TypeHash64 (const char *value, HashValue64 seed1, HashValue64 seed2)
float Abs (float value)
float Mod (float value, float divisor)
float Wrap (float value, float maxValue)
float Wrap (float value, float minValue, float maxValue)
float AngleMod (float value)
void SinCos (float angle, float &sin, float &cos)
float Sin (float angle)
float Cos (float angle)
float Acos (float value)
float Atan (float value)
float Atan2 (float y, float x)
float Sqrt (float value)
float InvSqrt (float value)


static const ComponentId InvalidComponentId = 0
static constexpr TypeId TransformComponentTypeId { AZStd::string_view("{22B10178-39B6-4C12-BB37-77DB45FDD3B6}") }
 The typeId of game component AzFramework::TransformComponent.
static constexpr TypeId EditorTransformComponentTypeId { AZStd::string_view("{27F1E1A1-8D9D-4C3B-BD3A-AFB9762449C0}") }
 The typeId of editor component AzToolsFramework::Components::TransformComponent.
constexpr size_t MaxConsoleCommandPlusArgsLength = 64
constexpr size_t MaxCVarStringLength = 256
const Transform g_transformIdentity
template<class T >
constexpr bool HasAZClassAllocator_v = AZ::HasAZClassAllocator<T>::value
const char InitializeDynamicModuleFunctionName [] = "InitializeDynamicModule"
const char UninitializeDynamicModuleFunctionName [] = "UninitializeDynamicModule"
const char CreateModuleClassFunctionName [] = "CreateModuleClass"
const char DestroyModuleClassFunctionName [] = "DestroyModuleClass"
template<class T >
constexpr bool HasAzEnumTraits_v = HasAzEnumTraits<T>::value
static const AZ::Crc32 RuntimeEBusAttribute = AZ_CRC("RuntimeEBus", 0x466b899b)
 Signals that this reflected ebus should only be available at runtime, helps tools filter out data driven ebuses.
constexpr const char * k_PropertyNameGetterSuffix = "::Getter"
constexpr const char * k_PropertyNameSetterSuffix = "::Setter"
template<class T >
constexpr bool HasAZRttiExternal_v = false
template<class T >
constexpr bool HasAZRtti_v = HasAZRtti<T>::value
template<class T , class = void>
constexpr bool HasUnqualifiedGetO3deTypeName_v = false
template<class T >
constexpr bool HasGetO3deTypeName_v = HasUnqualifiedGetO3deTypeName_v<T>
template<class T , class = void>
constexpr bool HasUnqualifiedGetO3deTypeId_v = false
template<class T >
constexpr bool HasGetO3deTypeId_v = HasUnqualifiedGetO3deTypeId_v<T>
template<class T , class = void>
constexpr bool HasUnqualifiedGetO3deClassTemplateId_v = false
template<class T >
constexpr bool HasGetO3deClassTemplateId_v = HasUnqualifiedGetO3deClassTemplateId_v<T>
constexpr const char * k_scriptLoadBinary = "b"
constexpr const char * k_scriptLoadBinaryOrText = "bt"
constexpr const char * k_scriptLoadRawText = "t"
constexpr const char * k_accessElementNameUnchecked = "AtUnchecked"
constexpr const char * k_accessElementName = "At"
constexpr const char * k_sizeName = "Size"
constexpr const char * k_iteratorConstructorName = "Iterate_VM"
constexpr const char * k_iteratorGetKeyName = "GetKeyUnchecked"
constexpr const char * k_iteratorIsNotAtEndName = "IsNotAtEnd"
constexpr const char * k_iteratorModValueName = "ModValueUnchecked"
constexpr const char * k_iteratorNextName = "Next"
template<class T >
constexpr bool IsVectorOfEnumConstants_v = false
template<class T >
constexpr bool IsInvocableThatReturnsVectorOfEnumConstants_v = IsVectorOfEnumConstants_v<InvocableReturnType<T>>
template<class T >
constexpr bool IsVectorOfPairTypeToString_v = false
template<class T >
constexpr bool IsInvocableThatReturnsVectorOfPairs_v = IsVectorOfPairTypeToString_v<InvocableReturnType<T>>
constexpr char JsonPointerEscape = '~'
constexpr AZStd::string_view JsonPointerEncodedEscape = "~0"
constexpr char JsonPointerReferenceTokenPrefix = '/'
constexpr AZStd::string_view JsonPointerEncodedReferenceTokenPrefix = "~1"
constexpr char const * c_serializeBaseClassStrings [] = { "BaseClass1", "BaseClass2", "BaseClass3" }
constexpr size_t c_serializeMaxNumBaseClasses = 3
static const PlatformID g_currentPlatform = PlatformID::PLATFORM_ANDROID_64
static const PlatformID g_currentPlatform = PlatformID::PLATFORM_APPLE_IOS
static const PlatformID g_currentPlatform = PlatformID::PLATFORM_LINUX_64
static const PlatformID g_currentPlatform = PlatformID::PLATFORM_APPLE_MAC
static constexpr float MinTransformScale = 1e-2f
static constexpr float MaxTransformScale = 1e9f

Detailed Description

Reopen namespace to define DataPatch class.

Namespace for string functions.

include AZStd containers generics

Data types with specific length. They should be used ONLY when we serialize data if they have native type equivalent, which should take precedence.

A utility file to convert AZ Vectors between each other

Having a separate utility system like this means that Vector classes do not need to rely on each other.

By default AZCore doesn't overload operator new and delete. This is a no-no for middle-ware. You are encouraged to do that in your executable. What you need to do is to pipe all allocation trough AZCore memory manager. AZCore relies on AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR to specify the class default allocator or on explicit azcreate/azdestroy calls which provide the allocator. If you class doesn't not implement the AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR when you call a new/delete they will use the global operator new/delete. In addition if you call aznew on a class without AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR you will need to implement new operator specific to aznew call signature. So in an exception free environment (AZLibs don't have exception support) you need to implement the following functions:

void* operator new(std::size_t); void* operator new[](std::size_t); void operator delete(void*); void operator delete[](void*);

You can implement those functions anyway you like, or you can use the provided implementations for you! Global New/Delete Operators All allocations will happen using the AZ::SystemAllocator. Make sure you create it properly before any new calls. If you use our default new implementation you should map the global functions like that:

void* operator new(std::size_t size) { return AZ::OperatorNew(size); } void* operator new[](std::size_t size) { return AZ::OperatorNewArray(size); } void operator delete(void* ptr) { AZ::OperatorDelete(ptr); } void operator delete[](void* ptr) { AZ::OperatorDeleteArray(ptr); }

Stores information about memory usage of process, All size values are in bytes.

ObjectStream provides load/save functionality of structured object data. It works in conjunction with SerializeContext. After serializable classes have been reflected in a SerializeContext, objects of such types can be serialized in and out through the ObjectStream interface.

Operation: To serialize objects, a GenericStream and SerializeContext are provided to the ObjectStream along with an operation callback and a completion callback. When loading, each root object created by ObjectStream is passed to the ClassReadyCB supplied to transfer ownership of the object to the user. When saving, classWriterCB is called from the saving thread. The user then calls ObjectStream::WriteClass() for each root object that needs to be written before returning from the callback. CompletionCB is called to indicate that the object stream operation is complete.

The StringFunc namespace is where we put string functions that extend some std::string functionality to regular c-strings, make easier implementations of common but complex AZStd::strings routines, implement features that are not in std (or not yet in std), and a host of functions to more easily manipulate file paths. Some simply do additional error checking on top of the std, or make it more readable.

This file is to be included from UnixLike SystemFile implementations only. It should NOT be included by the user.

Typedef Documentation

As an attempt to improve the pseudo-random (rand, time) we use a better random. The cost of computing one if making it to great for high performance application, but it's a great tool to get a good seed.

using AZ::ConsoleCommandInvokedEvent = typedef AZ::Event<AZStd::basic_string_view<char, AZStd::char_traits<char>>, const ConsoleCommandContainer&, ConsoleFunctorFlags, ConsoleInvokedFrom>

Called on invocation of any console command.

commandthe full command being executed on the console
commandArgsthe array of arguments that was supplied to PeformCommand
flagsthe set of flags associated with the command being executed
invokedFromthe source point that initiated console invocation
using AZ::CreateModuleClassFunction = typedef AZ::Module * (*)(
extern "C" AZ_DLL_EXPORT
AZ::Module* CreateModuleClass()

Function by which a dynamic module creates its AZ::Module class. This will be called after InitializeDynamicModule().

Function signature for static module registrars.

using AZ::DestroyModuleClassFunction = typedef void(*)(AZ::Module* module)
extern "C" AZ_DLL_EXPORT
void DestroyModuleClass(AZ::Module* module)

Function by which a dynamic module destroys its AZ::Module class. This will be callled before UninitializeDynamicModule().

Called when a command to dispatch has not been found within the AZ Console.

commandthe full command that was not found
commandArgsthe array of arguments that was supplied to PeformCommand
invokedFromthe source point that initiated console invocation

The EBus for notification events dispatched by a specific entity. The events are defined in the AZ::EntityEvents class.

The EBus for systemwide entity notification events. The events are defined in the AZ::EntitySystemEvents class.

using AZ::InitializeDynamicModuleFunction = typedef void(*)(

Functions that the AZ::ComponentApplication expects to find in a dynamic module.

extern "C" AZ_DLL_EXPORT
void InitializeDynamicModule(void* sharedEnvironment)

The very first function invoked in a dynamic module. Implementations should attach to the environment.

sharedEnvironmentis an AZ::EnvironmentInstance.

Type for storing module references.

using AZ::ObjectStreamWriteOverrideCB = typedef AZStd::function<ObjectStreamWriteOverrideResponse(SerializeContext::EnumerateInstanceCallContext& callContext, const void* classPtr, const SerializeContext::ClassData& classData, const SerializeContext::ClassElement* classElement)>

< Callback that the object stream invokes to override saving an instance of the registered class

callContextEnumerateInstanceCallContext which contains the WriteElement BeingElemCB and the CloseElement EndElemCB the callContext parameter can be passed to the SerializeContext::EnumerateInstance to continue object stream writing
classPtrclass type which is of pointer to the type represented by the m_typeId value
classDatareference to this instance Class Data that will be supplied to the callback
classElementclass element pointer which contains information about the element being serialized. root elements have a nullptr classElement
enum to indicate that the override has saved the registered class and that the default writing should be skipped. Returning false will have the WriteElement code fallback to using the default logic
using AZ::PrefabBus = typedef SliceBus
Use SliceBus.

The EBus for requests for the parent and children of an entity for the purposes of slice dependency hierarchies. The events are defined in the AZ:: class.

using AZ::StaticReflectionFunctionPtr = typedef void(*)(ReflectContext* context)

Function type to called for on demand reflection within methods, properties, etc. OnDemandReflection functions must be static, so we can optimize by just using function pointer instead of object

The EBus for system tick notification events. The events are defined in the AZ::SystemTickEvents class.

The EBus for tick notification events. The events are defined in the AZ::TickEvents class.

The EBus for tick-related requests. The events are defined in the AZ::TickRequests class.

The EBus for requests to position and parent an entity. The events are defined in the AZ::TransformInterface class.

The EBus for transform notification events. The events are defined in the AZ::TransformNotification class.

Used to reference unique types by their unique id.

using AZ::UninitializeDynamicModuleFunction = typedef void(*)(
extern "C" AZ_DLL_EXPORT
void UninitializeDynamicModule()

The very last function invoked in a dynamic module. Implementations should detach from the AZ::Environment.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Values to help you set when a particular handler is notified of ticks.


First position in the tick handler order.


Suggested tick handler position for components that need to be early in the tick order.


Suggested tick handler position for input components.


Suggested tick handler for game-related components.


Suggested tick handler position for animation components.


Suggested tick handler position for physics systems. Note: This should only be used for the Physics System.


Suggested tick handler position for physics components.


Suggested tick handler position for attachment components.


Suggested tick handler position to update render-related data.


Default tick handler position when the handler is constructed.


Suggested tick handler position for UI components.


Last position in the tick handler order.

enum AZ::EBusAddressPolicy

Defines how many addresses exist on the EBus.


(Default) The EBus has a single address.


The EBus has multiple addresses; the order in which addresses receive events is undefined. Events that are addressed to an ID are received by handlers that are connected to that ID. Events that are broadcast without an ID are received by handlers at all addresses.


The EBus has multiple addresses; the order in which addresses receive events is defined. Events that are addressed to an ID are received by handlers that are connected to that ID. Events that are broadcast without an ID are received by handlers at all addresses. The order in which addresses receive events is defined by AZ::EBusTraits::BusIdOrderCompare.

enum AZ::EBusHandlerPolicy

Defines how many handlers can connect to an address on the EBus and the order in which handlers at each address receive events.


The EBus supports one handler for each address.


(Default) Allows any number of handlers for each address; handlers at an address receive events in the order in which the handlers are connected to the EBus.


Allows any number of handlers for each address; the order in which each address receives an event is defined by AZ::EBusTraits::BusHandlerOrderCompare.

enum AZ::IntegralTypeDiff

Enumerations to describe the sign and size relationship between two integer types.


Left integer is signed, right integer is signed, both are equal in size.


Left integer is signed, right integer is unsigned, both are equal in size.


Left integer is unsigned, right integer is signed, both are equal in size.


Left integer is unsigned, right integer is unsigned, both are equal in size.


Left integer is signed, right integer is signed, left integer is wider.


Left integer is signed, right integer is unsigned, left integer is wider.


Left integer is unsigned, right integer is signed, left integer is wider.


Left integer is unsigned, right integer is unsigned, left integer is wider.


Left integer is signed, right integer is signed, right integer is wider.


Left integer is signed, right integer is unsigned, right integer is wider.


Left integer is unsigned, right integer is signed, right integer is wider.


Left integer is unsigned, right integer is unsigned, right integer is wider.

enum AZ::InterpolationMode : u32

Behavior types for smoothing of transform between network updates.

enum AZ::JsonMergeApproach

Uses JSON Patch to merge two json documents. See


Uses JSON Merge Patch to merge two json documents. See

Describes the steps taken when loading and initializing a module.

Not to be used as flags!

The module hasn't been initialized.


Loads a dynamic module (populates GetDynamicModuleHandle())


Initializes the module class (populates GetModule())


Registers all of the component descriptors from a module.


Instantiates system components and activates the entity.

enum AZ::OnParentChangedBehavior : AZ::u8

Used to control the behavior of an entity's transform when its parent's transform changes at runtime.


Update this entity's transform based on the parent's new world transform and this entity's local transform (default).


Do not update this entity's world transform when the parent's transform changes.

enum AZ::PlatformID

Enum of supported platforms. Just for user convenience.


Must be last.

enum AZ::RandomDistributionType : AZ::u32

An enum representing the different random distributions available

These map to random distributions in std::random. Those distributions have no common base class so this is an enum to help determine which random distribution is needed.

enum AZ::TypeTraits : AZ::u64

Type Trait structure for tracking of C++ type trait data within the SerializeContext ClassData structure;


Stores the result of the std::is_signed check for a registered type.


Stores the result of the std::is_unsigned check for a registered type NOTE: While this might seem to be redundant due to is_signed, it is NOT Only numeric types have a concept of signedness


Stores the result of the std::is_enum check.


Stores if the type represents an object pointer type NOTE: This should not be set for a member pointer(i.e T::*)


Stores if the type represents a template.

enum AZ::VariantOnThis

/ returns a map of 0 based argument index –> vector<BehaviorParameter*>>. no two rows should have the same type


overloaded argument index = 1 void myOverload(EntityId, float); // overload index 0 void myOverload(EntityId, bool); // overload index 1 void myOverload(EntityId, string); // overload index 2

would yield: 1 -> { BP*(float), BP*(bool), BP*(string),

The argument index (0) is omitted, since it is EntityId in all cases, and never overloaded

Function Documentation

AZ_MATH_INLINE float AZ::Abs ( float  value)

Simd optimized math functions.

template<typename T , typename S >
T AZ::AliasCast ( source)

Does an safe alias cast using a union. This will allow you to properly cast types that when strict aliasing is enabled.

constexpr size_t AZ::AlignUpToPowerOfTwo ( size_t  value)

Rounds up a value to next power of 2. For example to round 8388609((2^23) + 1) up to 16777216(2^24) the following occurs Subtract one from the value in case it is already equal to a power of 2 8388609 - 1 = 8388608 Propagate the highest one bit in the value to all the lower bits 8388608 = 0b100'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000 in binary


|0b010'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000 (>> 1)

0b110'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000 (Now there are 2 consecutive 1-bits)

|0b001'1000'0000'0000'0000'0000 (>> 2)

0b111'1000'0000'0000'0000'0000 (Now there are 4 consecutive 1-bits)

|0b000'0111'1000'0000'0000'0000 (>> 4)

0b111'1111'1000'0000'0000'0000 (Now there are 8 consecutive 1-bits)

|0b000'0000'0111'1111'1000'0000 (>> 8)

0b111'1111'1111'1111'1000'0000 (Now there are 16 consecutive 1-bits)

|0b000'0000'0000'0000'0111'1111 (>> 16)

0b111'1111'1111'1111'1111'1111 (Now there are 23 consecutive 1-bits)

|0b000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000 (>> 32)

0b111'1111'1111'1111'1111'1111 Finally since all the one bits are set in the value, adding one pushes it to next power of 2 0b1000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000 = 16777216


This is a strong typedef for representing a microsecond value since application start. Using int64_t as the underlying type, this is good to represent approximately 292,471 years

AZ_MATH_INLINE Quaternion AZ::ConvertEulerDegreesToQuaternion ( const Vector3 &  eulerDegrees)


use Quaternion::CreateFromEulerDegreesXYZ
eulerDegreesA vector containing component-wise rotation angles in degrees.
a quaternion made from composition of rotations around principle axes.
AZ_MATH_INLINE Transform AZ::ConvertEulerDegreesToTransform ( const Vector3 &  eulerDegrees)

Create a transform from Euler Angles (e.g. rotation angles in X, Y, and Z)

Vector3eulerDegrees A vector containing component-wise rotation angles in degrees.
Transform A transform made from the rotational components.
AZ_MATH_INLINE Quaternion AZ::ConvertEulerRadiansToQuaternion ( const Vector3 &  eulerRadians)


use Quaternion::CreateFromEulerRadiansXYZ
eulerRadiansA vector containing component-wise rotation angles in radians.
a quaternion made from composition of rotations around principle axes.
AZ_MATH_INLINE Transform AZ::ConvertEulerRadiansToTransform ( const Vector3 &  eulerRadians)

Create a rotation transform from Euler angles in radian around each base axis. This version uses precise sin/cos for a more accurate conversion.

Vector3eulerDegrees A vector containing component-wise rotation angles in radian.
Transform A transform made from the composite of rotations first around z-axis, and y-axis and then x-axis.
AZ_MATH_INLINE void AZ::ConvertQuaternionToAxisAngle ( const Quaternion &  quat,
Vector3 &  outAxis,
float &  outAngle 

Populate axis and angle of rotation from Quaternion.

[in]quatA source quaternion
[out]outAxisA Vector3 defining the rotation axis.
[out]outAngleA float rotation angle around the axis in radians.
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector3 AZ::ConvertQuaternionToEulerDegrees ( const Quaternion &  q)

Non-member functionality belonging to the AZ namespace.

Create, from a quaternion, a set of Euler angles of rotations around first z-axis, then y-axis and then x-axis.

qa quaternion representing the rotation
A vector containing component-wise rotation angles in degrees.
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector3 AZ::ConvertQuaternionToEulerRadians ( const Quaternion &  q)

Create, from a quaternion, a set of Euler angles of rotations around first z-axis, then y-axis and then x-axis.

qa quaternion representing the rotation
A vector containing component-wise rotation angles in radians.
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector3 AZ::ConvertTransformToEulerDegrees ( const Transform &  transform)

Non-member functionality belonging to the AZ namespace

Converts a transform to corresponding component-wise Euler angles.

Transformtransform The input transform to decompose.
Vector3 A vector containing component-wise rotation angles in degrees.
template<typename T , typename ContainerType = AttributeContainerType<T>>
AttributePtr AZ::CreateModuleAttribute ( T &&  attrValue)

Creates AZ::Attribute that is allocated using the the SerializeContext PerModule allocator associated with current module

attrValuevalue to store within the attribute
ContainerTypesecond parameter which is used for function parameter deduction
Quaternion AZ::CreateRandomQuaternion ( SimpleLcgRandom &  rng)

Creates a unit quaternion uniformly sampled from the space of all possible rotations. See Graphics Gems III, chapter 6.

template<typename T >
constexpr T AZ::DivideAndRoundUp ( value,

Returns the value divided by alignment, where the result is rounded up if the remainder is non-zero. Example: alignment: 4 Value: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Result: 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

valueThe numerator.
alignmentThe denominator. The result will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of alignment. Must be non-zero or it will lead to undefined behavior
template<bool handleEvent>
bool AZ::DummyStateHandler ( HSM &  ,
const HSM::Event &   

Default empty handler.

constexpr AZStd::unexpected< AZStd::unexpect_t > AZ::Failure ( )

Used to return a failure case in a function returning an AZ::Outcome<..., void>.

template<class ValueT , class >
constexpr AZStd::unexpected< ValueT > AZ::Failure ( ValueT &&  rhs)

Used to return a failure case in a function returning an AZ::Outcome<..., ValueT>. rhs is a universal reference: can either copy or move

float AZ::GetHaltonNumber ( uint32_t  index,
uint32_t  base 

Halton sequences are deterministic, quasi-random sequences with low discrepancy. They are useful for generating evenly distributed points. See for more information. Returns a single halton number.

indexThe index of the number. Indices start at 1. Using index 0 will return 0.
baseThe numerical base of the halton number.
template<typename T >
constexpr T AZ::GetMax ( a,

Return the bigger of the 2 values.

we don't use names like clamp, min and max because many implementations define it as a macro.
template<typename T >
constexpr T AZ::GetMin ( a,

Return the smaller of the 2 values.

we don't use names like clamp, min and max because many implementations define it as a macro.
void AZ::GetO3deClassTemplateId (   ...)

Template Uuid.

Unimplemented of GetO3deClassTemplateId function which provides a symbolfor name lookup when GetAzTemplateId() function overload is not available The return type is void to distinguish it from actual overloads which return AZ::Uuid This function should be overloaded for class template (not types) using the signature of AZ::TemplateId GetO3deClassTemplateId(decltype(GetTemplateIdentity<ActualType>())) For example to overload GetO3deClassTemplateId for AZStd::vector the following signature should be used AZ::TemplateId GetO3deClassTemplateId(AZ::Adl{}, decltype(GetTemplateIdentity<AZStd::vector>()))

constexpr bool AZ::IsPowerOfTwo ( uint32_t  testValue)

Compile-time test for power of two, useful for static asserts usage: IsPowerOfTwo<(thing you're testing)>::Value

template<typename ToType , typename FromType >
JsonSerializationResult::ResultCode AZ::JsonNumericCast ( ToType &  result,
FromType  value,
AZStd::string_view  path,
const AZ::JsonSerializationResult::JsonIssueCallback reporting 

A helper function to casts between numeric types, and consider the data which is being converted comes from user data. If a conversion from FromType to ToType will not cause overflow or underflow, the result is stored in result, and the function returns Success Otherwise, the target is left untouched.

Matrix4x4* AZ::MakeFrustumMatrixRH ( Matrix4x4 &  out,
float  left,
float  right,
float  bottom,
float  top,
float  nearDist,
float  farDist,
bool  reverseDepth = false 

Builds a right-handed perspective projection matrix from frustum data. The generated projection matrix transforms vectors to clip space which x is in [-1, 1] range and positive x points to right y is in [-1, 1] range and positive y points to top z is in [ 0, 1] range and negative near and negative far map to [0, 1] or [1, 0] if reverseDepth is set to 1

outMatrix which stores output result
leftThe x coordinate of left side of frustum at near view-plane
rightThe x coordinate of right side of frustum at near view-plane
bottomThe y coordinate of bottom side of frustum at near view-plane
topThe y coordinate of top side of frustum at near view-plane
nearDistance to the near view-plane. Must be greater than zero.
farDistance to the far view-plane. Must be greater than zero.
reverseDepthSet to true to reverse depth which means near distance maps to 1 and far distance maps to 0.
Pointer of the output matrix
Matrix4x4* AZ::MakeOrthographicMatrixRH ( Matrix4x4 &  out,
float  left,
float  right,
float  bottom,
float  top,
float  nearDist,
float  farDist,
bool  reverseDepth = false 

Builds a right-handed orthographic projection matrix from frustum data. Expected use-cases are view-to-clip matrix of directional light, so the frustum may contain the view point (light origin). The generated projection matrix transforms vectors to clip space which x is in [-1, 1] range and positive x points to right y is in [-1, 1] range and positive y points to top z is in [ 0, 1] range and negative z in original space will be transformed to forward in clip space

outMatrix which stores output result
leftThe x coordinate of left view-plane
rightThe x coordinate of right view-plane
bottomThe y coordinate of bottom view-plane
topThe y coordinate of top view-plane
nearDistance to the near view-plane. Must be no less than zero.
farDistance to the far view-plane. Must be greater than zero.
reverseDepthSet to true to reverse depth which means near distance maps to 1 and far distance maps to 0.
Pointer of the output matrix
Matrix4x4* AZ::MakePerspectiveFovMatrixRH ( Matrix4x4 &  out,
float  fovY,
float  aspectRatio,
float  nearDist,
float  farDist,
bool  reverseDepth = false 

Builds a right-handed perspective projection matrix with fov and near/far distances. The generated projection matrix transforms vectors to clip space which x is in [-1, 1] range and positive x points to right y is in [-1, 1] range and positive y points to top z is in [ 0, 1] range and negative near and negative far map to [0, 1] or [1, 0] if reverseDepth is set to 1

outMatrix which stores output result
fovYField of view in the y direction, in radians. Must be greater than zero.
aspectRatioAspect ratio, defined as view space width divided by height. Must be greater than zero.
nearDistance to the near view-plane. Must be greater than zero.
farDistance to the far view-plane. Must be greater than zero.
reverseDepthSet to true to reverse depth which means near distance maps to 1 and far distance maps to 0.
Pointer of the output matrix
void AZ::MathReflect ( ReflectContext *  context)

Reflect different aspects of math (depending on context)

AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector3 AZ::operator* ( const Vector3 &  lhs,
const Matrix3x3 &  rhs 

Pre-multiplies the matrix by a vector. Note that this is not the usual multiplication order for transformations.

AZ_MATH_INLINE const Vector3 AZ::operator* ( const Vector3 &  lhs,
const Matrix4x4 &  rhs 

Pre-multiplies the matrix by a vector. Assumes that the w-component of the Vector3 is 1.0, and returns the result as a Vector3, without calculating the result w-component. Use the Vector4 version of this function to get the full result. Note that this is not the usual multiplication order for transformations.

AZ_MATH_INLINE const Vector4 AZ::operator* ( const Vector4 &  lhs,
const Matrix4x4 &  rhs 

Pre-multiplies the matrix by a vector. Note that this is not the usual multiplication order for transformations.

AZ_MATH_INLINE Quaternion AZ::operator* ( float  multiplier,
const Quaternion &  rhs 

Scalar multiplication of a quaternion, allows scalar * quaternion syntax.

multiplierthe scalar value to use.
rhsthe quaternion to scale.
a quaternion where each component of rhs is scaled by multiplier.
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector3 & AZ::operator*= ( Vector3 &  lhs,
const Matrix3x3 &  rhs 

Pre-multiplies the matrix by a vector in-place. Note that this is not the usual multiplication order for transformations.

AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector3 & AZ::operator*= ( Vector3 &  lhs,
const Matrix4x4 &  rhs 

Pre-multiplies the matrix by a vector in-place. Assumes that the w-component of the Vector3 is 1.0, and returns the result as a Vector3, without calculating the result w-component. Use the Vector4 version of this function to get the full result. Note that this is not the usual multiplication order for transformations.

AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector4 & AZ::operator*= ( Vector4 &  lhs,
const Matrix4x4 &  rhs 

Pre-multiplies the matrix by a vector in-place. Note that this is not the usual multiplication order for transformations.

template<class IndexType , class Function , class Partition >
void AZ::parallel_for ( IndexType  start,
IndexType  end,
IndexType  step,
const Function &  function,
const Partition &  partition,
JobContext *  jobContext = nullptr 

TODO Parallel for loop over a range with a step. The function must have a single int parameter and return void. This function will block until the loop is complete. It can be called from within a job, or from a non-worker thread, in which case the thread will block on a completion event. Works with both small and large ranges, the iterations will be distributed efficiently in either case.

template<class IndexType , class Function , class Partition >
void AZ::parallel_for ( IndexType  start,
IndexType  end,
const Function &  function,
const Partition &  partition,
JobContext *  jobContext = nullptr 

Parallel for loop over a range. The function must have a single int parameter and return void. This function will block until the loop is complete. It can be called from within a job, or from a non-worker thread, in which case the thread will block on a completion event. Works with both small and large ranges, the iterations will be distributed efficiently in either case.

template<class Iterator , class Function , class Partition >
void AZ::parallel_for_each ( Iterator  start,
Iterator  end,
const Function &  function,
const Partition &  partition,
JobContext *  jobContext = nullptr 

Parallel for loop over a range of items. The function must have a single parameter of type T, the iterator value type, and return void. This function will block until the loop is complete. It can be called from within a job, or from a non-worker thread, in which case the thread will block on a completion event. Works with both small and large ranges, the iterations will be distributed efficiently in either case. It works with both forward iterators and random access iterators, but performance will be better with random access iterators.

template<class Iterator , class Function , class Partition >
void AZ::parallel_for_each_start ( Iterator  start,
Iterator  end,
const Function &  function,
Job *  dependent,
const Partition &  partition,
JobContext *  jobContext = nullptr,
AZStd::stack_allocator allocator = nullptr 

Parallel for loop over a range of items. The function must have a single parameter of type T, the iterator value type, and return void. This function will return immediately once the loop has been started, so you must supply a dependent job which will be notified when the loop completes. It can be called from within a job, or from a non-worker thread. Works with both small and large ranges, the iterations will be distributed efficiently in either case. It works with both forward iterators and random access iterators, but performance will be better with random access iterators.

template<class IndexType , class Function , class Partition >
void AZ::parallel_for_start ( IndexType  start,
IndexType  end,
IndexType  step,
const Function &  function,
Job *  dependent,
const Partition &  partition,
JobContext *  jobContext = nullptr,
AZStd::stack_allocator allocator = nullptr 

Parallel for loop over a range with a step. The function must have a single int parameter and return void. This function will return immediately once the loop has been started, so you must supply a dependent job which will be notified when the loop completes. It can be called from within a job, or from a non-worker thread. Works with both small and large ranges, the iterations will be distributed efficiently in either case.

template<class IndexType , class Function , class Partition >
void AZ::parallel_for_start ( IndexType  start,
IndexType  end,
const Function &  function,
Job *  dependent,
const Partition &  partition,
JobContext *  jobContext = nullptr,
AZStd::stack_allocator allocator = nullptr 

Parallel for loop over a range. The function must have a single int parameter and return void. This function will return immediately once the loop has been started, so you must supply a dependent job which will be notified when the loop completes. It can be called from within a job, or from a non-worker thread. Works with both small and large ranges, the iterations will be distributed efficiently in either case.

template<typename F1 , typename F2 >
void AZ::parallel_invoke ( const F1 &  f1,
const F2 &  f2,
JobContext *  jobContext = nullptr 

Invokes the specified functions in parallel and waits until they are all complete. Overloads for up to 8 function parameters are provided.

template<typename T >
constexpr T AZ::RoundUpToMultiple ( value,

Returns the value rounded up to a multiple of alignment. This function will work for non power of two alignments. If your alignment is guaranteed to be a power of two, SizeAlignUp in base.h is a more efficient implementation. Example: roundTo: 4 Value: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Result: 0 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8

valueThe number to round up.
alignmentRound up to the nearest multiple of alignment. Must be non-zero or it will lead to undefined behavior
template<typename LeftType , typename RightType >
constexpr IntegralCompare AZ::SafeIntegralCompare ( LeftType  lhs,
RightType  rhs 

Safely compares two integers of any sign and width combination and returns an IntegralCompare result that is the whether lhs is less than, equal to or greater than rhs.

void AZ::SetPerspectiveMatrixNearFar ( Matrix4x4 &  out,
float  nearDist,
float  farDist,
bool  reverseDepth = true 

Adjust the near/far planes of an existing right-handed perspective projection matrix.

outMatrix which stores output result.
nearDistance to the near view-plane. Must be no less than zero.
farDistance to the far view-plane. Must be greater than zero.
reverseDepthSet to true to reverse depth which means near distance maps to 1 and far distance maps to 0.
bool AZ::ShouldUseSystemComponent ( const ComponentDescriptor &  descriptor,
const AZStd::vector< Crc32 > &  requiredTags,
const SerializeContext &  serialize 

Checks if a component should be used as a System Component in a given context.

descriptorThe descriptor for the component being checked
requiredTagsThe tags the component must have one of for true to be returned
serializeThe serialize context to pull attributes for the component from
whether the component represented by descriptor has at least one tag that is present in required tags
constexpr AZStd::in_place_t AZ::Success ( )

Used to return a success case in a function returning an AZ::Outcome<void, ...>.

template<class ValueT , class >
constexpr ValueT AZ::Success ( ValueT &&  rhs)

Used to return a success case in a function returning an AZ::Outcome<ValueT, ...>. rhs is a universal reference: can either copy or move

HashValue32 AZ::TypeHash32 ( const uint8_t *  buffer,
uint64_t  length 

Hashes a contiguous array of bytes starting at buffer and ending at buffer + length

[in]bufferpointer to the memory to be hashed
[in]lengththe length in bytes of memory to read for generating the hash
32 bit resulting hash
HashValue64 AZ::TypeHash64 ( const uint8_t *  buffer,
uint64_t  length 

Hashes a contiguous array of bytes starting at buffer and ending at buffer + length

[in]bufferpointer to the memory to be hashed
[in]lengththe length in bytes of memory to read for generating the hash
64 bit resulting hash
HashValue64 AZ::TypeHash64 ( const uint8_t *  buffer,
uint64_t  length,
HashValue64  seed 

Hashes a contiguous array of bytes starting at buffer and ending at buffer + length

[in]bufferpointer to the memory to be hashed
[in]lengththe length in bytes of memory to read for generating the hash
[in]seeda seed that is hashed into the result
64 bit resulting hash
HashValue64 AZ::TypeHash64 ( const uint8_t *  buffer,
uint64_t  length,
HashValue64  seed1,
HashValue64  seed2 

Hashes a contiguous array of bytes starting at buffer and ending at buffer + length

[in]bufferpointer to the memory to be hashed
[in]lengththe length in bytes of memory to read for generating the hash
[in]seed1first seed that is hashed into the result
[in]seed2second seed that is also hashed into the result
64 bit resulting hash
bool AZ::ValidateAzEventDescription ( const AZ::BehaviorContext context,
const AZ::BehaviorMethod method 

Validates that a method that returns an AZ::Event fulfills the following conditions.

  1. It has an AzEventDescription that stores a BehaviorAzEventDescription instance
  2. The number of parameters that the method accepts, matches the number of elements in the parameter names array
  3. Neither the AZ::Event name nor any of it's parameters are an empty string
Vector3 AZ::Vector2ToVector3 ( const Vector2 &  v)

Converts a Vector2 to a Vector3

vThe Vector2 to convert
A Vector3 created from the given Vector2 with 0 for the Z component


use AZ::Vector3 constructor
Vector3 AZ::Vector2ToVector3 ( const Vector2 &  v,
const float  z 

Converts a Vector2 to a Vector3

vThe Vector2 to convert
zThe new value for the resulting Vector3's Z component
A Vector3 created from the given values


use AZ::Vector3 constructor
Vector4 AZ::Vector2ToVector4 ( const Vector2 &  v)

Converts a Vector2 to a Vector4

vThe Vector2 to convert
A Vector4 created from the given Vector2 with 0 for the Z and W components


use AZ::Vector4 constructor
Vector4 AZ::Vector2ToVector4 ( const Vector2 &  v,
const float  z 

Converts a Vector2 to a Vector4

vThe Vector2 to convert
zThe new value for the resulting Vector4's Z component
A Vector4 created from the given values with a 0 for the W component


use AZ::Vector4 constructor
Vector4 AZ::Vector2ToVector4 ( const Vector2 &  v,
const float  z,
const float  w 

Converts a Vector2 to a Vector4

vThe Vector2 to convert
zThe new value for the resulting Vector4's Z component
wThe new value for the resulting Vector4's W component
A Vector4 created from the given values


use AZ::Vector4 constructor
AZ_MATH_INLINE Vector3 AZ::Vector3RadToDeg ( const AZ::Vector3 radians)

Non member functionality belonging to the AZ namespace. Degrees-Radians conversions on AZ::Vector3

Vector2 AZ::Vector3ToVector2 ( const Vector3 &  v)

Converts a Vector3 to a Vector2

The Z value of the Vector3 will be dropped

vThe Vector3 to convert to a Vector2
A Vector2 created from the given Vector2


use AZ::Vector2 constructor
Vector4 AZ::Vector3ToVector4 ( const Vector3 &  v)

Converts a Vector3 to a Vector4

vThe Vector3 to convert to a Vector4
A Vector4 created from the given Vector3 with a 0 for the W component


use AZ::Vector4 constructor
Vector4 AZ::Vector3ToVector4 ( const Vector3 &  v,
const float  w 

Converts a Vector3 to a Vector4

vThe Vector3 to convert to a Vector4
wThe new value for the resulting Vector4's W component
A Vector4 created from the given values


use AZ::Vector4 constructor
Vector2 AZ::Vector4ToVector2 ( const Vector4 &  v)

Converts a Vector4 to a Vector2

The Z and W components of the given Vector4 will be dropped

vThe Vector2 to convert to a Vector4
A Vector4 created from the given Vector2 with 0s for the Z and W components


use AZ::Vector2 constructor
Vector3 AZ::Vector4ToVector3 ( const Vector4 &  v)

Converts a Vector4 to a Vector3

The W component of the given Vector4 will be dropped

vThe Vector3 to convert to a Vector4
A Vector4 created from the given Vector3 with a 0 for the W component


use AZ::Vector3 constructor

Variable Documentation

constexpr float AZ::MinTransformScale = 1e-2f

Limits for transform scale values. The scale should not be zero to avoid problems with inverting.