Open 3D Engine AzFramework API Reference  2305.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AzFramework::InputDeviceMotion Class Reference

#include <InputDeviceMotion.h>

Inherits AzFramework::InputDevice, and Handler.


struct  Acceleration
class  Implementation
 Base class for platform specific implementations of motion input devices. More...
struct  MagneticField
struct  Orientation
struct  RotationRate

Public Types

using ImplementationFactory = Implementation *(InputDeviceMotion &)
 Alias for the function type used to create a custom implementation for this input device.

Public Member Functions

 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (InputDeviceMotion, AZ::SystemAllocator)
 AZ_RTTI (InputDeviceMotion,"{AB8AC810-1B66-4BDA-B1D1-67DD70043650}", InputDevice)
 InputDeviceMotion (const InputDeviceId &inputDeviceId=Id, ImplementationFactory implementationFactory=&Implementation::Create)
 AZ_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE (InputDeviceMotion)
 ~InputDeviceMotion () override
const InputChannelByIdMap & GetInputChannelsById () const override
bool IsSupported () const override
bool IsConnected () const override
void TickInputDevice () override
bool GetInputChannelEnabled (const InputChannelId &channelId) override
void SetInputChannelEnabled (const InputChannelId &channelId, bool enabled) override
void OnApplicationSuspended (Event lastEvent) override
void OnApplicationResumed (Event lastEvent) override
void SetImplementation (AZStd::unique_ptr< Implementation > impl)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AzFramework::InputDevice
 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (InputDevice, AZ::SystemAllocator)
 AZ_RTTI (InputDevice,"{29F9FB6B-15CB-4DB4-9F36-DE7396B82F3D}")
 InputDevice (const InputDeviceId &inputDeviceId)
 ~InputDevice () override
const InputDeviceGetInputDevice () const final
const InputDeviceIdGetInputDeviceId () const
virtual LocalUserId GetAssignedLocalUserId () const
virtual void PromptLocalUserSignIn () const

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsMotionDevice (const InputDeviceId &inputDeviceId)
static void Reflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AzFramework::InputDevice
static void Reflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr InputDeviceId Id {"motion"}
 The id used to identify the primary motion input device.

Protected Types

using AccelerationChannelByIdMap = AZStd::unordered_map< InputChannelId, InputChannelAxis3D * >
using RotationRateChannelByIdMap = AZStd::unordered_map< InputChannelId, InputChannelAxis3D * >
using MagneticFieldChannelByIdMap = AZStd::unordered_map< InputChannelId, InputChannelAxis3D * >
using OrientationChannelByIdMap = AZStd::unordered_map< InputChannelId, InputChannelQuaternion * >

Protected Attributes

InputChannelByIdMap m_allChannelsById
 All motion channels by id.
AccelerationChannelByIdMap m_accelerationChannelsById
 Acceleration channels by id.
RotationRateChannelByIdMap m_rotationRateChannelsById
 Rotation rate channels by id.
MagneticFieldChannelByIdMap m_magneticFieldChannelsById
 Magnetic field channels by id.
OrientationChannelByIdMap m_orientationChannelsById
 Orientation channels by id.
InputChannelIdSet m_enabledMotionChannelIds
 Currently enabled channels ids.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from AzFramework::InputDevice
void BroadcastInputChannelEvent (const InputChannel &inputChannel) const
void BroadcastInputTextEvent (const AZStd::string &textUTF8) const
void BroadcastInputDeviceConnectedEvent () const
 Broadcast an event when the input device connects to the system.
void BroadcastInputDeviceDisconnectedEvent () const
 Broadcast an event when the input device disconnects from the system.
void ResetInputChannelStates ()
 Reset the state of all this input device's associated input channels.

Detailed Description

Defines a generic motion input device including the ids of all its associated input channels. Platform specific implementations are defined as private implementations so that creating an instance of this generic class will work correctly on any platform that support motion input, while providing access to the device name and associated channel ids on any platform through the 'null' implementation (primarily so that the editor can use them to setup input mappings).

Member Typedef Documentation

Alias for verbose container class

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AzFramework::InputDeviceMotion::InputDeviceMotion ( const InputDeviceId inputDeviceId = Id,
ImplementationFactory  implementationFactory = &Implementation::Create 


[in]inputDeviceIdOptional override of the default input device id
[in]implementationFactoryOptional override of the default Implementation::Create

Member Function Documentation

static bool AzFramework::InputDeviceMotion::IsMotionDevice ( const InputDeviceId inputDeviceId)

Check whether an input device id identifies a motion device (regardless of index)

[in]inputDeviceIdThe input device id to check
True if the input device id identifies a motion device, false otherwise
void AzFramework::InputDeviceMotion::SetImplementation ( AZStd::unique_ptr< Implementation impl)

Set the implementation of this input device

[in]implementationThe new implementation

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