using | LevelLoadBlockerBus = AZ::EBus< LevelLoadBlockerRequests > |
using | LevelSystemLifecycleInterface = AZ::Interface< ILevelSystemLifecycle > |
using | LevelSystemLifecycleNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< LevelSystemLifecycleNotifications > |
using | AssetCatalogEventBus = AZ::EBus< AssetCatalogEvents > |
using | LegacyAssetEventBus = AZ::EBus< LegacyAssetEvents > |
using | AssetSeedList = AZStd::vector< SeedInfo > |
using | AssetSystemInfoBus = AZ::EBus< AssetSystem::AssetSystemInfoNotifications > |
using | AssetSystemRequestBus = AZ::EBus< AssetSystem::AssetSystemRequests > |
using | AssetSystemConnectionNotificationsBus = AZ::EBus< AssetSystem::AssetSystemConnectionNotifications > |
using | AssetSystemStatusBus = AZ::EBus< AssetSystem::AssetSystemStatus > |
using | AssetInfoString = AZStd::basic_string< char, AZStd::char_traits< char >, AZStd::static_buffer_allocator< 128, AZStd::alignment_of< char >::value > > |
using | CommandLine = AZ::CommandLine |
using | CommandFunction = AZStd::function< CommandResult(const AZStd::vector< AZStd::string_view > &args)> |
using | CommandRegistrationBus = AZ::EBus< CommandRegistration > |
typedef AZ::EBus< ConsoleRequests > | ConsoleRequestBus |
typedef AZ::EBus< ConsoleNotifications > | ConsoleNotificationBus |
using | TransformComponentConfiguration = AZ::TransformConfig |
using | EntityContextId = AZ::Uuid |
using | EntityList = AZStd::vector< AZ::Entity * > |
using | EntityContextRequestBus = AZ::EBus< EntityContextRequests > |
using | EntityContextEventBus = AZ::EBus< EntityContextEvents > |
using | EntityIdContextQueryBus = AZ::EBus< EntityIdContextQueries > |
using | DebugDisplayRequestBus = AZ::EBus< DebugDisplayRequests > |
| Inherit from DebugDisplayRequestBus::Handler to implement the DebugDisplayRequests interface.
using | EntityDebugDisplayEventBus = AZ::EBus< EntityDebugDisplayEvents > |
using | ViewportDebugDisplayEventBus = AZ::EBus< ViewportDebugDisplayEvents > |
using | DebugDisplayEventBus = AZ::EBus< DebugDisplayEvents > |
using | EntityIdList = AZStd::vector< AZ::EntityId > |
using | OnEntitiesAddedCallback = AZStd::function< void(const EntityList &)> |
using | OnEntitiesRemovedCallback = AZStd::function< void(const EntityIdList &)> |
using | ValidateEntitiesCallback = AZStd::function< bool(const EntityList &)> |
using | EntityOwnershipServiceNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< EntityOwnershipServiceNotifications > |
using | GameEntityContextRequestBus = AZ::EBus< GameEntityContextRequests > |
using | GameEntityContextEventBus = AZ::EBus< GameEntityContextEvents > |
using | SliceInstanceUnorderedSet = AZStd::unordered_set< AZ::SliceComponent::SliceInstanceAddress > |
using | RootSliceAsset = AZ::Data::Asset< AZ::SliceAsset > |
using | SliceEntityOwnershipServiceRequestBus = AZ::EBus< SliceEntityOwnershipServiceRequests > |
using | SliceGameEntityOwnershipServiceRequestBus = AZ::EBus< SliceGameEntityOwnershipServiceRequests > |
using | SliceGameEntityOwnershipServiceNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< SliceGameEntityOwnershipServiceNotifications > |
using | FontId = uint32_t |
using | InputChannelNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< InputChannelNotifications > |
using | InputDeviceNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< InputDeviceNotifications > |
using | InputSystemNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< InputSystemNotifications > |
using | InputTextNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< InputTextNotifications > |
using | InputChannelRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputChannelRequests > |
using | InputDeviceRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputDeviceRequests > |
using | InputHapticFeedbackRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputHapticFeedbackRequests > |
using | InputLightBarRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputLightBarRequests > |
using | InputMotionSensorRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputMotionSensorRequests > |
using | InputSystemCursorRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputSystemCursorRequests > |
using | InputSystemCursorConstraintRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputSystemCursorConstraintRequests > |
using | InputSystemRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputSystemRequests > |
using | InputTextEntryRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputTextEntryRequests > |
using | SharedModifierKeyStates = AZStd::shared_ptr< ModifierKeyStates > |
| Alias for verbose shared_ptr class.
using | InputContextComponentRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputContextComponentRequests > |
using | MissingAssetNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< MissingAssetNotifications > |
using | MetricsPlainTextNameRegistrationBus = AZ::EBus< MetricsPlainTextNameRegistrationBusTraits > |
using | RemoteToolsMessagePointer = AZStd::intrusive_ptr< RemoteToolsMessage > |
using | RemoteToolsMessageQueue = AZStd::deque< RemoteToolsMessagePointer, AZ::OSStdAllocator > |
using | RemoteToolsEndpointContainer = AZStd::unordered_map< AZ::u32, RemoteToolsEndpointInfo > |
using | RemoteToolsEndpointStatusEvent = AZ::Event< RemoteToolsEndpointInfo > |
using | RemoteToolsEndpointConnectedEvent = AZ::Event< bool > |
using | RemoteToolsEndpointChangedEvent = AZ::Event< AZ::u32, AZ::u32 > |
using | ReceivedRemoteToolsMessages = AZStd::fixed_vector< RemoteToolsMessagePointer, 64 > |
using | RemoteToolsInterface = AZ::Interface< IRemoteTools > |
using | PaintBrushNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< PaintBrushNotifications > |
using | PaintBrushSessionBus = AZ::EBus< PaintBrushSession > |
using | CharacterPhysicsDataRequestBus = AZ::EBus< CharacterPhysicsDataRequests > |
using | CharacterPhysicsDataNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< CharacterPhysicsDataNotifications > |
using | StdProcessCommunicatorHandle = AZStd::unique_ptr< CommunicatorHandleImpl > |
using | SceneSystemInterface = AZ::Interface< ISceneSystem > |
using | ILoggerRequestBus = AZ::EBus< ISceneSystem, ISceneSystemRequests > |
typedef AZ::EBus< ScriptDebugAgentEvents > | ScriptDebugAgentBus |
typedef AZStd::vector< ScriptUserMethodInfo > | ScriptUserMethodList |
typedef AZStd::vector< ScriptUserPropertyInfo > | ScriptUserPropertyList |
typedef AZStd::vector< ScriptUserClassInfo > | ScriptUserClassList |
typedef AZStd::vector< ScriptUserEBusMethodInfo > | ScriptUserEBusMethodList |
typedef AZStd::vector< ScriptUserEBusInfo > | ScriptUserEBusList |
using | SliceEntityRequestBus = AZ::EBus< SliceEntityRequests > |
using | SliceInstantiationResultBus = AZ::EBus< SliceInstantiationResults > |
using | RootSpawnableNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< RootSpawnableNotifications > |
using | RootSpawnableInterface = AZ::Interface< RootSpawnableDefinition > |
using | SpawnableAsset = AZ::Data::Asset< AzFramework::Spawnable > |
using | SpawnableAssetVector = AZStd::vector< AZ::Data::Asset< AzFramework::Spawnable > > |
using | SpawnableAssetEventsBus = AZ::EBus< SpawnableAssetEvents > |
using | EntitySpawnCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id, SpawnableConstEntityContainerView)> |
using | EntityPreInsertionCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id, SpawnableEntityContainerView)> |
using | EntityDespawnCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id)> |
using | RetrieveEntitySpawnTicketCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket &&)> |
using | ReloadSpawnableCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id, SpawnableConstEntityContainerView)> |
using | UpdateEntityAliasTypesCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id)> |
using | ListEntitiesCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id, SpawnableConstEntityContainerView)> |
using | ListIndicesEntitiesCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id, SpawnableConstIndexEntityContainerView)> |
using | ClaimEntitiesCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id, SpawnableEntityContainerView)> |
using | BarrierCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id)> |
using | SpawnableEntitiesInterface = AZ::Interface< SpawnableEntitiesDefinition > |
using | SpawnableMetaDataArrayIndex = SpawnableMetaDataArraySize |
using | HorizontalMotionEvent = MotionEvent< struct HorizontalMotionTag > |
using | VerticalMotionEvent = MotionEvent< struct VerticalMotionTag > |
using | InputEvent = AZStd::variant< AZStd::monostate, HorizontalMotionEvent, VerticalMotionEvent, CursorEvent, ScrollEvent, DiscreteInputEvent > |
| Represents a type-safe union of input events that are handled by the camera system.
using | PanAxesFn = AZStd::function< PanAxes(const Camera &camera)> |
| PanAxes build function that will return a pair of pan axes depending on the camera orientation.
using | TranslationDeltaFn = AZStd::function< void(Camera &camera, const AZ::Vector3 &delta)> |
using | TranslationAxesFn = AZStd::function< AZ::Matrix3x3(const Camera &camera)> |
| Axes to use while translating the camera.
using | FocusOffsetFn = AZStd::function< AZ::Vector3(float)> |
using | DisplayContextRequestBus = AZ::EBus< DisplayContextRequests > |
| Inherit from DisplayContextRequestBus::Handler to implement the DisplayContextRequests interface.
using | ViewportRequestBus = AZ::EBus< ViewportRequests > |
using | ViewportBorderRequestBus = AZ::EBus< ViewportBorderRequests > |
using | ViewportImGuiNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< ViewportImGuiNotifications > |
using | ViewportControllerPtr = AZStd::shared_ptr< ViewportControllerInterface > |
using | ConstViewportControllerPtr = AZStd::shared_ptr< const ViewportControllerInterface > |
using | ViewportControllerListPtr = AZStd::shared_ptr< ViewportControllerList > |
using | ConstViewportControllerListPtr = AZStd::shared_ptr< const ViewportControllerList > |
using | FloatSeconds = AZStd::chrono::duration< float > |
using | ViewportId = int |
using | BoundsRequestBus = AZ::EBus< BoundsRequests > |
using | IEntityBoundsUnionRequestBus = AZ::EBus< IEntityBoundsUnion, IEntityBoundsUnionTraits > |
using | IVisibilitySystemRequestBus = AZ::EBus< IVisibilitySystem, IVisibilitySystemRequests > |
using | VisibleGeometryContainer = AZStd::vector< VisibleGeometry > |
using | VisibleGeometryRequestBus = AZ::EBus< VisibleGeometryRequests > |
using | NativeWindowHandle = void * |
using | WindowRequestBus = AZ::EBus< WindowRequests > |
using | WindowNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< WindowNotifications > |
using | ExclusiveFullScreenRequestBus = AZ::EBus< ExclusiveFullScreenRequests > |
using | WindowSystemRequestBus = AZ::EBus< WindowSystemRequests > |
using | WindowSystemNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< WindowSystemNotifications > |
using | RawInputNotificationBusAndroid = AZ::EBus< RawInputNotificationsAndroid > |
using | LocalUserId = AZ::u32 |
| Alias for the type of a local user id.
using | XcbConnectionManagerBus = AZ::EBus< XcbConnectionManager, XcbConnectionManagerBusTraits > |
using | XcbConnectionManagerInterface = AZ::Interface< XcbConnectionManager > |
using | XcbEventHandlerBus = AZ::EBus< XcbEventHandler, XcbEventHandlerBusTraits > |
template<typename T , auto fn> |
using | XcbUniquePtr = AZStd::unique_ptr< T, XcbDeleterFreeFunctionWrapper< fn > > |
template<typename T > |
using | XcbStdFreePtr = XcbUniquePtr< T, ::free > |
using | RawInputNotificationBusIos = AZ::EBus< RawInputNotificationsIos > |
using | RawInputNotificationBusMac = AZ::EBus< RawInputNotificationsMac > |
using | RawInputNotificationBusWindows = AZ::EBus< RawInputNotificationsWindows > |
const char * | SimpleAssetTypeGetName (const AZ::Data::AssetType &assetType) |
const char * | SimpleAssetTypeGetFileFilter (const AZ::Data::AssetType &assetType) |
bool | GetGemsInfo (AZStd::vector< GemInfo > &gemInfoList, AZ::SettingsRegistryInterface &settingsRegistry) |
ModifierKeyMask | GetCorrespondingModifierKeyMask (const InputChannelId &channelId) |
static const LocalUserId | LocalUserIdAny (std::numeric_limits< AZ::u32 >::max()) |
| Constant representing any local user id.
static const LocalUserId | LocalUserIdNone (std::numeric_limits< AZ::u32 >::max() - 1) |
| Constant representing no local user id.
float | AdjustForDeadZoneAndNormalizeAnalogInput (float value, float deadZone, float maximumAbsoluteValue) |
AZ::Vector2 | AdjustForDeadZoneAndNormalizeThumbStickInput (float valueX, float valueY, float radialDeadZone, float maximumRadiusValue) |
bool | IsAnyKeyOrButton (const InputChannel &inputChannel) |
template<class InputChannelClass , typename RawEventType > |
void | ProcessRawInputEventQueues (AZStd::unordered_map< InputChannelId, AZStd::vector< RawEventType > > &rawEventQueuesById, const AZStd::unordered_map< InputChannelId, InputChannelClass * > &inputChannelsById) |
void | ProcessRawInputTextEventQueue (AZStd::vector< AZStd::string > &rawTextEventQueue) |
| AZ_ENUM_CLASS_WITH_UNDERLYING_TYPE (PaintBrushBlendMode, uint8_t,(Normal, 0),(Add, 1),(Subtract, 2),(Multiply, 3),(Screen, 4),(Darken, 5),(Lighten, 6),(Average, 7),(Overlay, 8)) |
| The different types of blend modes supported by the paint brush tool.
| AZ_ENUM_CLASS_WITH_UNDERLYING_TYPE (PaintBrushSmoothMode, uint8_t,(Gaussian, 0),(Mean, 1),(Median, 2)) |
| The different types of smoothing modes supported by the paint brush tool.
| AZ_ENUM_CLASS (QualityLevel,(Invalid, -2),(LevelFromDeviceRules, -1),(DefaultQualityLevel, 0)) |
| AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (QualityLevel, "{9AABD1B2-D433-49FE-A89D-2BEF09A252C0}") |
void | ConstructScriptAssetPaths (ScriptCompileRequest &request) |
AZ::Outcome< void, AZStd::string > | CompileScript (ScriptCompileRequest &request) |
AZ::Outcome< void, AZStd::string > | CompileScriptAndAsset (ScriptCompileRequest &request) |
AZ::Outcome< void, AZStd::string > | CompileScript (ScriptCompileRequest &request, AZ::ScriptContext &context) |
AZ::Outcome< AZStd::string, AZStd::string > | CompileScriptAndSaveAsset (ScriptCompileRequest &request) |
bool | SaveLuaAssetData (const AZ::LuaScriptData &data, AZ::IO::GenericStream &stream) |
void | ReflectScriptDebugClasses (AZ::ReflectContext *reflection) |
AZ::ComponentDescriptor * | CreateScriptDebugAgentFactory () |
static constexpr AZ::Crc32 | LuaToolsKey ("LuaRemoteTools") |
| AZ_TYPE_SAFE_INTEGRAL (SpawnablePriority, uint8_t) |
| AZ_DEFINE_ENUM_BITWISE_OPERATORS (AzFramework::SpawnableEntitiesManager::CommandQueuePriority) |
| AZ_TYPE_SAFE_INTEGRAL (SpawnableMetaDataArraySize, uint64_t) |
| AZ_CVAR_EXTERNED (bool, ed_cameraSystemUseCursor) |
AZ::Vector3 | EulerAngles (const AZ::Matrix3x3 &orientation) |
void | MovePivotDetached (Camera &camera, const AZ::Vector3 &pivot) |
| Helper to allow the pivot to be positioned without altering the camera's position.
void | UpdateCameraFromTransform (Camera &camera, const AZ::Transform &transform) |
| Extracts Euler angles (orientation) and translation from the transform and writes the values to the camera.
void | UpdateCameraFromTranslationAndRotation (Camera &camera, const AZ::Vector3 &translation, const AZ::Vector3 &eulerAngles) |
| Writes the translation value and Euler angles to the camera.
float | SmoothValueTime (float smoothness, float deltaTime) |
float | SmoothValue (float target, float current, float smoothness, float deltaTime) |
float | SmoothValue (float target, float current, float time) |
Camera | SmoothCamera (const Camera ¤tCamera, const Camera &targetCamera, const CameraProps &cameraProps, float deltaTime) |
AZStd::tuple< float, float > | CameraPitchMinMaxRadians () |
| Returns min/max values for camera pitch (in radians).
AZStd::tuple< float, float > | CameraPitchMinMaxRadiansWithTolerance () |
float | ClampPitchRotation (const float pitch) |
float | WrapYawRotation (const float yaw) |
PanAxes | LookPan (const Camera &camera) |
| PanAxes to use while in 'look' or 'orbit' camera behavior.
PanAxes | OrbitPan (const Camera &camera) |
void | TranslatePivotLook (Camera &camera, const AZ::Vector3 &delta) |
void | TranslateOffsetOrbit (Camera &camera, const AZ::Vector3 &delta) |
AZ::Matrix3x3 | LookTranslation (const Camera &camera) |
| TranslationAxes to use while in 'look' or 'orbit' camera behavior.
AZ::Matrix3x3 | OrbitTranslation (const Camera &camera) |
| Optional TranslationAxes to use while in 'orbit' camera behavior.
AZ::Vector3 | FocusLook (float) |
AZ::Vector3 | FocusOrbit (const float length) |
InputState | BuildInputEvent (const InputChannel &inputChannel, const AzFramework::ModifierKeyStates &modifiers, const WindowSize &windowSize) |
| Map from a generic InputChannel event to a camera specific InputEvent.
CameraState | CreateCamera (const AZ::Transform &transform, float nearPlane, float farPlane, float verticalFovRad, const ScreenSize &viewportSize) |
| Create a camera at the given transform, specifying the near and far clip planes as well as the fov with a specific viewport size.
CameraState | CreateDefaultCamera (const AZ::Transform &transform, const ScreenSize &viewportSize) |
CameraState | CreateIdentityDefaultCamera (const AZ::Vector3 &position, const ScreenSize &viewportSize) |
CameraState | CreateCameraFromWorldFromViewMatrix (const AZ::Matrix4x4 &worldFromView, const ScreenSize &viewportSize) |
void | SetCameraClippingVolume (CameraState &cameraState, float nearPlane, float farPlane, float verticalFovRad) |
| Override the default near/far clipping planes and fov of the camera.
void | SetCameraClippingVolumeFromPerspectiveFovMatrixRH (CameraState &cameraState, const AZ::Matrix4x4 &clipFromView) |
| Override the default near/far clipping planes and fov of the camera by inferring them the specified right handed transform into clip space.
float | RetrieveFov (const AZ::Matrix4x4 &clipFromView) |
| Retrieve the field of view (Fov) from the perspective projection matrix (view space to clip space).
void | SetCameraTransform (CameraState &cameraState, const AZ::Transform &transform) |
| Set the transform for an existing camera.
void | ScreenGeometryReflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context) |
const ScreenVector | operator- (const ScreenPoint &lhs, const ScreenPoint &rhs) |
ScreenPoint & | operator+= (ScreenPoint &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs) |
ScreenPoint & | operator-= (ScreenPoint &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs) |
const ScreenPoint | operator+ (const ScreenPoint &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs) |
const ScreenPoint | operator- (const ScreenPoint &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs) |
ScreenVector & | operator+= (ScreenVector &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs) |
ScreenVector & | operator-= (ScreenVector &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs) |
const ScreenVector | operator+ (const ScreenVector &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs) |
const ScreenVector | operator- (const ScreenVector &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs) |
const bool | operator== (const ScreenPoint &lhs, const ScreenPoint &rhs) |
const bool | operator!= (const ScreenPoint &lhs, const ScreenPoint &rhs) |
const bool | operator== (const ScreenVector &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs) |
const bool | operator!= (const ScreenVector &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs) |
const bool | operator== (const ScreenSize &lhs, const ScreenSize &rhs) |
const bool | operator!= (const ScreenSize &lhs, const ScreenSize &rhs) |
ScreenVector & | operator*= (ScreenVector &lhs, const float rhs) |
const ScreenVector | operator* (const ScreenVector &lhs, const float rhs) |
ScreenSize & | operator*= (ScreenSize &lhs, const float rhs) |
const ScreenSize | operator* (const ScreenSize &lhs, const float rhs) |
float | ScreenVectorLength (const ScreenVector &screenVector) |
AZ::Vector2 | Vector2FromScreenPoint (const ScreenPoint &screenPoint) |
| Return an AZ::Vector2 from a ScreenPoint.
AZ::Vector3 | Vector3FromScreenPoint (const ScreenPoint &screenPoint, const float z=0.0f) |
| Return an AZ::Vector3 from a ScreenPoint (including z/depth value, defaulting to 0.0f).
AZ::Vector2 | Vector2FromScreenVector (const ScreenVector &screenVector) |
| Return an AZ::Vector2 from a ScreenVector.
AZ::Vector2 | Vector2FromScreenSize (const ScreenSize &screenSize) |
| Return an AZ::Vector2 from a ScreenSize.
ScreenPoint | ScreenPointFromVector2 (const AZ::Vector2 &vector2) |
| Return a ScreenPoint from an AZ::Vector2.
ScreenVector | ScreenVectorFromVector2 (const AZ::Vector2 &vector2) |
| Return a ScreenVector from an AZ::Vector2.
ScreenSize | ScreenSizeFromVector2 (const AZ::Vector2 &vector2) |
| Return a ScreenSize from an AZ::Vector2.
ScreenPoint | ScreenPointFromNdc (const AZ::Vector2 &screenNdc, const ScreenSize &viewportSize) |
AZ::Vector2 | NdcFromScreenPoint (const ScreenPoint &screenPoint, const ScreenSize &viewportSize) |
AZ::Vector3 | WorldToScreenNdc (const AZ::Vector3 &worldPosition, const AZ::Matrix3x4 &cameraView, const AZ::Matrix4x4 &cameraProjection) |
| Projects a position in world space to screen space normalized device coordinates for the given camera.
ScreenPoint | WorldToScreen (const AZ::Vector3 &worldPosition, const CameraState &cameraState) |
| Projects a position in world space to screen space for the given camera.
ScreenPoint | WorldToScreen (const AZ::Vector3 &worldPosition, const AZ::Matrix3x4 &cameraView, const AZ::Matrix4x4 &cameraProjection, const ScreenSize &viewportSize) |
AZ::Vector3 | ScreenToWorld (const ScreenPoint &screenPosition, const CameraState &cameraState) |
AZ::Vector3 | ScreenToWorld (const ScreenPoint &screenPosition, const AZ::Matrix3x4 &inverseCameraView, const AZ::Matrix4x4 &inverseCameraProjection, const ScreenSize &viewportSize) |
AZ::Vector3 | ScreenNdcToWorld (const AZ::Vector2 &ndcPosition, const AZ::Matrix3x4 &inverseCameraView, const AZ::Matrix4x4 &inverseCameraProjection) |
AZ::Matrix4x4 | CameraProjection (const CameraState &cameraState) |
| Returns the camera projection for the current camera state.
AZ::Matrix4x4 | InverseCameraProjection (const CameraState &cameraState) |
| Returns the inverse of the camera projection for the current camera state.
AZ::Matrix3x4 | CameraView (const CameraState &cameraState) |
AZ::Matrix3x4 | InverseCameraView (const CameraState &cameraState) |
AZ::Matrix3x4 | CameraTransform (const CameraState &cameraState) |
AZ::Matrix3x4 | CameraTransformFromCameraView (const AZ::Matrix3x4 &cameraView) |
AZ::Matrix3x4 | CameraViewFromCameraTransform (const AZ::Matrix3x4 &cameraTransform) |
AZ::Frustum | FrustumFromCameraState (const CameraState &cameraState) |
| Returns a frustum representing the camera transform and view volume in world space.
AZ::ViewFrustumAttributes | ViewFrustumAttributesFromCameraState (const CameraState &cameraState) |
| Returns a structure representing frustum attributes for the current camera state.
float | AspectRatio (const ScreenSize &screenSize) |
AZ::Aabb | CalculateEntityLocalBoundsUnion (const AZ::Entity *entity) |
AZ::Aabb | CalculateEntityWorldBoundsUnion (const AZ::Entity *entity) |
void | DisplayFrustum (const AZ::Frustum &frustum, DebugDisplayRequests &debugDisplay) |
void | DisplayFrustum (const AZ::ViewFrustumAttributes &viewFrustumAttribs, DebugDisplayRequests &debugDisplay) |
void | DisplayFrustum (const AZ::Transform &worldFromView, float aspect, float fovRadians, float nearClip, float farClip, DebugDisplayRequests &debugDisplay) |
void | DisplayOctreeDebug (const OctreeDebug &octreeDebug, DebugDisplayRequests &debugDisplay) |
void | LocalUserIdReflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context) |
| Reflection (AZ::u32 is already reflected)
AZStd::string | LocalUserIdToString (const LocalUserId &localUserId) |
| Convert to a string (use for debugging purposes only)
const InputChannelId * | GetInputChannelIdFromRawKeyEvent (AZ::u32 scanCode, AZ::u32 virtualKeyCode, bool hasExtendedKeyPrefix) |
AZStd::unordered_map< InputChannelId, AZ::u32 > | ConstructScanCodeByInputChannelIdMap () |
AZ::u32 | GetScanCodeFromInputChannelId (const InputChannelId &inputChannelId) |
Namespace for file functions.
Common structures for Render geometry queries.
Asset references are simply game-folder relative paths. This will change as the asset system comes online, but in the mean time we need something we can reflect and use intuitively in the editor.
Asset types are a simple class with a required API, e.g.:
class MyAsset { static const char* GetName() { return "MyAsset"; } static const char* GetFileFilter() { return "*.myasset;*.myasset2"; } static const char* GetUuid() { return "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"; } }
You must register your asset type's information with the environment and serialization context: SimpleAssetReference<MyAsset>::Register(serializeContext);
You can now reflect references to your asset from components, etc. e.g.: In class header: AzFramework::SimpleAssetReference<MyAsset> m_asset; In reflection: ->DataElement("SimpleAssetRef", &MeshComponent::m_meshAsset, "My Asset", "The asset to use")g
"SimpleAssetRef" tells the UI to use the corresponding widget. UI code will make use of your registered asset information to browse for the correct file types.
The FileFunc namespace is where we put some higher level file reading and writing operations.