Open 3D Engine AzFramework API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AzFramework Namespace Reference

Namespace for file functions. More...


namespace  ViewportColors
 Various colors used by the editor and shared between objects.
namespace  ViewportConstants
 Various constants used by the editor.


struct  AabbUnionAggregator
class  AndroidAppRequests
class  AndroidEventDispatcher
class  AndroidLifecycleEvents
class  Application
class  ApplicationLifecycleEvents
class  ApplicationRequests
class  AssetBundleManifest
class  AssetCatalog
class  AssetCatalogComponent
class  AssetCatalogEvents
class  AssetRegistry
class  AssetSeedListReflector
class  AzFrameworkConfigurationSystemComponent
class  AzFrameworkModule
struct  BarrierOptionalArgs
class  BehaviorComponentId
class  BehaviorEntity
class  BenchmarkAsset
class  BenchmarkSettingsAsset
class  BoundsRequests
 Implemented by components that provide bounds for use with various systems. More...
struct  Camera
class  CameraInput
struct  CameraProps
 Properties to use to configure behavior across all types of camera. More...
class  Cameras
struct  CameraState
 Represents the camera state populated by the viewport camera. More...
class  CameraSystem
 Responsible for updating a series of cameras given various inputs. More...
class  CharacterPhysicsDataNotifications
class  CharacterPhysicsDataRequests
struct  ClaimEntitiesOptionalArgs
class  ClickDetector
class  CommandRegistration
class  CommunicatorHandleImpl
class  ConsoleNotifications
class  ConsoleRequests
struct  CursorEvent
struct  CursorState
 Utility type to wrap a current and last cursor position. More...
class  CustomAssetTypeComponent
class  CustomCameraInput
class  DarwinLifecycleEvents
class  DebugDisplayEvents
class  DebugDisplayRequests
 DebugDisplayRequests provides a debug draw api to be used by components and viewport features. More...
class  DependencySearchRule
struct  DespawnAllEntitiesOptionalArgs
struct  DespawnEntityOptionalArgs
struct  DiscreteInputEvent
class  DisplayContextRequestGuard
class  DisplayContextRequests
class  EditorEntityEvents
class  EngineConnectionEvents
struct  EntityAliasTypeChange
 Information used when updating the type of an entity alias. More...
class  EntityContext
class  EntityContextEvents
class  EntityContextRequests
class  EntityDebugDisplayEvents
class  EntityIdContextQueries
class  EntityOwnershipService
class  EntityOwnershipServiceInterface
class  EntityOwnershipServiceNotifications
class  EntitySpawnTicket
class  EntityVisibilityBoundsUnionSystem
 Provide a unified hook between entities and the visibility system. More...
class  EntityVisibilityQuery
 Utility class to encapsulate entity visibility queries against the view frustum. More...
class  ExclusiveFullScreenRequests
class  FocusCameraInput
class  FontDrawInterface
class  FontQueryInterface
class  GameEntityContextComponent
class  GameEntityContextEvents
class  GameEntityContextRequests
struct  GemInfo
 This struct stores gem related information. More...
class  GenericAssetHandler
class  GenericAssetHandlerBase
class  IEntityBoundsUnion
class  IEntityBoundsUnionTraits
class  ILevelSystemLifecycle
class  InMemorySpawnableAssetContainer
class  InputChannel
class  InputChannelAnalog
class  InputChannelAnalogWithPosition2D
class  InputChannelAxis1D
class  InputChannelAxis2D
class  InputChannelAxis3D
class  InputChannelDelta
class  InputChannelDeltaWithSharedPosition2D
class  InputChannelDigital
class  InputChannelDigitalWithPosition2D
class  InputChannelDigitalWithSharedModifierKeyStates
class  InputChannelDigitalWithSharedPosition2D
class  InputChannelEventFilter
class  InputChannelEventFilterExclusionList
 Class that filters input channel events based on excluded input channels and devices. More...
class  InputChannelEventFilterInclusionList
 Class that filters input channel events based on included input channels and devices. More...
class  InputChannelEventListener
class  InputChannelEventSink
 Class that consumes all input event that pass the specified filter. More...
class  InputChannelId
 Class that identifies a specific input channel. More...
class  InputChannelNotifications
class  InputChannelQuaternion
class  InputChannelRequests
 EBus interface used to query for available input channels. More...
class  InputContext
class  InputContextComponent
class  InputContextComponentRequests
class  InputDevice
class  InputDeviceGamepad
class  InputDeviceId
 Class that identifies a specific input device. More...
class  InputDeviceImplementationRequest
 Templated EBus interface used to create a custom implementation for a specific device type. More...
class  InputDeviceImplementationRequestHandler
class  InputDeviceKeyboard
class  InputDeviceMotion
class  InputDeviceMouse
class  InputDeviceNotifications
class  InputDeviceRequests
 EBus interface used to query input devices for their associated input channels and state. More...
class  InputDeviceTouch
class  InputDeviceVirtualKeyboard
class  InputHapticFeedbackRequests
 EBus interface used to send haptic feedback requests to connected input devices. More...
class  InputLightBarRequests
 EBus interface used to send light bar requests to connected input devices. More...
class  InputMapping
class  InputMappingAnd
class  InputMappingOr
class  InputMotionSensorRequests
 EBus interface used to send motion sensor requests to connected input devices. More...
struct  InputState
 Encapsulates an InputEvent in addition to the current key state of the modifiers. More...
class  InputSystemComponent
class  InputSystemCursorConstraintRequests
 EBus interface to request the window or view used to clip and/or normalize the system cursor. More...
class  InputSystemCursorRequests
 EBus interface used to query/change the state, position, or appearance of the system cursor. More...
class  InputSystemNotifications
 EBus interface used to listen for input system notifications. More...
class  InputSystemRequests
 EBus interface used to send requests to the input system. More...
class  InputTextEntryRequests
 EBus interface used to send text entry requests to connected input devices. More...
class  InputTextEventListener
 Class that handles input text event notifications by priority. More...
class  InputTextNotifications
class  IosLifecycleEvents
class  IRemoteTools
class  ISceneSystem
class  ISceneSystemRequests
class  IVisibilityScene
 This is the interface for managing objects and visibility queries for a given scene. More...
class  IVisibilitySystem
 This is an AZ::Interface<> useful for extremely fast, CPU only, proximity and visibility queries. More...
class  IVisibilitySystemRequests
class  LegacyAssetEvents
class  LevelLoadBlockerRequests
class  LevelSystemLifecycleNotifications
class  LinearlyInterpolatedSample
class  LinearlyInterpolatedSample< AZ::Quaternion >
class  LinearlyInterpolatedSample< AZ::Vector3 >
class  LinuxLifecycleEvents
struct  ListEntitiesOptionalArgs
struct  LoadBarrierOptionalArgs
class  LogComponent
class  LogFile
class  LookScrollTranslationCameraInput
 A camera input to handle discrete scroll events that can scroll (translate) the camera along its forward axis. More...
class  MatchingRule
class  MetricsPlainTextNameRegistrationBusTraits
class  MissingAssetLogger
class  MissingAssetNotifications
struct  ModifierKeyStates
 Custom data struct to store the current state of all modifier keys. More...
struct  MotionEvent
 Generic motion type. More...
class  MultiViewportController
class  MultiViewportControllerInstanceInterface
 The interface used by MultiViewportController to manage individual instances. More...
class  NativeWindow
class  NonUniformScaleComponent
struct  OctreeDebug
class  OctreeNode
class  OctreeScene
class  OctreeSystemComponent
class  OrbitCameraInput
class  OrbitMotionDollyCameraInput
 A camera input to handle motion deltas that can modify the camera offset. More...
class  OrbitScrollDollyCameraInput
 A camera input to handle discrete scroll events that can modify the camera offset. More...
class  PaintBrush
class  PaintBrushNotifications
 PaintBrushNotificationBus is used to send out notifications whenever anything about the paintbrush has changed. More...
class  PaintBrushSession
class  PaintBrushSettings
 Defines the specific paintbrush settings to use with a paintbrush. More...
class  PaintBrushSystemComponent
 PaintBrushSystemComponent generically manages runtime paint brush sessions for any components that support runtime painting. More...
struct  PanAxes
 Axes to use while panning the camera. More...
class  PanCameraInput
 A camera input to handle motion deltas that can pan the camera (translate in two axes). More...
class  PrefabEntityOwnershipService
class  ProcessCommunicator
class  ProcessCommunicatorForChildProcess
struct  ProcessData
class  ProcessOutput
class  ProcessWatcher
class  QualityCVarGroup
class  QualitySystemComponent
class  QualitySystemEvents
class  RawInputNotificationsAndroid
class  RawInputNotificationsIos
class  RawInputNotificationsMac
class  RawInputNotificationsWindows
struct  ReloadSpawnableOptionalArgs
class  RemoteStorageDrive
struct  RemoteStorageDriveConfig
class  RemoteToolsEndpointInfo
class  RemoteToolsMessage
struct  RetrieveTicketOptionalArgs
class  RootSpawnableDefinition
class  RootSpawnableNotifications
 Notifications send when the root spawnable updates. Events will always be called from the main thread. More...
class  RotateCameraInput
 A camera input to handle motion deltas that can change the orientation of the camera (update pitch and yaw). More...
class  Sample
class  Scene
class  SceneSystemComponent
struct  ScreenPoint
 A wrapper around an X and Y screen position. More...
struct  ScreenSize
 A wrapper around a screen width and height. More...
struct  ScreenVector
struct  ScriptCompileRequest
class  ScriptComponent
class  ScriptDebugAck
class  ScriptDebugAckBreakpoint
class  ScriptDebugAckExecute
class  ScriptDebugAgentEvents
class  ScriptDebugBreakpointRequest
class  ScriptDebugCallStackResult
class  ScriptDebugEnumContextsResult
class  ScriptDebugEnumLocalsResult
class  ScriptDebugGetValueResult
class  ScriptDebugRegisteredClassesResult
class  ScriptDebugRegisteredEBusesResult
class  ScriptDebugRegisteredGlobalsResult
class  ScriptDebugRequest
class  ScriptDebugSetValue
class  ScriptDebugSetValueResult
struct  ScriptPropertyGroup
struct  ScriptUserClassInfo
struct  ScriptUserEBusInfo
struct  ScriptUserEBusMethodInfo
struct  ScriptUserMethodInfo
struct  ScriptUserPropertyInfo
struct  ScrollEvent
class  SearchRuleDefinition
struct  SeedInfo
class  SimpleAssetReference
class  SimpleAssetReferenceBase
class  SingleViewportController
class  SliceEntityOwnershipService
class  SliceEntityOwnershipServiceRequests
class  SliceEntityRequests
class  SliceGameEntityOwnershipService
class  SliceGameEntityOwnershipServiceNotifications
class  SliceGameEntityOwnershipServiceRequests
class  SliceInstantiationResults
class  SliceInstantiationTicket
class  SocketConnection
class  Spawnable
class  SpawnableAssetEvents
class  SpawnableAssetHandler
class  SpawnableConstEntityContainerView
class  SpawnableConstIndexEntityContainerView
class  SpawnableEntitiesContainer
class  SpawnableEntitiesDefinition
class  SpawnableEntitiesManager
class  SpawnableEntityContainerView
class  SpawnableIndexEntityIterator
class  SpawnableIndexEntityPair
class  SpawnableMetaData
class  SpawnableMonitor
class  SpawnableSystemComponent
struct  SpawnAllEntitiesOptionalArgs
struct  SpawnEntitiesOptionalArgs
struct  StartupInfo
class  StdInOutCommunication
class  StdInOutProcessCommunicator
class  StdInOutProcessCommunicatorData
class  StdInOutProcessCommunicatorForChildProcess
class  StdProcessCommunicator
class  StdProcessCommunicatorForChildProcess
struct  TextDrawParameters
 Standard parameters for drawing text on screen. More...
class  TransformComponent
 Fundamental component that describes the entity in 3D space. More...
class  TranslateCameraInput
 A camera input to handle discrete events that can translate the camera (translate in three axes). More...
struct  TranslateCameraInputChannelIds
 Groups all camera translation inputs. More...
class  UninterpolatedSample
class  UninterpolatedSample< AZ::Quaternion >
class  UninterpolatedSample< AZ::Vector3 >
struct  UpdateEntityAliasTypesOptionalArgs
class  UTF16ToUTF8Converter
 Class used to convert sequences of UTF-16 code units to UTF-8 code points. More...
class  VersionSearchRule
struct  ViewportBorderPadding
 The additional padding around the viewport when a viewport border is active. More...
class  ViewportBorderRequests
 For performing queries about the state of the viewport border. More...
struct  ViewportControllerInputEvent
 An event dispatched to ViewportControllers when input occurs. More...
class  ViewportControllerInterface
class  ViewportControllerList
struct  ViewportControllerUpdateEvent
 An event dispatched to ViewportControllers every tick. More...
class  ViewportDebugDisplayEvents
class  ViewportImGuiNotifications
 Provides an interface to notify about different states of the ImGui. More...
struct  ViewportInfo
 Structure to hold information relevant to a given viewport. More...
class  ViewportRequests
struct  VisibilityEntry
 Data for an object that is added to the visibility system. More...
struct  VisibilityNode
struct  VisibleGeometry
 VisibleGeometry describes visible geometry surfaces stored as generic indexed triangle lists. More...
class  VisibleGeometryRequests
 Interface for components to provide generic geometric data, potentially for occlusion culling and other systems. More...
struct  WindowGeometry
class  WindowNotifications
struct  WindowPosOptions
 Options for resizing and moving the window. More...
class  WindowRequests
struct  WindowSize
 A simple structure to contain window size. More...
class  WindowsLifecycleEvents
struct  WindowStyleMasks
 A simple structure to encapsulate different native window style masks. More...
class  WindowSystemNotifications
 The WindowSystemNotificationBus is used to broadcast an event whenever a new window is created. More...
class  WindowSystemRequests
 The WindowSystemRequestBus is a broadcast bus for sending requests to the window system. More...
class  XcbApplication
class  XcbConnectionManager
class  XcbConnectionManagerBusTraits
struct  XcbDeleterFreeFunctionWrapper
class  XcbEventHandler
class  XcbEventHandlerBusTraits
class  XcbInputDeviceKeyboard
class  XcbInputDeviceMouse
class  XcbNativeWindow
class  XmlSchemaAsset
class  XmlSchemaAttribute
class  XmlSchemaElement


using LevelLoadBlockerBus = AZ::EBus< LevelLoadBlockerRequests >
using LevelSystemLifecycleInterface = AZ::Interface< ILevelSystemLifecycle >
using LevelSystemLifecycleNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< LevelSystemLifecycleNotifications >
using AssetCatalogEventBus = AZ::EBus< AssetCatalogEvents >
using LegacyAssetEventBus = AZ::EBus< LegacyAssetEvents >
using AssetSeedList = AZStd::vector< SeedInfo >
using AssetSystemInfoBus = AZ::EBus< AssetSystem::AssetSystemInfoNotifications >
using AssetSystemRequestBus = AZ::EBus< AssetSystem::AssetSystemRequests >
using AssetSystemConnectionNotificationsBus = AZ::EBus< AssetSystem::AssetSystemConnectionNotifications >
using AssetSystemStatusBus = AZ::EBus< AssetSystem::AssetSystemStatus >
using AssetInfoString = AZStd::basic_string< char, AZStd::char_traits< char >, AZStd::static_buffer_allocator< 128, AZStd::alignment_of< char >::value > >
using CommandLine = AZ::CommandLine
using CommandFunction = AZStd::function< CommandResult(const AZStd::vector< AZStd::string_view > &args)>
using CommandRegistrationBus = AZ::EBus< CommandRegistration >
typedef AZ::EBus< ConsoleRequestsConsoleRequestBus
typedef AZ::EBus< ConsoleNotificationsConsoleNotificationBus
using TransformComponentConfiguration = AZ::TransformConfig
using EntityContextId = AZ::Uuid
using EntityList = AZStd::vector< AZ::Entity * >
using EntityContextRequestBus = AZ::EBus< EntityContextRequests >
using EntityContextEventBus = AZ::EBus< EntityContextEvents >
using EntityIdContextQueryBus = AZ::EBus< EntityIdContextQueries >
using DebugDisplayRequestBus = AZ::EBus< DebugDisplayRequests >
 Inherit from DebugDisplayRequestBus::Handler to implement the DebugDisplayRequests interface.
using EntityDebugDisplayEventBus = AZ::EBus< EntityDebugDisplayEvents >
using ViewportDebugDisplayEventBus = AZ::EBus< ViewportDebugDisplayEvents >
using DebugDisplayEventBus = AZ::EBus< DebugDisplayEvents >
using EntityIdList = AZStd::vector< AZ::EntityId >
using OnEntitiesAddedCallback = AZStd::function< void(const EntityList &)>
using OnEntitiesRemovedCallback = AZStd::function< void(const EntityIdList &)>
using ValidateEntitiesCallback = AZStd::function< bool(const EntityList &)>
using EntityOwnershipServiceNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< EntityOwnershipServiceNotifications >
using GameEntityContextRequestBus = AZ::EBus< GameEntityContextRequests >
using GameEntityContextEventBus = AZ::EBus< GameEntityContextEvents >
using SliceInstanceUnorderedSet = AZStd::unordered_set< AZ::SliceComponent::SliceInstanceAddress >
using RootSliceAsset = AZ::Data::Asset< AZ::SliceAsset >
using SliceEntityOwnershipServiceRequestBus = AZ::EBus< SliceEntityOwnershipServiceRequests >
using SliceGameEntityOwnershipServiceRequestBus = AZ::EBus< SliceGameEntityOwnershipServiceRequests >
using SliceGameEntityOwnershipServiceNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< SliceGameEntityOwnershipServiceNotifications >
using FontId = uint32_t
using InputChannelNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< InputChannelNotifications >
using InputDeviceNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< InputDeviceNotifications >
using InputSystemNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< InputSystemNotifications >
using InputTextNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< InputTextNotifications >
using InputChannelRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputChannelRequests >
using InputDeviceRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputDeviceRequests >
using InputHapticFeedbackRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputHapticFeedbackRequests >
using InputLightBarRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputLightBarRequests >
using InputMotionSensorRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputMotionSensorRequests >
using InputSystemCursorRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputSystemCursorRequests >
using InputSystemCursorConstraintRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputSystemCursorConstraintRequests >
using InputSystemRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputSystemRequests >
using InputTextEntryRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputTextEntryRequests >
using SharedModifierKeyStates = AZStd::shared_ptr< ModifierKeyStates >
 Alias for verbose shared_ptr class.
using InputContextComponentRequestBus = AZ::EBus< InputContextComponentRequests >
using MissingAssetNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< MissingAssetNotifications >
using MetricsPlainTextNameRegistrationBus = AZ::EBus< MetricsPlainTextNameRegistrationBusTraits >
using RemoteToolsMessagePointer = AZStd::intrusive_ptr< RemoteToolsMessage >
using RemoteToolsMessageQueue = AZStd::deque< RemoteToolsMessagePointer, AZ::OSStdAllocator >
using RemoteToolsEndpointContainer = AZStd::unordered_map< AZ::u32, RemoteToolsEndpointInfo >
using RemoteToolsEndpointStatusEvent = AZ::Event< RemoteToolsEndpointInfo >
using RemoteToolsEndpointConnectedEvent = AZ::Event< bool >
using RemoteToolsEndpointChangedEvent = AZ::Event< AZ::u32, AZ::u32 >
using ReceivedRemoteToolsMessages = AZStd::fixed_vector< RemoteToolsMessagePointer, 64 >
using RemoteToolsInterface = AZ::Interface< IRemoteTools >
using PaintBrushNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< PaintBrushNotifications >
using PaintBrushSessionBus = AZ::EBus< PaintBrushSession >
using CharacterPhysicsDataRequestBus = AZ::EBus< CharacterPhysicsDataRequests >
using CharacterPhysicsDataNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< CharacterPhysicsDataNotifications >
using StdProcessCommunicatorHandle = AZStd::unique_ptr< CommunicatorHandleImpl >
using SceneSystemInterface = AZ::Interface< ISceneSystem >
using ILoggerRequestBus = AZ::EBus< ISceneSystem, ISceneSystemRequests >
typedef AZ::EBus< ScriptDebugAgentEventsScriptDebugAgentBus
typedef AZStd::vector< ScriptUserMethodInfoScriptUserMethodList
typedef AZStd::vector< ScriptUserPropertyInfoScriptUserPropertyList
typedef AZStd::vector< ScriptUserClassInfoScriptUserClassList
typedef AZStd::vector< ScriptUserEBusMethodInfoScriptUserEBusMethodList
typedef AZStd::vector< ScriptUserEBusInfoScriptUserEBusList
using SliceEntityRequestBus = AZ::EBus< SliceEntityRequests >
using SliceInstantiationResultBus = AZ::EBus< SliceInstantiationResults >
using RootSpawnableNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< RootSpawnableNotifications >
using RootSpawnableInterface = AZ::Interface< RootSpawnableDefinition >
using SpawnableAsset = AZ::Data::Asset< AzFramework::Spawnable >
using SpawnableAssetVector = AZStd::vector< AZ::Data::Asset< AzFramework::Spawnable > >
using SpawnableAssetEventsBus = AZ::EBus< SpawnableAssetEvents >
using EntitySpawnCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id, SpawnableConstEntityContainerView)>
using EntityPreInsertionCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id, SpawnableEntityContainerView)>
using EntityDespawnCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id)>
using RetrieveEntitySpawnTicketCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket &&)>
using ReloadSpawnableCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id, SpawnableConstEntityContainerView)>
using UpdateEntityAliasTypesCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id)>
using ListEntitiesCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id, SpawnableConstEntityContainerView)>
using ListIndicesEntitiesCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id, SpawnableConstIndexEntityContainerView)>
using ClaimEntitiesCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id, SpawnableEntityContainerView)>
using BarrierCallback = AZStd::function< void(EntitySpawnTicket::Id)>
using SpawnableEntitiesInterface = AZ::Interface< SpawnableEntitiesDefinition >
using SpawnableMetaDataArrayIndex = SpawnableMetaDataArraySize
using HorizontalMotionEvent = MotionEvent< struct HorizontalMotionTag >
using VerticalMotionEvent = MotionEvent< struct VerticalMotionTag >
using InputEvent = AZStd::variant< AZStd::monostate, HorizontalMotionEvent, VerticalMotionEvent, CursorEvent, ScrollEvent, DiscreteInputEvent >
 Represents a type-safe union of input events that are handled by the camera system.
using PanAxesFn = AZStd::function< PanAxes(const Camera &camera)>
 PanAxes build function that will return a pair of pan axes depending on the camera orientation.
using TranslationDeltaFn = AZStd::function< void(Camera &camera, const AZ::Vector3 &delta)>
using TranslationAxesFn = AZStd::function< AZ::Matrix3x3(const Camera &camera)>
 Axes to use while translating the camera.
using FocusOffsetFn = AZStd::function< AZ::Vector3(float)>
using DisplayContextRequestBus = AZ::EBus< DisplayContextRequests >
 Inherit from DisplayContextRequestBus::Handler to implement the DisplayContextRequests interface.
using ViewportRequestBus = AZ::EBus< ViewportRequests >
using ViewportBorderRequestBus = AZ::EBus< ViewportBorderRequests >
using ViewportImGuiNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< ViewportImGuiNotifications >
using ViewportControllerPtr = AZStd::shared_ptr< ViewportControllerInterface >
using ConstViewportControllerPtr = AZStd::shared_ptr< const ViewportControllerInterface >
using ViewportControllerListPtr = AZStd::shared_ptr< ViewportControllerList >
using ConstViewportControllerListPtr = AZStd::shared_ptr< const ViewportControllerList >
using FloatSeconds = AZStd::chrono::duration< float >
using ViewportId = int
using BoundsRequestBus = AZ::EBus< BoundsRequests >
using IEntityBoundsUnionRequestBus = AZ::EBus< IEntityBoundsUnion, IEntityBoundsUnionTraits >
using IVisibilitySystemRequestBus = AZ::EBus< IVisibilitySystem, IVisibilitySystemRequests >
using VisibleGeometryContainer = AZStd::vector< VisibleGeometry >
using VisibleGeometryRequestBus = AZ::EBus< VisibleGeometryRequests >
using NativeWindowHandle = void *
using WindowRequestBus = AZ::EBus< WindowRequests >
using WindowNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< WindowNotifications >
using ExclusiveFullScreenRequestBus = AZ::EBus< ExclusiveFullScreenRequests >
using WindowSystemRequestBus = AZ::EBus< WindowSystemRequests >
using WindowSystemNotificationBus = AZ::EBus< WindowSystemNotifications >
using RawInputNotificationBusAndroid = AZ::EBus< RawInputNotificationsAndroid >
using LocalUserId = AZ::u32
 Alias for the type of a local user id.
using XcbConnectionManagerBus = AZ::EBus< XcbConnectionManager, XcbConnectionManagerBusTraits >
using XcbConnectionManagerInterface = AZ::Interface< XcbConnectionManager >
using XcbEventHandlerBus = AZ::EBus< XcbEventHandler, XcbEventHandlerBusTraits >
template<typename T , auto fn>
using XcbUniquePtr = AZStd::unique_ptr< T, XcbDeleterFreeFunctionWrapper< fn > >
template<typename T >
using XcbStdFreePtr = XcbUniquePtr< T, ::free >
using RawInputNotificationBusIos = AZ::EBus< RawInputNotificationsIos >
using RawInputNotificationBusMac = AZ::EBus< RawInputNotificationsMac >
using RawInputNotificationBusWindows = AZ::EBus< RawInputNotificationsWindows >


enum class  CommandResult { Success , Error , ErrorWrongNumberOfArguments , ErrorCommandNotFound }
enum  CommandFlags : AZ::u32 {
  NoValue = 0x00000000 , Cheat = 0x00000002 , Development = 0x00000004 , Restricted = 0x00080000 ,
  Invisible = 0x00100000 , BlockFrame = 0x00400000
enum class  TextHorizontalAlignment : uint16_t { Left , Right , Center }
enum class  TextVerticalAlignment : uint16_t { Top , Bottom , Center }
enum class  SystemCursorState {
  Unknown , ConstrainedAndHidden , ConstrainedAndVisible , UnconstrainedAndHidden ,
 State of the system cursor. More...
enum class  ModifierKeyMask : int {
  None = 0x0000 , AltL = 0x0001 , AltR = 0x0002 , CtrlL = 0x0004 ,
  CtrlR = 0x0008 , ShiftL = 0x0010 , ShiftR = 0x0020 , SuperL = 0x0040 ,
  SuperR = 0x0080 , AltAny = (AltL | AltR) , CtrlAny = (CtrlL | CtrlR) , ShiftAny = (ShiftL | ShiftR) ,
  SuperAny = (SuperL | SuperR)
enum class  InterpolationMode : AZ::u32 { NoInterpolation , LinearInterpolation }
enum class  ViewportControllerPriority : uint8_t {
  Highest = 0 , High , Normal , Low ,
  Lowest , DispatchToAllPriorities


const char * SimpleAssetTypeGetName (const AZ::Data::AssetType &assetType)
const char * SimpleAssetTypeGetFileFilter (const AZ::Data::AssetType &assetType)
bool GetGemsInfo (AZStd::vector< GemInfo > &gemInfoList, AZ::SettingsRegistryInterface &settingsRegistry)
ModifierKeyMask GetCorrespondingModifierKeyMask (const InputChannelId &channelId)
static const LocalUserId LocalUserIdAny (std::numeric_limits< AZ::u32 >::max())
 Constant representing any local user id.
static const LocalUserId LocalUserIdNone (std::numeric_limits< AZ::u32 >::max() - 1)
 Constant representing no local user id.
float AdjustForDeadZoneAndNormalizeAnalogInput (float value, float deadZone, float maximumAbsoluteValue)
AZ::Vector2 AdjustForDeadZoneAndNormalizeThumbStickInput (float valueX, float valueY, float radialDeadZone, float maximumRadiusValue)
bool IsAnyKeyOrButton (const InputChannel &inputChannel)
template<class InputChannelClass , typename RawEventType >
void ProcessRawInputEventQueues (AZStd::unordered_map< InputChannelId, AZStd::vector< RawEventType > > &rawEventQueuesById, const AZStd::unordered_map< InputChannelId, InputChannelClass * > &inputChannelsById)
void ProcessRawInputTextEventQueue (AZStd::vector< AZStd::string > &rawTextEventQueue)
 AZ_ENUM_CLASS_WITH_UNDERLYING_TYPE (PaintBrushBlendMode, uint8_t,(Normal, 0),(Add, 1),(Subtract, 2),(Multiply, 3),(Screen, 4),(Darken, 5),(Lighten, 6),(Average, 7),(Overlay, 8))
 The different types of blend modes supported by the paint brush tool.
 AZ_ENUM_CLASS_WITH_UNDERLYING_TYPE (PaintBrushSmoothMode, uint8_t,(Gaussian, 0),(Mean, 1),(Median, 2))
 The different types of smoothing modes supported by the paint brush tool.
 AZ_ENUM_CLASS (QualityLevel,(Invalid, -2),(LevelFromDeviceRules, -1),(DefaultQualityLevel, 0))
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_SPECIALIZE (QualityLevel, "{9AABD1B2-D433-49FE-A89D-2BEF09A252C0}")
void ConstructScriptAssetPaths (ScriptCompileRequest &request)
AZ::Outcome< void, AZStd::string > CompileScript (ScriptCompileRequest &request)
AZ::Outcome< void, AZStd::string > CompileScriptAndAsset (ScriptCompileRequest &request)
AZ::Outcome< void, AZStd::string > CompileScript (ScriptCompileRequest &request, AZ::ScriptContext &context)
AZ::Outcome< AZStd::string, AZStd::string > CompileScriptAndSaveAsset (ScriptCompileRequest &request)
bool SaveLuaAssetData (const AZ::LuaScriptData &data, AZ::IO::GenericStream &stream)
void ReflectScriptDebugClasses (AZ::ReflectContext *reflection)
AZ::ComponentDescriptor * CreateScriptDebugAgentFactory ()
static constexpr AZ::Crc32 LuaToolsKey ("LuaRemoteTools")
 AZ_TYPE_SAFE_INTEGRAL (SpawnablePriority, uint8_t)
 AZ_DEFINE_ENUM_BITWISE_OPERATORS (AzFramework::SpawnableEntitiesManager::CommandQueuePriority)
 AZ_TYPE_SAFE_INTEGRAL (SpawnableMetaDataArraySize, uint64_t)
 AZ_CVAR_EXTERNED (bool, ed_cameraSystemUseCursor)
AZ::Vector3 EulerAngles (const AZ::Matrix3x3 &orientation)
void MovePivotDetached (Camera &camera, const AZ::Vector3 &pivot)
 Helper to allow the pivot to be positioned without altering the camera's position.
void UpdateCameraFromTransform (Camera &camera, const AZ::Transform &transform)
 Extracts Euler angles (orientation) and translation from the transform and writes the values to the camera.
void UpdateCameraFromTranslationAndRotation (Camera &camera, const AZ::Vector3 &translation, const AZ::Vector3 &eulerAngles)
 Writes the translation value and Euler angles to the camera.
float SmoothValueTime (float smoothness, float deltaTime)
float SmoothValue (float target, float current, float smoothness, float deltaTime)
float SmoothValue (float target, float current, float time)
Camera SmoothCamera (const Camera &currentCamera, const Camera &targetCamera, const CameraProps &cameraProps, float deltaTime)
AZStd::tuple< float, float > CameraPitchMinMaxRadians ()
 Returns min/max values for camera pitch (in radians).
AZStd::tuple< float, float > CameraPitchMinMaxRadiansWithTolerance ()
float ClampPitchRotation (const float pitch)
float WrapYawRotation (const float yaw)
PanAxes LookPan (const Camera &camera)
 PanAxes to use while in 'look' or 'orbit' camera behavior.
PanAxes OrbitPan (const Camera &camera)
void TranslatePivotLook (Camera &camera, const AZ::Vector3 &delta)
void TranslateOffsetOrbit (Camera &camera, const AZ::Vector3 &delta)
AZ::Matrix3x3 LookTranslation (const Camera &camera)
 TranslationAxes to use while in 'look' or 'orbit' camera behavior.
AZ::Matrix3x3 OrbitTranslation (const Camera &camera)
 Optional TranslationAxes to use while in 'orbit' camera behavior.
AZ::Vector3 FocusLook (float)
AZ::Vector3 FocusOrbit (const float length)
InputState BuildInputEvent (const InputChannel &inputChannel, const AzFramework::ModifierKeyStates &modifiers, const WindowSize &windowSize)
 Map from a generic InputChannel event to a camera specific InputEvent.
CameraState CreateCamera (const AZ::Transform &transform, float nearPlane, float farPlane, float verticalFovRad, const ScreenSize &viewportSize)
 Create a camera at the given transform, specifying the near and far clip planes as well as the fov with a specific viewport size.
CameraState CreateDefaultCamera (const AZ::Transform &transform, const ScreenSize &viewportSize)
CameraState CreateIdentityDefaultCamera (const AZ::Vector3 &position, const ScreenSize &viewportSize)
CameraState CreateCameraFromWorldFromViewMatrix (const AZ::Matrix4x4 &worldFromView, const ScreenSize &viewportSize)
void SetCameraClippingVolume (CameraState &cameraState, float nearPlane, float farPlane, float verticalFovRad)
 Override the default near/far clipping planes and fov of the camera.
void SetCameraClippingVolumeFromPerspectiveFovMatrixRH (CameraState &cameraState, const AZ::Matrix4x4 &clipFromView)
 Override the default near/far clipping planes and fov of the camera by inferring them the specified right handed transform into clip space.
float RetrieveFov (const AZ::Matrix4x4 &clipFromView)
 Retrieve the field of view (Fov) from the perspective projection matrix (view space to clip space).
void SetCameraTransform (CameraState &cameraState, const AZ::Transform &transform)
 Set the transform for an existing camera.
void ScreenGeometryReflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context)
const ScreenVector operator- (const ScreenPoint &lhs, const ScreenPoint &rhs)
ScreenPointoperator+= (ScreenPoint &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs)
ScreenPointoperator-= (ScreenPoint &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs)
const ScreenPoint operator+ (const ScreenPoint &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs)
const ScreenPoint operator- (const ScreenPoint &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs)
ScreenVectoroperator+= (ScreenVector &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs)
ScreenVectoroperator-= (ScreenVector &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs)
const ScreenVector operator+ (const ScreenVector &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs)
const ScreenVector operator- (const ScreenVector &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs)
const bool operator== (const ScreenPoint &lhs, const ScreenPoint &rhs)
const bool operator!= (const ScreenPoint &lhs, const ScreenPoint &rhs)
const bool operator== (const ScreenVector &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs)
const bool operator!= (const ScreenVector &lhs, const ScreenVector &rhs)
const bool operator== (const ScreenSize &lhs, const ScreenSize &rhs)
const bool operator!= (const ScreenSize &lhs, const ScreenSize &rhs)
ScreenVectoroperator*= (ScreenVector &lhs, const float rhs)
const ScreenVector operator* (const ScreenVector &lhs, const float rhs)
ScreenSizeoperator*= (ScreenSize &lhs, const float rhs)
const ScreenSize operator* (const ScreenSize &lhs, const float rhs)
float ScreenVectorLength (const ScreenVector &screenVector)
AZ::Vector2 Vector2FromScreenPoint (const ScreenPoint &screenPoint)
 Return an AZ::Vector2 from a ScreenPoint.
AZ::Vector3 Vector3FromScreenPoint (const ScreenPoint &screenPoint, const float z=0.0f)
 Return an AZ::Vector3 from a ScreenPoint (including z/depth value, defaulting to 0.0f).
AZ::Vector2 Vector2FromScreenVector (const ScreenVector &screenVector)
 Return an AZ::Vector2 from a ScreenVector.
AZ::Vector2 Vector2FromScreenSize (const ScreenSize &screenSize)
 Return an AZ::Vector2 from a ScreenSize.
ScreenPoint ScreenPointFromVector2 (const AZ::Vector2 &vector2)
 Return a ScreenPoint from an AZ::Vector2.
ScreenVector ScreenVectorFromVector2 (const AZ::Vector2 &vector2)
 Return a ScreenVector from an AZ::Vector2.
ScreenSize ScreenSizeFromVector2 (const AZ::Vector2 &vector2)
 Return a ScreenSize from an AZ::Vector2.
ScreenPoint ScreenPointFromNdc (const AZ::Vector2 &screenNdc, const ScreenSize &viewportSize)
AZ::Vector2 NdcFromScreenPoint (const ScreenPoint &screenPoint, const ScreenSize &viewportSize)
AZ::Vector3 WorldToScreenNdc (const AZ::Vector3 &worldPosition, const AZ::Matrix3x4 &cameraView, const AZ::Matrix4x4 &cameraProjection)
 Projects a position in world space to screen space normalized device coordinates for the given camera.
ScreenPoint WorldToScreen (const AZ::Vector3 &worldPosition, const CameraState &cameraState)
 Projects a position in world space to screen space for the given camera.
ScreenPoint WorldToScreen (const AZ::Vector3 &worldPosition, const AZ::Matrix3x4 &cameraView, const AZ::Matrix4x4 &cameraProjection, const ScreenSize &viewportSize)
AZ::Vector3 ScreenToWorld (const ScreenPoint &screenPosition, const CameraState &cameraState)
AZ::Vector3 ScreenToWorld (const ScreenPoint &screenPosition, const AZ::Matrix3x4 &inverseCameraView, const AZ::Matrix4x4 &inverseCameraProjection, const ScreenSize &viewportSize)
AZ::Vector3 ScreenNdcToWorld (const AZ::Vector2 &ndcPosition, const AZ::Matrix3x4 &inverseCameraView, const AZ::Matrix4x4 &inverseCameraProjection)
AZ::Matrix4x4 CameraProjection (const CameraState &cameraState)
 Returns the camera projection for the current camera state.
AZ::Matrix4x4 InverseCameraProjection (const CameraState &cameraState)
 Returns the inverse of the camera projection for the current camera state.
AZ::Matrix3x4 CameraView (const CameraState &cameraState)
AZ::Matrix3x4 InverseCameraView (const CameraState &cameraState)
AZ::Matrix3x4 CameraTransform (const CameraState &cameraState)
AZ::Matrix3x4 CameraTransformFromCameraView (const AZ::Matrix3x4 &cameraView)
AZ::Matrix3x4 CameraViewFromCameraTransform (const AZ::Matrix3x4 &cameraTransform)
AZ::Frustum FrustumFromCameraState (const CameraState &cameraState)
 Returns a frustum representing the camera transform and view volume in world space.
AZ::ViewFrustumAttributes ViewFrustumAttributesFromCameraState (const CameraState &cameraState)
 Returns a structure representing frustum attributes for the current camera state.
float AspectRatio (const ScreenSize &screenSize)
AZ::Aabb CalculateEntityLocalBoundsUnion (const AZ::Entity *entity)
AZ::Aabb CalculateEntityWorldBoundsUnion (const AZ::Entity *entity)
void DisplayFrustum (const AZ::Frustum &frustum, DebugDisplayRequests &debugDisplay)
void DisplayFrustum (const AZ::ViewFrustumAttributes &viewFrustumAttribs, DebugDisplayRequests &debugDisplay)
void DisplayFrustum (const AZ::Transform &worldFromView, float aspect, float fovRadians, float nearClip, float farClip, DebugDisplayRequests &debugDisplay)
void DisplayOctreeDebug (const OctreeDebug &octreeDebug, DebugDisplayRequests &debugDisplay)
void LocalUserIdReflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context)
 Reflection (AZ::u32 is already reflected)
AZStd::string LocalUserIdToString (const LocalUserId &localUserId)
 Convert to a string (use for debugging purposes only)
const InputChannelIdGetInputChannelIdFromRawKeyEvent (AZ::u32 scanCode, AZ::u32 virtualKeyCode, bool hasExtendedKeyPrefix)
AZStd::unordered_map< InputChannelId, AZ::u32 > ConstructScanCodeByInputChannelIdMap ()
AZ::u32 GetScanCodeFromInputChannelId (const InputChannelId &inputChannelId)


constexpr const char * AssetBundleManifestTypeId = "{8628A669-7B19-4C48-A7CB-F670CC9586FD}"
constexpr const char s_benchmarkAssetExtension [] = "benchmark"
constexpr const char s_benchmarkSettingsAssetExtension [] = "benchmarksettings"
constexpr AZ::Uuid SimpleAssetReferenceTypeId { "{D03D0CF6-9A61-4DBA-AC53-E62453CE940D}" }
constexpr AZ::s32 g_defaultSceneEntityDebugDisplayId = AZ_CRC_CE("MainViewportEntityDebugDisplayId")
static constexpr FontId InvalidFontId = 0xffffffffu
static constexpr AZ::u32 SelfNetworkId = 0xFFFFFFFF
static constexpr AZ::u32 InvalidRemoteToolsConnectionId = 0xFFFFFFFF
static const AZ::Name LuaToolsName = AZ::Name::FromStringLiteral("LuaRemoteTools", nullptr)
static constexpr uint16_t LuaToolsPort = 6777
static constexpr SpawnablePriority SpawnablePriority_Highest { 0 }
static constexpr SpawnablePriority SpawnablePriority_High { 32 }
static constexpr SpawnablePriority SpawnablePriority_Default { 128 }
static constexpr SpawnablePriority SpawnablePriority_Low { 192 }
static constexpr SpawnablePriority SpawnablePriority_Lowest { 255 }
constexpr float CameraPitchTolerance = 1.0e-4f
 Tolerance to use when limiting pitch to avoid reaching +/-Pi/2 exactly.
constexpr float DefaultMouseMoveDeadZone = 2.0f
static constexpr ViewportId InvalidViewportId = std::numeric_limits<ViewportId>::max()
static constexpr uint8_t s_XcbResponseTypeMask = 0x7f

Detailed Description

Namespace for file functions.

Common structures for Render geometry queries.

Asset references are simply game-folder relative paths. This will change as the asset system comes online, but in the mean time we need something we can reflect and use intuitively in the editor.

Asset types are a simple class with a required API, e.g.:

class MyAsset { static const char* GetName() { return "MyAsset"; } static const char* GetFileFilter() { return "*.myasset;*.myasset2"; } static const char* GetUuid() { return "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"; } }

You must register your asset type's information with the environment and serialization context: SimpleAssetReference<MyAsset>::Register(serializeContext);

You can now reflect references to your asset from components, etc. e.g.: In class header: AzFramework::SimpleAssetReference<MyAsset> m_asset; In reflection: ->DataElement("SimpleAssetRef", &MeshComponent::m_meshAsset, "My Asset", "The asset to use")g

"SimpleAssetRef" tells the UI to use the corresponding widget. UI code will make use of your registered asset information to browse for the correct file types.

The FileFunc namespace is where we put some higher level file reading and writing operations.

Typedef Documentation

◆ AssetSystemInfoBus

AssetSystemBus removed - if you have a system which was using it use AssetCatalogEventBus for asset updates

◆ CommandFunction

using AzFramework::CommandFunction = typedef AZStd::function<CommandResult(const AZStd::vector<AZStd::string_view>& args)>

The command callback signature

◆ EntityContextEventBus

The EBus for entity context events. The events are defined in the AzFramework::EntityContextEvents class. If you want to receive event notifications from a specific entity context, such as the game entity context, use the bus specific to that context. If you want to receive event notifications from multiple types of entity contexts, use this bus.

◆ EntityContextId

typedef AZ::Uuid AzFramework::EntityContextId

Unique ID for an entity context.

◆ EntityContextRequestBus

The EBus for requests to the entity context. The events are defined in the AzFramework::EntityContextRequests class. If you want to make requests to a specific entity context, such as the game entity context, use the bus specific to that context. If you want to make requests to multiple types of entity contexts, use this bus.

◆ EntityIdContextQueryBus

The EBus for querying an entity about its context. The events are defined in the AzFramework::EntityIdContextQueries class.

◆ GameEntityContextEventBus

The EBus for game entity context events. The events are defined in the AzFramework::GameEntityContextEvents class.

◆ GameEntityContextRequestBus

The EBus for requests to the game entity context. The events are defined in the AzFramework::GameEntityContextRequests class.

◆ SliceInstantiationResultBus

The EBus that notifies you about the results of your slice instantiation requests. The events are defined in the AzFramework::SliceInstantiationResults class.

◆ TransformComponentConfiguration

using AzFramework::TransformComponentConfiguration = typedef AZ::TransformConfig
Use AZ::TransformConfig

◆ TranslationDeltaFn

using AzFramework::TranslationDeltaFn = typedef AZStd::function<void(Camera& camera, const AZ::Vector3& delta)>

TranslationDeltaFn is used by PanCameraInput and TranslateCameraInput

Choose the appropriate function if the behavior should be operating as a free look camera (TranslatePivotLook) or an orbit camera (TranslateOffsetOrbit).

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CommandFlags

enum AzFramework::CommandFlags : AZ::u32

Flags to combine for a command to describe its behavior in the command callback system Note: the command flag values should match "enum EVarFlags" values inside IConsole.h

◆ CommandResult

enum class AzFramework::CommandResult

Standard results from a command callback function

◆ InterpolationMode

enum class AzFramework::InterpolationMode : AZ::u32

Behavior types for smoothing of transform between network updates.

◆ SystemCursorState

enum class AzFramework::SystemCursorState

State of the system cursor.


The state of the system cursor is not known.


Constrained to the application's main window and hidden.


Constrained to the application's main window and visible.


Free to move outside the main window but hidden while inside.


Free to move outside the application's main window and visible.

◆ ViewportControllerPriority

enum class AzFramework::ViewportControllerPriority : uint8_t

Controller Priority determines when controllers receive input and update events. Controller Priority is provided by the list containing a viewport controller. Input channel events are received from highest to lowest priority order, allowing high priority controllers to consume input events and stop their propagation. Viewport update events are received from lowest to highest priority order, allowing high priority controllers to be the last to update the viewport state.

Controller lists may receive DispatchToAllPriorities events, which will in turn dispatch events to all of their children in priority order.

See also
Because of this behavior, a ViewportControllerList that belongs to another ViewportControllerList shall not receive a DispatchToAllPriorities event, and instead shall receive multiple events from its parent at all priority levels.

Function Documentation

◆ AdjustForDeadZoneAndNormalizeAnalogInput()

float AzFramework::AdjustForDeadZoneAndNormalizeAnalogInput ( float  value,
float  deadZone,
float  maximumAbsoluteValue 

Utility function to adjust and normalize an analog input value so that values within a given dead-zone are set to zero, and values outside ramp up smoothly to a given max absolute value.

[in]valueThe analog value to adjust and normalize
[in]deadZoneThe dead zone within which the value will be set to zero
[in]maximumAbsoluteValueThe maximum absolute value that the value will be clamped to
The analog value adjusted and normalized using the supplied dead-zone and max values

◆ AdjustForDeadZoneAndNormalizeThumbStickInput()

AZ::Vector2 AzFramework::AdjustForDeadZoneAndNormalizeThumbStickInput ( float  valueX,
float  valueY,
float  radialDeadZone,
float  maximumRadiusValue 

Utility function to adjust and normalize thumb-stick values so that values within the given radial dead-zone are set to zero, and values outside ramp up smoothly to a given max radius.

[in]valueXThe thumb-stick x-axis value to adjust and normalize
[in]valueYThe thumb-stick y-axis value to adjust and normalize
[in]radialDeadZoneThe radial dead zone within which the values will be set to zero
[in]maximumRadiusValueThe maximum radius value that will be used to clamp the values
The thumb-stick values adjusted and normalized using the supplied dead-zone and max

◆ AspectRatio()

float AzFramework::AspectRatio ( const ScreenSize screenSize)

Returns the aspect ratio of the screen/viewport dimensions.

Ensure ScreenSize represents a valid viewport size/dimension before calling this function.

◆ CalculateEntityLocalBoundsUnion()

AZ::Aabb AzFramework::CalculateEntityLocalBoundsUnion ( const AZ::Entity *  entity)

Returns a union of all local Aabbs provided by components implementing the BoundsRequestBus.

It is preferred to call this function as opposed to GetLocalBounds directly as more than one component may be implementing this bus on an Entity and so only the first result (Aabb) will be returned.

◆ CalculateEntityWorldBoundsUnion()

AZ::Aabb AzFramework::CalculateEntityWorldBoundsUnion ( const AZ::Entity *  entity)

Returns a union of all world Aabbs provided by components implementing the BoundsRequestBus.

It is preferred to call this function as opposed to GetWorldBounds directly as more than one component may be implementing this bus on an Entity and so only the first result (Aabb) will be returned.

◆ CameraPitchMinMaxRadiansWithTolerance()

AZStd::tuple< float, float > AzFramework::CameraPitchMinMaxRadiansWithTolerance ( )

Returns min/max values for camera pitch (in radians) including a small tolerance at each extreme (looking directly up or down) to avoid floating point accuracy issues.

◆ CameraTransform()

AZ::Matrix3x4 AzFramework::CameraTransform ( const CameraState cameraState)

Returns the camera transform for the current camera state.

This is the inverse of 'v' in the MVP transform going from view space to world space (worldFromView).

◆ CameraTransformFromCameraView()

AZ::Matrix3x4 AzFramework::CameraTransformFromCameraView ( const AZ::Matrix3x4 &  cameraView)

Takes a camera view (the world to camera space transform) and returns the corresponding camera transform (the world position and orientation of the camera).

The parameter is the viewFromWorld transform (the 'v' in MVP) going from world space to view space. The return value is worldFromView transform going from view space to world space.

◆ CameraView()

AZ::Matrix3x4 AzFramework::CameraView ( const CameraState cameraState)

Returns the camera view for the current camera state.

This is the 'v' in the MVP transform going from world space to view space (viewFromWorld).

◆ CameraViewFromCameraTransform()

AZ::Matrix3x4 AzFramework::CameraViewFromCameraTransform ( const AZ::Matrix3x4 &  cameraTransform)

Takes a camera transform (the world position and orientation of the camera) and returns the corresponding camera view (to be used to transform from world to camera space).

The parameter is the worldFromView transform going from view space to world space. The return value is viewFromWorld transform (the 'v' in MVP) going from view space to world space.

◆ ClampPitchRotation()

float AzFramework::ClampPitchRotation ( const float  pitch)

Clamps pitch to be +/-90 degrees (-Pi/2, Pi/2) with a minor tolerance at each extreme.

pitchPitch angle in radians.

◆ ConstructScanCodeByInputChannelIdMap()

AZStd::unordered_map< InputChannelId, AZ::u32 > AzFramework::ConstructScanCodeByInputChannelIdMap ( )

Construct a map of Windows scan codes indexed by their corresponding input channel id

A map of Windows scan codes indexed by their corresponding input channel id

◆ CreateCameraFromWorldFromViewMatrix()

CameraState AzFramework::CreateCameraFromWorldFromViewMatrix ( const AZ::Matrix4x4 &  worldFromView,
const ScreenSize viewportSize 

Create a camera transformed by the given view to world matrix with a specific viewport size.

The near/far clip planes and fov are sensible default values - please use SetCameraClippingVolume to override them.

◆ CreateDefaultCamera()

CameraState AzFramework::CreateDefaultCamera ( const AZ::Transform &  transform,
const ScreenSize viewportSize 

Create a camera at the given transform with a specific viewport size.

The near/far clip planes and fov are sensible default values - please use SetCameraClippingVolume to override them.

◆ CreateIdentityDefaultCamera()

CameraState AzFramework::CreateIdentityDefaultCamera ( const AZ::Vector3 &  position,
const ScreenSize viewportSize 

Create a camera at the given position (no orientation) with a specific viewport size.

The near/far clip planes and fov are sensible default values - please use SetCameraClippingVolume to override them.

◆ EulerAngles()

AZ::Vector3 AzFramework::EulerAngles ( const AZ::Matrix3x3 &  orientation)

Returns Euler angles (pitch, roll, yaw) for the incoming orientation.

Order of rotation is Z, Y, X.

◆ FocusLook()

AZ::Vector3 AzFramework::FocusLook ( float  )

Callback to use for FocusCameraInput when a free look camera is being used.

This is when offset is zero.

◆ FocusOrbit()

AZ::Vector3 AzFramework::FocusOrbit ( const float  length)

Callback to use for FocusCameraInput when a orbit camera is being used.

This is when offset is non zero.

◆ GetGemsInfo()

bool AzFramework::GetGemsInfo ( AZStd::vector< GemInfo > &  gemInfoList,
AZ::SettingsRegistryInterface &  settingsRegistry 

Returns a list of GemInfo of all the gems that are active for the for the specified game project. Please note that the game project could be in a different location to the engine therefore we need the assetRoot param.

◆ GetInputChannelIdFromRawKeyEvent()

const InputChannelId * AzFramework::GetInputChannelIdFromRawKeyEvent ( AZ::u32  scanCode,
AZ::u32  virtualKeyCode,
bool  hasExtendedKeyPrefix 

Get the input channel id that corresponds to a raw keyboard key event

[in]scanCodeThe Windows scan code of the key that was pressed
[in]virtualKeyCodeThe Windows virtual key code that was generated by the key press
[in]hasExtendedKeyPrefixDoes the Windows scan code have the extended key prefix set?
The corresponding input channel id if found, nullptr otherwise

◆ GetScanCodeFromInputChannelId()

AZ::u32 AzFramework::GetScanCodeFromInputChannelId ( const InputChannelId inputChannelId)

Get the Windows scan code that corresponds to an input channel id

[in]inputChannelIdThe input channel id whose corresponding scan code to return
The corresponding Windows scan code id if found, 0 otherwise

◆ InverseCameraView()

AZ::Matrix3x4 AzFramework::InverseCameraView ( const CameraState cameraState)

Returns the inverse of the camera view for the current camera state.

This is the same as the CameraTransform but corrected for Z up.

◆ NdcFromScreenPoint()

AZ::Vector2 AzFramework::NdcFromScreenPoint ( const ScreenPoint screenPoint,
const ScreenSize viewportSize 

Returns a position in normalized device coordinates (in the range [0.0-1.0, 0.0-1.0]) from a screen space position (in the range [0-viewportSize.x, 0-viewportSize.y]).

◆ OrbitPan()

PanAxes AzFramework::OrbitPan ( const Camera camera)

Optional PanAxes to use while in 'orbit' camera behavior.

This will move the camera in the local X/Y plane instead of usual X/Z plane.

◆ ProcessRawInputEventQueues()

template<class InputChannelClass , typename RawEventType >
void AzFramework::ProcessRawInputEventQueues ( AZStd::unordered_map< InputChannelId, AZStd::vector< RawEventType > > &  rawEventQueuesById,
const AZStd::unordered_map< InputChannelId, InputChannelClass * > &  inputChannelsById 

Function template that processes a generic raw input event queue, given an InputChannelClass that defines a ProcessRawInputEvent function that takes a RawEventType as the only parameter.

[in]rawEventQueuesByIdA map (keyed by id) of raw input event queues.
[in]inputChannelsByIdA map (keyed by id) of the input channels to potentially update.

◆ ProcessRawInputTextEventQueue()

void AzFramework::ProcessRawInputTextEventQueue ( AZStd::vector< AZStd::string > &  rawTextEventQueue)

Utility function that processes a queue of raw input text events.

[in]rawTextEventQueueThe queue of raw text events (all encoded using UTF-8)

◆ ScreenNdcToWorld()

AZ::Vector3 AzFramework::ScreenNdcToWorld ( const AZ::Vector2 &  ndcPosition,
const AZ::Matrix3x4 &  inverseCameraView,
const AZ::Matrix4x4 &  inverseCameraProjection 

Unprojects a position in screen space normalized device coordinates to world space. Note: The position returned will be on the near clip plane of the camera in world space.

◆ ScreenPointFromNdc()

ScreenPoint AzFramework::ScreenPointFromNdc ( const AZ::Vector2 &  screenNdc,
const ScreenSize viewportSize 

Returns a position in screen space (in the range [0-viewportSize.x, 0-viewportSize.y]) from normalized device coordinates (in the range 0.0-1.0).

◆ ScreenToWorld() [1/2]

AZ::Vector3 AzFramework::ScreenToWorld ( const ScreenPoint screenPosition,
const AZ::Matrix3x4 &  inverseCameraView,
const AZ::Matrix4x4 &  inverseCameraProjection,
const ScreenSize viewportSize 

Overload of ScreenToWorld that accepts camera values that can be precomputed if this function is called many times in a loop.

◆ ScreenToWorld() [2/2]

AZ::Vector3 AzFramework::ScreenToWorld ( const ScreenPoint screenPosition,
const CameraState cameraState 

Unprojects a position in screen space pixel coordinates to world space. Note: The position returned will be on the near clip plane of the camera in world space.

◆ SimpleAssetTypeGetFileFilter()

const char * AzFramework::SimpleAssetTypeGetFileFilter ( const AZ::Data::AssetType &  assetType)

Retrieves the file filter for an asset type. This information is stored in the environment, so it's accessible from any module.

◆ SimpleAssetTypeGetName()

const char * AzFramework::SimpleAssetTypeGetName ( const AZ::Data::AssetType &  assetType)

Retrieves the name of an asset by asset type (which is actually a name Crc). This information is stored in the environment, so it's accessible from any module.

◆ SmoothCamera()

Camera AzFramework::SmoothCamera ( const Camera currentCamera,
const Camera targetCamera,
const CameraProps cameraProps,
float  deltaTime 

An interpolation function to smoothly interpolate all camera properties from currentCamera to targetCamera. The camera returned will be some value between current and target camera.

The rate of interpolation can be customized with CameraProps.

◆ SmoothValueTime()

float AzFramework::SmoothValueTime ( float  smoothness,
float  deltaTime 

Returns the time ('t') input value to use with SmoothValue. Useful if it is to be reused for multiple calls to SmoothValue.

◆ TranslateOffsetOrbit()

void AzFramework::TranslateOffsetOrbit ( Camera camera,
const AZ::Vector3 &  delta 

Update the offset camera position.

delta still needs to be transformed to world space (as with TranslatePivotLook) but internally this is undone to be performed in local space when being applied to m_offset.

◆ TranslatePivotLook()

void AzFramework::TranslatePivotLook ( Camera camera,
const AZ::Vector3 &  delta 

Update the pivot camera position.

delta will need to have been transformed to world space, e.g. To move the camera right, (1, 0, 0) must first be transformed by the orientation of the camera before being applied to m_pivot.

◆ WorldToScreen()

ScreenPoint AzFramework::WorldToScreen ( const AZ::Vector3 &  worldPosition,
const AZ::Matrix3x4 &  cameraView,
const AZ::Matrix4x4 &  cameraProjection,
const ScreenSize viewportSize 

Overload of WorldToScreen that accepts camera values that can be precomputed if this function is called many times in a loop.

◆ WrapYawRotation()

float AzFramework::WrapYawRotation ( const float  yaw)

Ensures yaw wraps between 0 and 360 degrees (0, 2Pi).

yawYaw angle in radians.

Variable Documentation

◆ DefaultMouseMoveDeadZone

constexpr float AzFramework::DefaultMouseMoveDeadZone = 2.0f

Default value to use for detecting if the mouse has moved far enough after a mouse down to no longer register a click when a mouse up occurs.