▼NWhiteBox | |
▼NApi | |
CAppendedPolygonHandles | Stores all relevant created/modified polygon handles from an append operation |
CEdgeTypes | |
CFaceVertHandles | Represents the vertex handles to be used to form a new face |
CPolygonHandle | |
CRestoredPolygonHandlePair | Stores the before and after polygon handles potentially created during a polygon append (impression). Alias for a collection of restored polygon handle pairs |
CWhiteBoxMeshDeleter | Custom deleter for WhiteBoxMesh opaque pointer |
▼NPipeline | |
CWhiteBoxMeshAsset | |
CWhiteBoxMeshAssetHandler | Asset handler for loading and initializing WhiteBoxMeshAsset assets |
CAtomRenderMesh | A concrete implementation of RenderMeshInterface to support Atom rendering for the White Box Tool |
CAttributeBuffer | Buffer to hold white box mesh vertex attribute data |
CAttributeTrait | Trait to describe white box mesh vertex attribute format |
CAttributeTrait< AttributeType::Bitangent > | Attribute trait specialization for vertex bitangent attribute |
CAttributeTrait< AttributeType::Color > | Attribute trait specialization for vertex color attribute |
CAttributeTrait< AttributeType::Normal > | Attribute trait specialization for vertex normal attribute |
CAttributeTrait< AttributeType::Position > | Attribute trait specialization for vertex position attribute |
CAttributeTrait< AttributeType::Tangent > | Attribute trait specialization for vertex tangent attribute |
CAttributeTrait< AttributeType::UV > | Attribute trait specialization for vertex uv attribute |
CAZTangentSpaceCalculation | |
CBoundShapeEdge | Implementation of BoundShapeInterfaces to create a concrete edge bound |
CBoundShapePolygon | Implementation of BoundShapeInterfaces to create a concrete polygon bound |
CBuffer | Buffer for holding vertex attribute data to be trasferred to the GPU for mesh rendering |
CDefaultMode | |
CEdgeBound | |
CEdgeBoundWithHandle | |
CEdgeIntersection | The closest edge returned after performing a ray intersection |
CEdgeRenderData | All edges ('user' and 'mesh') to render when in edge restore mode |
CEdgeRestoreMode | |
CEdgeScaleModifier | Provides manipulators for scaling an edge on a white box mesh |
CEdgeTranslationModifier | EdgeTranslationModifier provides the ability to select and draw an edge in the viewport |
CEditorWhiteBoxColliderComponent | Generates physics from white box mesh |
CEditorWhiteBoxColliderRequests | EditorWhiteBoxColliderComponent requests |
CEditorWhiteBoxComponent | Editor representation of White Box Tool |
CEditorWhiteBoxComponentMode | The Component Mode responsible for handling all interactions with the White Box Tool |
CEditorWhiteBoxComponentModeRequests | Request bus for generic White Box ComponentMode operations (irrespective of the sub-mode) |
CEditorWhiteBoxComponentNotifications | EditorWhiteBoxComponent notifications |
CEditorWhiteBoxComponentRequests | EditorWhiteBoxComponent requests |
CEditorWhiteBoxDefaultModeRequests | Request bus for White Box ComponentMode operations while in 'default' mode |
CEditorWhiteBoxEdgeModifierNotifications | Notification bus for edge related changes |
CEditorWhiteBoxMeshAsset | |
CEditorWhiteBoxPolygonModifierNotifications | Notification bus for polygon related changes |
CEditorWhiteBoxSystemComponent | System component for the White Box Editor/Tool application |
CEditorWhiteBoxTransformModeRequests | Request bus for White Box ComponentMode operations while in 'transform' mode |
CGenericHandle | |
CGeometryIntersectionData | |
CIntersection | Group intersection (hit) point of ray and distance from the viewport camera |
CIntersectionAndRenderData | |
CManipulatorBoundEdge | Performs intersection for a manipulator using an edge bound |
CManipulatorBoundPolygon | Performs intersection for a manipulator using a polygon bound |
CManipulatorViewEdge | |
CManipulatorViewPolygon | Displays a polygon with an outline around the edge |
CPolygonBound | |
CPolygonBoundWithHandle | |
CPolygonIntersection | The closest polygon returned after performing a ray intersection |
CPolygonScaleModifier | Provides manipulators for scaling a face on a white box mesh |
CPolygonTranslationModifier | Provides manipulators for translating a polygon on a white box mesh |
CRenderMeshInterface | |
CTransformMode | |
CUserMeshEdgeBounds | Structure to hold edge bounds and handles for both 'user' and 'mesh' edges |
CVertexBound | |
CVertexBoundWithHandle | |
CVertexIntersection | The closest vertex returned after performing a ray intersection |
CVertexTranslationModifier | VertexTranslationModifier provides the ability to translate a single vertex in the viewport |
CWhiteBoxColliderComponent | |
CWhiteBoxColliderConfiguration | Configuration information to use when setting up a WhiteBoxCollider |
CWhiteBoxComponent | Runtime representation of White Box |
CWhiteBoxComponentRequests | WhiteBoxComponent requests |
CWhiteBoxEditorModule | |
CWhiteBoxFace | Triangle primitive with face normals |
CWhiteBoxMaterial | The properties of a WhiteBox rendering material |
CWhiteBoxMeshAssetNotifications | Notification bus for white box mesh asset modifications |
CWhiteBoxMeshAssetUndoCommand | Records undo/redo states when modifying an asset |
CWhiteBoxMeshAtomData | Class to hold the white box mesh data in Atom device memory format |
CWhiteBoxMeshHandle | Wrapper around WhiteBoxMesh address |
CWhiteBoxModule | |
CWhiteBoxNullRenderMesh | |
CWhiteBoxRenderData | |
CWhiteBoxRequests | White Box system level requests |
CWhiteBoxSaveResult | The outcome of attempting to save a white box mesh |
CWhiteBoxSystemComponent | System component for the White Box Tool |
CWhiteBoxVertex | Vertex layout for WhiteBox faces |