Open 3D Engine PhysX Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
►NNumericalMethods | |
►NDoublePrecisionMath | |
CQuaternion | |
►NEigenanalysis | |
CEigenpair | |
CSolverResult | |
CSquareMatrix | |
►NOptimization | |
CFunction | |
CLineSearchResult | Struct to bundle together the numerical results of a line search and a qualitative indicator of search success |
CSolverResult | |
CMatrixVariable | |
CVectorVariable | |
►NPhysX | |
►NDebug | |
CColliderProximityVisualization | |
CDebugConfiguration | |
CDebugDisplayData | Contains various options for debug display of PhysX features |
CPhysXDebug | Implementation of the PhysXDebugInterface |
CPhysXDebugInterface | Interface for interacting with the PhysX Debug options |
CPvdConfiguration | Contains configuration data for initializing and interacting with PhysX Visual Debugger (PVD) |
►NDebugDraw | |
►CCollider | |
CElementDebugInfo | |
CGeometryData | |
CDisplayCallback | |
►NEditor | |
►CCell | |
CData | |
CCollisionFilteringWidget | |
CCollisionGroupEnumPropertyComboBoxHandler | |
CCollisionGroupsWidget | |
CCollisionGroupWidget | |
CCollisionLayersWidget | |
CCollisionLayerWidget | |
►CColumnHeader | |
CData | |
CConfigurationWidget | |
CConfigurationWindowRequests | |
CDocumentationLinkWidget | |
CEditorWindow | |
CInertiaPropertyHandler | |
CKinematicDescriptionDialog | Dialog for explaining the difference between Simulated and Kinematic bodies |
CPvdWidget | |
►CRowHeader | |
CData | |
CSettingsWidget | |
►NJointLimitOptimizer | |
CD6JointLimitFitter | |
CSwingValues | |
►NJointsComponentModeCommon | |
►NSubComponentModes | |
CAngleModesSharedRotationState | |
CParameterNames | Name Identifiers for the joint components sub modes |
CSubModeParameterState | A pairing of Sub component Names, and Id |
►NPipeline | |
►NUtils | |
CAssetMaterialsData | A struct to store the materials of the mesh nodes selected in a mesh group |
CAbstractShapeParameterization | |
CAssetColliderConfiguration | |
CConvexAssetParams | |
CConvexDecompositionParams | |
CHeightFieldAsset | Represents a PhysX height field asset |
CHeightFieldAssetHandler | Asset handler for loading and initializing PhysX HeightFieldAsset assets |
CHeightFieldAssetHeader | |
CMeshAsset | Represents a PhysX mesh asset. This is an AZ::Data::AssetData wrapper around MeshAssetData |
CMeshAssetData | Physics Asset data structure |
CMeshAssetHandler | Asset handler for loading and initializing PhysXMeshAsset assets |
CMeshBehavior | |
CMeshExporter | |
CMeshGroup | |
CPrimitiveAssetParams | |
CTriangleMeshAssetParams | |
►NSceneQueryHelpers | |
CPhysXQueryFilterCallback | Helper class, responsible for filtering invalid collision candidates prior to more expensive narrow phase checks |
CUnboundedOverlapCallback | Callback used to process unbounded overlap scene queries |
►NUtils | |
►NCharacters | |
CDepthData | Contains information about a node in a hierarchy and how deep it is in the hierarchy relative to the root |
CPrefabEntityIdMapper | |
CPrefabInfo | |
CActorData | |
CArticulationJointMotorProperties | Configuration of the articulation joint motor |
CArticulationJointRequests | Interface to communicate with a joint in a PhysX reduced co-ordinate articulation |
CArticulationLink | Represents a single articulation link |
CArticulationLinkComponent | Component implementing articulation link logic |
CArticulationLinkConfiguration | Configuration used to Add Articulations to a Scene |
CArticulationLinkData | Configuration data for an articulation link. Contains references to child links |
CArticulationSensorConfiguration | Configuration used to describe force/torque sensors attached to articulation links |
CArticulationSensorRequests | Interface to communicate with a sensor in a PhysX reduced co-ordinate articulation |
CAssetDataStreamWrapper | |
CBallJointComponent | |
CBallJointConfiguration | |
►CBaseColliderComponent | Base class for all runtime collider components |
CShapeInfoCache | |
CBaseForce | Requests serviced by all forces used by force regions |
CBodyConfigurationComponentRequests | |
CBoxColliderComponent | |
CCapsuleColliderComponent | |
CCharacterController | |
CCharacterControllerCallbackManager | Manages callbacks for character controller collision filtering, collision notifications, and handling riding on objects |
CCharacterControllerComponent | |
CCharacterControllerConfiguration | Allows PhysX specific character controller properties that are not included in the generic configuration |
CCharacterControllerRequests | Bus for PhysX specific character controller functionality |
CCharacterGameplayComponent | |
CCharacterGameplayConfiguration | Configuration for storing character gameplay settings |
CCharacterGameplayRequests | Bus for requests to the example character gameplay component |
CColliderAssetScaleMode | Sub component mode for modifying the asset scale on a collider in the viewport |
CColliderBoxMode | Sub component mode for modifying the box dimensions on a collider |
CColliderCapsuleMode | Sub component mode for modifying the height and radius on a capsule collider |
CColliderComponentMode | |
CColliderComponentModeRequests | Bus used to communicate with component mode |
CColliderComponentModeUiRequests | Provides access to Component Mode specific UI options |
CColliderComponentRequests | |
CColliderCylinderMode | Sub component mode for modifying the height and radius on a cylinder collider |
CColliderOffsetMode | Sub component mode for modifying offset on a collider in the viewport |
CColliderRotationMode | Sub component mode for modifying the rotation on a collider in the viewport |
CColliderShapeRequests | |
CColliderSphereMode | Sub component mode for modifying the box dimensions on a collider |
CCompliantContactModeConfiguration | Properties of compliant contact mode |
CD6JointLimitConfiguration | |
CDefaultWorldComponent | |
CEditorArticulationLinkComponent | Class for in-editor PhysX Articulation Link Component |
CEditorArticulationLinkConfiguration | Configuration data for EditorRigidBodyComponent |
CEditorBallJointComponent | |
CEditorCharacterControllerComponent | Editor component that allows a PhysX character controller to be edited |
CEditorCharacterControllerProxyShapeConfig | Proxy container for only displaying a specific shape configuration depending on the shapeType selected |
CEditorCharacterGameplayComponent | Editor component that allows a PhysX character gameplay component to be edited |
CEditorColliderComponent | Editor PhysX Primitive Collider Component |
CEditorColliderComponentRequests | EntityColliderComponentRequests |
CEditorFixedJointComponent | |
CEditorForceRegionComponent | Editor PhysX Force Region Component |
CEditorHeightfieldColliderComponent | Editor PhysX Heightfield Collider Component |
CEditorHeightfieldColliderInterface | Provides an interface to the Editor Heightfield Collider component |
CEditorHingeJointComponent | |
CEditorJointComponent | Base class for editor joint components |
CEditorJointConfig | |
CEditorJointLimitBase | Base class for joint limits |
CEditorJointLimitConeConfig | Cone (swing) limits for joints |
CEditorJointLimitConfig | |
CEditorJointLimitLinearPairConfig | Pair (linear) limits for joints |
CEditorJointLimitPairConfig | Pair (angles) limits for joints |
CEditorJointRequests | Messages serviced by Editor Joint Components |
CEditorMaterialAsset | |
CEditorMaterialAssetBuilder | |
CEditorMeshColliderComponent | Editor PhysX Mesh Collider Component |
CEditorMeshColliderComponentDescriptor | |
CEditorMeshColliderComponentRequests | Request bus for colliders using PhysX mesh assets |
CEditorMeshColliderValidationRequests | Bus used to validate that non-convex meshes are not used with simulation types which do not support them |
CEditorPrimitiveColliderComponentRequests | Request bus for colliders using primitive shapes |
CEditorPrismaticJointComponent | |
CEditorProxyAssetShapeConfig | Edit context wrapper for the physics asset and asset specific parameters in the shape configuration |
CEditorProxyCylinderShapeConfig | Edit context wrapper for cylinder specific parameters and cached geometry |
CEditorProxyPhysicsAsset | |
CEditorProxyShapeConfig | Proxy container for only displaying a specific shape configuration depending on the shapeType selected |
CEditorRigidBodyComponent | Class for in-editor PhysX Dynamic Rigid Body Component |
CEditorRigidBodyConfiguration | Configuration data for EditorRigidBodyComponent |
CEditorShapeColliderComponent | |
CEditorStaticRigidBodyComponent | Class for in-editor PhysX Static Rigid Body Component |
CEditorSystemComponent | |
CEditorViewportEntityPicker | |
CEntityParams | |
CFixedJointComponent | |
CFixedJointConfiguration | |
CForceLinearDamping | Class for a linear damping force |
CForceLinearDampingRequests | Requests serviced by a linear damping force |
CForceLocalSpace | Class for a local space force exerted on bodies in a force region |
CForceLocalSpaceRequests | Requests serviced by a local space force |
CForcePoint | |
CForcePointRequests | Requests serviced by a point space force |
CForceRegion | Force region internal representation. Computes net force exerted on bodies in a force region |
CForceRegionComponent | |
CForceRegionNotifications | |
CForceRegionRequests | Requests serviced by a force region |
CForceSimpleDrag | Class for a simple drag force |
CForceSimpleDragRequests | Requests serviced by a simple drag force |
CForceSplineFollow | |
CForceSplineFollowRequests | Requests serviced by a spline follow force |
CForceWorldSpace | Class for a world space force exerted on bodies in a force region |
CForceWorldSpaceRequests | Requests serviced by a world space force |
CGeometryCache | Cached data for generating sample points inside the attached shape |
CHeightfieldCollider | |
CHeightfieldColliderComponent | |
CHingeJointComponent | |
CHingeJointConfiguration | |
►CJointComponent | Base class for game-time generic joint components |
CLeadFollowerInfo | |
CJointComponentConfiguration | |
CJointGenericProperties | Properties that are common for several types of joints |
CJointLimitProperties | |
CJointMotorProperties | |
CJointRequests | Interface to communicate with PhysX joint's motor |
CJointsComponentMode | Class responsible for managing component mode for joints |
CJointsComponentModeRequests | Request bus for Joints ComponentMode operations |
CJointsSubComponentModeAngleCone | |
CJointsSubComponentModeAnglePair | |
CJointsSubComponentModeLinearFloat | |
CJointsSubComponentModeRotation | |
CJointsSubComponentModeSnap | |
CJointsSubComponentModeSnapPosition | |
CJointsSubComponentModeSnapRotation | |
CJointsSubComponentModeTranslation | |
CLegacyEditorProxyAssetShapeConfig | |
CMaterial | |
CMaterialConfiguration | Properties of a PhysX material |
CMaterialManager | Material manager specialization for PhysX |
CMeshColliderComponent | |
CMeshColliderComponentRequests | Services provided by the PhysX Mesh Collider Component |
CNullColliderComponentMode | |
CPhysicsPrefabProcessor | |
CPhysXBallJoint | A ball joint locks 2 bodies relative to one another except about the y and z axes of the joint between them |
CPhysXCpuDispatcher | CPU dispatcher which directs tasks submitted by PhysX to the Open 3D Engine scheduling system |
CPhysXD6Joint | |
CPhysXEditorJointHelpersInterface | |
CPhysXEditorSettingsRegistryManager | Handles loading and saving the settings registry |
CPhysXFixedJoint | A fixed joint locks 2 bodies relative to one another on all axes of freedom |
CPhysXHingeJoint | A hinge joint locks 2 bodies relative to one another except about the x-axis of the joint between them |
CPhysXJob | Handles PhysX tasks in the Open 3D Engine job scheduler |
CPhysXJoint | |
CPhysXJointHelpersInterface | |
CPhysXPrismaticJoint | |
CPhysXScene | PhysX implementation of the AzPhysics::Scene |
CPhysXSceneInterface | |
CPhysXSettingsRegistryManager | Handles loading and saving the settings registry |
CPhysXSubComponentModeBase | |
CPhysXSystem | |
CPhysXSystemConfiguration | |
CPrismaticJointComponent | |
CPrismaticJointConfiguration | |
CPxAzAllocatorCallback | Implementation of the PhysX memory allocation callback interface using Open 3D Engine allocator |
CPxAzErrorCallback | Implementation of the PhysX error callback interface directing errors to Open 3D Engine error output |
CPxAzProfilerCallback | Implementation of the PhysX profiler callback interface |
CRagdoll | PhysX specific implementation of generic physics API Ragdoll class |
CRagdollComponent | Component used to simulate a hierarchy of rigid bodies connected by joints, typically used for characters |
CRagdollNode | PhysX specific implementation of generic physics API RagdollNode class |
CRegionParams | |
CRigidBody | PhysX specific implementation of generic physics API RigidBody class |
CRigidBodyComponent | Component used to register an entity as a dynamic rigid body in the PhysX simulation |
CRigidBodyConfiguration | PhysX-specific settings which are not generic enough to be stored in the AzPhysics rigid body configuration |
CSceneSimulationEventCallback | |
CSceneSimulationFilterCallback | Helper class to handle the filtering of collision pairs reported from PhysX |
CShape | |
CShapeColliderComponent | Component that provides a collider based on geometry from a shape component |
CSphereColliderComponent | |
CStaticRigidBody | |
CStaticRigidBodyComponent | |
CStreamWrapper | |
CSystemComponent | |
CSystemRequests | |
CTransformForwardTimeInterpolator | |
CWindConfiguration | PhysX wind settings |
CWindProvider | |
►NPolygonPrismMeshUtils | |
CFace | A face in a doubly connected edge list (a data structure for efficiently manipulating meshes) |
CHalfEdge | |
CMesh2D | A collection of Face and HalfEdge objects used to represent a 2d mesh |