►NAZ | |
►NDebug | |
CStartupLogSink | |
CStartupLogSinkReporter | |
►NDocumentPropertyEditor | |
►NNodes | |
CAdapter | Adapter: The top-level tag for a DocumentAdapter that may contain any number of Rows |
CAsset | |
CAudioControl | |
CButton | |
CCheckBox | |
CColor | |
CComboBox | |
CContainer | Container: A node representing a container instance |
CContainerActionButton | |
CCrc | |
CEntityId | |
CFilePath | |
CGenericButton | |
CLabel | Label: A textual label that shall render its contents as part of a Row |
CLayoutPadding | |
CLineEdit | |
CMultiLineEdit | |
CNodeWithVisiblityControl | Base class for nodes that have a Visibility attribute |
CNumericEditor | |
CPropertyEditor | |
CQuaternion | |
CRadioButton | |
CRow | Row: An adapter entry that may contain any number of child nodes or other Rows |
CSlider | |
CSpinBox | |
CUIElement | |
CVector2 | |
CVector3 | |
CVector4 | |
CAdapterBuilder | |
CAdapterMessage | |
CAttributeDefinition | |
CAttributeDefinitionInterface | |
CBasicAdapter | |
CBoundAdapterMessage | |
►CCallbackAttributeDefinition | |
CTraits | |
CTraits< Result(Args...)> | |
CTraits< void(Args...)> | |
CCvarAdapter | |
CDocumentAdapter | |
CExpanderSettings | This serializable class stores and loads the DocumentPropertyEditor settings such as tree node expansion state |
CGenericValueAttributeDefinition | |
CGenericValueListAttributeDefinition | |
CLabeledRowAggregateAdapter | |
CLabeledRowDPEExpanderSettings | |
CMetaAdapter | |
CNamedCrcAttributeDefinition | |
CNodeDefinition | |
CNodeMetadata | |
CPropertyEditorSystem | |
CPropertyEditorSystemInterface | |
►CReflectionAdapter | |
CPropertyChangeInfo | Holds the parameters that define a specific property change event |
CRoutingAdapter | |
►CRowAggregateAdapter | Class to allow multi-edits of row-based DPE adapters |
CAdapterInfo | |
CAggregateNode | |
►CRowFilterAdapter | |
CMatchInfoNode | |
►CRowSortAdapter | |
CSortInfoBase | |
CSortInfoNode | |
CSettingsRegistrar | |
►CSettingsRegistryAdapter | |
CSettingsRegistryDomData | |
CTypeIdAttributeDefinition | Represents an attribute that should resolve to an AZ::TypeId with a string representation |
►CValueStringSort | |
CStringSortNode | |
►NIO | |
►NZipDir | |
CCache | |
CCacheFactory | |
CCZipFile | |
CDirEntry | |
CDirEntrySortPred | |
CDirHeader | |
CError | |
CFileDataRecord | |
CFileEntry | |
CFileEntryBase | |
CFileEntryFileOffsetOrder | |
CFileEntryList | |
CFileEntryTree | |
CFileRecord | |
CFileRecordFileOffsetOrder | |
►CFileRecordList | |
CZipStats | |
CFindData | |
CFindDir | |
CFindFile | |
CSExtraZipFileData | |
CUncompressLookahead | |
►NZipFile | |
CCDREnd | |
CCDRFileHeader | |
CCryCustomEncryptionHeader | |
CCryCustomExtendedHeader | |
CCrySignedCDRHeader | |
CDataDescriptor | |
CExtraFieldHeader | |
CExtraNTFSHeader | |
CLocalFileHeader | |
CArchive | |
CArchiveFileIO | |
CArchiveFileIterator | |
CArchiveNotifications | |
CArchiveVars | |
CCCachedFileData | |
CFileDesc | |
►CFindData | |
CArchiveFile | |
CArchiveFileHash | |
CIArchive | |
CIArchiveFileAccessSink | |
CINestedArchive | |
CIResourceList | |
CLocalFileIO | |
►CMemoryBlock | |
CAddressDeleter | |
CNestedArchive | |
CNestedArchiveSortByName | |
CNetworkFileIO | |
CRemoteFileCache | |
CRemoteFileIO | |
CScopedFileHandle | |
►NReflection | |
CIArrayAccess | |
CIAssetAccess | |
CIAttributes | |
CIBufferAccess | |
CIDictionaryAccess | |
CIEnumAccess | |
CIMapAccess | |
CIObjectAccess | |
CIPointerAccess | |
CIRead | |
CIReadWrite | |
CIReadWriteToRead | |
CIStringAccess | |
CInterface | |
COnDemandReflection< AzFramework::SimpleAssetReference< T > > | OnDemandReflection for any generic SimpleAssetReference<T> |
►NAzFramework | Namespace for file functions |
►NAssetSystem | |
CAssetChangeReportRequest | |
CAssetChangeReportResponse | |
CAssetDependencyInfoRequest | |
CAssetDependencyInfoResponse | |
CAssetInfoRequest | |
CAssetInfoResponse | |
CAssetNotificationMessage | |
CAssetProcessorConnection | |
CAssetSystemComponent | |
CAssetSystemConnectionNotifications | |
CAssetSystemInfoNotifications | |
CAssetSystemRequests | |
CAssetSystemStatus | |
CBaseAssetProcessorMessage | |
CBulkAssetNotificationMessage | |
CConnectionSettings | Stores the settings needed to make a connection either to or from an AssetProcessor instance |
CFileCloseRequest | |
CFileCopyRequest | |
CFileCopyResponse | |
CFileExistsRequest | |
CFileExistsResponse | |
CFileFlushRequest | |
CFileFlushResponse | |
CFileIsReadOnlyRequest | |
CFileIsReadOnlyResponse | |
CFileModTimeRequest | |
CFileModTimeResponse | |
CFileOpenRequest | |
CFileOpenResponse | |
CFileReadRequest | |
CFileReadResponse | |
CFileRemoveRequest | |
CFileRemoveResponse | |
CFileRenameRequest | |
CFileRenameResponse | |
CFileSeekRequest | |
CFileSeekResponse | |
CFileSizeRequest | |
CFileSizeResponse | |
CFileTellRequest | |
CFileTellResponse | |
CFileTreeRequest | |
CFileTreeResponse | |
CFileWriteRequest | |
CFileWriteResponse | |
CFindFilesRequest | |
CFindFilesResponse | |
CGenerateRelativeSourcePathRequest | |
CGenerateRelativeSourcePathResponse | |
CGetFullSourcePathFromRelativeProductPathRequest | |
CGetFullSourcePathFromRelativeProductPathResponse | |
CGetRelativeProductPathFromFullSourceOrProductPathRequest | |
CGetRelativeProductPathFromFullSourceOrProductPathResponse | |
CGetUnresolvedDependencyCountsRequest | |
CGetUnresolvedDependencyCountsResponse | |
CNegotiationMessage | |
CNetworkAssetUpdateInterface | |
CPathCreateRequest | |
CPathCreateResponse | |
CPathDestroyRequest | |
CPathDestroyResponse | |
CPathIsDirectoryRequest | |
CPathIsDirectoryResponse | |
CRegisterSourceAssetRequest | |
CRequestAssetProcessorStatus | Request the status of the asset processor |
CRequestAssetStatus | Request the status of an asset or force one to compile |
CRequestEscalateAsset | |
CRequestPing | |
CResponseAssetProcessorStatus | |
CResponseAssetStatus | This will be sent in response to the RequestAssetStatus request |
CResponsePing | |
CSaveAssetCatalogRequest | |
CSaveAssetCatalogResponse | |
CShowAssetInAssetProcessorRequest | |
CShowAssetProcessorRequest | |
CSourceAssetInfoRequest | |
CSourceAssetInfoResponse | |
CUnregisterSourceAssetRequest | |
►NComponents | |
CComponentActivateHelper | |
CComponentActivateHelper< T, AZStd::void_t< decltype(AZStd::declval< T >().Activate(AZ::EntityComponentIdPair()))> > | |
CComponentActivateHelper< T, AZStd::void_t< decltype(AZStd::declval< T >().Activate(AZ::EntityId()))> > | |
CComponentAdapter | |
CComponentInitHelper | |
CComponentInitHelper< T, AZStd::void_t< decltype(AZStd::declval< T >().Init())> > | |
CDeprecatedComponents | |
CDeprecatedInfo | |
►NFileTag | |
CExcludeFileComponent | |
CFileTagAsset | |
CFileTagComponent | |
CFileTagData | File Tag Data stores all the information related to the FileTagAsset |
CFileTagManager | File Tag Manager class can be used to add/remove tags based on either filepaths or file patterns |
CFileTagQueryComponent | This component can be used to query the file tagging system |
CFileTagQueryManager | File Tag Query Manager class can be used to retreive tags based on either filepaths or patterns |
CFileTagsEvent | |
CQueryFileTagsEvent | |
►NProcessLauncher | |
CProcessLaunchInfo | |
►NRender | |
CRenderSystemRequests | |
►NRenderGeometry | |
CEntityFilter | |
CEntityIdAndContext | |
CGameIntersectorComponent | |
CIntersectionNotifications | Interface for data notification of changes in entity's render geometry |
CIntersectionRequests | |
CIntersector | |
CIntersectorInterface | |
CRayRequest | Ray intersection request |
CRayResult | Result of intersection |
CRayResultClosestAggregator | |
►NScripts | |
CSpawnableScriptAssetRef | A wrapper around Spawnable asset that can be used by Script Canvas and Lua |
CSpawnableScriptMediator | |
CSpawnableScriptNotifications | |
CSpawnableScriptNotificationsHandler | Behavior Context forwarder for SpawnableScriptNotificationsBus |
►NStreamingInstall | |
CStreamingInstallChunkNotifications | |
CStreamingInstallPackageNotifications | |
CStreamingInstallRequests | |
►CStreamingInstallSystemComponent | |
CImplementation | Base class for platform specific implementations |
►NSurfaceData | |
CSurfacePoint | |
CSurfaceTagWeight | |
CSurfaceTagWeightComparator | |
►NTerrain | |
CFloatRange | |
CQueryAsyncParams | A parameter group struct that can optionally be passed to the various Query*Async API functions |
►CTerrainDataNotifications | |
CConnectionPolicy | Connection policy that auto-calls OnTerrainDataCreateBegin & OnTerrainDataCreateEnd on connection |
CTerrainDataRequests | Shared interface for terrain system implementations |
CTerrainJobContext | A JobContext used to run jobs spawned by calls to the various Query*Async functions |
CTerrainQueryRegion | Helper structure that defines a query region to use with the QueryRegion / QueryRegionAsync APIs |
CAabbUnionAggregator | |
CAndroidAppRequests | |
CAndroidEventDispatcher | |
CAndroidLifecycleEvents | |
►CApplication | |
CImplementation | |
CApplicationLifecycleEvents | |
CApplicationRequests | |
CAssetBundleManifest | |
CAssetCatalog | |
CAssetCatalogComponent | |
CAssetCatalogEvents | |
CAssetRegistry | |
CAssetSeedListReflector | |
CAzFrameworkConfigurationSystemComponent | |
CAzFrameworkModule | |
CBarrierOptionalArgs | |
CBehaviorComponentId | |
CBehaviorEntity | |
CBenchmarkAsset | |
CBenchmarkSettingsAsset | |
CBoundsRequests | Implemented by components that provide bounds for use with various systems |
CCamera | |
CCameraInput | |
CCameraProps | Properties to use to configure behavior across all types of camera |
CCameras | |
CCameraState | Represents the camera state populated by the viewport camera |
CCameraSystem | Responsible for updating a series of cameras given various inputs |
►CCharacterPhysicsDataNotifications | |
CConnectionPolicy | |
CCharacterPhysicsDataRequests | |
CClaimEntitiesOptionalArgs | |
CClickDetector | |
CCommandRegistration | |
CCommunicatorHandleImpl | |
CConsoleNotifications | |
CConsoleRequests | |
CCursorEvent | |
CCursorState | Utility type to wrap a current and last cursor position |
CCustomAssetTypeComponent | |
CCustomCameraInput | |
CDarwinLifecycleEvents | |
CDebugDisplayEvents | |
CDebugDisplayRequests | DebugDisplayRequests provides a debug draw api to be used by components and viewport features |
CDependencySearchRule | |
CDespawnAllEntitiesOptionalArgs | |
CDespawnEntityOptionalArgs | |
CDiscreteInputEvent | |
CDisplayContextRequestGuard | |
CDisplayContextRequests | |
CEditorEntityEvents | |
CEngineConnectionEvents | |
CEntityAliasTypeChange | Information used when updating the type of an entity alias |
CEntityContext | |
CEntityContextEvents | |
CEntityContextRequests | |
CEntityDebugDisplayEvents | |
CEntityIdContextQueries | |
CEntityOwnershipService | |
CEntityOwnershipServiceInterface | |
CEntityOwnershipServiceNotifications | |
CEntitySpawnTicket | |
CEntityVisibilityBoundsUnionSystem | Provide a unified hook between entities and the visibility system |
CEntityVisibilityQuery | Utility class to encapsulate entity visibility queries against the view frustum |
CExclusiveFullScreenRequests | |
CFocusCameraInput | |
CFontDrawInterface | |
CFontQueryInterface | |
CGameEntityContextComponent | |
CGameEntityContextEvents | |
CGameEntityContextRequests | |
CGemInfo | This struct stores gem related information |
CGenericAssetHandler | |
CGenericAssetHandlerBase | |
CIEntityBoundsUnion | |
CIEntityBoundsUnionTraits | |
CILevelSystemLifecycle | |
►CInMemorySpawnableAssetContainer | |
CSpawnableAssetData | |
►CInputChannel | |
CCustomData | Base struct from which to derive all custom input data |
CPositionData2D | Custom data struct for input channels associated with a 2D position |
CSnapshot | Snapshot of an input channel that can be constructed, copied, and stored independently |
CInputChannelAnalog | |
►CInputChannelAnalogWithPosition2D | |
CRawInputEvent | Raw analog with position 2D input event |
CInputChannelAxis1D | |
►CInputChannelAxis2D | |
CAxisData2D | Custom data struct for two dimensional axis data |
►CInputChannelAxis3D | |
CAxisData3D | Custom data struct for three dimensional axis data |
CInputChannelDelta | |
CInputChannelDeltaWithSharedPosition2D | |
CInputChannelDigital | |
►CInputChannelDigitalWithPosition2D | |
CRawInputEvent | Raw digital with position 2D input event |
CInputChannelDigitalWithSharedModifierKeyStates | |
CInputChannelDigitalWithSharedPosition2D | |
CInputChannelEventFilter | |
CInputChannelEventFilterExclusionList | Class that filters input channel events based on excluded input channels and devices |
CInputChannelEventFilterInclusionList | Class that filters input channel events based on included input channels and devices |
CInputChannelEventListener | |
CInputChannelEventSink | Class that consumes all input event that pass the specified filter |
CInputChannelId | Class that identifies a specific input channel |
CInputChannelNotifications | |
►CInputChannelQuaternion | |
CQuaternionData | Custom data struct for three dimensional axis data |
►CInputChannelRequests | EBus interface used to query for available input channels |
CBusIdType | |
►CInputContext | |
CInitData | Custom data struct used to initialize input contexts |
CInputContextComponent | |
CInputContextComponentRequests | |
CInputDevice | |
►CInputDeviceGamepad | |
CButton | All the input channel ids that identify game-pad digital button input |
►CImplementation | Base class for platform specific implementations of game-pad input devices |
CRawGamepadState | Platform agnostic representation of a raw game-pad state |
CThumbStickAxis1D | All the input channel ids that identify game-pad thumb-stick 1D axis input |
CThumbStickAxis2D | All the input channel ids that identify game-pad thumb-stick 2D axis input |
CThumbStickDirection | All the input channel ids that identify game-pad thumb-stick directional input |
CTrigger | All the input channel ids that identify game-pad analog trigger input |
CInputDeviceId | Class that identifies a specific input device |
CInputDeviceImplementationRequest | Templated EBus interface used to create a custom implementation for a specific device type |
CInputDeviceImplementationRequestHandler | |
►CInputDeviceKeyboard | |
CImplementation | Base class for platform specific implementations of keyboard input devices |
CKey | |
►CInputDeviceMotion | |
CAcceleration | |
CImplementation | Base class for platform specific implementations of motion input devices |
CMagneticField | |
COrientation | |
CRotationRate | |
►CInputDeviceMouse | |
CButton | |
CImplementation | Base class for platform specific implementations of mouse input devices |
CMovement | |
CInputDeviceNotifications | |
CInputDeviceRequests | EBus interface used to query input devices for their associated input channels and state |
►CInputDeviceTouch | |
►CImplementation | Base class for platform specific implementations of touch input devices |
CRawTouchEvent | Platform agnostic representation of a raw touch event |
CTouch | |
►CInputDeviceVirtualKeyboard | |
CCommand | |
CImplementation | Base class for platform specific implementations of virtual keyboard input devices |
CInputHapticFeedbackRequests | EBus interface used to send haptic feedback requests to connected input devices |
CInputLightBarRequests | EBus interface used to send light bar requests to connected input devices |
►CInputMapping | |
CConfigBase | Base class for input mapping configuration values that are exposed to the editor |
CEmptySnapshot | Empty snapshot of an input channel used as the 'default' state for some input mappings |
CInputChannelNameFilteredByDeviceType | Convenience class that allows for selection of an input channel name filtered by device |
►CInputMappingAnd | |
CConfig | The input mapping configuration values that are exposed to the editor |
►CInputMappingOr | |
CConfig | The input mapping configuration values that are exposed to the editor |
CInputMotionSensorRequests | EBus interface used to send motion sensor requests to connected input devices |
CInputState | Encapsulates an InputEvent in addition to the current key state of the modifiers |
CInputSystemComponent | |
CInputSystemCursorConstraintRequests | EBus interface to request the window or view used to clip and/or normalize the system cursor |
CInputSystemCursorRequests | EBus interface used to query/change the state, position, or appearance of the system cursor |
CInputSystemNotifications | EBus interface used to listen for input system notifications |
CInputSystemRequests | EBus interface used to send requests to the input system |
►CInputTextEntryRequests | EBus interface used to send text entry requests to connected input devices |
CVirtualKeyboardOptions | |
CInputTextEventListener | Class that handles input text event notifications by priority |
CInputTextNotifications | |
CIosLifecycleEvents | |
CIRemoteTools | |
CISceneSystem | |
CISceneSystemRequests | |
►CIVisibilityScene | This is the interface for managing objects and visibility queries for a given scene |
CNodeData | |
CIVisibilitySystem | This is an AZ::Interface<> useful for extremely fast, CPU only, proximity and visibility queries |
CIVisibilitySystemRequests | |
CLegacyAssetEvents | |
CLevelLoadBlockerRequests | |
CLevelSystemLifecycleNotifications | |
CLinearlyInterpolatedSample | |
CLinearlyInterpolatedSample< AZ::Quaternion > | |
CLinearlyInterpolatedSample< AZ::Vector3 > | |
CLinuxLifecycleEvents | |
CListEntitiesOptionalArgs | |
CLoadBarrierOptionalArgs | |
CLogComponent | |
CLogFile | |
CLookScrollTranslationCameraInput | A camera input to handle discrete scroll events that can scroll (translate) the camera along its forward axis |
CMatchingRule | |
CMetricsPlainTextNameRegistrationBusTraits | |
CMissingAssetLogger | |
CMissingAssetNotifications | |
CModifierKeyStates | Custom data struct to store the current state of all modifier keys |
CMotionEvent | Generic motion type |
CMultiViewportController | |
CMultiViewportControllerInstanceInterface | The interface used by MultiViewportController to manage individual instances |
►CNativeWindow | |
CImplementation | |
CNonUniformScaleComponent | |
COctreeDebug | |
COctreeNode | |
COctreeScene | |
COctreeSystemComponent | |
COrbitCameraInput | |
COrbitMotionDollyCameraInput | A camera input to handle motion deltas that can modify the camera offset |
COrbitScrollDollyCameraInput | A camera input to handle discrete scroll events that can modify the camera offset |
CPaintBrush | |
CPaintBrushNotifications | PaintBrushNotificationBus is used to send out notifications whenever anything about the paintbrush has changed |
CPaintBrushSession | |
CPaintBrushSettings | Defines the specific paintbrush settings to use with a paintbrush |
CPaintBrushSystemComponent | PaintBrushSystemComponent generically manages runtime paint brush sessions for any components that support runtime painting |
CPanAxes | Axes to use while panning the camera |
CPanCameraInput | A camera input to handle motion deltas that can pan the camera (translate in two axes) |
CPrefabEntityOwnershipService | |
►CProcessCommunicator | |
COutputStatus | |
CProcessCommunicatorForChildProcess | |
CProcessData | |
CProcessOutput | |
CProcessWatcher | |
CQualityCVarGroup | |
CQualitySystemComponent | |
CQualitySystemEvents | |
CRawInputNotificationsAndroid | |
CRawInputNotificationsIos | |
CRawInputNotificationsMac | |
CRawInputNotificationsWindows | |
CReloadSpawnableOptionalArgs | |
CRemoteStorageDrive | |
CRemoteStorageDriveConfig | |
CRemoteToolsEndpointInfo | |
CRemoteToolsMessage | |
CRetrieveTicketOptionalArgs | |
CRootSpawnableDefinition | |
CRootSpawnableNotifications | Notifications send when the root spawnable updates. Events will always be called from the main thread |
CRotateCameraInput | A camera input to handle motion deltas that can change the orientation of the camera (update pitch and yaw) |
CSample | |
CScene | |
CSceneSystemComponent | |
CScreenPoint | A wrapper around an X and Y screen position |
CScreenSize | A wrapper around a screen width and height |
CScreenVector | |
CScriptCompileRequest | |
CScriptComponent | |
CScriptDebugAck | |
CScriptDebugAckBreakpoint | |
CScriptDebugAckExecute | |
CScriptDebugAgentEvents | |
CScriptDebugBreakpointRequest | |
CScriptDebugCallStackResult | |
CScriptDebugEnumContextsResult | |
CScriptDebugEnumLocalsResult | |
CScriptDebugGetValueResult | |
CScriptDebugRegisteredClassesResult | |
CScriptDebugRegisteredEBusesResult | |
CScriptDebugRegisteredGlobalsResult | |
CScriptDebugRequest | |
CScriptDebugSetValue | |
CScriptDebugSetValueResult | |
CScriptPropertyGroup | |
CScriptUserClassInfo | |
CScriptUserEBusInfo | |
CScriptUserEBusMethodInfo | |
CScriptUserMethodInfo | |
CScriptUserPropertyInfo | |
CScrollEvent | |
CSearchRuleDefinition | |
CSeedInfo | |
CSimpleAssetReference | |
CSimpleAssetReferenceBase | |
CSingleViewportController | |
CSliceEntityOwnershipService | |
CSliceEntityOwnershipServiceRequests | |
CSliceEntityRequests | |
CSliceGameEntityOwnershipService | |
CSliceGameEntityOwnershipServiceNotifications | |
CSliceGameEntityOwnershipServiceRequests | |
CSliceInstantiationResults | |
CSliceInstantiationTicket | |
CSocketConnection | |
►CSpawnable | |
CEntityAlias | An entity alias redirects the spawning of an entity to another entity, possibly in another spawnable |
CEntityAliasConstVisitor | |
CEntityAliasVisitor | |
CSpawnableAssetEvents | |
CSpawnableAssetHandler | |
CSpawnableConstEntityContainerView | |
CSpawnableConstIndexEntityContainerView | |
CSpawnableEntitiesContainer | |
CSpawnableEntitiesDefinition | |
►CSpawnableEntitiesManager | |
CBarrierCommand | |
CClaimEntitiesCommand | |
CDespawnAllEntitiesCommand | |
CDespawnEntityCommand | |
CDestroyTicketCommand | |
CListEntitiesCommand | |
CListIndicesEntitiesCommand | |
CLoadBarrierCommand | |
CQueue | |
CRegisterTicketCommand | |
CReloadSpawnableCommand | |
CRetrieveTicketCommand | |
CSpawnAllEntitiesCommand | |
CSpawnEntitiesCommand | |
CTicket | |
CUpdateEntityAliasTypesCommand | |
CSpawnableEntityContainerView | |
CSpawnableIndexEntityIterator | |
CSpawnableIndexEntityPair | |
CSpawnableMetaData | |
CSpawnableMonitor | |
CSpawnableSystemComponent | |
CSpawnAllEntitiesOptionalArgs | |
CSpawnEntitiesOptionalArgs | |
CStartupInfo | |
CStdInOutCommunication | |
CStdInOutProcessCommunicator | |
CStdInOutProcessCommunicatorData | |
CStdInOutProcessCommunicatorForChildProcess | |
CStdProcessCommunicator | |
CStdProcessCommunicatorForChildProcess | |
CTextDrawParameters | Standard parameters for drawing text on screen |
CTransformComponent | Fundamental component that describes the entity in 3D space |
CTranslateCameraInput | A camera input to handle discrete events that can translate the camera (translate in three axes) |
CTranslateCameraInputChannelIds | Groups all camera translation inputs |
CUninterpolatedSample | |
CUninterpolatedSample< AZ::Quaternion > | |
CUninterpolatedSample< AZ::Vector3 > | |
CUpdateEntityAliasTypesOptionalArgs | |
CUTF16ToUTF8Converter | Class used to convert sequences of UTF-16 code units to UTF-8 code points |
CVersionSearchRule | |
CViewportBorderPadding | The additional padding around the viewport when a viewport border is active |
CViewportBorderRequests | For performing queries about the state of the viewport border |
CViewportControllerInputEvent | An event dispatched to ViewportControllers when input occurs |
CViewportControllerInterface | |
CViewportControllerList | |
CViewportControllerUpdateEvent | An event dispatched to ViewportControllers every tick |
CViewportDebugDisplayEvents | |
CViewportImGuiNotifications | Provides an interface to notify about different states of the ImGui |
CViewportInfo | Structure to hold information relevant to a given viewport |
CViewportRequests | |
CVisibilityEntry | Data for an object that is added to the visibility system |
CVisibilityNode | |
CVisibleGeometry | VisibleGeometry describes visible geometry surfaces stored as generic indexed triangle lists |
CVisibleGeometryRequests | Interface for components to provide generic geometric data, potentially for occlusion culling and other systems |
CWindowGeometry | |
CWindowNotifications | |
CWindowPosOptions | Options for resizing and moving the window |
CWindowRequests | |
CWindowSize | A simple structure to contain window size |
CWindowsLifecycleEvents | |
CWindowStyleMasks | A simple structure to encapsulate different native window style masks |
CWindowSystemNotifications | The WindowSystemNotificationBus is used to broadcast an event whenever a new window is created |
CWindowSystemRequests | The WindowSystemRequestBus is a broadcast bus for sending requests to the window system |
CXcbApplication | |
CXcbConnectionManager | |
CXcbConnectionManagerBusTraits | |
CXcbDeleterFreeFunctionWrapper | |
CXcbEventHandler | |
CXcbEventHandlerBusTraits | |
CXcbInputDeviceKeyboard | |
CXcbInputDeviceMouse | |
CXcbNativeWindow | |
CXmlSchemaAsset | |
CXmlSchemaAttribute | |
CXmlSchemaElement | |
►NAzPhysics | |
►NAutomation | |
CAutomationCollisionNotifications | |
CAutomationTriggerNotifications | |
CSimulatedBodyCollisionAutomationHandler | |
CSimulatedBodyTriggerAutomationHandler | |
CCollisionConfiguration | |
CCollisionEvent | A collision event raised when two objects, neither of which can be triggers, overlap |
CCollisionGroup | |
►CCollisionGroups | |
CId | |
CPreset | |
CCollisionLayer | |
CCollisionLayers | Collision layers defined for the project |
CContact | Stores information about the contacts between two overlapping shapes |
CEditorJointHelpersInterface | Interface to access editor-only Joint utilities and helper functions |
CJoint | Base class for all Joints in Physics |
CJointConfiguration | Base Class of all Physics Joints that will be simulated |
CJointHelpersInterface | Interface to access Joint utilities and helper functions |
COverlapRequest | Searches a region enclosed by a specified shape for any overlapping objects in the scene |
CRayCastRequest | Casts a ray from a starting pose along a direction returning objects that intersected with the ray |
CRigidBody | Dynamic rigid body |
CRigidBodyConfiguration | Configuration used to Add Rigid bodies to a Scene |
CScene | Interface of a Physics Scene |
CSceneConfiguration | Configuration object that contains data to setup a Scene |
CSceneInterface | Interface to access a Physics Scene with a SceneHandle |
CSceneQueryHit | Structure that contains information of an individual hit related to a SceneQuery |
CSceneQueryHits | Structure that contains all hits related to a SceneQuery |
CSceneQueryRequest | |
CShapeCastRequest | Sweeps a shape from a starting pose along a direction returning objects that intersected with the shape |
CSimulatedBody | Base class for all Simulated bodies in Physics |
CSimulatedBodyComponentRequests | Requests for physics simulated body components |
CSimulatedBodyConfiguration | Base Class of all Physics Bodies that will be simulated |
CStaticRigidBody | Static rigid body |
CStaticRigidBodyConfiguration | |
CSystemConfiguration | |
CSystemInterface | |
CTriggerEvent | Trigger event raised when an object enters/exits a trigger shape |
►NAZStd | |
Chash< AzFramework::EntitySpawnTicket > | |
Chash< AzFramework::InputChannelId > | Hash structure specialization for InputChannelId |
Chash< AzFramework::InputDeviceId > | Hash structure specialization for InputDeviceId |
Chash< AzFramework::RenderGeometry::EntityIdAndContext > | |
Chash< AzFramework::SliceInstantiationTicket > | |
Chash< Physics::MaterialId > | |
►NCamera | |
CActiveCameraRequests | |
CCameraComponentRequests | |
►CCameraNotifications | |
CCameraNotificationConnectionPolicy | |
CCameraRequests | |
CCameraSystemRequests | Use this system broadcast for things like getting the active camera |
CConfiguration | Stores camera configuration values that describe the camera's view frustum |
►NPhysics | |
CAnimationConfiguration | |
CBoxShapeConfiguration | |
CCapsuleShapeConfiguration | |
CCharacter | |
CCharacterColliderConfiguration | |
CCharacterColliderNodeConfiguration | |
CCharacterConfiguration | Information required to create the basic physics representation of a character |
CCharacterNotifications | Messages sent by character controllers |
►CCharacterPhysicsDebugDraw | Provides debug drawing for character physics configurations, such as colliders and joint limits |
CColorSettings | Color settings for character physics debug drawing, such as default and selected colors |
CJointDebugDrawData | Location and visibility data etc required to debug draw a JointConfiguration |
CJointLimitRenderBuffers | Buffers to store vertices, line colors etc for debug drawing a joint limit |
CNodeDebugDrawData | Location and visibility data etc required to debug draw a CharacterColliderNodeConfiguration |
CCharacterRequests | Messages serviced by character controllers |
CColliderComponentEvents | |
CColliderConfiguration | |
CCollisionFilteringRequests | CollisionFilteringRequests configures filtering settings per entity |
CCollisionRequests | |
CCollisionRequestsTraits | Collision requests bus traits. Singleton pattern |
CConvexHullShapeConfiguration | |
CCookedMeshShapeConfiguration | |
CDebugDrawSettings | Settings structure provided to DebugDrawPhysics to drive debug drawing behavior |
CDebugDrawVertex | Represents a debug vertex (position & color) |
CDefaultWorldRequests | An interface to get the default physics world for systems that do not support multiple worlds |
CEditorWorldRequests | An interface to get the editor physics world for doing edit time physics queries |
CHeightfieldProviderNotifications | Broadcasts notifications when heightfield data changes - heightfield providers implement HeightfieldRequests bus |
CHeightfieldProviderRequests | |
CHeightfieldShapeConfiguration | |
CHeightMaterialPoint | |
CMaterial | Runtime Physics material instance |
CMaterialAsset | |
CMaterialId | Class that is used to identify a material |
CMaterialManager | |
CMaterialPropertyValue | |
►CMaterialSlots | |
CMaterialSlot | |
CMaterialSystemComponent | |
CNativeShapeConfiguration | |
CPhysicsAssetShapeConfiguration | |
CRagdoll | A hierarchical collection of rigid bodies connected by joints typically used to physically simulate a character |
CRagdollConfiguration | |
CRagdollNode | Represents a single rigid part of a ragdoll |
CRagdollNodeConfiguration | |
CRagdollNodeState | |
CRigidBodyNotifications | Notifications interface for a rigid body (static or dynamic) |
CRigidBodyRequests | Requests interface for a rigid body (static or dynamic) |
CShape | |
CShapeConfiguration | |
CSphereShapeConfiguration | |
CSystem | Physics system global requests |
CSystemDebugRequests | Physics system global debug requests |
CSystemRequestsTraits | |
CTriangleMeshShapeConfiguration | |
CWindNotifications | Broadcasts notifications when wind state changes - wind providers implement WindRequests bus |
CWindRequests | An interface to get wind values |
CWindRequestsTraits | Wind requests bus traits. Singleton pattern |
CProcessCommunicatorTracePrinter | |
CThermalInfoAndroidHandler | |
CThermalInfoHandler | |
CUiFrameworkInterface | Bus interface for other systems in game to access to the in-game UI system |